Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High

by Gear Works

Ch. 16 - Second Chances

It was the grand opening of D.I.Y. Home in Ponyville, and my father’s boss, Mr. Fix-It, was there along with my father, Mr. Rich, and Principal Celestia. Celestia never told me that she had a part in all of this until today. She said that one of the reasons that they needed a store like this in Ponyville was the added support and resources for the school projects that go on there. Somehow, my dad didn’t even know about this until weeks ago as the store was in the completion phase.

Everyone that I knew from school, plus some that I haven’t met in the first place, was there. It looks like Twilight and Cadence really got the word out in hopes that we can get enough helpers to make Nightmare Night a big event. My mother and Twilight’s mom were there so that they can get supplies for their new local building to hold the “Queen of Hearts Candles” store. Twilight and me have yet to see the new building, but with Shining Armor and Cadence with us, we promised that we would help in getting the supplies needed. Shining Armor was able to ask some of his friends if they could help out with some of the work tomorrow, since we plan to meet at my place later today to work out the details for homecoming.

“So you made sure those who wanted to help know where to find my place, right?” I asked Twilight.

“Yes. And once we drop off the building supplies, we’ll stop by the grocery store to pick up some drinks while you go back to the house and get everything ready,” Twilight said.

“Trixie hopes that there will be enough room to hold everyone who plans to attend.”

“You have no idea how big his garage is,” Chrysalis told Trixie. “Not to mention the tools they have in there.”

“Well, our school has enough tools for the job,” Twilight said, “as long as we ask Coach Iron Will for them.”

As we were waiting for the Mayor Mare to show up for the opening, Rarity was looking around for someone.

“Rare, you still looking for Sassy?” Applejack said.

“She said she was going to be here, dear,” Rarity said. “I know she thinks that we could use some natural lighting, but I don’t know what the big deal is with a change of light bulbs.”

“Rarity, trust me on this. When you see the difference, you’ll be wondering if you were still outside,” I said.

Rarity replied, “I’ll believe it when I see it. Oh, here she is.”

“Pins and needles, Rarity. I hope I’m not late,” panicked Sassy.

“No, Sassy. We’re still waiting for the mayor to show up,” Rarity said. “I just hope this lighting idea is worth coming here.”

Sassy started to look worried. I whispered to Sassy, “Don’t worry. Once she sees the small lighting display, she’ll be pleased with the results.” That took the worry away from her face.

“Hey, you can’t have a show without the right lights.” We were surprised when Vinyl popped in between us.

“Vinyl, what are you doing here,” I asked her.

“Besides getting some colored lights, I need to get some new power cords for my gear,” Vinyl said. “My last ones are getting worn out after performing at the EDM contest.”

“You were using heavy duty cords when you went there, right?” I asked her.

“Umm, kinda?” I gave her a stern look. “Hey, I could only find the best ones that were around. If I’m going make homecoming a big party, I need the best that there is to make it happen.”

“Just make sure you talk to my dad about what you need them for. He knows how much power goes through them and can recommend the right ones to use…without burning out your gear.”

“I’m just lucky that my gear still works,” Vinyl added.

We all noticed that the mayor finally arrived for the store opening. After the speech and ribbon cutting, everyone started to enter the store. Before we made out way in, my mother noticed someone coming our way. When Twilight and me looked at who it was, Twilight started to get that worried look again.

“Ms. Shimmer, it’s nice of you and your daughter to come,” my mother responded.

“I wanted to pick up some orchids for the apartment. It’s been looking a bit dull as of late,” Ms Shimmer said.

“Will your daughter be coming over to help out with the others later today?” my mother asked.

“She didn’t tell me about that. But I’m sure she’s willing to help, since she’s part of the volunteer club,” Ms. Shimmer added.

Twilight started to feel scared, Cadence started to worry about Twilight, and Sunset decided to look away after they all heard that. I just knew I was going to have to step in before it got worst.

