//------------------------------// // Chapter 22 - Human: Judgement(Valen) // Story: World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War // by ShadowWalking18 //------------------------------// Valen Valen stood about with others of his clan, and other clans. At least.....the clans that remained. In the span of only a short time, the clans had gone through perhaps one of its most deeply felt historical moments. It would be a day that no one would forget. And many, were questioning. "Brother, why did the Fire Man punish Krul?" Valen's little brother, Franz, asked, looking up at him. Valen looked down at his brother, and took his hand, "I-" "Krul didn't do anything wrong. The ponies are evil, and deserve to die. They killed mama. Why did the Fire Man punish Krul for that?" Franz asked again, looking up at him questioningly. Valen bit his lips, and found he could not come up with an answer to such a...difficult question. "You see Franz, the reason the Fire Man punished Krul was..." Valen said, rubbing his head as he thought on it. "Because Krul became a beast." Valen and Franz both turned to see Marcus, and the other Huntmasters of the remaining clans, stand before them. "A beast?" Franz asked, confused. Marcus kneeled down and looked the child in the eyes. Valen watched them, and also wondered what the wise Huntmaster meant. "Child....It may be hard to fully understand...but the ponies.....they do not see us as beings of thought...of intelligence. To them, we are...like animals. As we were before the Fire Man awoke us from the darkness." Valen felt Franz shiver and move closer to him. Even he had to shiver when thinking of the 'Shadowed Ones,' the humans that still acted like animals. Valen had seen some, before the Fire Man had awoken them. It was not a pleasant sight for any human to see. Something that looked so alike him, and yet acted so....savage. "That is why the Fire Man demands so much from us when we fight. To avoid unnecessary death. He strives to prove a point to the ponies, that we are no long Shadowed Ones. But....that can't be done....if we go and commit acts as Krul did. When Krul slaughtered those innocents, he only made gave the ponies a reason to see us all as animals. And so, he became an animal himself." Marcus said, "Do you understand?" Franz bit his lip, and shook his head, "I...I don't know....I think....but..." Marcus smiled softly and patted the boys head, "It is alright. One day, when you are older....perhaps you will understand. But for now, trust that the Fire Man seeks only the best for us....and if banishing Krul was for the best.....then that is what had to be done." Franz didn't look reassured, but nodded. Valen knelt down to hug his brother once. Franz hugged back then left to join some of the other children of the clan in a game of Stones and Sticks. Valen watched him go, and then looked to Marcus, "Thank you Huntmaster...I...didn't think I could explain it to him." "I'm sure you would have found the words. You are wiser then you think Valen. And besides, even I struggled to explain it....as even I cannot fully understand." Marcus said with a frown. "You can't?" Valen asked confused. Marcus nodded, and motioned for the other Huntmasters to walk off. Valen felt sure they would be discussing the events that happened soon. Valen looked to Marcus as the old Huntmaster sighed. "It is....a difficult thing. Krul did....become a beast. I could see it in his eyes long before this happened. The Moot attack....it broke something in him when his daughter was killed. But its more....its....this winter....it is not normal...and I feel it affects us all in ways we can't understand." Valen thought of the ghostly moans he could sometimes hear in the winter air and shivered. "But, do you agree with what the Fire Man did?" Valen asked. Marcus nodded, "Yes. I know many might not, but what Krul did....it was abominable." "But...no we are smaller in numbers...weaker. If the ponies attacked us..." Valen started. "Then we will face it. And we will face it as men, not beasts." Marcus said, "We are men. And if there is something I have learned from the Fire Man's tales of old, that men must be held for their actions and crimes....even if the punishment will be hard for all." Valen frowned, and thought of that necklace of Scootaloo's father that he kept under his tunic. Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder, "Trust in the Fire Man....and trust in your sense of right and wrong Valen." Valen bit his lip, but nodded. As he did, he felt a shiver run up through his heart. Marcus nodded in return and turn to follow after the Huntmasters. But he stopped and looked at him once more. "Whatever happens now Valen...know that I think that these times shall be a moment of change for the clans. Let us work to see that the change betters us all as a people; even if it is difficult." Marcus said, and left. Valen watched him go, and nodded. He stood silently there, and his hand went to the necklace under his tunic. Marcus words playing in his mind. And the Fire Man's. 'Every man...must be held to his actions.' He thought. Trust in your sense of right and wrong. Valen clenched his hand tight, and felt a deep conflict in his heart. He looked down the hall toward the room in which Scootaloo and Tiara were. And he felt his conflict within boil over into war. He could not go back there, not again and continue to deny what he felt inside. If he did, it would tear him apart within. 'I am sorry Fire Man....but I cannot continue to lie. I will face my actions...and be judged for them. Even if I must disobey.' He thought, and with heavy steps, he walked down the hall. The walk made Valen feel as if he had several tons of stones tied to his limbs. He felt heavy and his breathing felt difficult, as he closed on the door to the Fire Man's room. He peeked inside, and was glad to see that the Fire Man was not within. It would be difficult enough already. His eyes then settled on Scootaloo and Tiara, both of whom were in a discussion. A heated one by the glares they gave each other. Valen could only catch a few words, but they were speaking so fast that it was difficult to be sure of the words themselves. Seeing Scootaloo made the amulet around his neck suddenly feel like it was a burning coal. He placed his hand over it and clenched his tunic tightly as he took a breath and stepped through. His presence was immediately noticed, with the pony healer Zecora looking up and giving him a simple nod before returning to her work on some potion. Valen nodded back, then looked to Scootaloo and Tiara. "Valen." Scootaloo said, and she shoved Tiara to the side. "Hey!" Tiara gasped, falling onto her flank. Scootaloo only stuck her tongue at her before rushing at him. Valen barely even had time to prepare himself for the tackle that took him off his feet. Valen had to admit, for small things, these ponies could be heavy when they came at you full speed. Valen hit the ground with a grunt and he shook his head as he looked at the grinning face of Scootaloo. Her hooves wrapped around him and she gave him a cocky grin before turning to look at Tiara and stick her tongue at her. "Valen, so what did Castus need you for? We heard some commotion outside, but tell us what happened." Scootaloo said, looking at him with a smile. "Ugh, get off of him Blank Flank. Its not exactly comfortable to talk when your odd him." Tiara said, yanking Scootaloo off. Valen got up to his feet, before Tiara went around his back and pulled him to a seating position, and pressed her chest against his back. "See, now this is much more...comfortable." Tiara said, draping her arms around his shoulders. Valen wasn't so sure if comfortable was the right word, as he felt his whole body going stiff. He felt his face going hot as he tried to stay focused on his task....or maybe he should run away now while he still had the chance. Scootaloo just glared at Tiara and grabbed Valen's arm and yanked him up. Valen had to admit these ponies could be strong when they wanted. "I doubt he wants to feel those on his back. Considering where they no doubt have been back in school." Scootaloo said with a smirk. "Are you calling me a-!" Tiara started, getting up and ready to leap at Scootaloo, but Valen put a stop to it. "Enough!" He snapped, surprised by his words. Still, he was getting tired of the fighting and he had a task to complete. Maybe both would be resolved here and now. Both the girls winced, and looked at him, then blushed and looked away ashamed. Valen sighed and took a step back from the girls. "Girls. I am...sorry. But...I must speak." He said, slowly. "Sorry Valen." Tiara said. "Yeah, sorry." Scootaloo said, "So uh, what did you want to tell us?" Valen nodded, "Forgive. There was gathering. The Fire Man...." Valen thought for the word for a moment, "yes, judgment. Fire Man passed...judgment." Both the girls, and Zecora both looked at him now, confused. "Judgment on who?" Zecora asked. "Whoa, did someone like break a law or something?" "I didn't think he punished a human for anything." Tiara said. Valen frowned at Tiara, but