//------------------------------// // Into the Depths Part 1 // Story: PinkieShy // by PatRoison //------------------------------// The moon shone through the curtains in the library, and five ponies slept soundly. One began to stir. Rainbow Dash groaned and lifted her head. "Ouch," she mumbled. She touched the bandage on her head and winced. As Rainbow Dash’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed two ponies sleeping nearby. She smiled as she realized who they were. Fluttershy and Pinkie shared a sleeping bag and were lying alongside each other. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help smiling at the sight of the yellow pony covering Pinkie with one of her wings. Pinkie had her face close to Fluttershy’s ear, and she ruffled her mane with almost each breath. Both ponies slept soundly with smiles on their faces. Rainbow touched her head and thought, ‘It’s worth it to see them happy.’ She knew that she wouldn’t be able to get any more sleep tonight, so she tried to get off the couch. The floor felt strange and when Rainbow looked down, she was confused for a moment. Underneath her, curled up and sleeping, was an orange figure. It took a moment for Rainbow to recognize Applejack. “I thought she would be back on her farm,” she whispered. The previous night rushed back to Rainbow’s mind. She still considered the date to be a success even if some jerks decided to try and ruin things. Once again, her gaze fell upon her sleeping friends. Fluttershy slept soundly which, for the shy pony, was a minor miracle. Rainbow knew that on any other night if the same thing happened, she would be sleeping at Fluttershy’s cottage to reassure her that she was safe. ‘She feels safe in her hooves,’ Rainbow thought. The thought made the blue pony sad for a moment, but she shook it off. As Rainbow looked out the window, she saw that the sun was about to rise, and in rare form, she decided to make everypony breakfast. Rainbow Dash quietly took flight and entered Twilight’s kitchen. After opening the cupboards, Rainbow checked her options, “Soup or oatmeal? Oatmeal it is.” She got oats down and set the water to boil, and she waited, he heard a familiar squeak. Without even thinking, Rainbow lowered the heat to the stove and made her way to the living room where the girls were sleeping. She knew that sound, Fluttershy was having a nightmare. The moment she entered the room however, she knew that there was nothing to worry about. Pinkie had placed Fluttershy’s face into a hoof and snuggled closer to the sleeping pegasus. Fluttershy’s squeaks settled down to a happy sigh, and she buried her nose in Pinkie’s mane. Rainbow returned to the kitchen smiling, and got back to work on breakfast. It was a simple task to cook the oatmeal, especially since Rainbow mimicked, as best she could, what she saw Fluttershy do countless times before. Not long after Rainbow set the oatmeal to cool, she heard the sounds of ponies rousing from their sleep. Twilight was the first to enter the kitchen. “Morning, Spike,” Twilight said half-asleep, “You didn’t have to make breakfast.” “It’s no problem, Twilight,” Rainbow said. Twilight walked to the table and rested her head on it. Still in a daze she said, “You sound different.” Rainbow grinned and said, “Well, I told you not to practice your spells when you’re sleepy. Now I’m stuck as a pegasus for the rest of my life because you messed up a spell.” Twilight’s head shot up, “I didn’t mess up any spells.” She turned to ‘Spike’ and asked, “Did I?” Rainbow let Twilight suffer for a few moments longer before saying, “Nah, I’m just messing with you, Twilight. I got up early and made some grub.” Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good. How’re you feeling?” Rainbow shrugged, “Head hurts. My legs are a little sore, and I’m mad.” She turned to Twilight, “Those ponies are lucky to be in jail, cause I would hunt them down for what they did to Applejack.” “Applejack’s fine. She brought you here since Fluttershy didn’t have the right medicine.” Rainbow turned away and began mixing in the fruit into the oatmeal, “She didn’t deserve to be attacked like that. None of us did.” She shuddered, “I don’t want to think about what would have happened if they got to Pinkie or Fluttershy.” Rainbow turned back to Twilight and said smiling, “Have you seen them?” Twilight shook her head, “I just got up and stumbled in here.” Rainbow motioned for her to look in the living room. Twilight smiled and said, “Ok Rainbow, I’ll take a look.” Rainbow leaned against the counter and waited for the inevitable reaction as the purple unicorn made her way to the living room door. “Oh that’s just adorable,” Twilight squealed. A little too loudly since Fluttershy began to stir from her sleep. The shy pegasus stretched her forelegs and gave Pinkie a soft kiss on the cheek. “Good morning, Pinkie,” she whispered as she rested her head on the pink pony’s side. Pinkie groaned, but once she opened her eyes and saw Fluttershy, she gave her girlfriend a hug. “Morning Flutters.” She stretched and helped Fluttershy to her hooves. “What smells so good,” Pinkie asked. She smiled at Fluttershy and said, “Besides you I mean.” Fluttershy blushed, “Thank you, Pinkie. I think it’s oatmeal.” “Ok that’s enough you two.” Twilight waved the ponies over and they joined Rainbow in the kitchen. Rainbow just finished pouring the oatmeal in the five bowls, and noticed that Applejack wasn’t there. “Is AJ awake?” Twilight shook her head, “She’s still asleep. I think it might be best to let her rest. She was pretty banged up.” Rainbow winced, remembering the events of the previous night. “I’d better go check on her.” She took off her apron and walked to the living room. She felt something bump next to her. It was Fluttershy, and she was holding a bowl of oatmeal. “Um, in case she would be more comfortable eating there,” she said. Rainbow Dash smiled, “Thanks Fluttershy.” Both ponies entered the living room and Rainbow turned the lights on. Applejack didn’t look good. The orange pony was covered in bruises. Rainbow tried to remain calm, but the sight of her friend hurt was hard to bear. “Let’s let her sleep,” she said. “Not until I get some of that oatmeal.” Rainbow laughed and said, “Good to see you’re awake. C’mon, let’s eat in the kitchen.” “That sounds like a fine idea,” Applejack said. She stretched her forelegs and slowly made her way to her hooves. Once standing, she took a few steps, wincing with each one, and walked toward Rainbow. “How’re you doing, Rainbow?” “I’m fine. Are you ok?” “Hurting, but I’ll live. You sure you’re ok?” Rainbow nodded, “I’m fine. Head hurts, but it’s not too bad.” “I’m sorry, but the oatmeal will get cold.” Applejack smiled at Fluttershy, “You’re right. Let’s eat.” The three ponies went back to the kitchen, and sat at the table. Twilight had finished pouring the oatmeal into the bowl, and Pinkie was garnishing them. The pink maned pony looked up and smiled at Pinkie. “Hey, Flutters! Come sit over here.” Pinkie pulled Fluttershy’s chair out and hugged her when she sat down. She turned to Applejack and said, “Morning Applejack. How’re you feeling?” “I’m fine.” Applejack turned to Rainbow and said as she handed the blue pony her oatmeal, “It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise.” “Thanks, AJ.” Applejack smiled and said, “Don’t mention it, sugarcube. Now eat up before-” “No. I mean it. Thank you.” Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a hug and said, “I’m glad Fluttershy and Pinkie are ok, but you shouldn’t have gotten hurt for me.” She put a hoof on Applejack’s mouth so the orange pony couldn’t interrupt. “You know that I would fight anypony for my friends.” She sniffed back some tears and said, “I’m not any good at this stuff. Thank you, Applejack.” Applejack hugged Rainbow and gently stroked her mane, “Hey now. You’re my best friend. I’d fight anypony too, and like I said, I reacted.” She tightened her hug and said with tears in her eyes, “I don’t want to think of you being hurt.” Applejack pulled away and smiled at Rainbow. Neither pony said anything. They just looked at each other until a quiet voice spoke. “Pinkie, stop staring.” “Shh, Fluttershy. They’re gonna kiss. I just know it.” Fluttershy blushed and said, “Um, don’t mind us.” Both Rainbow and Applejack rolled their eyes and sat down. “Oh come on,” Pinkie groaned, “Give your fans what they want!” Fluttershy nudged Pinkie, “Maybe we should leave them alone.” “Aww, but I just know that they’re gonna start