“Oh, I’m sure my daughter would love to have Sunset’s help, right Twilight,” her mother asked.

“Oh, I think we can hand-mmph.”

I placed my hand on her mouth; cutting off what Twilight was about to say and said, “Sure Sunset can help out, can she?” I shook her head up and down, but Twilight was trying to object to this. “Twilight, can we talk for a moment?” I stared at Cadence as a way to tell her not to interfere.

I took Twilight away from the group and removed my hand from her mouth. “Jack, what was that for?” she said angrily. “The last thing I need is her trying to ruin homecoming again.”

“Is that what you want to keep doing, just trying to stay away from her?” I said. “All this time, you and your friends, as well as the entire school, wants to think she’s nothing but trouble.”

“Because she is, Jack. And that’s what she’ll ever be.”

“Whatever happened to second chances? At least you can give her a second chance to set her on the right path.”

“Like she deserves one. She had those chances before she got caught.”

“That was before, and this is after. At least give her a chance.”

“That’s never going to happen.”

“So is that how it’s going to be, Miss Student VP!!! Do you want to be looked that the next student president who wants to treat bad students with disrespect. Since I’ve gotten ‘popular’ in school, I wouldn’t mind running against you for that spot and leave you as Student VP again for another year if you like.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Both of us started at each other, waiting for one of us to break. But it was Twilight who broke as she started to think of the situation that was going on. “You think she can change?”

“It doesn’t hurt to try,” I said. “Besides, have you seen how her mother acts towards her, or even towards your mother?”

She looked towards them, then back to me. “I guess…I can give her a chance. But if this goes south, then I expect you to take the blame for all this, clear?”

“Crystal,” I replied.

Twilight and me started to walk back to the group. I saw Sunset gave a glance at me, in which I nodded back to her, understanding that everything’s going to be all right.

We were looking over the list that my mother made on what they need for the new store. We started to look into shelving to put on the walls. That’s when we saw Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Soarin looking at the same thing.

“You looking into some new shelves?” Twilight asked.

“Well, Apple Bloom and her friends wanted to add some shelves for their clubhouse. But we don’t know what would be best to work with,” Applejack said.

“So who built the clubhouse?” I asked.

“You’re looking at them,” Rainbow Dash answered, “with Big Mac’s help.”

“Girls wanted a place to have their Crusaders meet-up, and we built it during the summer before we started high school,” Applejack said. “We wanted to build wooden shelves, but we can’t figure out what all we need to make sure they hold in place.”

Shining Armor and me were looking at the selection around when we saw our mothers pick out some of the wire shelving for the store.

Shining Armor asked, “Soarin, you still have some of those wooden strips that we used in the past?”

“Yea, why?” he replied.

“What do you think, Jack? Attach the strips to the clubhouse…”

“And attach the wire shelving to the strips to hold it in place,” I said, finishing Shining Armor’s comment. “It will give them some shelves to use for hanging as well. And there’s a complete wire shelving kit to use, with all the pieces to build it. Good thinking.”

Applejack looked at the wire shelves as said, “You know, that might just work. The girls are going to like this.”

“Where are they, anyway?” Cadence asked.

“Oh, they wanted to look at the upcoming store projects listed,” Rainbow Dash said.

“They always wanted to try something new every time,” Cadence responded. “Well, we need to finish getting the supplies needed for the store. See you at Jack’s place.”

The next thing we needed was some indoor work lights, and a good amount of them.

“You’re sure we need this many,” I asked my mother.

“Yes we do, son. Only a few of them were working when we got there. The place hasn’t been used for over two years, from what the building owner told us.”

“Mrs. Candle Heart, did it have some cooling units in there?” Cadence asked.

“Yes it did, why do you ask?”

“I think I know which store you bought,” Cadence answered. “It was a flower store before the owner decided to close it up over two years ago. The previous owner passed away six months later. Everyone in Ponyville loved the place before it closed down. I don’t think anyone wanted to buy it because of what it meant to everyone and would be hard to find someone to replace it.”

