The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon

by SuperChaosKG

That Nitpicking Jerk!: Part 1: Take A Chance!

The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon was walking now the halls of the Employment Center with Mickey Nitpick, a guy who seems to be the only pony in Ponyville who figured out who she was. Trixie, having a bad feeling about this, decided to not speak, something of which is completely out of character for her. "HEY!!" Well you know it's true...

*cough* Anyway. "Who are you talking too?" asked Mickey smugly. "No one important." said Trixie HEY!! "Got you back ;)" Once again pronoucing emoticons...


They arrived at a large room. It was completely white, and not a speck of dirt was on the floor. Mickey pressed a button on the wall. "Creeper. Calling Creeper!" he spoke, this time being heard onn various speakers. Trixie, confused asked, "What are you doing?" Mickey quickly responed "Since you said you wanted to be a fortune teller, I have to see your skills in the arcane arts. As you know from your fake cutie mark," pointing a her cutie mark. "Arcane magic is dark and offensive. As such, you're going to fight for me."

Suddenly, in walked a strange creature. It was green, and had four legs, yet it was standing up upright like a pony. It had black eyes, was frowning and strangly enough, appeared to be made of vines! In fact, it sort of looked like this...

"Ah! There you are Creeper! Okay, miss Trixie, this is your opponent." said Mickey. "What-What the hell is that?" asked a shocked Trixie. "This is a creeper. Its a pony-made species created when unicorns were experimenting with vines and someone foolishly brought a muffin. NEVER bring muffins into an experiment. It will COMPLETELY derp it up!" ranted Mickey. "Anyway, you ready Creeper?"

The creature said, "You can call me by my first name. Its Astley." "Okay, fine. You will be refered to as Astley. I feel a reference coming on, but I don't know why... Anyway, I'll take to the sky and wach your duel, okay?" "The sky? Trixie's confused. She thought you were an earth pony." "Nope. We all have to wear suits to make it look like we have no abilities. The unicorns wear 'em too. See watch.

Mickey seemed to... do something which took off something on him. Now he had two black wings on his side. "I call it stuffy and an unnessary way to make everpony equal so some don't get better treatment than others." "Yeah? Well, Trixie calls it lazy writing." "True dat, sister!" said Astley. Wait-HEY!!


<i> Meanwhile, at Canterlot Castle... </i>

Luna was still watching the monitors while sipping some soda. "Trolling the author himself? Why you are doing exceptionally well, my student. Of course, not as good as mwa." Wait. You're PROUD of her?! What she did was terrible! "Oh?





"Okay Astley, beat up this unicorn! She deserves it!" said Mickey gloatingly and breaking my rant in the proceess. "HEY!!" said that mare again, like she deserved. Troll me twice, you get trolled too...

"You want me to beat up a mare?" asked Astley. Then Mickey came over and whispered to him, "I'll pay you triple if you break any limbs." Suddenly, Astley's whole expression changed as he started to smile. He walked over to the mare. "You are going to hurt." he said as he suddenly rushed her.

<b> The Exploding Reference, ASTLEY CREEPER

""SHOWTIME!!"" said Trixie </b>

Trixie: 50 (30)

Astley: 50 (?)

All of a sudden, everything looked different. Trixie was on the left side of the room and Astley was on the right. She also saw numbers under herself. "Wha-? What's going on?!" asked the Great and Powerful mare.

Mickey flew down and explained. "You're in a battle." said Mickey as he literally pointed to the points. "These are your hit points. Go down and so do you. The number in Parenthesis are Magic Points, allowing you to do attacks.

"What?" "Enough!" said Astley all of a sudden. "I want to get payed!" Astley rushed up to Trixie and EXPLODED!!Trixie's hit points dropped to 40.(Trixie Owned Count: 1) "Hey!" said Trixie. "Oh, did I mention that Creepers explode? Oh it causes no harm goes to them but to everyone in a 9 feet radius." said Mickey as he flew back down. "F- you, Mickey!" "Oh. Are you mad, miss Great and Powerful?" Mickey said smugly.

