Elements Change the Dark Hearts

by Nightmare_0mega

Rainbow in the Dark

It didn't take them long to reach the library where Twilight lived. Before the angel stepped through the front door to follow the young mare in, it felt a demonic presence within. Not long after, it heard a familiar voice.

"Eh, you finished running those errands, caballo? I really can't stick around for long 'cause I gotta get back to the bakery con rapidez."

"Mostly. I need you for a few more minutes."

Adna then stepped inside, causing the Deva to rise from his seat in a growl.

"Oh great, the pigeon is back. I'll go get a broom."

"Elvis, I invited him here. He's necessary for my investigation. Same with you." With that, Elvis sat back down, crossing his arms in irritation. Adna was no better, keeping its eye on the demon and sitting on a chair as far away as possible.

"Oh, alright, but make it quick, chica. I really gotta get back to the bakery to check on Rosa. She refuses to step away from the mailbox, and I need to make sure she doesn't starve herself out there."

"That's fair enough. Alright," Twilight said, sitting at the table between the two, papers ready, quill inked, and held aloft. "I'll start by asking you questions, Adna. The first is, what exactly are you?"

"It's a pigeon. That's all you need to know, HAH!" Elvis laughed, taking a drag from his cigar he just lit.

"I beg thy pardon?" Adna seethed.

"Elvis, you know I have a no smoking rule in the library. Kids come in here, you know."

"Oh, alright," Elvis grumbled, putting out the cigar with a mutter of discontent before setting it off to the side, whispering he'd finish it later.

"Anyway, the question still stands."

"I am a messenger of God," the angel said simply.

"I'm sorry, but that really doesn't answer anything. You mentioned it when we first met, but I don't know who or what this 'God' is, and I still don't know what you are either. A messenger is more of a job and title rather than, well, a species specific classification."

Adna huffed at the pony's ignorance to its Lord, but never the less reasoned she had a decent point. Composing itself, it presented the proper answer. "My specific class is that of an Affinity. There are nine circles in our hierarchy, grouped into three spheres, where I and my Choir belong to the Third Sphere at the lowest circle, Angel. Said circle is also the common term used for our entire legion by mortals and Father Almighty."

"Fascinating," she said honestly, scribbling down notes, "I didn't know your kind had such order to your society. Elvis, do demons have such detailed classifications?"

"Like the pigeons? HAH!" the Deva said in confident arrogance. Then, he grew quiet for a moment, coughed, and continued speaking, "Well, we kind of did, but with how many different hombres exist with different strengths, we stopped going by the book and settled on a simple ranking list. I'm an upper Rank-A demon. One official rank is above that, and one unofficial one is above even that one."

"Scum,” Adna muttered.

"I think that's very interesting. You and your people must be very diverse if you couldn't have a complex system set to keep everything organized."

"Eh, it's less that and more that we believed in less control and more freedom."

"Thou fiends believe in more chaos, rather."

Twilight ignored the comment from the peanut gallery and opted to ask a new question. "Is your kind capable of doing magic, Adna?"

Adna abruptly rose from it's seat. "Magic is an abhorrent affront to the natural order!"

While Elvis brushed it off with a wave of his hands, Twilight on the other hand took offense. "You can't be serious! Magic in Equestria is literally the breath of nature itself. An expression of emotion and thought. Every pony can do it, and every creature has an acute awareness to it. Even some animals and plants have magical properties dating back LONG before Equestria's foundations, let alone recorded history!"

Adna sat back down. Normally, it would have argued the contrary, but doing so had cost him sources of information previously. Instead, it opted to remain quiet for the time being. The angel would have to research it later as a result, but if what was said was true, then magic here was not an affront, but a true rule. If that was the case, then perhaps the hands of devils were not at work. At the same time, it reasoned, devils could have crafted this world, but that would make little sense for a fiend to create a world of relative peace. What by God's name is going on?

Twilight took the time to sigh and recompose herself, before asking a related question. "Are you against the idea of magic because you can't do it yourself?"