“You know, we have been thinking about working on some flowers to use for some new projects to go with the candles you sell,” Mrs. Twilight Velvet said. “Maybe we can fill the void that this town needs, with some hired help.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Velvet.”

When we arrived where the lights were at, Rarity, Sassy, and Vinyl were picking up some light that each one wanted. Rarity noticed and waved at us.

“Take a look at this,” as Rarity was pointing to the display. “I can’t believe that these lights give the room more of a natural look. And they have the energy saver models of them as well. I think the Carousel Boutique is about get a new look now.”

I whispered to Sassy, “Told you it would work.”

I looked at Vinyl as she was grabbing some colored lights. “You got the power cord that you needed?” I asked her.

“Sure did,” she responded. “But I’m going to have to talk to Principal Celestia if I need a different cord to use.”

“Different ports, I presume?” Vinyl nodded. “Well, I’m sure my dad can get you set up on what you need before homecoming. He also has a portable generator if we have to go with that.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind me if I bring my speaker over to your place. I have to replace the torn one.” She brought out another power cable with one of the ends exposed.

“I should have known,” I said. “Just be lucky that my father taught me how to replace power cables.”

“Rarity, you still remember the old flower shop that closed down?” Cadence said.

“How can I not forget about that place? My parents loved going there.”

“Guess who now has it?” Cadence pointed to our mothers.

Rarity gasped and said, “Really? This might be a good thing, giving that store a new life. The only difference would be that it would have scented candles instead of flowers.”

“Well, we have been thinking about working on some flowers, if we knew someone with that kind of experience,” Twilight Velvet said.

“I just saw Tree Hugger join Fluttershy in the planting area,” Rarity said. “Maybe she knows someone who can help out.”

So Twilight, Rarity, and me went to see Fluttershy and Tree Hugger while Cadence and Shining Armor stayed with our mothers in getting the items purchased and loaded.

“Fluttershy dear. Do you and Tree Hugger have a moment?” Rarity asked.

“I think so. What is it?” Fluttershy responded.

“Guess who’s moving into the old flower shop?” Rarity looked as us with excitement.

“Our mothers just got the shop to operate Mrs. Candle Heart’s online business as a local business,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy became excited. “That’s great. I mean, it’s good to see that building get some new life. And with someone that is close to us.”

Twilight asked, “Tree Hugger, do you know someone who is experienced with flowers? Our mothers are looking for someone who can help out with that.”

“I can feel good vibes from this,” Tree Hugger responded. “I’ll talk with some members in the nature club Monday and see who can help.”

“Thanks, Tree Hugger,” Twilight said. She looked over to her side and noticed Moon Dancer looking over several pots. “What’s she doing?”

“Oh, Moon Dancer was going to grow some tomatoes at home,” I said.

“Looks like she’s having a hard time choosing a pot,” Fluttershy said. “Tree Hugger, you grew tomatoes before. You think you can help her out.”

Twilight interrupted. “Fluttershy, you know that Moon Dancer and Tree Hugger have not been on good terms.”

“I can help, but her vibes conflict with mine at times,” Tree Hugger responded.

I thought of an idea that could help with this ‘conflict’ she was talking about. “Come with me, Tree Hugger. I think I can fix your problem.

We walked to where Moon Dancer was to see if we can help her out. She noticed us and responded, “Hello, Jack…and Tree Hugger.”

“Something wrong,” I asked her.

She let out a long sigh and said, “I can’t decide which pot I can use for my tomatoes.”

“Let me ease out your troubles with this.” Tree Hugger grabbed one of the pots with a removable bottom pan to recommend to Moon Dancer. “This will let the roots be free to spread. You have the right soil to give it life. Just need the right pot to keep it alive. All you need is proper water and sunlight, and it will have life in itself.”

“How you know all this?” Moon Dancer asked.

“I created some in the past. Still have the notes on its progress to look back. You can look them over if you like.”

