//------------------------------// // Saviors // Story: Family of a Lifetime // by TyrannosaurusVenom //------------------------------// It was a dark and cool night in Ponyville. Ponies were finishing up their work for the day, and fillies were returning home to be welcomed by their parents. Doors and shops were closing up for the night and everything was growing quiet in the streets. Ponies everywhere were having fun indoors and spending quality time with their kids. All except for one little orange Pegasus filly who wandered the streets alone not bothering to see where she was going. Poor Scootaloo, her life was anything but happy and her day had been terrible from the start. Her parents didn't treat her the way most parents should: they ridiculed her and brought her down over every little thing she did. When she got up just ten minutes later than she was supposed to that morning, her father, a dark brown Pegasus colt with dark blue eyes, a messy black mane and tail, and a glacier for a cutie mark named Sheer Cold, had gotten so mad he ended up berating her for an hour and ended it by calling her useless. Her mother, a light green Pegasus mare with pink eyes, a red mane and tail, along with a bag full of bits for a cutie mark named Spoiled Rotten, was no different. She was more concerned with herself than caring for her own daughter, the only acknowledgement she gave Scootaloo was tossing an apple and drink at her for her lunch. Scootaloo felt utterly crushed that her mom barely noticed her and didn't even hear the lecture from her dad. Scootaloo's family felt more like prison guards than a real mother and father. School had been no better, even with the support of her friends. Thanks to her cruel parents, Scootaloo ended up having to gun it on her scooter with all the wing power she could muster. By the time she arrived school had just started, but she was already worn out from having to hurry. Not even 20 minutes into class and she had already passed out on her desk. Miss Cheerilee, her teacher had to shout to get her attention, which startled Scootaloo awake. "Scootaloo, were you paying attention?" asked Cheerilee. Scootaloo nervously rubbed the back of her mane before saying "Sorry Miss Cheerilee, I was just tired." "Oh Scootaloo, if you want to keep your grades good in this class, you have to stay awake and pay attention." Scootaloo simply nodded in understanding before Cheerilee resumed the lesson. She could hear snickering behind her, coming from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were taking in every moment of Scootaloo's little lecture. Oh how she longed to get back at them, but knew that getting payback would only get her into more trouble. Thankfully when lunch came around Scootaloo had Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to comfort her. But the lecture from her parents had made her so depressed that her friends were worried. "Hey Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle asked after seeing how her friend had reacted during class, "Is something wrong, you don't seem like yourself." "Yeah, Ah've never seen ya this down in the dumps before," said Apple Bloom, "You're usually so hyper, not down in the dumps and tired during class." "Sorry girls, I had some trouble this morning and ended up almost being late," Scootaloo had to choose her words carefully so she didn't give away too much about her troubles at home. "What kind of troubles?" "Anything ya would like to tell us about?" "Not really, it's just family stuff no big deal." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle still felt worried for their friend, but decided not to press any further for fear of making Scootaloo feel any worse. They tried to lift Scootaloo's spirits by discussing their next attempt at earning their cutie marks, and while the topic did cheer her up, it got cut short when they had to resume their lessons. The rest of the day went by as usual, with Scootaloo still hoping and wishing for a real family. Once school was over, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wanted to get started on their next cutie mark attempts. Scootaloo had to stay behind for awhile because Cheerilee had to talk with her about being on time and staying more awake during classes. It was the same old lecture and the poor Pegasus filly had heard it so many times before. When she finally got to leave, Scootaloo was so grateful that her friends had chosen to wait for her. While they were eager to begin crusading, Scootaloo told them that she didn't feel like going on any crusades, and this surprised both fillies. "WHAT, YOU DON'T WANT TO CRUSADE??" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were in complete shock that Scootaloo didn't want to join them on a crusade. Now they knew for sure that something was wrong with their friend, she never turned down a crusade ever. "I'm really sorry about this guys, but this hasn't been the best day for me. I'm just not up for crusading today, I'll see you guys tomorrow." The two fillies wanted to question her on the spot for passing up crusading, but seeing the depression and sadness on Scootaloo's face told them not to press into the issue further. If they were to continue it might hit a wrong nerve and Scootaloo would be in an even worse state that she already was. They looked at each other with worry before Sweetie Belle spoke up and said "Alright, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you." Right before the two began making their way to the clubhouse, Apple Bloom walked up to Scootaloo and said "Ya know, if anything's botherin' ya or there's any troubles in yer life, ya can always tell us. We're all still friends and we'll be there for ya." "Thanks girls," Scootaloo said before the three of them shared one group hug. Scootaloo always liked these moments since they made up for the love that her family never provided. She waved goodbye and then slowly began making her way back home, while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom went to pursue their crusading for the day. As she slowly began making her way back to the dreadful place that was her home, Scootaloo started scanning the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of a certain rainbow Pegasus. If there was anypony that could brighten the awful day she was having it would be her sister Rainbow Dash. Her hopes almost instantly began to fade because there were so many clouds set up in the sky that it would be impossible to find Dash's signature rainbow trail. She had almost given up hope and was about to make her way back to those cruel ponies when she heard the undeniable voice of her idol from the sky. "Hey Scootaloo," Rainbow Dash announced as she descended from the clouds until she was standing in front of Scootaloo. Seeing her idol and big sister swept away all the depression Scootaloo had been dealing with throughout the day. Scootaloo was so ecstatic that she flung herself at Rainbow dash and wrapped her hooves around her idol's neck. "Hey easy there Scoots," Rainbow said while returning the hug. "I know you look forward to seeing me, but not this badly." Then she looked down and saw that Scootaloo was crying into her fur. "What's wrong squirt, did something happen to you at school today?" Rainbow was starting to wonder what happened to make her little sister so upset. Scootaloo managed to regain enough composure in between the sobs to say "I've been having...a lot of trouble at home," Scootaloo looked up to see that Rainbow Dash was listening to every word before continuing "they barely even notice me, they keep on lecturing me over anything I do that is wrong in their eyes, and they don't even treat me like a real family should." "I'm sorry that's been happening to you Scootaloo, if I could take you in I would jump at the chance." At these words a glimmer of hope began to build in Scootaloo, she looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes and said in a nervous voice " But what's keeping you from adopting me?" "It's your parents, that's what's preventing me from adopting you squirt," Rainbow said with her voice having lost some of its confidence. "If I were to even try to adopt you, they would put up a colossal custody battle with everything they have. One that I would ultimately lose in the end, and they might even find some way to keep us from seeing each other again." Scootaloo felt her heart nearly break in half at the thought of never seeing Rainbow Dash again. Her emotions came pouring out against her will and all she could do was huddle closer to Rainbow Dash for any form of relief. Rainbow draped her wing over Scootaloo and began running her hoof through her sister's mane to try and ease the sadness. "You know I'll always be here when you have any problems, little sister," Rainbow whispered softly into Scootaloo's ear. Scootaloo stared at her, eyes still glistening and managed to get enough of her voice back to say "Thank you." The two sisters shared a long, comforting embrace until the sun began to set and both of them realized it was getting late. Before she left for home, Rainbow promised to meet Scootaloo after school tomorrow once she was done with her weather duties and treat her to an exciting afternoon. Scootaloo happily agreed at the promise of having an afternoon with her idol and said her goodbyes before she began making the journey back home. Scootaloo's home was near the outer rim of Ponyville, so it took her quite some time to get to and from her little house of torment. On the way back she started reflecting on everything that had happened, but one event came to the surface of her mind that seemed to bury all the time and heartfelt moments she had spent with Rainbow Dash: the morning with her awful parents. Their actions and awful words were echoing inside her head like a demon that stuck around for the sheer pleasure of watching its host suffer. The terrible things her father had said lingered on and continued to repeat themselves over again, discouraging the poor filly and bringing the depression full circle. The more she tried to shut them out, the worse the voices and thoughts became until Scootaloo found