smooching-” Pinkie was cut off when Fluttershy nuzzled her gently. Pinkie smiled, “Ok, let’s eat.” The five ponies ate their meals in relative silence, and Spike soon made his way down stairs. “Morning everypony,” he said. “Twilight, you got a letter from the princess.” “I hope it’s news about those ponies that attacked Rainbow Dash and Applejack.” Spike turned to Applejack, “Morning AJ, how’re you feeling?” Applejack smiled and said, “Nothing that a good old spit shine and a hot bath can’t fix.” “I’m sure Rainbow Dash can help with-,” Pinkie began to say before she received a playful swat across the snout. She rubbed her snout and said in an overly sad voice, “Ouchies.” Fluttershy blushed and leaned forward kissing Pinkie on the snout. “Better,” she asked. Pinkie nodded, “Yup.” She turned to Spike, “So where are those meanies?” Twilight read the letter silently and said, “The princess doesn’t know.” She looked up at the confused faces and said, “When the royal guard arrived, the three ponies you tied up were gone. The ropes were cut, and the tracks led to the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves together, “Good. I’ll find them, and when I do, they’ll wish they never thought about hurting my friends.” “I’m with you,” Applejack said. “No you’re not. The princess wrote that she wants the Royal Guard to focus on catching these ponies, and we’re to focus our attention on these ruins.” “Wait. The princess really expects us to just wait for the guards to catch those ponies? What if they get away?” Applejack put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder and said, “I ain’t happy bout being cut out of the loop either, but if that’s what the princess wants, then that’s the way it’s gotta be.” Rainbow looked at Applejack, “Fine. But if we find them first-” “Sugarcube, if we find them first, they’ll sorely wish they stayed tied up.” Rainbow nodded, “Good.” She turned to Fluttershy, “You sure you’re ok with going back into the Everfree Forest?” Fluttershy trembled a bit, but she quickly relaxed when Pinkie hugged her, “I think I’ll be ok. I mean, as long as all of us are going.” “That’s the plan,” Twilight said. “We’re going to head there immediately.” She turned to Spike, “Spike, get Rarity, and we’ll head out.” The baby dragon lit up and said, “Oh boy! I’m on it.” He ran out the door, but a few seconds later a familiar belch was heard. Spike ran back inside holding a new scroll. Twilight levitated the scroll and read it over. “Ok, change of plans. Spike I still want you to bring Rarity over, but we’re not heading into the forest.” Spike scratched his head, “Where are we going?” “We’re going to Canterlot.” --- The sun’s morning rays entered Carousel Boutique, and the sleeping white unicorn stirred from her slumber. With careful grace, she left her bed, stretched her legs, and jumped into her sister’s bed. “Good morning, Rarity!” Rarity groaned, “Sweetie Belle. I’m trying to sleep.” “I know sis, but it’s already morning.” The unicorn filly tapped her chin with a hoof and said, “I know. I’ll make you breakfast.” Rarity removed her eye mask and smiled uneasily, “That’s alright Sweetie. I’m getting up, and I’ll get breakfast started.” “Sure thing Rarity.” Sweetie Belle ran out of the room and down the stairs. Rarity groaned and levitated her robe. After a shortened grooming, just under fifteen minutes, Rarity made her way downstairs. She was almost to the kitchen when there was a knock at the door. Before Rarity could react, Sweetie Belle was at the door. She opened the door and said, “Good morning, Spike. What brings you here?” “Morning Sweetie Belle. I’m here to get Rarity. Twilight and the girls are headed to Canterlot castle, and they’ll be leaving soon.” “Ok, I’ll tell her. Wanna come in?” “Sure.” Spike entered the house and smiled as he saw Rarity on the staircase. “How much of that did you hear?” “All of it,” Rarity said smiling, “I do look forward to spending the day in Canterlot.” She turned to Sweetie Belle and said, “Just cereal for today. We must be off.” Sweetie Belle sat down frowning, but she quickly smiled and asked, “Can I hang out with Scootaloo and Applebloom today?” Rarity nodded and said, “Of course, I imagine you’ll have a full day of crusading ahead of you.” “Yay,” Sweetie