Moon Dancer scratch the back of her head and said, “I guess it could help. Can you bring them to science class Monday?” Tree Hugger nodded. Moon Dancer looked at me and said, “Why do I get the feeling that you had this planned out?”

“Just came to my head and figure it could break the ice between the two of you,” I said. “Well, I need to get back to my mother and make sure she has everything needed for her store. If you’re coming to my place later on, I’ll see you there.”

I went back with Twilight to the front of the store when she asked me, “How are you able to get others to like each other when they have some kind of conflict between them?”

“I just try to find a way that the two would have in common. Moon Dancer wanted to try out with tomatoes, and Tree Hugger has knowledge on that. If one person can help with another person on the same problem, they might be surprised at how they can get something done right.”

“Why do I have a feeling that’s what you’re trying to do between me and Sunset?” Twilight recommended.

“I think there’s more to you than you think you know,” I said. “How do you think you made all those friends that helped you in stopping Sunset from what she was doing to you.”

Twilight stopped to think about it. “Well, it started off with meeting Rainbow Dash, then she introduced me to Fluttershy, then Applejack and Rarity, who introduced me to Pinkie Pie. The others just followed along after seeing the six of us working together. Lyra and Sweetie Drops are friends with Applejack, Octavia with Rarity, Vinyl with Pinkie Pie, Roseluck and Tree Hugger with Fluttershy, and Thunderlane and Soarin with Rainbow Dash. And you can understand that Moon Dancer and Trixie are friends with me. Everything just fell in place. They started to call the six of us the ‘Mane Six’.”

“Main 6?” I said.

“Mane. M-A-N-E. I think it’s a Wondercolt thing.”

“Is it because the six of you are always together?” I asked her.

“Well, that’s part of it. I don’t think you’ve heard of the Guardians of Harmony?”

“I have heard of the legend. They were the peacekeepers to the Knights of Canterlot, the lost kingdom that our school was named after. What about it?”

“Well, I can see that you read the scroll that they keep in the library on display. Some of the students compared us to that legend’s elements: honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and friendship. Well, Applejack is always honest in what she has to say that’s on her mind. While Fluttershy is nervous in front of others, she has a kind heart to those who need it. Pinkie Pie might be strange with what she does, but she always brings a smile or a laugh to anyone’s face. Rarity is always generous in offering her designer clothes and whatever she thinks we need. Rainbow Dash is always loyal to her friends and would turn her back on them. And, well, I know how to make friends with everyone that are willing to be good friends with me.”

“So they decided to compare you six to the legend, and Sunset had to play the part of the villain,” I said.

“We were just tired of what Sunset was trying to do to ruin our lives. All because she was jealous of us…of me.”

“And you, for once, never thought about giving her a second chance after what she did. And don’t tell me she had chances before she got caught, because I don’t believe that in the first place.”

“Look, can we just drop it for once, Jack. I’m just tired of having to go through all this in the first place.”

“Fine,” I said. “But don’t think I’m going to let this go. This is the last thing I need to see going on around school.”

We met up with the others, who had everything loaded up and ready to go to the old store. I planned to head back to the house and wait for the others that wanted to help for homecoming to show up later today. Before I headed to my truck, Mr. Rich was waving me down.

“Jack, can I ask a favor of you,” Mr. Rich said to me.

“What is it, Mr. Rich.”

“My wife is still out on business and I still have some business here to finish up, which could be a while. Do you think you can keep an eye on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for me?”

“Oh, I’m sure he can handle it, with my help.” I looked to see Coco right behind me. “My mother had to head to work after stopping by here, and I was hoping you can give me a ride to your place for the meeting. Think your truck can hold four?”

“I think the four of us can fit in there, so I’ll be happy to keep an eye on them until you come by to pick them up,” I told Mr. Rich.

