//------------------------------// // Ch.8 The Mid-Boss. // Story: The Play That Might Become a Salmon! // by trahzo //------------------------------// Everyone had reunited at the stage. "Thank goodness you guys are alright." Applejack greeted. "Heeeey! Why aren't you concerned for me?" Complained Don Patch. "Because I don't like you!" "Ditto sister!" Beauty replied. "*Gasp!*" Then Don Patch began hitting Beauty before Bo-bobo decked him! "Come-on guys! It isn't over yet! Get serious!" "Finally you're..." Twilight was then stopped as she saw Bo-bobo & Jelly Jiggler in a fountain. "Come-on, we can't get caught stealing from the fountain or we'll go to jail!" "STOP JOKING AROUND!!!" Shouted Torpedo Girl before kicking Bo-bobo and Jelly Jiggler away. "Now Softon, let's enjoy the romantic scenery of this fountain." She said in a sweet voice while forcing Softon to stand with her. "H-hey! Let me go!" "I'm so sorry you guys were forced to endure such non-sense from these 3." Gasser apologized. "Says the big baby!" Trixie remarked. "Sh-shut up! I can't control myself if the collar comes off you know?!" As they argue with each other, a samurai stands before them. "Boy, are you guys funny." The person joked. "Who are you?" Bobo-bo said as he pointed. "Me? You may call me Nigo (25)! "We're getting sued by both Bleach & Kamen Rider, aren't we?" Asked Jelly Jiggler. "Nope, Sue is singing Karaoke with her parents after the wedding." "*Phew!*" "Now then, Superfist of the Undead: Haunted Barrier!" He then swung his sword and 3 jumped while everyone else was blocked off! "Hmm...so you 3 are the ones who'll be the life lines of your friends huh?" "Life lines?" Twilight questioned. "Yes, if one of you 3 were to die, all of you will die!" He explained. "Us 3?" Twilight then looked around to see who here fighting partners were. "Hmm...that's an interesting tasting life force Jelly Jiggler." Bo-bobo complimented. "Thanks, I worked hard on it!" "GYAAAAAAAH!!!" Twilight then separated the 2! "What are you 2 doing? If one of us dies, we all die!" "Yeah, and I'm only the Mid-boss to the Final boss!" remarked Nigo. "If one of us die huh?" "Well, guess we shouldn't be digging Don Patch's grave then." Said Jelly Jiggler. "Oh Come-on, Hatenko planned out such an awesome wake!" "Sorry about them Princess Twilight." Beauty apologized. "Alright, let's begin shall we? Super Fist of the Undead: Zombie Punch!" Then his hand became rotten and torn! "Once I hit you! You'll become a zombie!" That's when he hit Bo-bobo! "Aaaaaaah!" "Nooo Bo-bobo!" That's when... "Oh-no! I'm a Crombie without the the Amber & Fitch!" Bo-bobo screamed, looking fashionable. "W-what?! How did you..." Then Nigo was shot by Twilight's magic! "Gyah! Ha! I'm half dead! that stuff only half hurts! My Grunt in pain was only half the truth!" That's when Jelly Jiggler attempted to Karate Chop Nigo! "Ha!" "...Is that the best you got?" "No, my best is when..." Then the entire world went dark! "What the? What's going on? What did your friend do?" "He's gonna show us his best!" "His best what?" That's when stage lights turned on revealing Jelly Jiggler on stage as a magician. And now ladies and gentleman! The Great Jigglini! "Alright, for my 1st trick, I'm gonna need a volunteer." That's when he grabbed Nigo! "What me?" "Yes sir, let's go!" "Alright, but if I become full dead, it's your fault!" "Not to worry sir, you can leave everything to me, now get into this box." "What is Jelly Jiggler doing?" "Don't worry, he's just executing a secret counter attack!" Bo-bobo shouted. "WHY DID YOU YELL THAT INTO MY EAR INSTEAD OF WHISPERING?! HE KNOW NOW!!!" "A counter attack?! Superfist of the Undead: Ghost Escape!" Then he phased out of the box just before The Great Jigglini got a chance to crush it with a 100 ton hammer! "Hey! You moved! Now I gotta redo this!" "Boooooo!" Then Jelly Jiggler was hit by a tomato! "Ah! Where's the respect for the Jellyman?" Then he exited stage left! "Oh-no you don't! You aint getting away after fooling me, Great Jelly Phony Bologna!" "Ah! Ghost! Get