Belle squealed. She quickly ate her cereal and ran out the door. “She is such a dear,” Rarity said with a sigh. She packed a small breakfast of toast in a small basket and said, “Very well, Spike. Let us depart.” “Sure thing Rarity.” Spike opened the door and hopped onto Rarity’s back. He gave Rarity an awkward smile when she glanced back at him. “Uh, I hope you don’t mind.” Rarity smiled and said, “Of course not Spikey-Wikey.” She looked up to the morning sky and said, “It certainly is a lovely morning. Is this an emergency?” “Well, it’s about Fluttershy and-” Rarity began running, “Oh I must simply find out how her and Pinkie’s first date went.” Spike hung on for dear life, but he had a huge smile on his face. The path to Ponyville Library was short, and Rarity didn’t run too fast. Once they arrived, Spike ran inside, and Rarity followed. “Fluttershy,” Rarity called, “Where are you?” “I’m in the kitchen, Rarity,” Fluttershy said. Pinkie ran out of the kitchen, and Rarity gasped at the sight. “Pinkie darling, why are you covered in oatmeal,” Rarity asked. Moments later, she received her answers. Rainbow Dash exited the kitchen holding a bowl of oatmeal. She saw Rarity and said, “Hey Rarity. Nice to see-” Rainbow Dash was hit by some oatmeal, and Rarity heard a familiar laugh. “Sorry, sugarcube, but ya’ll were too slow.” Applejack entered the living room, and smiled at Rarity. “Hold on girls. I’m calling a timeout. Good to see you, Rarity.” “I see you are having a good time. Now, where is Twilight? I’m curious about... Applejack what happened to you?” Rarity noticed Applejack’s bruise, and she looked at Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. That was when she noticed the bandage on Rainbow’s head. “Rainbow Dash, what happened? Are you alright?” “Yeah, I’m fine. Some jerks tried to ruin our double date, and I-” Rarity’s eyes lit up, “Double date? Does that mean you and-” “Now calm down Rarity. We just wanted to make their first date the best it could be, but that’s not why you’re here.” “Yes, yes, I know. We are off to Canterlot. Oh, I look forward to seeing the princess.” Rarity walked up to Applejack and took a closer look at the pony’s bruises. “Applejack, are you certain you’re alright? Those bruises look awful.” “Listen Rarity, we’ll tell you on the way to the castle. I promise.” Rarity looked into Applejack’s eye, but she didn’t question it. She knew better than to doubt the Element of Honesty. “Very well Applejack. That gives me plenty of time to ask Fluttershy how her date went.” She squealed with delight and ran into the kitchen. Fluttershy was clearing the table of dishes while Twilight washed them. She saw Rarity enter the kitchen and knew what was on her mind. Fluttershy handed the last bowl to Twilight and said, “Excuse me Twilight, but I think Rarity would like to speak to me.” Twilight saw Rarity and smiled, “Morning Rarity, I guess you’re curious about the date?” “Yes, but don’t think me heartless, Twilight. I’m also concerned for the Rainbow Dash and Applejack. What happened to them?” Twilight sat down at the table, “I’m not sure what happened. All I could get from Applejack was that four ponies attacked Rainbow Dash and herself. Rainbow Dash had a bad head wound, and Applejack was pretty bruised up.” “Well, it’s good that they’re safe now. Are those scoundrels in custody?” Twilight shook her head, “No. They managed to get away, but the princess wanted to assure Applejack and Rainbow that the Royal Guard will pursue them.” Rarity tilted her head and asked, “That’s odd. I find it strange that those two would be comfortable leaving this in the hooves of the Royal Guards.” “I know, but the princess wants us to go to the palace.” Twilight looked out the window and smiled as she saw a carriage arriving at the library. “We should get going.” She entered the kitchen, followed by Rarity and Fluttershy, and smiled at the sight in the living room. Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were all piled on top of each other, and they were splattered in oatmeal. Applejack saw Twilight and said, “Heh, sorry about the mess, Twi. We’ll get this all cleaned up.” Spike entered the living room and brought a hand to his face, “Don’t worry about it Applejack. Just leave it to me.” He turned to Twilight and said, “Princess Celestia’s carriage is here.” Twilight nodded, “Thank you Spike. I hope to be back by tonight.” “Ok, I’ll just cook up some leftovers if you don’t get back.” Spike began cleaning up the oatmeal and utensils. “Let’s go girls,” Twilight said. Before she left, she looked back to Spike and said, “Once you finish, go ahead and take the rest of the day off.” Spike’s eyes lit up, “Really? Awesome!” He picked up his pace cleaning up the mess. “Have a nice trip,” Spike said as he ran into the kitchen to wash the dishes. “Thank you Spike,” Twilight said as she left the library. The six ponies boarded the carriage. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight sat on one side, while Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity sat on the other. They all sat in silence for a few minutes. Rainbow Dash stared out the window, her thoughts on the night before. Rage built up inside her as the thought of those ponies free. She glanced over to Pinkie and smiled at the sight. Fluttershy slept quietly as she rested her head on Pinkie’s lap, and the pink pony stroked her mane. Pinkie smiled at Rainbow and whispered, “I’m happy, Dashie.” Rainbow nodded, “I can see that, but you’re always-” “No, Dashie. This is different.” Pinkie looked down at the sleeping pony, “I can’t describe it, but I feel like I did when I first saw a rainbow.” She giggled and said, “I guess she’s my rainbow now.” “That’s awesome, Pinkie. I know you’ll be great together.” Rainbow absentmindedly put a hoof to her head and rubbed the bandage until Applejack grabbed her leg. “Don’t mess up the bandage now.” Applejack gently tightened the bandage around Rainbow’s head and asked, “Still hurting?” Rainbow shook her head, “Nah, it’s just sore.” She rubbed her head and looked at Applejack. She gave her friend a smile and a nod that said, thank you. Applejack smiled and tilted her hat in response. “Who were those ruffians that attacked you,” Rarity asked. “I don’t know,” Applejack said, “All I know is that they attacked Rainbow first, and then they planned on going after Fluttershy.” Rarity gasped, “That is just awful. I certainly hope the guards bring them in.” She glanced at Rainbow and noticed the anger in her face, “Though, I wouldn’t feel too awful if I were to find out that you managed to get your hooves on them.” Rainbow grinned at the idea. Silence once again fell over the carriage. Only Fluttershy’s soft breathing could be heard. Rarity turned to Twilight and asked in a soft whisper, “What business do we have in Canterlot?” “Oh,” Twilight replied, “You see, Fluttershy was telling me about some ruins she stumbled onto when she feeling bad about not telling Pinkie about how she felt. I wanted to go explore those ruins, but the princess wants to talk to us about it first.” Twilight rubbed her head, “There must be something about those ruins that must be really important.” “Well, of course they’re important, silly,” Pinkie said, “Only important buildings last a long time. That’s why you never hear about somepony digging up an ancient bathroom.” Twilight opened her mouth to form a rebuttal but couldn’t say anything. Pinkie smiled and continued to stroke Fluttershy’s mane. “How much longer till we get there?” “Shouldn’t be too much longer,” Twilight said. She looked out the window and noticed they were nearing Canterlot. “You may want to wake Fluttershy up.” Twilight looked at Pinkie and said, “I think it might be best to keep your relationship quiet.” “Why,” Pinkie asked, “Will the princess hate us?” “No, I don’t think so. It’s just, just... I just think it might be best to focus on the ruins.” “Twi, I think we should just leave them be. Princess Celestia don’t strike me as the kind to condemn love.” Applejack turned to Pinkie and said, “But I do agree with Twilight that you two keep things under wraps. I know the princess will be happy for y’all, but what about others? We know how some ponies feel, and I don’t think it’s worth the risk.” Pinkie looked down at Fluttershy and smiled. The yellow pony was awake and looking up at her. “Hey sleepyhead. I think we should do what they say.” Fluttershy nodded slowly, “Ok, Pinkie.” She hugged Pinkie and said, “I wish we didn’t have to.” “Me too, but