We were able to fit into the only seat in my truck and made our way back to the house. Diamond Tiara wasn’t pleased that she wanted to ride in my truck, but she knew to keep her mouth shut when I’m around. But she had different thoughts when she saw the house. All four of us decided to relax in my room until the others showed up for the meeting. And already, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon became curious about the wooden box under my bed. Since I have planned to show them to Coco at some point, I might as well show it to them now.

“Are those the swords that you were talking about?” Coco asked me.

“Yep. Those are the ones he gave me.”

Silver Spoon’s eyes went wide open when she noticed one of the swords. “Is that a Masamune katana that you have there?”

“That’s right. You heard about it?”

Diamond Tiara answered, “Please. We’ve been overseas to see all of that.”

“You wanted to see all the jewels that they had. I was more into the shiny stuff, and their weapons was just part of it,” Silver Spoon said. “But the story of Masamune it what got me hooked. Basically, he made his katana to be used by those who wanted to protect themselves and those around them, like the samurai. I’ve always dreamed of being rescued by a samurai.”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and said, “Here we go again.”

“Come on. A girl can dream.” Silver Spoon looked at the other sword and asked, “What’s this one below it?”

“That’s Muramasa, what people believe is the opposite of Masamune,” I said. “They called it the blood-thirst katana, designed for those who want to kill. There have been many versions of Masamune and Muramasa that people are not sure which is true and which is not.”

Just then, I heard the door open and close downstairs, followed by a voice. “Jack, we’re back early.”

“We’re upstairs, Chrysalis. Just give us a moment.” I went to put away the case of swords while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made their way downstairs to see Chrysalis and Trixie.

Coco was still in my room, wanting to ask me something. “Is it true that Sunset will be coming over?”

“I know this is going to be a problem. But this needs to change. You know how I hate bullying and labeling.”

“Just like you did freshman year,” Coco responded. “Things never change with you around.”

“And as long as that still goes on, I plan to never stop doing what needs to be done. You know my dad’s motto.”

We said together, “Never leave a job unfinished.”

“But now we have a new group to keep your gift a secret. Besides you and me, there’s Principal Celestia, Miss Luna, Chrysalis, and now Moon Dancer. What if someone gets suspicious about what you possess? You’re already popular, and that was something you didn’t want to be back at your old school. Is that something that Celestia and Luna wanted?”

I said, “They think that with each problem I come across, new powers would come alive when they happen. And so far, I have learned a few things. What else I learn is up in the air.”

“And that’s the only way to find out more about your gift.” We looked to see Chrysalis at the doorway. “Hopefully, we’ll find the answers that we all seek. But for now, we need to focus on what Sunset is hiding.”

“And to do that is by getting everyone to at least give her a chance that she can change,” I said. “If that can help lower her guard in her soul, then I can help where she needs help the most.”

I soon heard the honk of a car horn. Looking outside, I saw my mother and the others show up. “Jack, can you help me with the drinks here?”

“Sure thing, mom.” As I stepped away from the window, I said, “We better get ready for company showing up, not knowing what will happen.”

So we went downstairs and I helped my mother with the drinks while Chrysalis went to the garage to get it ready for the meeting. As I was carrying drinks into the house, I noticed Miss Luna walking to the house for her car parked on the side of the road.

“Am I early?” Luna said.

“Just about,” I said. “Chrysalis is getting the meeting area ready in the garage, if you want to help.” I went up to Luna and whispered, “Sunset and her mother are coming here as well.”

“OK. If anything goes wrong, I’ll do my best to help you out,” whispered Luna.

As I was getting everything ready in the kitchen, everyone else started to show up to help out with homecoming. Everyone, expect Sunset. I was told that her mother wanted to drop off what they bought before coming over. And it was only a matter of time when everyone knew that she was attending this meeting.




I knew I needed to make them understand why this is happening. I went into the storage room connecting the kitchen to the garage when I heard Twilight speak. I stranded next to the door to listen in.

“Listen. I know we all don’t like Sunset helping out after what she has done in the past.”

“Because she ruins everything that we get done,” Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Dash, let me finish. So far, she hasn’t done anything wrong this semester.”

