//------------------------------// // Part 2 // Story: Blueberry Pie // by ImNoPony //------------------------------// Some time later, it was lunch time and most of the students were eating at the cafeteria. After she got her vegetarian meal, Sunset Shimmer just looked at all of the students and could see how much things has changed. The rocker teens was with the fashionistas and the drama club. The eco-kids was chatting with the techies and even the jocks was with the other nerds. When she ruled the school, Sunset couldn't even imagine the groups would hang together. This was clear evidence of the magic of friendship. And speaking of friends, Sunset could see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at their usual table. "So that's the plan" says Rainbow Dash who was finishing explaining things to Fluttershy. "We'll all meet up after school and Sunset will show us where she lives." "That sounds great Rainbow" replied Fluttershy. "But do you think Sunset would have enough room for all of us." "Don't worry Fluttershy" Sunset answered as she took her seat. "I have enough space for everyone." "Well that's good" Fluttershy replied. It took them a second to realize that Sunset had arrived, but the both was happy to see her and was about to dig into their meals However, before even Sunset could take her first bite, Rarity and Applejack appeared as they rushed over to them with great urgency. They were startled to see them arrived like this while AJ and Rarity were catching their breaths. "Guys!" yelled AJ once she finally caught her's. "You'd Never Believe What We Found Out!" she asked in a panic. "Does it have something to do with the sirens?" Sunset answered as she didn't know how to feel. Sunset had a blank expression, but the news did shocked Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash And apparently she was right as Rarity and Applejack looked baffled at each other. They found out something really important and something that need to be concerned about, but they did not like that their friends had already figured out without they even need their help? With her pride dented: Rarity asked her: "How'd you know?" Sunset didn't know how to explain it to them. She could try, but she found it to surprising to be put into words. All Sunset could do was point towards something behind AJ and Rarity and let her friends find out for themselves. When everyone looked around, they all see a startling seen of Pinkie Pie happily bringing and equalling excited Sonata towards them. "Hey Guys! I Made A New Friend!" yelled an eager Pinkie. All of Pinkie friends strongly believes that she isn't an idiot. She might say and do things without thinking and might not be able to read the room, but they find this extremely dim-witted; Bringing one of their enemies to them. They figured that she was thinking that she had befriended one of them and thinks that she can redeem her, but they believes that they should be cautious about it. Once Pinkie Pie and Sonata finally arrived at the table, a crossed Rainbow Dash asked: "PINKIE! What Do You Think Your Doing!?" Without picking up that her friends were upset with her, Pinkie explains: "I met her in the library and her name is Sonata." "Hello" greeted Sonata to everyone. "At first, we didn't like to see each other. But then we found out that we have a lot of things in common." "I find out that she makes my favourite cupcakes." "And I found out that we like all the same movies." "Don't forget music" Sonata reminded. "And we are really funny." As the two girls were shearing joke and was having a little chuckle, everyone else was weirded out by the conversation. To them, it was like they were seeing two Pinkie Pies. However, Rainbow Dash quickly asked the important question: "Hang On! How are you still here? Did you sirens got kicked out or something?" Pinkie and Sonata stopped laughing so Sonata can explain: "Apparently, you can't get expelled from school if you use magic to take over the school." Everyone just left speechless by that revelation because it surprisingly made sense. They all remembered how Sunset didn't got expelled and couldn't remember if they ever got told why. It all made sense to them now. Pinkie then told everyone: "Anyway. Sonata had a bit of a falling out with her siren friends and I though she can hang with us." The girls looked at each other and see who was gunna talk to Pinkie. They all didn't like the idea and was very doubtful, but they could see that Pinkie was clearly excited and Sonata appeared to be a nice girl. But however and somewhat expectedly, Sunset Shimmer was the one who was gunna talk with her. Sunset got up from her seat, got over to pinkie and talked softly enough so Sonata might not hear them. "Pinkie, don't you think you might be rushing it a