My Big Batty Not-Wedding

by Wise Cracker

Reaching Out

Apple Bloom was lost in thought once she left Sweetie Belle at Rarity’s place. While watching the race between Rumble and Scootaloo -- or Truck, whatever Scoot liked to call herself -- had been fun, without any crusades for cutie marks there was nothing for her to do.

She found Applejack in the middle of selling a cart full of apples to Diamond Tiara’s father.

“Pleasure doin’ business with ya, Mister Rich.” Applejack shook the stallion’s hoof with a content smile on her face.

“Likewise.” Filthy Rich strapped himself in and took off with a steady trot. “See you around Applejack, Apple Bloom.”

“See you around, Mister Rich.” Apple Bloom did find it odd that a pony as rich as he was would still pull a cart of apples, but then again, Filthy Rich was an Earth pony like her and her family, so presumably he was strong enough for it. Maybe he liked doing some of the work on his own.

Applejack caught her sister pondering as she made her way to City Hall. “Somethin’ on your mind, sis?”

Apple Bloom pouted. “I don’t know. I got this weird feelin’ something funny’s goin’ on, but I can’t quite tell what.”

“Oh?” Applejack quirked an eyebrow and started walking homewards, little sister following right beside her. “Funny, how?”

Apple Bloom winced. “You know how we were gonna watch Rumble race?”

“With the new kid Scootaloo knows from way back when?”


“The new kid who’s a youknowwhat and you’re not supposed to talk about in public?” Applejack whispered.

“Yup, that’s the one.” Apple Bloom smiled half-heartedly.

“What about it?”

“Uh, well, turns out Rumble had a bit of a surprise for us.” Apple Bloom wasn’t a fan of sugar-coating things, but this occasion certainly called for it.

“I’m sure he did; a quiet pony like that must have somethin’ interesting going on. Big Mac was just like that too, when he was your age.”

“Yeah, but did Big Macintosh ever have a girlfriend when he was my age?”

Applejack froze. “Come again?”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “I know, right? Rumble’s got a girlfriend.”

Applejack ran that detail through her head again, but it came out sounding just as ridiculous as it did the first time. “Nah, he couldn’t. He’s too young. You heard wrong, you must have. What girl do you even mean? I thought you said he kept to himself all the time.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “He does, but the way I understand it, they’ve been pen pals for a while now, and she’s coming over to live in Ponyville.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Oh. Well, he was probably just joking then, Apple Bloom. There aren’t any new ponies moving to Ponyville anytime soon, or else I’d know about it. Pinkie Pie always knows, and she always tells me about it.”

Apple Bloom spotted the mayor coming out of the market square. “Are you sure? Maybe we should ask.”

“Apple Bloom, what are you-hey!” Applejack called out after the filly after she’d bolted.

“Missus Mayor, do you know if there’s any bat ponies moving to Ponyville? I heard Rumble say there’d be a new girl in town soon.”

Leading Lady, known around those parts as Mayor Mare, had just finished shopping, by the looks of it. Still, even off duty she always had time for Ponyville’s populace. “Oh, you mean Stella and Lord Nox? Yes, they’re already getting settled in as we speak.”

Applejack’s eyebrow quirked again once she’d caught up with the filly and the news. “Really? Huh, that’s weird. I’d have thought Pinkie Pie would roll out the welcome wagon by now, then.”

“No, she never does that for the rousettes of Ponyville. In fact, I’m not so sure if she even knows any live here. Might be for the best, though, right? I mean, with Lord Nox being so close to the princesses and all, think of the scandal that might ensue.” The mare chuckled nervously.

Applejack’s jaw dropped when she realised what her little sister had been saying, and what the mayor had just admitted to. “Beggin’ your pardon, Missus Mayor, but just on the off chance that I heard you wrong: did you just say we have bat ponies in Ponyville?”

The mayor’s smile faded. “Why, yes. We’ve had quite a few families of them since shortly after Ponyville was founded, I thought you knew. And they’re not bat ponies, Applejack, they’re called rousettes. Don’t ever remind them of that animal, they don’t like it.”

“Bat ponies don’t like bein’ called bats?” Applejack scratched her head.

“No, they don’t like being called ponies,” Apple Bloom remarked.

“Indeed,” the mayor added. “Honestly, Applejack, I don’t know what to say. I mean, sure, rousettes don’t mingle with ponies much, but I just assumed they at least knew the farmers and traders in town. Certainly with your family being so close to Ponyville’s history, I should think you of all ponies have some connections with them.”