“Plus, my sister has her on thin ice with what she has done,” Luna added.

“That being said, I think it’s worth a shot to give her another chance to show her that she doesn’t have to be this way in the first place.”

“Dear, is this your idea or Jack’s?” Rarity asked Twilight.

“It’s Jack’s. But there’s a reason I’m going along with this. Even as the student VP, I would be setting a bad example to everyone if I don’t give a troubled person another chance to make a change.”

“Well…it wouldn’t hurt to give her another chance…I mean, she hasn’t done anything wrong,” Fluttershy added.

“But what is she plans on doing something bad,” Pinkie Pie spoke. “She could be gaining our trust in helping out on to set up traps and smoke bombs which could go off and scare everyone away in fear as a way to get back at us and do bad…”

Applejack put her hand on Pinkie’s mouth and said, “I think we get the idea, Pinkie. But why would Jack want her here anyway?”

“Twilight dear, AJ’s right,” Rarity spoke. “I can understand Jack has helped out with some of our problems, and he has been very helpful. But this is Sunset we are talking about. She’s more of a complex problem that no one can handle.”

“That’s right,” Rainbow Dash said. “He’s taken this whole ‘being popular’ thing straight to his head.”

Rarity added, “I don’t know if it’s a thing he’s gotten used to in Manehattan, but this is Ponyville. We know not to let that go to our head. No offense, Coco.”

Coco replied, “Actually, I take great offense with that comment. Not everyone in Manehattan is like that.”

“Excuse me, but this Jack we’re talking about, not the power hungry people of Manehattan,” Rainbow Dash said.

“And that’s my point,” Coco responded. “Jack’s not like those people. And for the record, I know him longer and better than anyone else in this place. He never cared about being popular in school or anywhere else. All he cared about is helping those in need.”

Applejack said, “Maybe it would help if ya start in the beginning, sugarcube.”

“It started back in 8th grade, when we moved to Manehattan so my mother can take fashion study classes. I was just new around the area, and I never could make any friends during the 8th grade. When I got to high school, some ‘cool kids’ picked on me because of how I dressed or what I was into. I felt embarrassed in front of everyone else, until I met Jack. He was new to the area and didn’t have any friends either because his family always moves from one city to another every one to two years because of his father’s job. I remember seeing him in two of my classes, English and Algebra. He was able to help me in Algebra class, and I helped him out in English class. He was a good friend to have around.

“But one day, he saw those same ‘cool kids’ laughing at me again and again. Jack decided to do something that I would never expect him to do. He walked up to them and said something that they didn’t like to hear. When I asked him what he said to them, his reply was that he wanted them to stop the teasing on me. He says that it’s something that he gets tired of seeing all the time.

“One day, we decided to hang out in the park to relax and enjoy the view. I used that time just coming up with ideas while he uses it to clear his head. That’s when those ‘cool kids’ showed up once again. This time, they wanted to pick a fight with Jack because they didn’t like him. But every time they threw a punch at him, he was able to dodge it and counter the other guy’s attack. While dodging each of the guys’ attacks, one of the girls decided to create a distraction to throw him off guard. That’s when I went up to stop her. I just got behind her, grabbed her underneath her shoulders, and just flipped her over onto her head. It wasn’t a hard hit, but it just stunned her enough to get everyone else’s attention. That’s when he struck down the one who started the fight. He sent a message to the others that he disliked bullies and has dealt with them in the past schools. It was that point that I decided to stand up against bullying and was at his side. Everyone else just ran away at that point.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you were able to chase those bullies away,” Rainbow Dash said. “But what does that have to do with helping Sunset out. She was also a bully.”

“Well, on the following day at school, one of those cool kids came up to us, but it wasn’t to cause any trouble. She realized that she was hanging out with the wrong people to begin with and wanted to be our friend.”

“What was her name?” Twilight asked Coco.

“Night Glider.”

“That was one of your friends that you mention back at my place a couple of weeks ago?” Rarity asked.

