//------------------------------// // Prisoner // Story: You will be Upgraded // by EmperorDalek //------------------------------// Silence, and blackness surrounded his mind. He couldn’t feel his body, he couldn’t move his fingers. Even, simply moving his head wasn’t possible. He opened his mouth to try and speak, but once again, not being without a physical form tends to make that a little difficult…Also, being essentially nothing but a brain in a robot suit, and with that suit currently not working, changed the way he talked. Drifting through the void of blackness and nothingness, he turned himself around. He just hoped that unlike the first time, he wouldn’t just end up someplace else…Or, maybe he did, anything would be much better than drifting through nothing. ‘’H-hello?’’ He tried to speak. He hoped that there was another person here, at least. Then, he noticed something he hadn’t earlier, he still spoke like a Cyberman. ‘’Hello.’’ A voice surprisingly, and unexpectedly answered him. He tried to turn his head to look in the direction of the speaker, but he remembered that no matter where he looked, he wouldn’t see anything. ‘’W-where…’’ He tried to ask, but it only came out slow, and weak. ‘’Oh, my apologies.’’ The voice said. He could hear movement, as the sound of something swishing interrupted the silence, the sound of a button press followed. His eyes flashed back into life, and once again, he looked out through them. Which thankfully meant that he wasn’t dead, just temporarily shut down. His eyes looked out in front of them. Looking around, scanning every possible thing, he saw that he was sitting in a large, featureless room, sitting atop a chair. There was a single door in front of him, above it, was a single light, and from he could see, there was only a single went in the room. His arms were restrained against the chair’s armrests, maybe whoever had de-activated him, was afraid of him re-starting himself, and escaping. ‘So then that means…’’ He mentally gasped to himself as the revelation sunk in. ‘But that is impossible…Although, considering this one was created in a parallel universe, I shouldn’t be surprised by anything anymore, I mean, talking horses. That should have already been a clear hint that many things are possible now.’ ‘’Wait down there, I will join you shortly.’’ The voice spoke, there was a soft bleep, as when one was speaking through an intercom. Well, that would explain why he had only heard the voice, and not so much noises that the one who spoke would have made. ‘At least now, I can find out it was that kidnapped me, and prevented me from defending myself against the winged Unicorn. At least I’m safe here.’ ‘’Maybe these creatures are more technologically advanced than I originally thought.’’ He said to himself, not caring whether anyone heard him. ‘Oh! I hope it’s another Humanoid, at least. It would make it easier for me to negotiate my way to freedom.’ He thought. The door opened, both sides moving inwards-. Now, I definitely know that they have technology. But as they separated, and revealed the form waiting behind them, it was disappointing. ‘’Greetings.’’ The figure spoke softly, it smiled warmly. Raising its front leg, it entered inside the chamber. Half-way through it, though, it stopped. It turned its head back, and looked out. ‘’Wait outside. This will go a lot easier without you.’’ He said to several forms that looked quite like him. But unlike him, they seemed to be wearing some sort of armor, the strangest thing was that the head piece seemed eerily familiar, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it, since it was hidden behind the Pony’s head. ‘’Incorrect. The chances of success will be increased if we accompany you, Diagoras.’’ The figure said. ‘I swear, there something familiar about. I just know it.’ He thought to himself again. The Pony turned, and looked towards me, then back at the other Pony behind him. ‘’No. And this is my final word. You will obey my command’’ He said sternly. ‘’I…obey.’’ The Pony said. He gave a gentle nod of his head, a small smile forming on his face. He turned, and looked back towards the imprisoned Cyberman in front of him. ‘Duplicates! They’re Dalek Duplicates!’ He mentally shouted to himself. He tried to free his arm from the restriction, but being a Cyborg does sometimes have a few downsides…Like not being able to operate your weaponry, when you could potentially be destroyed, melted down, and turned into pieces of metal used by this world’s Daleks. The Stallion trotted inside the chamber, the door closing itself shut behind him. But he kept his eyes focused on it. Not letting it out of his sight until it had closed, and the figures were hidden behind the door. The Pony approached him. He lowered his head, and looked down at the small creature. He may be bound to a chair, but he could still crush his captors’ skull with his leg…Oh, wait! Never mind, but he could. ‘’I am so sorry about that. Usually they follow my orders without question.’’ He said with a blank look of apology. I lowered my head, and looked my eyes down towards him, meeting his gaze. ‘’I have been waiting for a long, long, long time for this moment.’’ He said, his smile returning to him. He trotted up towards the left corner of the room. In it, there was a small table, just about his size. The top of his head started to glow, the table was wrapped in a field of some sort, and it was lifted up off the ground, and levitated down in front of him. The Stallion jumped on top of it, coming face-to-face with him. ‘’Hierarchy class confirmed. You are a Unicorn.’’ He said. A grimace of impression settled on his face. ‘’Not bad, not bad.’’ He complimented. ‘’I can see you’re still functioning perfectly. My troops didn’t damage any of your internal circuitry when they brought you here.’’ He said. ‘I think the right word you might be looking for is kidnapped.’ He said to himself. ‘’You abducted me.’’ I said. He tried to lean his body forward, so he could come even closer to the Pony, and intimidate it. But he was bound, and unable to do so. ‘’Abducted you?’’ He asked surprised, acting like someone who had just been accused of stealing…Which, considering he wasn’t technically alive, he had. ‘’No, no, no, no.’’ He gently shook his hooves out in front of him. ‘’I didn’t kidnap you…I saved you from ending up as nothing but pieces of metal in a junk yard.’’ ‘’Explain yourself.’’ I said. How had he saved me? I had the situation well under control. The winged Unicorn was the ONE who needed saving, not me. ‘’I think It is perhaps time I introduced myself, if we are going to take this much further. My employers wouldn’t want me to spill such secrets unless they can be guaranteed maximum security.’’ He said. He extended a hoof, holding it out in front of him. ‘’I am Diagoras. Founder of Cybus Industries, the largest corporation in all of Equestria to possess the largest collection of foreign-technology.’’ He said. He got down from the table, and started to trot around the chair. He raised his head, looking out in front of him. ‘’Identify your associates.’’ He instructed. This guy was just talking, and talking, but now, I needed to get some answers out of him. I couldn’t keep playing the role of the ‘’listener’’ and not partake in this conversation with him. ‘’My associates?’’ He asked confused. ‘’Oh! Yes. Of course, you shall be made aware of who they are-’’ He exclaimed from behind the chair. ‘’But instead of me simply telling you, I will let you download that information, yourself.’’ He raised a mental eyebrow at Diagoras’s words. ‘’And how will that be achieved?’’ He asked, trying to turn his head. It turned a little to the right, but only barely. Diagoras rounded the corner. He teleported, re-emerging atop the table, and looked back at him. ‘’Interesting answer, my friend.’’ He said. He gently moved his head away from the blank, expressionless, face starring back at him. ‘’You can trust me…Friend.’’ He said. Once again, raising a mental eyebrow. ‘’I will get down from here…And then I will release you.’’ He said. His eyes widened in his mind – Whoa! That is a big leap to make in such a short distance. ‘’But what I need to know, is: Can I trust you?’’ He asked, looking with a stern look on him. He knew that he had no choice to say this now. If he ever wanted to move again, he had to agree to Diagoras’s demands. ‘’Yes.’’ He said. Diagoras didn’t react the way he had expected him to react to such an answer. The two of them looked deeply into each other’s eyes. ‘’Fine. Just give me a second.’’ He finally said, pulling his head back, allowing him to see anything other than Diagoras’s furry face. He jumped down, landing on the floor. His horn started to glow, once again, it wrapped itself around the table. It was lifted up off the ground, and levitated it out of the way. He positioned himself in front of him, staring up at the blank, expressionless face of the metal Humanoid. He raised hoof up, holding it in front of him. His horn started to glow, a small thing on his suit was enveloped in the glow as well. It levitated out of his suit’s pocket, and floated in front of the wrist-mounted device-thing. He pressed several buttons with the small stylus. When he was finished, he looked up towards him. ‘’There. The activation signal to return all control of your to you has been activated. Try standing up if you want to confirm it.’’ Diagoras said. He turned his head, looking his eyes down towards his left arm. ‘Let me prove your theory before you can say it worked.’ He thought to himself. He moved his fingers, gently clenching his fist, and releasing it. He turned, and looked towards his right arm. He repeated the process, clenching a fist, and releasing it. ‘’Perfect. You have not sub stained any internal damage upon arriving here.’’ Diagoras commented. He backed away from him, but still not taking his eye off of him. Couldn’t exactly say that he could be blamed. ‘’Now, just let me-‘’ He levitated the stylus pen-thing over towards the wrist-mounted device. But before he could tap it again, the sound of something breaking, and snapping apart interrupted the silence. He looked up from the device, starring towards the source of the sound. He looked up at the restricted arm…But it wasn’t exactly restricted much anymore. With a grunt, he raised the other arm, as well, breaking it through the restraints, as if it had been nothing but paper. He placed his hands against the armrests, lifting himself up. He stood back up, looking out in front of him. Standing still, where he stood, Diagoras was simply spell-bound by his height, as he towered over him. He had expected it to be tall, but not this tall. The creature that had started out as a prisoner, nothing compared to him, now towered over him, casting its shadow down upon him where it stood. He took several steps back from it, still keeping his eyes fixed on it, though. Lowering its head, it looked its eyes down towards him. He gulped, hoping that it wouldn’t just lash out at him. At least not until it had been given…It. He reached his hoof down inside his jacket pocket, and pulled out a small object that resembled a simple featureless metal rod. ‘’Here…’’ He said, handing him the rod. He grabbed it, lifting it up. His eyes looked down at it. ‘’It is-‘’ ‘’An Info stamp?’’ I interrupted him. He looked up at me with a confused look. The confusion, visible on his face faded, and he looked back, wearing a proud smile on his face. ‘’Impressive. You are smarter than you seem.’’ He said. Sensing an insult intended in Diagoras’s words, he wanted to lash out against him…But he remembered his promise to Diagoras. If not for him, he might be running through the woods to escape an even larger pursuit party of Ponies, now. He clenched his fist, and would have to make do with that…For now. The table was moved beside him. Diagoras teleported himself atop it, as he started to inspect the Cyberman’s body closer. ‘’Beautiful…Remarkable…Brilliant.’’ He commented, as he found out more about the body. ‘’Oh-! You are absolutely perfect.’’ Watching through a monitor, several shapes watched Tom and Diagoras. Silently, observing their little social event together. One of them turned, and looked towards the other. One of them nodding its head. ‘’Inform the Lord of our progress!’’ It ordered. ‘’We have found him!’’ It spoke. The other one turned, and started to make its way towards a door behind it. The doors opened inwards, and the figure strode out into a hallway. It turned left, and started down a corridor. The figure arrived at several large doors. It stepped in front of a small viewport. Out from the viewport, a blue beam of light emerged. The light moved down, and then up, scanning it. ‘’Identity confirmed as Unit 5089! Access granted!’’ An electronic, robotic voice spoke. The doors opened, moving in towards the wall. The figure strode inside, entering into a vast chamber. The chamber was surrounded in a vast blackness, blue lights vaguely illuminated various points on the walls. A serious of lights stood in the middle of the chamber. It moved in, towards the middle of the chamber. A light looking down towards the floor, raised itself, looking up towards the figure that had just entered. ‘’Report!?’’ The figure spoke. Narrowing its sight, and getting a much better glance at it. ‘’The fore-told event has occurred! It has arrived!’’ It replied, starring motionless against the darkness. ‘’Has the Info stamp been delivered!?’’ It asked, its voice sounding very weak, not as strong as the other ones. ‘’Affirmative!’’ ‘’Then…When the time is right…Bring it before me!’’ It spoke. ‘’Continue to monitor it! Deliver all updates to me!’’ It instructed. ‘’I obey!’’ It replied. It turned, and started to return to the door. The creature in the darkness lowered itself, looking back down again.