Applejack shook her head, confused. “Well, I don’t. I’d never even seen one of them bat folk before last Nightmare Night. If they’re livin’ in Ponyville, where are they? Doesn’t the Weather Patrol keep an eye on them? I mean, their little ones can fly, right? Who looks out for them?”

“You’d have to ask Thunderlane about that, he keeps track of the goings-on in the rousette community here. As far as I know, the Weather Patrol has never had any issues with rousettes, and the Night Guards stationed here have never had to intervene in pony affairs, at least not openly. Of course, nowadays the Weather Patrol is doing some of the Night Guard’s duties, and vice versa. It usually works.” Leading chuckled nervously as the exceptions to that particular rule never failed to give her nightmares, even in broad daylight.

This day was just full of surprises for Applejack. “There’s Night Guards in Ponyville, too?”

The brown mare nodded. “Mhmm, they’re the police force around here, sort of.”

“Then why ain’t we ever seen’em policing the place?”

“Oh, I see them all the time in my function, of course, but I don’t pry in their business with other ponies. I suppose you’d have to ask them that if you see them.”

“I think I will.” Applejack made up her mind right then and there. “If there’s whole families in Ponyville avoidin’ ponies, the least we can do is make sure they feel welcome in their own town. I’d hate to think they lay low ‘coz they think we don’t like’em.”

The mayor smiled. “I’m sure if anyone can bring our communities closer together, it’s you, Applejack. I’m afraid my hooves are tied, given the rules regarding politics respecting traditions and all.”

“I’ve still got enough salads from Princess Celestia’s last visit, I can round up somethin’ fancy in a hurry, maybe we should host a little get-together.” Applejack turned and trotted off. “Thanks for the help, Missus Mayor.”

“Any time, Applejack.” The mare continued on her way.

“Umm, Missus Mayor?” Apple Bloom piped up. “Could I ask just one more teensy, tiny thing?”

“What’s that, Apple Bloom?”

“You never actually said where the rousettes live. I don’t really mind the rest of them hidin’, if they want to, but I’d still like to go say hello to Stella before she races tomorrow. Ya know, be sociable like.”

Leading Lady gulped. “Right. Stella and Lord Nox live on the east corner of Ponyville, on the road to Canterlot.”

Apple Bloom saw the hesitation in the mare’s eyes. For whatever reason, Missus Mayor really didn’t want to reveal the whereabouts of the rousettes. Luckily, Apple Bloom had a secret weapon for just such an occasion: the big Puppy-Eyed Pout. “Can’t you tell us the street?”

The ocular onslaught was enough to melt even a politician’s heart. “Oh, alright. The rousettes all live on Tuber Lane, and Lord Nox’ property is on number 23. But I should warn you, Applejack, they do not like being intruded upon. If Nectarine tells you to leave, you should do so.”

“And who is Nectarine?” Applejack asked.

The mayor sighed. “The Captain of the Night Guard here. She doesn’t have a lot of titles, but she commands a great deal of respect, and she’s very powerful, in more ways than one.”

“And I take it she doesn’t hang out with ponies much, either?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. Nectarine is different. She, ah, she’s the liaison between the Night Guard and the Weather Patrol, she and Thunderlane are together quite often. Thunderlane’s family is quite close to them as a result, Rumble especially,” she lied. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to cover for the boy, after all.  

“That just makes it even more confusing. Why ain’t I seen Thunderlane and her together, then?” Applejack asked.

“They are a secretive breed, Applejack. They have their own ways, and they’re very strict about them. Any pony involved with rousettes lives by bat traditions, not pony traditions. We have our ways, they have theirs. Rousettes keep to their own, Thunderlane included. He might ask you to leave too, actually, if he’s around.”

Applejack took a moment to let that sink in. “Come on, Apple Bloom. I’m gonna see if I can find any rousette to talk to about this, you get to the farm before any more surprises pop up. I’ll send Stella my regards if I see her.”

The filly pouted. “Aww, but I wanted to go welcome her.”

“No buts. If they really avoid ponies that badly, I ain’t takin’ you there if I don’t know it’s okay. So you head on home, and tell Big Mac to heat up the stove, just in case I can get anypony to come over.”

Applejack couldn’t make sense of it all. Tuber Lane was supposed to be abandoned, that’s what Granny Smith had always said. A little while after Ponyville had been founded, the street had succumbed to some sort of noxious weed related to potatoes, which had earned it its official name: ‘Nightshade Alley’. The plants had covered all the houses like kudzu, and eventually ponies had moved away from the area. A few trees here and there kept the whole street in a perpetual shade, but it made the houses look even more neglected.

