At the Twilight of Harmony

by Rammy

The Broadsword or the Scalpel

??? days since the fall of Traxti City

??? days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

???, Council of Harmony

“So…” Discord casually spoke as he absentmindedly filed his claw. “What are we going to do about the ‘Chaos Bringer?’”

“I don’t know…”

“You don’t know!?” Discord exclaimed as he facepalm. “Isn’t this what this meeting is about?!”

Sentinel sighed. “Exactly.”

Discord was about to retort when he suddenly fully got what Sentinel said and was dumbfounded. He managed to recover quickly, however. “Damn it Sentinel! Must you play word games!?”

Sentinel facepalmed. He thought he had been clear. “We can’t do anything about the ‘Nameless One’ until we have a better understanding of his abilities. With that in mind if, he does what Dragon Keeper thinks he will... when he approaches Eastern Equestria I will, with the support of Luna and or Celestia, hopefully both, will engage him…”

“WHHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY!!!?” Discord and He of Hourglass shouted as one. Both could not believe what Sentinel was saying.

“What!? Alicorn Keeper that is suicide!”

“Enough Dragon Keeper!” Sentinel snapped. “My life is of less importance than yours or He of Laughter's. You still have your Harmony magics flowing within you I do not. It’s Harmony magic that will defeat him not normal magic which is all I possess. Council? Am I correct?”

The Alicorn Keeper is correct.

“If we have a chance…” Sentinel continued once he was sure the words of the council had sunk in. “We need to know how he fights and how strong he is currently… Remember my words to Quartermaster?”

He of Hourglass slumped a bit in his throne. He remembered alright. “‘Going in blind, claws swiping and maw ablazing may be exactly what whomever is doing this wants… unknown dark magic rarely responds to direct approaches.’”

Sentinel nodded as he faced Discord. “He of Laughter, your magic is not suited for direct confrontation with an unknown enemy… You do best when you know your enemies weaknesses…” Sentinel looked at He of Hourglass next. “Dragon Keeper you have battle experience and could probably hold your own but we can’t risk our strongest Harmony magic user on something like this.”

“Why can’t you use the elements you created?” He of Hourglass countered. He knew that if the Alicorn Keeper used them then his chances of survival would increase tremendously. Not to mention it could injure the dragon giving them more time to find a way to defeat him completely and to evacuate any innocents in the area.

“What?!” Sentinel nearly choked from the suggestion, confusing both Keepers. There was no way he could do something like that but he understand why they would think he should. He never did tell them what would happen if he wielded the elements alone again. “No… that it too risky… For one, when I created them they were made to be used by more than one pony. Due to the events of Nightmare Moon Luna and Celestia can no longer bear them. They are the only two that are battle experienced enough to be able to back me up. Second, if I were to take them back I may not be able to wield them again.”

“What do you mean?”

“If I use all six at the same time I may never be able to wield them again.”

“You made them so that even you can’t use them all at once?!” He of Hourglass shot up and roared at Sentinel for being, to him, such a stupid idiot for blocking even himself from using his own harmony magic. He could get keeping others from doing it but himself!? “You are a lava belly flopper of a fool!”

Discord lost all color and started literally falling apart. He knew that Sentinel had put special conditions on the wielding of the Elements of Harmony but even this was extreme. His eyes narrowed in anger as his shock faded. Of all the things this was the most idiotic thing that the Alicorn Keeper had ever done.

“Then I am a proud lava belly flopper!”

“If I had known you were going to do that I would have called judgment on you back then.”

Sentinel slowly shook his head. “It would have failed.”

Huh!?” Discord was beginning to think he was slipping in his old age. Sentinel was starting to confuse him more and more…

“As I have had to explained over and over…” Sentinel grumbled. “Harmony, true harmony, comes from not just one pony, one person but a group. There can never be a harmony of one… A group effort is where it lies. Why do you think the power of Harmony magic was broken and distributed amongst twelve?!”

20 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Afternoon, Hourglass

He of Hourglass could see that the news was as he feared, bad. With exceptions of his friend Pink One and the primsicatic pony, the Bearer of Loyalty the meetings usually had an air of somberity. This meeting that was not the case. The normally fluffy and curly mane of Pink One was dull and flat. The Bearer of Loyalty usual smirk or air of extreme boredom was gone with a tired look. If that wasn’t enough it was clear that Celestia was barely able to control her emotions. Luna, not surprisingly, was absent as she would still be on the front lines.