I bet once we’re in the palace, things will be fun again.” “Promise?” Pinkie smiled, “I promise.” Fluttershy smiled and sat up as the carriage landed. She leaned and gave Pinkie a kiss on the cheek. “Now we can pretend.” “Oh, that’s mean,” Pinkie said. Fluttershy turned around to apologize, but she saw Pinkie smiling. She nuzzled her girlfriend gently, “I don’t ever want to be mean to you.” “I know. I was just playing.” Fluttershy smiled and the two followed their friends towards the castle. She remembered the note she was given, so she ran to Rarity and said, “Rarity, I’m sorry, but I forgot to give this to you.” “What is it?” “A note that the waiter gave me.” Rarity levitated the note and read it. She laughed and said, “Thank you Fluttershy. I guess my dress made a better impression than I imagined.” “Oh, that’s wonderful. I was worried that it was the bill.” Rarity smiled, “Even if it were, I would gladly pay it to see you happy. Honestly, Fluttershy you deserve to have a happy and caring pony in your life like Pinkie.” “So much for keeping the relationship quiet,” Twilight groaned. “Well, if it weren’t a secret before, it sure ain’t now thanks to you,” Applejack said. “Aren’t you listening to them?” “I sure am, and all I heard was that Fluttershy is lucky to have Pinkie in her life. Most ponies would think friendship first.” Applejack smiled at Twilight, “Since we know about it, we jump to the right answer.” “Still, it sounds pretty obvious to-” “Ok, how about this then?” Applejack tilted her head to Rainbow Dash, “That pony is my best friend. I’m lucky to have that pony in my life, but you wouldn’t say that we’re involved now would you?” Twilight turned to Applejack and said awkwardly, “No, I wouldn’t?” Applejack’s eyes narrowed and she said, “Last time. It ain’t like that.” She didn’t wait for Twilight to respond. Applejack just picked up her pace. “Sorry, Applejack,” Twilight whispered. ‘Why is she so bothered by it,’ she thought. She shook her head and continued her trot to the palace. Twilight looked at her friends. Rarity enjoyed the displays in the windows as she passed, Rainbow Dash, in a strange change of form, walked alongside Applejack, Pinkie walked close to Fluttershy. Once in a while, Fluttershy would lean over to Pinkie and give her a quick nuzzle. In spite of her concerns about their safety, Twilight enjoyed the sight. It wasn’t long before they arrived at the palace. Twilight stopped and looked at the group. “Alright, now I don’t know why the princess wants to talk to us about these ruins, but I think it might have something to do with the pedestals Fluttershy told me about.” Rarity turned to Fluttershy and asked, “What pedestals are those?” ”Oh, I’m sorry. I remember seeing five pedestals in a semicircle with in standing in between the points.” “So they formed a crescent shape?” Fluttershy nodded and said, “At least I think it did. I hope I didn’t make a mistake.” Twilight smiled at Fluttershy, “Don’t worry Fluttershy. From the letter, I would think that if you made a mistake, Princess Celestia would be happy.” She shook her head, “There must be something about that place that has her worried.” “Then let’s not keep her waiting.” Twilight nodded at Applejack, “You’re right. Let’s go girls.” The ponies entered the palace, and though they’ve been inside it on a few occasions, the sight still impressed them. The main foyer arched high above them, and pegasus guards patrolled all along the palace grounds. At the ground level, unicorns and earth ponies patrolled in pairs. The sight made Twilight nervous, but she didn’t voice her concerns. Rarity didn’t hold her tongue, “I wonder why the princess increased security so much?” She turned to Twilight, “Could this have anything to do with our meeting with the princess?” Twilight shook her head, “I don’t know, but I hope it’s nothing more than a drill.” “Perhaps you’re right,” Rarity said. The staircase leading to the throne room was before them, and the ponies stopped and bowed their heads. Princess Celestia stood at the top of the stairs smiling down at the Elements of Harmony. “Good morning Elements of Harmony. Please come up, we have urgent business to discuss” Celestia turned around and entered the throne room. “She doesn’t refer to us as