little bit." "What do you mean?" Pinkie replied. Sunset elaborated: "We know how excited you are about making new friends, but remember, she's a siren. You know: she's one of the people tried to spread hate around the school and almost tore us apart." "Yeah... but she said that she'd changed since then" Pinkie tried to rebuke. "But Pinkie... just because she said that she changed doesn't mean that she has." But then, Sunset realized how hypocritical she just sounded. Out of anybody in the school, the person who knows how hard redemption is should be her. When she looked at her other friends, she could see how shocked and appalled they are at her. It was so shocking, even every other student in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and just gave angry looks at Sunset. Instantly regretful in her choice of words, Sunset turned back to Pinkie and asked: "Well... Is she at least sorry about what she done?" "Sorry? What's that?" Sonata overheard and asked out load. Shocked that Sonata didn't know what sorry means, Applejack had to explain to her: "Ya know... sorry. As in yer regretful about what ya done and ya want to make up for it." Still confused, Sonata then asked: "What did I do?" Shot up from her chair in frustration, Rainbow Dash explains: "How about when you and your other freaky sirens tried to take over the school and try to steal all of our magic." "Hey, Don't Look At Me! It Wasn't My Idea! It Was All Adagio's Idea!" she replied, trying to push her blame away from her. The girls slump over their seats as they gave up in frustration. However, Fluttershy proposed: "Wait... If everything was Adagio's idea, then does it mean that you didn't wanted to be evil? You just went along because you were pressured or forced to do it by your friends?" When Fluttershy said that, they all turned back to Sonata and was curious if that what happened. Unfortunately, her answer quickly dashed their new found hopes. "Not really. I went along because I wanted my full powers back." Everyone then gave their disappointed looks at Pinkie and even a bit embarrassed about it. "Ok... she might still need a bit of work" Pinkie begrudgingly admitted. But still determined, she swung her arm around Sonata and proclaims: "But don't worry, I can still help her." "Pinkie" muttered Sunset who was growing more worried and concerned. "Do you know how hard it is to reformed someone?" For a second, Pinkie thought about what Sunset told her, However, she came out to different conclusion then what Sunset expected. "Hang On! You Don't Think I Can Do IT! You think I'm too dumb to do anything" Pinkie angrily told them. "What!" Sunset said off-guard. "What made you think of that?" "No No, it's ok. I'll just show you how smart I really am and show Sonata what it really means to be a friend." "Pinkie!" Rainbow yelled. However, Pinkie just ignore her and she and Sonata began walking away. "Come on, Sonata. Lets find somewhere else where we can have our lunch." "Ok" she replied. Although she was happy to go with pinkie, but she was still disappointed that they won't be with pinkie's other friends. When they left them, Sunset just stood there while her and everyone else remained in silence. They haven't seen Pinkie this upset since (old) Sunset gave all of them false texts and emails. All of them was left with the question: "What did we do to Pinkie Pie?" But both Sunset and Rainbow might have an idea on what it would be about. ~~~ Much later, school was over and the students do whatever they like before they return home. Some remained for their after school clubs. Most of the other students however was hanging around the town, either shopping, meeting friends around the town's monuments or eating at cafés or restaurants. Usually, Pinkie and her usual friends would meet up a Sugar Cub Corner and do their thing there. But since she still didn't want to see them, Pinkie wanted to go somewhere else with Sonata. Instead, they went to a place Sonata knows. In between Canterlot High. and Ponyvile suburbs, they lies Cloudsdale Mall. It's a triple floor shopping centre and like the Equestria's counterpart, it has a Greek theme. It's a usual place for teenagers that is filled with stores for any interests. Rarities Boutique is not too far off from it. And one other establishment that is nearby is the place where Pinkie Pie and Sonata went to; "Pop Star Bar." It's a karaoke bar where a few teens might hang. The food is more then decent and they didn't cut any expenses for their stage equipment and special effects. It isn't thee place where teens usually hang, but has more then enough costumers to make a profit. It's also the place where Vinyl Scratch works. Inside, the place was filled with costumers and no short supply for karaoke volunteers. It wasn't completely full, but