“That’s right. And she learned that her true loyalty was with friends who cared for others. And that was just the beginning. We met up with Sugar Belle when she was asking for help with the homeless community when everyone else wouldn’t. She was kind to others and always like to cook food to give to the homeless, but needed help with delivering her food, so we decided to help her out.

“Then Party Favor was working on the fall homecoming, but was working by himself with the balloons and decorations with a week remaining. The four of us decided to help him out. People thought that it was going to be boring, but Party Favor made it fun that it gave us a few laughs along the way. By the time we were close to finishing, we learned that we were short on budget for homecoming. Sugar Belle made treats from home, and the rest of us work on the lighting and remaining supplies. The only problem that we had was getting a DJ to play for us. Jack was willing to give it a shot, but all he had was his laptop. That’s when Double Diamond heard about our problem. He was generous enough to pay to hire a DJ or rent the turntable for Jack to use. But we found out that there weren’t any DJs available and no gear to rent. But Double Diamond knew someone who was selling an old vinyl turntable for cheap. Night Glider looked at it and believed that there could be a way to make adjustments to add Jack’s laptop to the turntable. Plus some of us found some vinyl records that would work with homecoming as a backup.

“When homecoming came, everyone was shocked to see what all was done with just six people working together. Everyone saw how much of a success it was to happen. People asked how we were able to work together when we were all different. We wanted to give Jack the credit for bringing us together, but he didn’t want to take all the credit. He knew we came together when others needed the help. People started to call us…well, the same legend that our school here holds in the library…The Guardians of Harmony. I was honest to tell everyone that we didn’t want to be compared to that legend, even if we bared the same elements in the legend, so Jack decided to call us the Manehattan Knights, because we were willing to help those in need. And with the talents that Jack displayed, we started to refer him as the Jack of Trades. The rest is history.”

Twilight said to Coco, “Let me get this straight. Night Glider represented loyalty, Sugar Belle represented kindness, Party Favor represented laughter, Double Diamond represented generosity, and you represented Honesty.”

“From what everyone was telling us after telling the same story I told you,” Coco responded. “But like I said, we didn’t wanted to be compared to that legend.”

“Well, just go with me on this.” Twilight said. “If you were compared with those elements, then Jack represented…”

“Friendship,” I said as I walked through the door. “Just as you and your friends were called the ‘Mane 6’ here, we were called the Manehattan Knights over there. Both of us were compared to the legend, but in different ways. And to this day since I left, Professor River Song has kept the group going after she decided to fill the void that Coco once held. She made sure that the group was a reminder that everyone can work together, no matter how different we were.”

“But we came together because of what Sunset was doing to the school,” Rainbow Dash said.

“To the school, or to Twilight?” I responded.

Twilight said, “He’s right. We came together because of a threat towards me, with the school in the cross hairs. Jack brought his friends together to complete a job at their school.” She looked at Luna and asked, “You and your sister know the legend better than any of us. Which one represents the Guardians the best?”

“That’s something for you to decide, Twilight. Perhaps you were following the Guardians’ path. Or you could have followed the knights path, and Jack’s here to be your Guardians. No one knows the true answer.”

Twilight looked down, trying to find the answer. That was when I felt a tap behind my shoulder. It was Ms. Shimmers standing behind the doorway where I once stood. She had a concerned looked on her face. When I saw this, I knew what needed to be done.

“Ms. Shimmers, perhaps you can help Twilight find the answer she’s looking for.”

Everyone started to notice that she was here as well. Twilight got up and turned to face her saying, “Ms. Shimmers, how long have you been here?”

“Long enough to see that worried look on your face, Twilight. Look, I know what my daughter did in the past was wrong, and there’s nothing I can do to fix that. But I can’t be there to help her find the path she needs to take, and I don’t know anyone else who can do that for me. Jack has tried so far, but he’s just one person.”

“Where’s Sunset now?” Twilight asked.