continued, "Hunters....warriors....they committed a crime. They were punished. And now they are gone. Banished." The ponies looked at him now surprised. "Whoa, " Scootaloo said, "what did they do?" Valen frowned, "Something terrible. But they have paid the price for their actions....." The ponies frowned, and seemed to want to know more, but Valen didn't feel it right to speak of this matter. So he looked to Scootaloo and felt his chest grow heavy. Now was as good as time as any. Though even with this in mind, he felt....fearful. He liked Scootaloo, and he knew that the news he would give her would hurt her. He didn't want to do that. Yet...would it not hurt her more when she learned on her own? She would learn when she returned to her clan, whenever she did. "...and...now I must...pay the ...price." Valen said, taking his time to recall the words. "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked. Valen bit his lip, then reached into his tunic and slowly pulled out the amulet. He held it in his hand and held it out to Scootaloo and slowly opened it for her to see. Scootaloo blinked, looking at the amulet, but there was a look of slight recognition in her eyes. She slowly took it in her hooves, and opened it. She gasped. Tiara came over, and opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she looked closer at the amulets contents. She then stepped back and looked between Scootaloo and Valen. Scootaloo seemed to shake, and looked at him. "Wh-where did...how did you get this?" She asked, her voice shaky. Valen frowned and looked down at the ground, "Found on body....that...I killed in battle. I...am sorry." "No......No! This isn't funny Valen!" Scootaloo then shouted, and she smacked at him, glaring. She looked at him now, with tears just brimming at the tips of her eyes, and Valen could only look at her in silent sadness. "You...you..this is.....no. No!" Scootaloo shouted and clutched the amulet to her and ran. Scootaloo didn't get far before running into someone at the door. "Whats going on here?" Valen saw it was the Fire Man, and he felt a bit of fear. The Fire Man looked down at Scootaloo, who looked at him. "Scootaloo? What is wrong?" The Fire Man asked, looking down at the distraught girl. Scootaloo looked up at Fire Man, "Tell me..tell me it isn't true. Tell me my father isn't dead!" The Fire Man's eyes widened, and the glare he leveled at him made Valen shiver, but his anger gave way to a frown and he looked away from Scootaloo. "It...I didn't want...." He tried to say, but Scootaloo pushed him to the side and ran. "Valen! Castus! I hate you both!" Scootaloo shouted as she ran. Valen winced, and when he saw the Fire Man approaching him, he felt fear. "I told you to say nothing!" The Fire Man shouted now, grabbing him by the collar of his tunic, "What drove you to disobey me?" Valen winced, but took a breath and looked the Fire Man in the eyes. "It was the right thing.....it wasn't right....to continue to lie." Valen said. The Fire Man blinked, then snarled, and threw him to the ground. Valen grunted and stared up at the Fire Man who raised his hand as a ball of fire appeared. Valen felt a sudden fear as he gazed at the flames that the Fire Man held, his eyes wild and filled with rage. But...behind that seemed a coldness that did not seem to be of the Fire Man. Valen waited for the blow, but the Fire Man just breathed heavily, shaking. Then his arms dropped and the fire vanished as he began staggering back and gripping at his head. "Agh!!! Stop it! This isn't me! That is you!" He shouted. The Fire Man screamed again, and then a tear in the air appeared that led out to a snowy area where a heavy snow storm raged. The Fire Man screamed and ran out into the snow storm and the tear slammed shut. Valen stared at the empty place where the Fire Man once had been before fleeing. He then noticed that Tiara and Zecora were now looking at him. "Did you.....did you really kill her dad?" Tiara asked. Valen frowned, and nodded. Tiara was silent. Valen stayed silent too. "Do you now see, what horrors war only brings?" Zecora asked him. Valen looked at her, and he looked at the ground. He then looked to where Scootaloo had run off and stood. "Where are you going?" Tiara asked, as he began walking away. Valen didn't answer. Because frankly he didn't have one. But he knew that Scootaloo would not be safe, running off like that. And with the Fire Man gone, lost in some strange madness, he would have to find her. And more then that.....give her the justice she deserved. And hopefully make things right.