away!" That's when Jelly Jiggler got out his cell phone! "Hello? This is the Church." "Yes! Hello? Please get me an exorcist!" "We're on our way!" "Really? An exorcist? What's next calling Super Luigi and the Ghostbusters?" That's when a force was pulling Nigo in. "What the?" He turned around. "Seriously? You called Ghost Busters & Luigi?" "Not just them!" Said a teenage voice. "Really?" That's when Danny Phantom punched Nigo square in the jaw! "He also called me! Getsuga Tenshou!" "Gyah! Ichigo fucking Kurosaki as well? Really? How many references is the author going for this one?" "This many! Go Giratina!" "AAAAAAAH!!!" Then Nigo got crushed by Giratina! "Alright everyone, let's go!" "See? I told you it was a secret counter attack!" "That was the weirdest counter attack I've ever witnessed, I think I lost 10 I.Q. points!" Twilight replied. "Ha, you might be losing lots more with us here!" Said Tom Servo. "NO!" Then Twilight teleported Crow, Tom Servo & Jonah back to their universe! "IS THERE ANYMORE STUPID REFERENCES?!!!" "Would you please not ignore me like that?" Complained Nigo. "Superfist of the Undead: Instadeath Skulls!" Then he fired blue flaming skulls at all 3! "Don't you dare try and use a force field, because these skulls will phase through!" "What are we gonna do?" Panicked Jelly Jiggler. "Don't worry, we'll just make a salt circle, that'll keep them away from us!" Said Bo-bobo holding a jar labelled sugar! "Sugar?!" Gasped Twilight. "Yeah! Super Fist of the Nosehair!" Then a bright blinding light flashed! And when it died down... "Salty and Sweet! The White Shards of Love!" Said Bo-bobo in a frilly dress and feminine make-up. Jelly Jiggler chuckled as he leapt through the air in a dress and wig, throwing sugar all over! "What are you guy..." "NOOOOOO!!! That dress is better than any of miiiiiiine!" Rarity cried as she saw Twilight's dress, fainting afterwards with Spike catching her and Rainbow Dash then fanning her "Come-on, join in on the salty spread! It might bring bad luck, but I don't believe in stitions, even if they're superstitions!" Bo-bobo offered! "Uh..." "DO IT!!!" He yelled in his normal voice. "Just do it, they'll defeat the bad guy soon." Beauty told her. "*Groan!* Fine!" "Splendid!" Then all 3 frolicked while spreading sugar all around the field. "What the? Why did my skulls stop moving?" "Aw-man, salt!" Said a skull. "Yeah, this sucks!" Said another. "You numbskulls! That isn't salt, it's sugar!" "You sure?" Asked the skulls. "Yeah, watch, I'll put it in this tea and have you taste it......dang it I forgot you guys can't taste the sugar!" "Not just sugar, we can't taste anythiiiiiing!" Then all the skulls began crying. "Hey! Stop crying! You're putting each other out!" "Come-on guys, let's go to the afterlife and get our bodies back to taste everything!" "YEAH!!!" Then they all flew away. "It worked? (How much more sense will this not make?)" "Grr...okay! You asked for it!" "No! We didn't!" Panicked Bo-bobo and Jelly Jiggler. "Super Fist of the Undead: Surviving Selfdestruction!" "*Gasp!* Guys, get inside my magical dome!" "..." "Huh?" She wondered where they were until... Bo-bobo and Jelly Jiggler were vandalizing Twilight's force field with a permanent marker. "What the..." "Man, doing things to not protect myself is hungry work." Said Bo-bobo. "Come here Jelly!" "Huh?" Then Bo-bobo began eating Jelly Jiggler. "What are you doing?!" Shouted Twilight. "Don't worry, it's fusion!" "FUSION?!!!" The Mane 7 gasped. "BO-BOBO FUSION!!! AAAAAAH!!!" Then Bo-bobo shot out another explosion that stopped the increasing blast radius of Nigo's explosion! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Roared Bo-bobo as the ground shook and wind stormed! Then a great flash happened! After the light dies down though... "Hi, My name is Mr.Bojiggler, I hate using violence..."And then he pulled out a whip. "...BUT I'LL USE IT IF IT MEANS BRINGING PEACE TO THESE PONIES!!!" Then he sawked Nigo square in the jaw...wait, not square in the jaw, cube in the jaw! "And that's why his debut episode was titled: The Pacifist that Packs a Punch Like a Pugilist!" Pinkie said out loud. "Wait, how do you know that?" Asked Dengakuman. "I love your show, why aren't you guys adapting Shinzetsu Bo-bobo though?" "Uh...Hey look! Nigo is still standing!" Then Nigo got back-up. "What the? Aren't you just a contradictory warrior!" Then Mr.Bojiggler pulled out a laser rifle. "You wanna say high to Mr. Bang Bang?" "What?!" That's when Mr.Bojiggler began shooting! "Trust me, this hurts me a lot more than it hurts you! Really, it does, see how much emotional pain I'm in causing so much physical pain to you?!" "Yeah, somebody call a therapist!" Twilight remarked. "Now, time for my quiz of peace." "Quiz of peace?" Nigo questioned. "Yes, are you questioning my quiz?" Mr.Bojiggler said with a threatening face. "No...no sir! I love the characters that Johnny Young Bosch eng dubs, like yours Mr.Bojiggler! Especially yours!" "Good, I will give you 5 questions, if you answer them correctly, I will give you this neat smiley face button." He smiled. "But if you fail...I'll take you down!" He said while wielding a flamethrower! "Now, for question number 1: When you see a cock fight, what is the 1st thing you do?" "Easy, you call the cops!" "Wrong! You jump in there and break them up yourself!" Mr.Bojiggler then grabbed him with his nose hairs! "Take this! SUPER FIST OF THE NOSE HAIR: BOOGER IZUNA DROP!!!" His voice echoed as he slammed Nigo to the ground! "Now, question number 2, If I were to tell a totalitarian state the total number of totem poles for a tartar sauce fight, how much tart pork tartar do I need?" "THIS QUESTION MAKES NO SENSE!!!" "WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!" Then he pulled out a cannon! "Fire the Spikegaku bomb!" "Spikegaku Bo..." Twilight's words were halted as a purple and white ball fired from the cannon! "Aaaaaaaaah!" Spike & Dengakuman shouted before hitting Nigo and causing an explosion! "Spikey Wikey!" "And now sympathy for me?! You jerks!" Said Dengakuman before getting stepped on. "Now, question number 3: What is the name of this movie?" He then showed him a movie. "That's a foreign movie, how do you expect me to know the title?!" "ARE YOU EVEN TRYING?!!! IT'S KAMEN RIDER TAISEN GP, you dumbass! Now take this! I summon Sleeping Beauty's ugly inbred cousin!" Then a rhinoceros appeared! "Get him!" "Hey handsome, I heard you were evil! I'm gonna kill you!" Then Nigo was impaled! "Ow...is my torment over?" "YOU ANSWERED INCORRECTLY FOR QUESTION 4 YOU IDIOT!!!" "What?!" "I ask the questions here! Now take this!" Then Mr.Bojiggler grabbed Twilight Sparkle. "Wait, what are you doing?!" "Horsey Spear Attack!" "Gack! That's the same attack from the last..." "Horsey Drill!!!" "I'm getting dizzy! "It hurts so baaaaaad!" "Alright, time for the final question for peace!" "(I GOTTA GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME!!!)" "Okay, so here's the final question, what's the best way to stop 2 kids from fighting over something?" "Easy! 1st you get in between them, tell them off, then have them make friends with each other." "And that is why you fail!" "What?!" "Now it's time for you to be defeated because my time in this form is almost over!" "Aaaaaaaaah, no wait! S-see? I turned off the barrier!" "Too late! Super Fist of the Jiggly Nosehair, Plasma Punch of Peaceful Peace!" Then Mr.Bojiggler finished Nigo off! "Aaaaaaaaaaaah...oof!" And unconscious he went as Bo-bobo and Jelly Jiggler went back to normal! "Yes! Now alls there's left is the final boss battle and we save the principal!" "What?" Asked Twilight. "Don't, the nonsense is almost over." said Beauty That's when a great darkness covered the skies! "What's going on?" Asked Beauty. "So...you all defeated my minions huh? Well, do you think you're strong enough to defeat me? The leader of Enima? No! No-one is stronger than me!" Then a warlock in black clothing and pale skin appeared! "This it guys! After this, we can get theater ready again!" Said Twilight. "Yeah, let's finish this!" said Bo-bobo in a pig costume.