"Enough! The Great and Powerful Trixie is gonna get you for that!" Using MP, Trixie used the spell FireWorked. Suddenly, fireworks appeared. 4 out of 5 of them hit Astley, causing 20 points of damage.

Trixie: 40 (20)

Astley: 30 (?)

Astley came and blew some dust into Trixie's face. Stunned, Trixie couldn't defend as Astley flying kicked her. <b> CRITICAL!! </b> The kick did 20 points of damage.(Trixie Owned Count: 2) Trixie feel down from the hit. "HAHA!! Those were some very nice hit points you had there! Its such a SHAME something happened to them!!" Astley smirked gloatingly." Looks like all you are is The Weak and Helpless Loser!" said Mickey, laughing.

Trixie" 20 (20)

Astley: 30 (?)


<i> Loser. Weak. Helpless. </i> These words repeated into Trixie head. And she remembered. She remembered how she was teased for having less than average magic skills. She remembered the pain she had, when no one wanted to friend the non-magical unicorn. That was like a no-winged pegasus, or a weak earth pony.

But then,

She remembered the words of her Grandma, Tracy Brightsun. She said to the young filly, "If someone tries to make you seem weak, show 'em up. You are Great and Powerful, Trixie. You know that?" "I-I'm Great and Powerful?" asked the blue filly. "Yes, you are. Say it." "I-I am the great and powerful trixie." "Louder." pressured Tracy. "I am the great and powerful Trixie." "Louder!" "I AM THE Great and Powerful Trixie!!" "LOUDER!!" "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON!! AND NO ONE WILL BRING ME DOWN!!"

The grandma chuckled. "Now, I don't know what that man you call a father teaches you, but ponies don't talk like that. They speak in the first-person. Try it. It makes you sound better and smarter." "Okay. I-Trixie will try." "Good. Now, if you ever forget that, sing this tune."

And Grandma Tracy Brightsun sung the most beautiful melody back then.


Here in present day, Trixie still remembered that song. She heard it in her head and it sounded much louder,cooler, retroy, and... boyish than she remembered.

(Start playing Trixie Theme "Take a Chance" Lyrics so you can sing along!)

Trixie got up. Using the last twenty points of MP she had left, she pulled back her front right hoof. Magical Energy started to form around it. Trixie looked utterly calm and serene. You would have sworn that cutie mark was real, the way she was handling that magic. Astley looked very, very scared.





The force of the punch was so great, that Astley went flying into a wall and for good reason. He took a full 50 points of Damage!! (Trixie Badass Count: 1)

<b> WIN!! </b>


Mickey was astouded at the powerful Trixie possesed. "Good Job, Trixie!" "Was there, EVER, any doubt?" the painted-green mare asked. "Yes" said Astley getting up from the wall. "Yes" said Mickey. Yes,I said. "..."

"However... since you fell to less than 50% health, I'll have to deduct some points" said Mickey. "GAHH!" cried Trixie as she fell anime style. "You-You NITPICK!!" "That's my last name. Don't wear it out. Now come, let's go to the second portion of the test." "What's that?" asked Trixie

Mickey turned and said "An Epic Rap Battle."



Name: Mickey Nitpick

Race: Pegasus

Colors: Black Coat, yellow mane.

Origin: I needed a character who would be rude as Trixie took her employment exam. He was originally an earth pony, but I found more scenes would be funnier in pegasus style. No, I didn't change it mid-chapters! No that suit wasn't lazy writing! (Shifty Eyes)


Name : Astley Creeper

Race: Creeper

Colors: Green skin, black eyes

Origin: I needed a monster to oppose Trixie in this battle. Then I got this comment-

Omg, Yogscast reference, though haft officially earned thyself one thousand glomps starting now.<i>

If you are reading this, Caberea, Thanks for giving me a giving me an idea for said monster. YOU have earned yourself a thousand glomps starting now.

Next Time: Did Mickey just say, Epic Rap Battle?</i>