Angry Bird

by Thadius0

June 8th - 25 pills left

Welp, it's official. We're either leaving as soon as possible, or not going anywhere.

The predators from the zoo finally broke out. I wonder what was keeping them.

...Scratch that. They were probably just waiting for their food to run out. And in this case, their food was everything else.

The only ones I'm actually seeing are the lions. I'm guessing they already killed and ate everything else from the zoo. That, or the other animals starved to death in there. One of the two.

...Dammit all, lions are mostly nocturnal. They hunt at night, and I sleep at night.

All right, two seconds. I've got a plan.

Back now. Okay, so the others might have been wondering what I was doing, but it was simple. The only real hole in our defenses was the glass doorways out front. So I parked my 18-wheeler right in front of the front door, to give the impression that there's nothing of interest here to the lions. Hopefully it'll work.

And the day started off so normally as well. We'd finally completed the garden, and I'd been just about ready to go out and scavenge some supplies when I saw a lioness walking down the road. I immediately pulled a one-eighty and told everybody else that we weren't going anywhere. I pulled the front gates shut again and looked around for other weaknesses.

Namely, the adjacent parking garage. It's a free road into and out of the museum grounds for the lions. If I'm gonna do something about that, then I'm gonna need something to keep them from getting at us. Heck, the entire grounds are pretty much open to them...

Hmm. I could make a wall of cars to keep them at bay...nah. That wouldn't hold them out for very long. Plus they'd just climb over it.

Hmm. Oh, I know.

The best defense is a good offense.

Come tomorrow, I'm going to go on a bit of a hunt. If I thin their numbers enough, they'll leave us alone and move on. We'd be more trouble than we're worth.

Now I just hope I can do that and leave home base undefended for as long as it takes me...I'd really rather not lose anyone to the lions.

"This transmission hopefully goes out to everybody in the Denver area." "Assuming there is anyone in the Denver area to receive it." "If you are out there braving the night and wondering how you'll survive the animals loose, you don't have to be alone." "We have our own defender. He's willing to help out anybody that needs it." "Presumably. Did you clear this with him?" "He helped out us, why wouldn't he help out anyone else?" "Alright, fair point." "If you need a place to stay, come to the Denver Museum of Science. It's safer here."