there was no empty table. And out in the corner with still a clear view of the stage, Pinkie Pie and Sonata had just got their order of a big bowl of onion rings. Within the first few second of digging in, Pinkie could notice that Sonata was savouring the rings longer in her mouth and clearly enjoying the food more then her. "You really like onion rings. Don't ya" commented Pinkie. "Not exactly" she replied. "I like all food from your world. Italian, Asian, Mexican, European, you name it." Sonata then explains: "Before we got banished, I mainly just eat the hatred from ponies. When we got here and have to fit in, we started eating stuff with out mouths. Aria and Adagio didn't think much of it, but I just LOVE tasting food now. It's what I like most in this world." "Cool" Pinkie replied. "Hey, if you like food so much, have you ever thought about cooking?" "Oh I have" Sonata answer, but then reminded something depressing. "But whenever I tried cooking, no body ever wants to try my food." Feeling sorry, Pinkie sympathetically told her: "Don't worry. I'll try your cooking." "Do you really mean it?" "Of Course! That's what friends do." Overflowing with joy and leaking tears, Sonata told her: "Thank you Pinkie. You are way nicer then both of our friends." Once, she said that, she accidently reminded Pinkie of her friends and fell into a slump. When Sonata realized the she was looking sad, she asks: "What's wrong?" "Oh... it's nothing." Pinkie lied. "It just that... Even though they think I'm not that smart, I still call them my friends." Sonata looked perplexed and asked: "Why?" Pinkie pushed back her sad emotions and then explains to Sonata: "Sure... we may fight sometimes, but we always get over it. Thee bestest of friends always stick together after the meanest of arguments. We went through nearly a year of fighting before we made up. And Now We're Better Then Ever!" "Wow! That's really interesting" Sonata commented. But then, before either of them could take another onion ring, the manager appeared on stage. The guy was slight tall, slight overweight man with grey skin like Derpy and with a brighter grey suit. He takes his job and his establishment very seriously, so he try everything he can to attract more costumers. "Welcome Ladies And Gentlemen And Thanks For Coming!" the manager loudly greeted his audience. "Tonight, We Are Having Duet Singers For Our Usual Karaoke Night! So If There Is Two Good Friends Who Want To Come On Stage To Sing Their Hearts Out, Raise Your Hands And Yell How Much You Want To Sing!" The room then became filled with loud noises and commotion to the people who want to sing. Not everyone wanted to sing though as there were plenty of people who just want to sit and watch. That discourages the manager a little bit, but could clearly see the people who does want sing scatter about. However, the person that he really takes notice was Pinkie who was the loudest and the most hypoactive. "ME! ME! I MEAN US! PICK US! WE WANT TO SING! PICK US!" screamed Pinkie at the top of her lung. "Well I Guess I Know Who Is Our First Singers Of The Night, Ladies And Gentle!" proclaims the manager who made his decision. "You Two Girls In The Back There! COME ON DOWN!" The crowd began cheering and clapping Pinkie and Sonata to get down to the stage. However, just as Pinkie was about to rush on stage, Sonata grabbed her and stop her from going. "What's the matter Sonata?" asked a concerned Pinkie. "Pinkie..." replied Sonata who was both embarrass and hesitant. And then she stated: "... I can't sing." "WHAT!" yelled Pinkie In surprise. "But You Sang At The Battle Of The Bands!... And You Were Great!" "Yeah... but when our gems got destroyed, we lost our ability to sing good. I'm Terrible Now!" Just as Sonata was about to feel sad for herself, Pinkie had already came up with a good counterargument: "Don't worry about it. It's karaoke. It's ok to sing terribly." "You mean it" "Yeah!... Now Come On!" It took for a second for her to think about it, but Sonata became brave enough to do it. She happily got up and then both of them got on stage. Pinkie spotted Vinyl and yelled to her: "Scratch The Record, Vinyl!" On cue, Vinyl picked a random record track and began playing the music. The song that was playing was: "The Perfect Night For Fun!" But obviously, it's instrumental so the girls can sing the lyrics. Pinkie started to sing first because Sonata was a little bit hesitant. She was great, as usual, and the audience was really digging her performance. However, when Sonata started singing, she was as bad as she let on. Some words didn't came out clear, pitch going up and down and the crowd was definitely finding it as a sour taste. She was about to be discourage enough to stop. However, seeing how excited Pinkie was and how happy