the Elements unless there’s something really dangerous,” Rainbow Dash said. “That’s true. Well, we can stand here and wonder, or head on up these here stairs and find out,” Applejack said. She began walking up the stairs along with Twilight, and the other ponies followed suit. Upon entering the throne room, they saw Princess Celestia eating at a round table. There was a surprise waiting for them. “Princess Luna,” Twilight stammered and quickly bowed her head, “It’s good to see you.” Luna stifled a yawn and replied, “Please rise. I have a reason to be here at this meeting.” The ponies walked to the table and were about to sit down, but a look from Twilight told Pinkie and Fluttershy that they shouldn’t sit together. Pinkie switched seats with Rarity, and they all sat down. “It’s good to see you, Twilight,” Celestia said with a smile, “How have your studies been?” Twilight smiled, “They’ve been going great. I’m working on improving my teleport spell in order to accommodate larger groups. Right now the formula is rough, but I think I can manage.” Celestia nodded, “That’s a bit ambitious, but still practical. What purpose do you plan for this spell?” Twilight blushed and said, “Well, I plan to incorporate multiple unicorns to cast the spell. This way if there’s a catastrophe, we can evacuate the entire population of Ponyville with a single spell.” Luna smiled at Twilight, “That is rather bold. I never thought my sister’s pupil would wish to attempt such a powerful spell.” “She is free to pursue her spell casting as she chooses,” Celestia replied, “All I ask is that she exercises caution.” “You do realize sister that caution rarely leads to discovery.” “Yes, but reckless abandon harms more than it will ever save.” Luna smiled and said, “That sounded almost personal.” “I wasn’t referring to you...,” Celestia saw the smile on her younger sister and said, “I still need to get used to your teasing.” Luna yawned and said, “I only tease in jest, sister. I understand the importance of tempering eagerness with patience. A lesson I learned.” “I know, but right now we need to discuss this temple.” “Temple,” Twilight asked, “So you know what this place is?” Celestia shook her head, “I am only going with what you described. Though the term temple is closer to a nickname than-” “Are you certain there are spirits trapped there,” Luna asked Fluttershy. The concern in her voice was clear. Fluttershy recoiled a bit, but she was able to find her voice, “I, there was one there.” Luna shook her head, “They did not deserve this.” “Deserve what, Princess,” Applejack asked, “What happened?” Celestia put a hoof on Luna’s shoulder and said, “The ‘temple’ was more a place of learning than worship. For centuries, Luna and I had separate temples where our pupils could study.” Celestia laughed and said, “We differ in our philosophy on how to advance magic. I taught my students the wisdom of prudent planning and focusing on scientific methods.” “My students were scientific as well sister.” Celestia smiled, “Sister, if I recall correctly, your students were often accused of ‘throwing magic at the wall and seeing what would stick’.” Luna smiled, “I preferred to give my students the freedom to experiment however they wished.” “That sounds dangerous,” Twilight said. Luna nodded, “It was, but in order to advance, we also must be willing to take risks.” “And that, dear sister, is where I doubt we will ever find common ground.” “What does this have to do with the ruins,” Rainbow asked. Twilight gave Rainbow a quick glare and said, “I apologize princess, but she’s right. Is this temple associated with Princess Luna?” Celestia nodded, “I believe so, and if there are souls trapped there, then this is cause for alarm.” “Why,” Rainbow asked, “When Princess Luna was Nightmare Moon, she was kinda mean. I bet those ponies weren’t any better.” Rainbow failed to notice Luna’s pain expression and said, “They probably got what they-” “Enough,” Celestia said loudly slamming her hoof on the table. Rainbow recoiled but said nothing. “The students who lived at the temple were not evil. They were studying when our conflict began. In fact, the students from both our temples joined forces to come up with a solution.” “Is that how you decided to use the Elements of