herself lost and away from Ponyville. Her parent's actions from the morning had made her oblivious to where she was headed, had put her on a path far from where she lived and by the time she had regained her awareness, Scootaloo began to realize how dire her situation was. Night had settled in, there were no homes or ponies in sight and to top it off, she was lost deep in the Everfree Forest. Oh no, oh no, how did I manage to get myself this lost? thought Scootaloo as she instantly became panic stricken at being alone in the Everfree Forest with nopony around. The worst part is that if any creature within the forest happened to find her, she would be at their mercy with no way to defend herself. Scootaloo was stuck in an open clearing surrounded by tall trees and thick plants on all sides, and with every direction looking exactly alike, she had no idea on how she could find her way back to Ponyville. Her heart suddenly froze over with fear as she picked up a horrible, putrid and decaying scent that smelled like a body that had rotted ten times over and seemed to be coming from everywhere. There was only one creature in the whole forest that give off that particular scent. Out of the dense parts of the forest, three sets of green, glowing eyes stared back at Scootaloo from the trees. She became paralyzed with fear as she watched three Timberwolves slowly walk out from the forest and begin to make their way towards her. Their mouths drooling with sap as they began to encircle and surround their helpless prey. With three Timberwolves surrounding her and cutting off any chance of escape, Scootaloo could only watch as the wolves moved closer until they were close enough to bite her. "Please... somepony..... help me." was the last thing Scootaloo said as she closed her eyes, tears pouring out and waited for the inevitable to happen. But it never came, for it seemed fate had other plans in store. Before the Timberwolves could attack, they were all startled by what sounded like a rumbling earthquake. Scootaloo tried to listen in on the noise while the predators were confused. The rumbling vibrations sure made it feel like an earthquake, but as Scootaloo listened more closely, she managed to hear two distinct sets of loud footsteps. These were the tell-tale signs that two massive animals were approaching, and from the sheer vibrations they were emitting from their steps alone, these animals were more fearsome and larger than the Timberwolves. What came out from the forest was enough to immobilize Scootaloo with absolute terror that froze her heart to its core. Two bipedal carnivores standing eighteen feet tall and forty five feet long were approaching and glaring down on the Timberwolves, their appearances both captivated and frightened Scootaloo. They had long slender bodies packed with muscle, long tails, arms that had sharp claws at the end, massive claws on their feet, and mouths teeming with strong teeth, but the differences between them were instantly apparent. One of the carnivores had arms that were surprisingly short compared to the rest of his body which rendered his two claws on each almost useless, while the other had thick bulky arms with four claws, one claw acting as a thumb for grabbing, and a deadly giant sickle on each middle finger. Their teeth were especially different; the short armed carnivore had thick pulverizing teeth that stuck out under his upper lip while the rest were hidden, but the other carnivore's teeth were completely exposed like a cragadile and stuck out at unusual angles. To top it off, that particular carnivore had bony spikes all along his back and horns near his eyes making him seem more deadly than his partner. They were the kings of their world; Indominus and Tyrannosaurus Rex! The two dinosaurs were drawn to the area by the decaying scent of the Timberwolves, and instantly saw the three wolves as challengers for their new territory. As they began to survey the area, their eyes fell upon the terrified orange Pegasus filly cowering in terror behind the wolves. Upon seeing the terror on Scootaloo's face, some dormant protective instinct awoke within both dinosaurs and they felt the overwhelming desire to defend her against these attackers. Both predators took on defensive positions and bellowed their challenge to the Timberwolves to show they meant business. Scootaloo could only watch as T-Rex and Indominus advanced towards the Timberwolves, snapping their jaws and making mock lunges. Upon seeing the huge mouths of teeth heading for them, the Timberwolves scattered to avoid the attack; just one hit from these behemoths would destroy the smaller wolves. Scootaloo was snapped out of her terror and forced to move back as the two dinosaurs put themselves between her and the wolves, barely avoiding being crushed by their massive claws. Now that she could see them side by side in the light, Scootaloo saw the determination engraved on their faces as if protecting her was all that mattered to them. Why are these two so determined to protect me? If they are predators, then why are they going