Applejack sniffed the air as she saw the road disappear into the shadows. Granny Smith had always told her never to go here, that the plant life was highly poisonous, that it would make her eyes water and her lungs burn. It wasn’t doing any of that now. In fact, the first house looked pristine, like a proper pony home. Applejack walked up to the front door on a hunch and knocked. Maybe only the houses with overgrowth were rousette homes.

She saw something dart away in the window. Something small.

A familiar grey pegasus colt opened. “Uh, hi, Applejack. What are you doing here?”

“Hey there, Rumble. I’m just here to see if what I heard was true.”

Rumble flinched. “Um, w-what did you hear?”

“That you’ve got yourself a girlfriend with bat wings. Did Apple Bloom hear that right?”

The boy nodded with a sheepish grin. “Yeah, kinda. It’s complicated.”

“And I guess you hang out with rousettes because…” She nodded towards the other, more overgrown houses in the shade.

“They live closer to me, yeah, and Thunderlane’s friends with a lot of them, too. It’s just because I live close to them, really.” He blushed.

Applejack turned towards the shaded residences. “So all the houses with those vines on’em are rousette homes?”

“Yup, they’ve all got bats in them. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no real reason. It’s just that I’ve never seen any bat po-” Applejack stopped when she noticed Rumble cringing. ”Err, I’ve never seen any rousettes around town, and I thought maybe I’d go and see why they don’t mingle much.”

The grey colt looked away, embarrassed. “Um, that’s because they got cursed by ponies once, and it was pretty bad. You don’t wanna go down Tuber Lane, trust me.”

“Really? But I thought this Lord Nox character was close to the princesses?”

“Um, yeah, he is sort of related to Princess Luna, but-”

“Good, that means we’ve already got somethin’ in common. Number 23, right? Stella’s place, I mean?”

Rumble gulped, but he didn’t press the issue. He wasn’t capable of stopping an adult anyway, certainly not an Earth pony. “Okay, then. Stella’s new place is down the road, just follow it right here and then you take a left.”

“All right. Wish me luck, big guy.” Applejack winked at him before continuing.

Entering the shadows of the trees, Applejack didn’t see what the big deal was, really. The houses looked fine, aside from being covered in vines. The air wasn’t at all what she’d expected. The leaves of the trees gave everything a vague smell of fruit and, aside from the slight chill of the shade, the air felt fresh and wholesome, just like it did in any Ponyville street on a good day.

Every window she passed was dark, though, making her wonder if anypony, or any bat, was home. She didn’t know if rousettes were nocturnal, or if they had busy jobs, or if they simply liked their houses dark.

Reaching number 23, Applejack realised she didn’t know the first thing about rousettes, which was of course part of the reason she was there in the first place. She walked up the porch and, finding no doorbell, knocked on the door.

A big, burly Titan of a rousette opened and greeted her with open wings and a smile that was all kindness and fangs, though one decidedly more than the other. “Miss Applejack! To what do I owe the honour of this invasion of my principality?”

She suppressed her first instinct to bolt, which wasn’t an easy feat considering the good Lord had a set of teeth that would make a Timberwolf jealous. “I-invasion? Look, sir, I ain’t tryin’ to invade nothin’, I’m just looking to make your acquaintance.”

The titanic pony with bat wings -- or bat with a pony body, Applejack wasn’t sure which -- gave a hearty chortle. “I kid, my dear, I kid. But seriously, how might I be of service?”

Even after the initial terror wore off, Applejack found herself taken aback by the bombastic and yet strangely familiar presence. “Uh, you are Lord Nox, I presume?”

He gave her a curt bow, furling his wings ever so slightly and jutting forward that big, broad chest. “Lord Nox, of the House Malpertuus, the very same. And I am not mistaken in thinking you are Applejack of the Ponyville Apple family, am I?”

“No, that’s me. How do you know my name?”

The big lug smiled warmly. “From dear Princess Luna, of course. Our Shadow Sovereign speaks very highly of you, you know.”

“Really? What did she s-”

“What is going on here?”

“Gah!” Applejack jumped up in surprise.

Lord Nox chuckled. “Miss Applejack, this is Nectarine, the resident Captain of the Night Guard. What seems to be the officer, problem?”

