Oleander goes to Ponyville

by GLaD for you

Equestria is a nice place to visit, however ....

Oleander turned the page of the book she was reading with her magic. She was sitting down at a table with a stack of books on it. They were a history of Equestria's notable magic users. Twilight was working on some sort of machine with what looked like a mess of gears and other forms of technology. Spike and Fred were assisting Twilight. Spike providing the manual labor and Fred had some knowledge of portals.
Mostly from demon summoning rituals. However, Twilight didn't ask him to go away so he must be helpful in some way.

Twilight pulled over a chalkboard and made some mathematical calculation. Clopping her front hooves together she exclaimed in her excited voice. "I think we got it!" Oleander got up from the table and walked towards Twilight.

"Got what?" replied Oleander.
"I'm very confident that I know the exact frequency and variables needed to make this device be able to send you home." stated Twilight happily.
"We could probably learn some things if we stayed however," Fred expressed his opinion.
"This isn't our home. Part of the reason I joined the tournament was to show my superiority to the other simple minded unicorns" said Oleander with pride in her voice.

Oleander thought about the sheepkin that watched her entering the Predator Queen's castle. Besides I promised her I'd come back. Sure, it was mostly a promise so that Pom wouldn't follow me inside.
The portal glowed with similar colors to the one that sent her here.

"This is a one way trip." Twilight stated, to make sure the situation was understood.
"Fred, time to depart. Goodbye Princess Sparkle and her minion Spike"
Spike puffed his cheeks and exclaimed "I'm not her minion..."
Oleander chuckled at how easy it was to get a emotional response out of him.
"Goodbye Oleander, you were a nice and interesting guest." stated Twilight.

Walking through the portal with Fred floating and humming behind her. Oleander's sight got a little hazy, but returned fairly quickly.
Probably just a side effect she thought. Walking outside of the predator castle, there was Pom and her puppies happy to see her return.
Pom quietly, but loudly for her said, "You're back!"
"So what's next? Gloat to the unicorns, visit the sheepkin and return Pom to her home?" stated Fred.
"I'm a big girl, I can go where I want." Pom stamped one of her front hooves on the ground angerly.
Pom might be angry but her tone of voice and appearance made it to cute to take seriously, thought Oleander.

"In any case our story isn't done yet," Oleander stated and started trotting in some direction. Fred and Pom and Pom's puppies following Oleander. In part, to tell her that she was leading them in the wrong direction.