she was singing with changed her mind. When Sonata decided to stay, her singing grew a bit more tolerable and was starting to enjoy her self. Long enough to make it to the end. ~~~ If this was an actual episode, there will be a montage her while the girls would be singing. And in that montage, it would show all the things Pinkie and Sonata would do in the week. In the gym class, everyone was running laps around the track field. Pinkie Pie accidentally tripped and fall, but Sonata was with her to pick her up. Rainbow Dash witness this and was intrigued on how things were going. During the home cooking class, Pinkie and Sonata partnered together and was cooking chocolate muffins together. However, after they finish cooking in the oven, they inexplicably exploded and covered the girls. However, they wasn't bothered. Instead, they decided to eat the chocolate off each other. Applejack and Rarity was also there and managed to protect themselves from the explosion. When they saw them eating the chocolate off one another, they couldn't help to be glad for them. And then they notice that Granny Smith wasn't so fortunate about to explosion. At some point in the week, Sonata and Pinkie come across a photo booth. They grinned at each other before they rushed inside. However, once they were inside, they discovered it was out of order. Just as they were about to be depressed about it, Pinkie came up with a clever idea on using their phones. They still posed in the booth and they took their pictures by themselves. They eventually left the booth and giggle about the experience. When the montage would be over, it went back to Pinkie and Sonata as they were finishing their song. When they were finished, the crowd applauded them as they find the whole performance not that bad. As the audience were applauding them, Sonata got so over joyed and that she hugged Pinkie. And off in the distance, Sunset was secretly watching them and she was happy for them. ~~~ Days later, it was early morning and school was about to start again. As the students were making their way inside, Pinkie Pie and Sonata was taking their time as both of them was eating their hands full of snacks and candy. When either of them finish a packet, they would left the rapper on the ground. However, when they were about to walk off, a loud and stern voice yelled at them. "PICK THOSE UP!" yelled the booming voice at them. Pinkie and Sonata was startled and look around to see who shouted at them. When they found out who it was, they was happy to see it was Vice Principal Luna. V.P Luna told the two: "School policy does not include littering. So pick them up and dispose of them properly." The two looked around before Sonata stated: "But... their isn't any trash cans around here." However, Luna replied to them: "Then keep hold of them until you find one." Once they begrudgingly picked up all their rubbish, Luna felt good enough to leave them alone. Once she was gone, Pinkie and Sonata began their venting. "Wow... She is so uptight" commented Sonata. "Tell me about it" Pinkie agreed. Sonata looked at all of their rubbish that they were holding and asked: "Do we really have to carry all this trash around until we find a trash can?" When she see how annoyed Sonata was, Pinkie decided to do something that was a bit naughty. She looked all around them and check to see if there wasn't any witnesses. Once she could see that there weren't any, Pinkie got up close to Sonata and whispered: "Will you keep a secret?" "Stick a cupcake in my eye" Sonata promised... as she literally sticked a cupcake in her eye... and then eat it. Pinkie then took Sonata in front of the house's statue... where the portal was. Pinkie then knocked on the glass to see if it's open. And to her fortunate surprise, it was. She then took the trash off of Sonata and chuck all of it through the portal. Amazed, Sonata commented: "Wow! That. Was. AMAZING! What is that?" "Yeah... it's a special "trash can" that I sometimes use" Pinkie sarcastically remarked. "Can I use it sometimes?" "Well... I don't know?" "Please!" she loudly begs. She was hesitant about it, but Pinkie eventually told her: "Ok, sure you can. We're true friends after all." "Thanks Pinkie!" Sonata replied. She was so happy, she wrapped an arm around Pinkie and hugged her tightly. Pinkie was really appreciated it as she returned the hug. Once they were done, they began to run inside and make it to their lessons before the bell. ~~~ Later, before school could be over, Sonata was at her locker to get her stuff. When she decided to admire herself with the mirror inside her locker, she notice that there were people behind her. When she quickly turned around, she was surprised to see who it was. "Hello Sonata" greeted Adagio with Aria right beside her. "We missed you."