Just Passing Through

by Deep Six

Close encounters of the human kind

Fluttershy was doing her normal chores around her home. It was a normal day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Fluttershy was in a good mood and feeling happy. She had the feeling that today was going to be special. She was looking forward to later in the day when all of her friends where going to get together to have a girls day. It was Twilights idea after she had found a book all about what friends were supposed to do together. Not really something that needed advice from a book, but it was still a chance for her to be with her friends.

After finishing feeding all the animals and checking up on the sick and injured, Fluttershy decided to rest on her couch for a while. Fluttershy enjoyed the little time she got to relax. Taking care of so many animals was hard work. Normally on her little break she would have a snack or read a book, but today she felt like she just wanted to lie down and rest.

After a few seconds of lying down, Fluttershy heard hoof steps outside her cottage door. Something was different though. They sounded slow and heavier than normal hoof steps. A second later there was the sound of three knocks on the door. Looking at the door wondering who it was Fluttershy flew quietly to the door and landed in front of it. Taking a few steps towards the door Fluttershy opened it.

To her surprise and utmost horror, stood a creature that she thought was just in fairy tales. It was taller than Fluttershy and stood the same height as Big Mac. The creature stood on two legs and had short brown hair on its head. It had small beady eyes that were open wide staring at Fluttershy. Looking at the middle of the creature it saw it wore a sweater that had strange writing on it and was wearing pants. Something that was uncommon in Equestria. Looking back at its face she could tell by some of the features that it was a male and the expression it wore told her that it was just as surprised as she was. It was a human.

Fluttershy stared at the human and he stared back. This went on for a few seconds before the human took a step back and stuttered out a small “oh” before he collapsed at her feet. Jumping back in fright, Fluttershy stared at the motionless figure before she shuffled forward and slowly reached out and poked him with her hoof. At this time Angel came up to where Fluttershy was to see what all the commotion was about. Looking at the figure before him and seeing it out cold on the ground, Angel looked up at Fluttershy and nodded approvingly at her for taking out the human by herself.

Coming back to her senses, Fluttershy turned to Angel. “Angel, go get Twilight and the others. Tell them to come here right away,” Fluttershy said with the confidence that was not usually seen in her.

Angel saluted quickly before hopping off in the direction of town. Fluttershy turned back to the motionless figure and thought about what to do.

“Oh what should I to do? All the fairy tales said that humans would attack ponies. But this one didn’t. Maybe he was just as surprised as I was. Yes that was probably it. But now what? I can’t just leave him here. He could wake up and attack me,” Fluttershy thought aloud. She was still afraid of what would happen, but she still knew she had to do something.

Making up her mind, Fluttershy inched forward until she was standing over the human. Again she reached out a hoof and poked him. Again there was no response. So, trembling with fear, Fluttershy reached down and grabbed onto the sleeve of his sweater with her teeth. Pulling as hard as she could she could only make the human budge a few inches. Knowing that she couldn’t give up she kept pulling the human into her house.

Floating through his own mind, the human was trying to make sense of what just happened. He had knocked on the door to a cottage and Fluttershy answered. Then he fainted. Never before would he have expected to come face to face with Fluttershy so he thought it might be a normal response. It isn’t every day that you run into a pony from your favorite show. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe he would wake up and he would be in his bed. Yeah that was probably the first thing he should do. But still swirling in his mind he couldn’t help but think that if this was a dream he might never want to wake up. But
still in his mind he knew that was probably not the best idea. He knew he would miss his family and friends.

Slowly waking up the first thing he noticed was the blurry ceiling. Blinking a few times didn’t solve the problem so he guessed his contacts must have fallen out. Realizing he was lying on his back he tried to reach down to his belt where he kept his glasses in a pouch. But making the move he realized he couldn’t move his arms. Looking at his wrist he saw his arms were tied to the bedpost. On a bed he did not recognize. Eyes growing wide he looked around at where he was. He was inside a bedroom that was from what he could see, very clean. Looking around the room he couldn’t see much. Blurry objects that could be anything.