“Sentinel... the Alicorn Keeper...” Celestia’s voice shook hard with barely contained emotion, “has fallen in battle…”

The rest of what Celestia said faded away as the world swirled around He of Hourglass before he fell to his knees, the words ‘Sentinel, the Alicorn Keeper, has fallen in battle’ echoing over and over in his mind. No… how… could he die!?

Quartermaster roared in anguish. Both of his fists came slamming down on the council floor causing the image of the Friendship Council to flicker for a moment. He couldn’t decide between raging or letting his sadness take over. He wasn’t sure if he could ever live up to the skill of his hatchmate as a secondclaw as he was sure that He of Hourglass would have him as the new secondclaw. He didn’t want to be secondclaw. He wanted his hatchmate.

She of Hourglass collapsed onto the side of her mate. Quartermaster instinctively wrapped his wings around her though it was of no comfort, no warmth. To her the flame of their clan was gone and with it the fire that kept them pushing forward. She glanced down at her son who just stood there with clenched fists, shaking.

Scorpion shivered and curled into a tight ball. He choked as he had to hold back a wail due to his recovering voice box. But even if it was completely healed he found that for the first time since he chose that he lost all desire for music. He didn’t think it was possible but this was worse than with the lost of Medallion. The bass on his back was like a heavy weight and the ocarina felt like it would choke him.

“It can’t be… please…” Twixt’d begged.

Celestia walked up to Twixt’d. She wanted to put a hoof on his shoulder but she was but an image to him. The most she could do was let him see her understanding eyes. “I’m sorry, Twixt’d but he has past on from this world…”

Twilight felt like her heart would burst and die at watching her brother and his family grieve. Her friends gathered around her as they noticed her tearing up. Even the comforting group hug did nothing to ease her hurt. what made it worse she could go up and physically be with He of Hourglass to help him through this.

“Truly no one can say dragons are uncaring beasts.” Grizzle noted the pain and suffering on all of the dragons’ faces.

He of Hourglass lamented. I know you had to go and do your duty but...

“I know, Dragon Keeper, I know… I just...” Soul Fire looked away no longer able to hold any resemblance of a gaze to him.

So the promised time has come… He of Hourglass sadly thought as he gently lifted his secondclaw face “...You come home for him… If not for any other dragon here, for him.”

“I will.”

You promised Secondclaw… my hatchmate… He of Hourglass bitterly thought.

A THREE STRAND CORD IS HARD TO BREAK Came the voice from his vision again.

He of Hourglass looked back down on Secondclaw’s bond to see that it was still strong. Unlike with the ‘loss’ of Harmonious Knight and the death of Medallion the bond was neither shattered like in the case of the latter or disconnected like in the former.

“No.” He of Hourglass whispered.

“He of Hourglass?” Celestia questioned as she noticed the Dragon Keeper finally was out of his initial shock and had said something. Whatever he said, however, she didn’t quite catch.

“Firstclaw?” She of Hourglass added. She had heard the no even over the low growl from her mate. What she didn’t know was why he said no.

“He is not dead!” He of Hourglass roared. His eyes shone with fire as he stared everyone down, daring them to saw otherwise and invite his fury to come upon them.

“But He of Hourglass,” Discord calmly countered even though he struggling to remain composed. As much he wanted for his first friend to still be alive he knew it was not so. Sentinel was his first true friend and the pain he was going through was worse than… worse than when he went mad. “Dragon Keeper, his throne… has sparks...”

“I don’t care what you think you saw! HE IS ALIVE!” He of Hourglass yelled. He clenched his fist in anger. He was not going to waiver and he was not going to let anyone tell him otherwise.

Twixt’d looked over at his firstclaw. He struggled himself to see through the tears clouding his vision. Firstclaw was shaking hard, tears flowing from his eyes, and blood dripping from his fists. Even though he was hurting himself the pain that He of Hourglass was under hurt him even worse. A memory came forth as he watched the dragon.

“You may be my best friend Twixt’d but He of Hourglass… he… hmph…” Sentinel laughed and eyed Twixt’d. “I get it! You’re jealous!”

Twixt’d was secretly glad for his black scales as he could feel his face heat up. He really had to learn to be more careful shielding his thoughts around his friend. He was suddenly grabbed and given a noogie. “Hey!”

“Twixt’d…” Sentinel look off towards the city before looking back at Twixt’d who was looking up at him from the headlock. “Can you do something for me?”


“Whenever I need to leave Hourglass and can’t bring you along can you be Firstclaw’s best friend and watch over him for me?”