“In the guest bathroom. I think she’s been in there for a while,” said Ms. Shimmers.

“Jack, can I talk to you…in private?” Twilight started to walk through the doorway.

As I was about to join her, I said, “Sir Coco, see to it that we’re not disturbed.”

She replied, “As you wish, Captain Jack.”

I raised my eyebrow and said, “Did you just combine two fandoms into one sentence?” Coco replied with a grin. “Never mind.”

We decided to go to the backyard to talk in private.

“Jack, if I was one of the knights and you were one of the guardians, then it’s my job to come to you for advice when I need it the most.”

“So you’re going with the lather of the two that Miss Luna mention.”

“Look, I’m serious about this.” She took a deep breath as said, “You might be right. I am running away…from my own demons. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Twilight, look at you. You’re smart, friendly, and open-minded. I’m sure there are others who would love to be in your shoes. And don’t even think you’re the only one who has to deal with your own demons. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, even Sunset has their own. Heck, even I had to deal with them myself.”

Twilight gave a quick laugh. “You have your own demons? That’s a first.”

“It’s true. You remember on that first day when I told that story about what happened in the 6th grade? That boy was a friend of my. Both of us got bullied around. But when my friend was getting bullied the most, I stood up and took the fight to them. It’s not the right thing to do, but I wasn’t going to let it go unpunished. That’s was when I decided to stand up against bullies and make sure they knew what they were doing was wrong. I didn’t want anyone else getting hurt by them. It wasn’t until Night Glider stopped being a bully and became a friend. That’s when I knew that was another way to solve my problems with bullies. And right now, I’m doing so with Sunset, hoping she could change as well.”

Twilight thought for a moment, and then said, “If I want to be the ‘Guardian of Friendship’, then I need to give her another chance, if she’s willing to take it. I just…need you to help bridge that gap between us, like you did to so many others.”

I nodded and we made our way back inside. Sunset was still in the guest bathroom, so it was no doubt that she was scared of facing us. I knocked on the door and said, “Sunset, it’s me, Jack. Can we come in for a moment?”

She opened the door to see that Twilight was with me. She motions us to come in before closing the door.

Before Twilight could speak, Sunset said, “Look, I know you don’t like me as well as the rest of the school. And if you don’t want me to help, just say so and I’ll just leave.”

“Actually, it’s not about that.” Sunset had a confused look on her face as Twilight continued. “I haven’t been giving you a proper second chance to prove yourself that you can change. I was hoping that you would last school year, but I was wrong to believe that. I should have thought this over better, but I didn’t. Now I feel like I’m running away from my own problems instead of solving them. So I’m giving you another chance to show the school that you can change for the better and just…put everything in the past.”

Sunset sat down, trying to take everything that Twilight just said. “Look, I’m an idiot for what I did.”

“If you’re an idiot, then so am I,” Twilight responded. “I can’t forgive what you did, but I’m willing to overlook it and just focus on the future, as long as you let me give you this chance.”

Sunset wasn’t sure what to do, so I said, “Twilight’s opening the door for you, Sunset. All you need to do is walk through it.”

She looked at me and said, “If I’m walking through that door, I want you to walk with me, Jack.”

“I’ll be more than welcomed to do so,” I said as I grabbed her hand.

It was from that point that Twilight was willing to get Sunset another chance. All three of us went back to the garage to tell the others what was going on between the three of us. Not everyone was happy with the decision, but I told them that I would watch over her so that she doesn’t become a problem to anyone. With that out of the way, we were able to start our meeting.

Well, almost.

“Hey Jack, think we can get this speaker fixed first before we start,” Vinyl asked me.

“If you going to delay the start of this meeting, then I hope you don’t mind if the others saw Masamune and Muramasa that you have up in your room,” Silver Spoon said.

“Wait, you have a Masamune katana? Trixie demands to see it now.”

I knew this was going to be a long day. “Coco, run up to my room and bring my case down. Shining, you can help me in getting Vinyl’s speaker fixed.”