Deciding the next course of action would be to try and get out of the bindings holding him onto the bed he focused his attention at his right hand. The knot was simple and poorly tied so all he had to do was pull and the knot came loose. As quickly as he could he could he reached over to his left hand and quickly undid the bindings there as well. Then sitting up he undid the ropes around his ankles as well. Grabbing his glasses and putting them on he got a good look at the room. It was small and had a homely feel to it. Looking out the window he saw a field and the forest

Getting out of the bed as quietly as he could he made his way to the door. Pausing with an ear on the door he listened for any presence outside. Hearing nothing he slowly opened the door and peeked out. Outside was a small hallway and at the end was a staircase leading down. Slowly he slid out of the bedroom and started tiptoeing towards the staircase. Putting his foot down on a loose floorboard caused a low creak to echo down the hall. The reaction downstairs was immediate. A loud crash and many frightened squeaks made the human realize he was caught. Slowly up the stairs came the sound of unsteady steps. Slowly the human could see what seemed to be a football helmet peek over the top step. Staring at it the human’s mouth hung open as big scared looking eyes slowly came into view. Fluttershy made a quiet peeping sound before disappearing again. Seeing this, the human walked towards the stairs trying to see the yellow Pegasus again. Looking down the stairs he could see Fluttershy slowly backing into a corner in the room. Speechless he descended the stairs still staring open eyed at Fluttershy.

“S-s-stay away f-from me,” Fluttershy stuttered quietly. Hearing this, the human stopped moving and started backing up realizing he was scaring her. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” The human said staring at the ground in shame. This time it was Fluttershy who looked surprised.

“You t-talk?” Fluttershy said in a quiet voice that could barely be heard.

“Well why wouldn’t I. I’ve done it my whole life. Why? Is it surprising to you?”

“The s-stories always s-said that humans s-spoke in a weird language.”

“Well I don’t speak in a weird language. And come on you don’t have to be that scared of me. I’m not going to hurt you.”
Taking a few steps forward the human saw Fluttershy back further into the corner. Stopping, the human tried to figure out a way to make her less afraid.

“Maybe I should tell you who I am first to… Break the ice. Does that sound like a good idea to you?”
Fluttershy looked around the room nervously before nodding her head slowly.

“Well my name is Alan Clarke. I’m 18 years old and I am a human. I am a University student and I am studying to be a teacher. And I don’t hurt ponies. Um… I can’t really think of anything else right now so is there anything you want to know?”
Fluttershy stared at the ground while she tried to work up the courage to talk. “H-how d-did you get h-here?”

“Well I can’t really say I know how I got here. I was just driving along the highway outside Vancouver and suddenly I’m in the forest. It really scared me. I mean I had no idea where I was. But at least I now know I’m in Equestria.”

“How do you know about Equestria?” Fluttershy said with a bit more confidence than earlier. “How do you know where you are, if you have n-never been here before?”

“Uh… that is something I will tell you about later. But what I’m noticing is that you aren’t as afraid of me now. Am I right?” Alan took a few more steps forward, but Fluttershy was still looking frightened so he stopped and looked down at the ground.
“I’m sorry Fluttershy… I-I Don’t want to frighten you.”

Fluttershy looked up at Alan with a look of confusion on her face. “How d-do you know my name,”Fluttershy stuttered while staring confused at the human before her.

“Uh… well you see… um…” Alan looked all around the room, obviously nervous about the explanation he was going to have to give. As he was looking around however, the sound of hurried hoof steps caught both of their attentions and their heads turned quickly to the door. The door burst open and standing there was the other Elements of Harmony. Looks of confusion as they stared at Alan and Alan stared back. This went on for a few moments before Rainbow Dash swooped over to Alan letting out a barbaric yell before her hoof collided with his crotch.