harmony,” Twilight asked. Luna nodded, “Yes, the students discovered that the Elements could bring me back to my senses, and they set out to recover them.” “Weren’t they in your possession,” Twilight asked. Celestia shook her head, “No. After our battle with Discord, the Elements were separated. Lost until we needed them again. I never thought I would need to use them against my own family.” “Now hang on a second,” Applejack said, “This here temple is really Princess Luna’s school, and the students teamed up with Princess Celestia’s students to find the Elements of harmony. What I’m wondering is, how come we never heard of this temple, or why are these poor ponies still trapped there?” Luna shook her head, “I do not know what happened to them-” “I do,” Celestia said. She turned to her sister and said, “I am so sorry. After our battle, I was very weak. All of Equestria knew what you did, and many blamed the students from your temple.” “What did they do to them,” Fluttershy ask in growing terror. She wished Pinkie was next to her. She looked at Pinkie and saw the pink pony look at her. She gave Fluttershy an assuring smile, and that calmed her a bit. This wasn’t lost on the princesses, though she made no sign of it. “I’m not proud of this. I may have had the power to stop them, but...” She looked into her sister’s eyes and said, “An angry mob stormed your temple and killed your students. I never found out who was involved.” Luna was stunned for a moment, “All, all of them?” Celestia nodded her head, “I am so sorry. Those were good ponies. Honorable ponies. They did not deserve the fate that was given to them.” Luna lowered her head, “It’s my burden to carry sister.” “You couldn’t have-” “If I didn’t succumb to jealousy, then those ponies wouldn’t have died,” Luna snapped at her sister. She allowed herself a moment to calm herself and she said to Fluttershy, “If at all possible, please help the spirits find peace.” “I, I don’t know if I-,” Fluttershy began to say until the memory of what Rainbow told her just the day before came back to her. This is not the time for you to be shy. Fluttershy shook her head and said, “I’m not sure if I can, but I promise I’ll try.” Luna smiled, “Thank you Fluttershy. I greatly appreciate it.” Princess Celestia smiled at Fluttershy and said, “Something isn’t quite right,” Celestia said looking right at Fluttershy. Before the pony could respond Celestia said, “Rarity, I know this might sound strange, but could you switch seats with Pinkie?” Rarity bowed her head, “Certainly princess.” She stood and changed seats with Pinkie. Now that Pinkie and Fluttershy were sitting together, Celestia said, “There. That’s much better. Tell me, how long have you two been together?” Fluttershy lowered her head and glanced at Twilight. The purple pony kept a straight face, so Fluttershy said, “I, I’m sorry Princess.” Celestia smiled and asked, “Sorry for what?” Pinkie put a leg around Fluttershy and said, “We’ve been together for almost two weeks.” Luna smiled and said, “That’s wonderful news. It certainly brings some light to these darker dealings" “Well, I guess we should get to those ruins,” Twilight said. She bowed to the princesses and said, “We wish we could stay for a bit longer, but if there are spirits trapped, then we should hurry.” Luna nodded, “And I am grateful for your haste. My sister has a fine student.” Princess Celestia smiled and said, “I’ve had little to do with her character. All I have ever done is provide her with options and point her in the right direction. She’s done the rest.” Twilight smiled, “Thank you, Princess.” She looked at her friends and said, “Well, let’s get going.” The other ponies agreed, and the girls left the throne room. Once outside, Twilight looked at Fluttershy and said, “I’m sorry. I thought that the princess might have a problem, but she saw right through it.” “I understand Twilight, and it’s nice that she’s ok with it,” Fluttershy said smiling as Pinkie gave her a hug. “Alright, enough of that,” Applejack said, “We got some ruins to explore.” With a nod of agreement, the girls ran to the waiting carriage that would take them to the edge of the Everfree Forest. There they would find out if the spirits could be freed, and if they were all friendly.