The moment Nectarine took to realise that Nox had deliberately messed up that sentence gave Applejack the time to take in this mare’s appearance. Nectarine was an orange rousette, though her coat colour looked like a jacket that had been washed once too often, so it was more of an orange-ish grey. Her mane was a darker shade, more reddish, and cut short both on the head and neck, as was the style for ponies in guard positions. Still, this particular guard couldn’t be too hung up with appearances, because her mane wasn’t brushed flat, but rather brushed up a notch. Her cutie mark looked like an ornate blade with some sort of liquid dripping from the tip, presumably poison.

It was only when Nectarine replied to Nox that Applejack realised that this mare’s hairdo was in a similar style to Thunderlane’s and Rumble’s: cut shorter than a pony do, then combed up and away from the eyes. Lord Nox had the same thing, but his style looked more like a Royal Guard’s, or Prince Blueblood’s style. Was there a barber in Ponyville who had bat wings, perhaps? Rarity probably wouldn’t mind visiting that one, if only for a different look from everypony else.

“I heard reports of an interloper entering Tuber Lane.” Nectarine shot the Earth pony a glare that made her heart skip a beat.

Applejack was about to reply in an outraged fashion, but the rousette stallion beat her to the punch. “An interloper? Why, Nectarine, Miss Applejack here was just trying to make my acquaintance. I should think the neighbours don’t suspect an Element of Harmony of any horseplay or shenanigans, let alone a felony? Especially when the weather is so charming?”

Nectarine didn’t buy it for a second. “Perhaps. But what is your business here, Miss Applejack, and why would you not conduct it in Ponyville’s main street?”

“Me? I just heard there was a new bat po-” Applejack wasn’t sure what exactly, but something seemed to shoot out of Nectarine’s eyes and hit in her dead-on in the chest. She didn’t flinch too hard, though. After all, this Nectarine gal looked about as old as Applejack was, and Applejack did have royal ties going for her. “Err, I mean, I heard from my little sister that we’d be gettin’ a new noble in town, so I thought I’d say hi. And I was wondering if maybe the Lord and his little Lady would care for a little welcoming party at Sweet Apple Acres. Every rousette’s welcome, actually, although I’m not sure how many that’d be.”

“It wouldn’t be any,” Nectarine replied bluntly. “Our kind does not mingle all that much with ponies, Miss Applejack. It doesn’t matter what date you set, by the time it actually happens, everyone would have found an excuse not to show up.”

“How does seven tonight sound?” Lord Nox asked. He took a step outside, far enough for Applejack to catch a glimpse of his cutie mark. It was a bright red, almost orange flower with yellow stems, it was purple in the middle, and it had five petals. She remembered seeing it somewhere before, but it wasn’t a local plant, not from Ponyville. Probably some foreign symbol of nobility.

“I beg your pardon, Milord?” Nectarine’s eyes went wide.

“Well, with everything that’s going on, I’ll be frightfully busy the next few days, but I’d very much like to meet the famous Apple family. Tonight would be perfect, if Miss Applejack can set it up on such short notice, of course.”

“Oh, that won’t be a problem. Me and my family do this kind of thing all the time. I just hope you like apples. And come to think of it, I’m not sure what’s the proper food for you, bein’ a noble and a, you know…”

Lord Nox gave another hearty chuckle. “D’ohohoh, my dear, I just spent the last six months negotiating peace between buffalos and dragons in a place where the juiciest fruit for miles comes from a ruddy cactus. I’m dying to sink my teeth into some of those famous Sweet Apple Acres apples. Aside from that, pony food will suffice, just serve it with olive oil and we’ll be fine.”

Applejack tried her best not to let her ears flatten against her head, but down they went anyway. Why these guys avoided ponies, whilst simultaneously being so intimidating, was a puzzle she couldn’t put together. Still, socialising would help. “Alright, then. I guess I’ll see you and… Stella, was it?”

“Stella, yes, but I think she’ll have to take a rain check. Moving around like this has worn the poor girl out, I fear, and she’s in dire need of a long batnap. Acclimating to new timezones, you know how it goes.” He cocked his head towards the back, where Applejack could see a flight of stairs towards what she presumed were the bedrooms. “But you have my word of honour I shall be present. Don’t worry about inviting any of the others; they wouldn’t show up anyway.”

“Very well, then that’s settled.” Nectarine announced. “Now, Miss Applejack, if you would be so kind, I’ll escort you off the premises.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Fine. I know my way back, officer.”

“Oh, I must insist. Tuber Lane is a tricky place for newcomers to navigate.” The rousette followed after the mare.