Twixt’d continued to gaze at his firstclaw in thought. He of Hourglass meant something to Sentinel something far beyond best friend. He had noticed from time to time the way he looked at him. It was the same look that he saw with his own parents when they looked at him or his clutchmates’ eggs. I promise then I will be whatever Firstclaw needs just for you my best friend...

Twilight looked down in thought. This is just like Rainbow Dash just before Tank’s first winter… or myself right after Spike Chose. As much as she wanted to let go completely for herself and for him, to grief the loss they could not. Right now there was no time for this.

“Discord…” Twilight whispered to Discord, putting up a sound bubble to prevent the dragons especially He of Hourglass from hearing.

“Yes Twilight?” Discord leaned down to whisper back.

“Shouldn’t we use the Draconic ability to… we can’t have him be delusional… Lives could be lost if he doesn’t keep his emotions in control... I mean I know he’s hurting bad but…”

Discord eyes widen at what Twilight was saying. He knew that the Draconic language could only speak truths. Not just any truth but absolute truth. But… there was a risk... “No… with his rage it could send him over the edge… let him come to acceptance that he is gone in his own time…”

“Are you sure Discord?” Twilight whispered back. She knew that denial could become unhealthy as she herself had been before Harmony had forced her to see the truth so she could finally begin to truly heal and live again.

“Not really,” Discord admitted, “but if He of Hourglass falls into rage growth…”

Twilight gulped as he looked over to the dragon in question. He of Hourglass said nothing else as he angrily walked out of the Hourglass Council. Captain Phoenix Wave which had stood at guard at the door had to scramble out of the way. Twixt’d followed right behind him.

“I’m sorry,” Celestia sighed as she looked over at the door that He of Hourglass and Twixt’d left the council through, “but as much as we all need time to grieve, myself included, the Dark One is assaulting Equestria as we speak.”

Quartermaster signed heavily as much as could tell that Twixt’d and Firstclaw needed more time to get over the shock the pony was right. He never thought he would have to resume as acting secondclaw. “Tell us what you know.”

“Twilight?” Discord handed a stack of parchment to Twilight. “Can you send this information to them?”

“Uh, not really as the only one currently with an anchor here is Scorpion and he is still recovering. To send all of your information may redamage his voice box.”

“Ugh…” Discord groaned as he strapped an ice pack onto his head. He was still feeling the effects of all of the dark magic he was subject to and the meeting so far was only making it worse. “Then I will summarize… and send the details later…”

Discord snapped a film projector on to the root chandler pointing down at the the currently inactive table. “Lights!” The Friendship Council darkened a bit

“When Luna and Sentinel engaged the Chaos Bringer over Baltimare I monitored the entire fight from a safe distance…”

“YOU COWARD! You let him die!” Quartermaster roared. In his fury he forgot that the draconequus in front of him was merely an image and sent a stream of flame at Discord in an attempt to kill him.

The Friendship Council suddenly went pitch black, darkening the Hourglass Council considerably. The only thing that could be seen was the furious stare coming from Discord’s glowing eyes. A coldness overcame the Hourglass Council causing the remaining dragons and Phoenix Wave to shiver. “Don’t ever say that I am a coward by staying back! We are in constant danger so that those under our charge is protected. The greatest thing any keeper can do is to die in the line of duty to protect their charge. Nine… Ten keepers have done so… Sentinel gave his live for ponykind… When the time comes I guarantee your firstclaw will lay down his life for dragon kind… Just as I would for chimera kind… I was under his orders to stay back so that if something happened the knowledge gained would not be lost...”

“HE WAS MY FIRST, TRUE FRIEND!” Discord suddenly roared. The light returned to the Friendship Council to revealed a sad and defeated Discord and very frighten Friendship Council. “Even amongst the keepers I was only merely tolerated…” Discord’s voice drop to a near whisper, “he never once just tolerated me… he encouraged me not only as a Keeper but as a person… he understood that my chaotic ways was a necessity...”

“Discord… you poor thing...” Fluttershy started to cry again. She went up to the now silently crying draconequus and hugged him gently.

“Sorry…” Discord apologized when he finally snapped out of his grief. He slid out of Fluttershy’s embrace who went back to her throne. “Uh… right. The Chaos Bringer… His flame speed is extreme.” Several slides of the fight clicked by until he stopped on one showing Sentinel rushing from a stream of flame. A rainbow could be seen coming off of the alicorn. “One would have to have the speed of Rainbow Dash or Twixt’d to dodge.”

“Furthermore…” Discord snapped a claw and a new picture of a weird black circle. Not only that the photo look dark as if there wasn’t enough light when it was taken.