through all this trouble just to keep me safe? Scootaloo couldn't understand why the two dinosaurs were defending her when they could've easily eaten her, but it brought her an odd sense of relief to see that these two hadn't tried to kill her on the spot. Suddenly the Timberwolves charged in from three different angles of attack, trying to outmaneuver the larger dinosaurs so they could get to Scootaloo. But they had severely underestimated their opponents; Tyrannosaurus merely raised his right foot and crushed one of the Timberwolves underneath it. Indominus swung his right arm with such speed that the second Timberwolf didn't see the attack coming, the moment those claws made contact with the wolf's body it turned to splinters. Now that left only one wolf for them to deal with and he had no chance. The lone Timberwolf was in way over his head, and without the support from the rest of the pack his chances were more slim than ever. With every attempt to get at Scootaloo he found himself blocked at every turn by teeth and claws. The wolf decided to prepare himself for a last ditch effort, slowly backing up to put some distance between himself and the dinosaurs. The entire time he still kept his glowing green eyes locked on Scootaloo, dead set on taking her down. The Timberwolf let out one last howl and charged forward at top speed heading straight for in-between Indominus and T-Rex, hoping that his speed would allow him to bypass them before they could attack, grab Scootaloo in his mouth and run off. But T-Rex had his own plan in mind for this unfortunate wolf. Tyrannosaurus turned himself sideways and began to shift his center of gravity to launch a counterattack. Indominus and Scootaloo watched in awe as T-Rex swung his head back to build up force and momentum. The Timberwolf's own momentum kept him from stopping as Tyrannosaurus swung his head straight towards the wolf like a massive pendulum. The force built up in the swing disintegrated the wolf's body as the dinosaur's huge head plowed through and scattered the remaining pieces. Satisfied that the threat had been eliminated, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus roared into the forest to signal their victory. Scootaloo almost felt safe once the wolves were gone, but the terror took over again as the two dinosaurs turned their attention towards her. Her panic came full circle as the beasts loomed over her, slowly bent down and began bringing their heads close to her. Their low growls sent such a terrible chill down her spine that Scootaloo couldn't make a sound. All she could do against these massive animals was close her eyes and just wait to be swallowed up by one of them. But instead of feeling agonizing pain, she felt something against both sides of her face. She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked by what was happening; the two dinosaurs were gently nuzzling her face and trying to comfort her with soft soothing growls. Scootaloo was so taken aback she didn't know what to think. She was supposed to feel scared of the animals in front of her, but being comforted by them after they had defended her against timberwolves felt so heart warming that her panic melted away and was replaced with contentment. She simply snuggled in between the dinosaur's heads and sighed in relaxation from the comfort they were giving her. "Thank you both for saving my life," Scootaloo whispered to her saviors. "I would've died if you guys hadn't come along." Both predators broke away from the nuzzling and nodded their heads in acknowledgement, which surprised Scootaloo. "The both of you can understand me?" Scootaloo asked in bewilderment at what she had just witnessed. Again the two dinosaurs nodded their heads and it left Scootaloo astonished that they could understand her in the first place. But her curiosity would have to wait until later, because it was already late enough and she had school tomorrow. But with no way to know how to get back to Ponyville, she was stuck in the forest for the night. Upon realizing the predicament, T-Rex and Indominus motioned for Scoots to follow them so they could provide shelter and warmth for her. T-Rex knelt down and motioned with his head for Scootaloo to climb up his tail and along his back onto his head. Since they had saved her life Scootaloo felt it couldn't hurt to stay with them in case any more creatures came after her. So she climbed up Tyrannosaurus's tail and began to walk along his back towards the top of the head. The back of a dinosaur looked more like walking the great open fields of Equestria as Scootaloo got closer to the head. Once she reached his head and T-Rex stood up to his full height, Scoots could see everything from her perch. "Wow, this is amazing," exclaimed Scootaloo as she turned towards Indominus and asked "Is this how you guys always see the world?" Indominus happily nodded in agreement and began to make his way into the forest with T-Rex by his side and Scootaloo perched atop Rexy's head. The trio made their way into the forest to look for a sanctuary to rest for the night.