Applejack grumbled to herself. Sure enough, these rousettes proved hard to reach. She hadn’t spotted a single one in the windows, or even flying about. And yet, they couldn’t be asleep, since Lord Nox was wide awake and so was Nectarine.

It confused her, to think that there were bat-winged ponies in Ponyville, and always had been, without her or her family knowing.

“You do realise that Lord Nox cannot come alone, do you not?” Nectarine said, her voice raised loud and clear.

“How’s that?”

“He’s an ambassador, after all, a noble, and a relative to Princess Luna, the Shadow Sovereign of the Moon. He cannot go to an unfamiliar place without any bodyguards present.”

Applejack withheld a groan, barely. “Oh, right. So he’ll be flanked by even bigger guys the whole night, huh?”

Nectarine made a great show of shaking her head. “No, no, no, Miss Applejack, you misunderstand. As Captain of the Night Guard, I shall be obliged to join Lord Nox tonight, as a precautionary measure, of course.”

Something clicked in Applejack’s head. “So it’ll be you and Lord Nox?”

“Naturally. And of course, if any of our neighbours happen to be available, and wanting to follow me or our illustrious Lord, I simply shan’t be able to deny them their right, either.”

Applejack looked around. While she couldn’t spot any distinct figures, she did see shadows moving about in the windows as they passed the houses. “Of course not. But that’d mean they have to actually know when it’s happening and where.”

“Oh, indeed, and even then you wouldn’t get many to turn up. But since it is my job to keep the peace in Ponyville, I am duty-bound to extend your invitation, regardless. Say, to one or two rousettes who are have a history of poor integration. You know, as a means of, ah, encouraging social cohesion.”

They exited the shadows of the trees. Nectarine squinted when the light hit her eyes. Applejack turned and extended her hoof. “Well, sorry for any disturbance I may have caused, officer. I didn’t mean to scare your kin.”

Nectarine shook that hoof and lowered her voice. She actually had quite a soft voice when she wasn’t trying to be intimidating. “No harm done, Miss Applejack. And please, it’s Rin. ‘Officer’ is what my bosses call me.”

“Your bosses? Not any criminals you apprehend?”

“They usually aren’t capable of speaking by the time we get them.”

“Ah, gotcha. And you can call me AJ, then, Rin. ‘Miss’ is what you call a horseshoe that didn’t hit the nail.”

Rin chuckled. “Right then, AJ, I’ll see you tonight at seven. Actually, I might be around at seven twenty, with guard duty and all. It’s just a stealthy run around town, won’t take too long. And don’t worry about the rousettes being so elusive. We have our ways, you have yours, we try not to get in anyone’s way. You know how it goes.”

Applejack nodded, though half-heartedly. “I suppose I do.”

“Besides that,” Rin leaned in to whisper. “We have a very, very sharp hearing, and we’re good at hiding. Turning invisible and sneaking up on others is second nature to us. If I do not act like a strong enough protector to my kind, they will catch wind of it, and I lose my authority. The same goes for any rousette. Don’t worry if any of them ever raise their voice in public. It’s nothing personal, I assure you.”

“No problem. I guess Thunderlane took a lot of getting used to, too, huh?”

Nectarine flinched, and Applejack thought that for a moment, she may have shattered what chance she had of getting to know these batty ponies.

“Who told you about Thunderlane?”

“The mayor did. You and him work together, she said, and that made his whole family close to the rousettes here. Doesn’t that get tricky if you have different ways of doing things?”

Rin was an expert at hiding her emotions. She had to be, in her position. And like a true professional, she barely let out a sigh of relief when she realised Applejack did in fact not know anything about Thunderlane’s complicated family. “Oh, yes, but Thunderlane’s practically one of ours now, and so is little Rumble. We don’t really exclude ponies, we just keep to ourselves, is all. A little gathering won’t hurt, though.”

“Well, then, I’ll see you tonight, officer,” Applejack said loudly enough for any nearby rousettes to hear.

“Yes, see you tonight, Miss Applejack. And rest assured that I shall not tolerate any chicanery against my kin,” Nectarine called out with the same amount of flair.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she trotted off. Chicanery? Wow, they really are close to Princess Luna.

She passed by Rumble’s house, and something got stuck in her head.

Thunderlane is practically one of theirs? And so is Rumble? She didn’t mean that them bein’ ponies wouldn’t be good enough, did she?

Nah, couldn’t be. That’d be an awful thing to think.