“Is that a black sun!?” Celestia gasped. When Discord had appeared in Ponyville he had been shaken. When she was told of Sentinel’s death she thought the shaking was from that now she was sure it was from whatever this was.  

“Uh… Yeah, I guess so… this is… is an extremely condensed ball of flame… but unlike the sun it absorbs light. The power from this makes all the other attacks seem like a meow from a kitty over a roar from a lion… it’s the attack that… that...” Discord couldn't finish his statement. It was too painful to do so but luckily everyone there knew exactly what he was about to say.

“How are we are going possible win against all that?”

“Grizzle don’t lose faith…”

“If I may interrupt?” Captain Phoenix Wave moved forward from his previous position of next to the council doors. Celestia nodded her okay. “Grizzle it is true that in the lands around Equestria have not had much issues with dragons given the low population of dragons. Matter of fact, the procedure was to evacuate the area and notify the princesses. I’m assuming that Sentinel was to take care of the problem dragon.”

“That is essentially correct.”

“But the races away from Equestria assuredly do not have that luxury… the population is much larger. Dragons generally make their homes in caves and because of that could come into conflict with griffons in particular. I bet the griffon eryies there have contingency plans or experience with dragons.”

“Celestia, Grizzle I suggest that any griffons that have had battle experience with dragons be in embedded in both Equestrian and Allied Griffon Eryies military forces. Have them train, fight or lead groups of them on dragon killing.”

“But this isn’t typical rage dragon!” Grizzle countered. “Can’t we lure him to the chaos lands and have the Hourglass Clan and Keepers take him out while the dragon is weakened by the effects.”

“No, that won’t work.” Discord now answered. “To begin with, the Chaos Bringer was imprisoned in the Hydro Hourglass which is the sister to Terra Hourglass. He would be immune to the effects of the untamed wilds… And even if that wasn’t the case because dragons have such powerful magic coursing through them it hardly affects them as they just power on through…”

“DO DRAGONS EVEN HAVE WEAKNESSES!?” Grizzle snapped in frustration.

“For one pride.” Quartermaster calmly answered. Scorpion jaw dropped comically. It was a rarity for Quartermaster to admit a weakness it’s was nigh on never for him to admit so quickly.

“Great.” Grizzle drawed out the r in mock thankfulness “We can can embarrass him into submission.”

“Dragons are physically very powerful and to add to that so is our magic. Our magic is so powerful that most races incorrectly assume we are magically immune… Not so… Tell me, Ambassador, if a vagabond comes at you with a broadsword are you going to defend yourself with more vigor than if he came at you with a puny scalpel?”

“Are you kidding me!?” Grizzle squeaked at the absurdity of the question. “Broadsword.”

“The scalpel user…” Captain Phoenix Wave countered. “Those with pride would drop their guard with a scalpel because they wrongly think ‘what can a puny knife like that do to me?’ Well that puny little knife is extremely sharp and light and that allows the attacker to throw it with easy and can very easily get between armor joints which is the weakest spot in armor. Also because of its essentially weightlessness one can hone their agility and speed and can catch someone off guard. Furthermore, if one is armored, especially with plate or chainmail as it makes them slower, it leaves them vulnerable to any attack that uses speed and agility…”

“You got it Captain.” Quartermaster smiled down at the pony captain. This pony was constantly proving to him his worth and the worth of ponies. To think he ever had a problem with them.

“Who are you and what did you do with Quartermaster?” Quartermaster growled and smacked Scorpion's head with his tail.

“Our power is our weakness because power can corrupt... make one prideful. Dragon magic is about power not precision and outside our flame is very wasteful. Let's use the broadsword and a scalpel in another example. Say you want to assassinate someone cleanly. With a single slash one can slice or hack and kill but the sword takes more strength not to mention you tend to mutilate the body. Not clean… messy much like the way we fight and use magic. On the other hand the scalpel required basically no strength but does require precision. This is like the way pony magic tends to work.”

“Okay, enough.” Quartermaster whispered before anyone could continue the meeting. He was at his limit and needed a rest before continuing and he still need more details anyway. “He of Laughter make as many copies as possible about the information you gathered and get it to the griffons and the commanders of the pony military so that they can have at least something to work with while we figure out a way to really use what was found against the ‘Nameless One’… I will see to either Twixt’d or Firstclaw so you can send it to us as well.”

“Very well. Equestria out” Celestia ended the meeting before Grizzle could speak up in protest. She could see that the dragons needed to regroup before continuing and Quartermaster was right the information needed to be looked through before any resemblance of a plan could be hashed out.