Adna was about to reply, but Elvis was able to beat the angel to the punch. "Technically, amiga, the pigeon can do magic, but-"

Stomping its foot, Adna shouted, "Our hands are not sullied by such-"

"Eh, HOMBRE! Let me finish!" Elvis roared, lighting his fist on fire with but a thought, aiming it at the angel. Adna went quiet once again. "The bird over there can do magic like the rest of its amigos de la mariquita, but they like to call them 'miracles'."

"Oooh, that's an interesting term," Twilight said with twinkles of curiosity in her eyes, "Is it any different to Equestiran magic? I mean, I can tell Elvis' magic has some key differences to it, such as its obvious chaos oriented properties, but it isn't too far away from any fire conjuring magic any unicorn can do."

"Eh, how can you tell?" Elvis asked.

"Well, as a unicorn that has studied the principles of magic for most of her life under Princess Celestia's wing, I've long since had an acute sense to notice the weaves and sequences required for most forms. Most unicorns that study magic like I do can do the same if not all of them. Others outside those studies can normally only sense their own weaves and sequences."

"Ugh, forget I asked." Elvis mumbled, not fond of the science lectures.

"Adna, would you mind performing a 'miracle' for me? For science, of course."

The angel would have muttered an objection, but realized this was a perfect opportunity to prove that angelic miracles were nothing like magic from mortals or demons. With that confident thought in tow, Adna stood up and outstretched its arm, opening its hand upward to summon its trusted staff. In a flash of golden light, it materialized before the angel with the grip in its hand. Channeling its own power, it coated the staff's head in a swirling golden shell of light.

"Extraordinary," Twilight said, scribbling down more notes.

"Dost thou now see?" Adna declared, proudly standing before them, "It is of the lowest and simplest, but angels can-"

"A forty-two over seven weave at a double helix, bending light particles to create physical matter, then coating it by a three by nine over thirty four hard light weave, sequencing one by three less one by three less two by three less three by three less four, etcetera. While the staff is flawless, the hard light force field you have can be tightened by making it a two by nine over twenty-eight."

"... wh-what?" Adna fumbled, dropping back into its seat, almost dropping its staff.

"It is a rather simple form of conjuring and materializing, all through principles of light is admittedly a fair bit more advanced when working with that type of sequencing." Twilight reasoned, still scribbling down notes.

"Cat got your tongue, bird?" Elvis said with a smirk.

"How?" the angel asked with a shaky voice.

Twilight looked up from her notes and gazed at the dispirited angel. With a sigh, she placed her quill into its little ink pot and spoke. "It's science, Adna. Well, science AND math, but I digress. Everything can be explained from the physical to the meta. Especially the fundamental laws of magic and its properties. We don't have explanations for everything, though. I know for a fact we are too young of a race to know all there is to know. However, we'll keep studying the world around us so that one day we can understand even the strangest of anomalies. With that said, I understand how you feel. Something you knew as unique to your kind has been dissected and shown that its as common as everyone else. With it being especially more disheartening when you were so confident about it. But, just because it's similar doesn't mean it isn't extraordinary. Handling the properties of light to take physical forms rather than spread like unchecked fire takes immense concentration and focus."

"EY!" Elvis barked indignantly.

"Oops," she said, turning to the Deva, "Not that there's anything easy about conjuring and manipulating fire on its own, but even you can admit what Adna can do is difficult."

Elvis crossed his arms, snorting at the comment but otherwise didn't object.

"But to conclude, while I didn't show it when I was writing my notes, there was something more to your weaves. It wasn't magic, but I could almost feel an immense sense of peace. A calm, serenity, and, well, warmth, that I could only ever feel when Princess Celestia ever did her magic. To be able to actually feel such emotions behind it is extraordinary on its own. If this is your most basic, than I'd be ecstatic to see and feel what you could do that's more complicated."

Adna remained silent, barely budging an inch as Twilight spoke. Realizing that the conversation was long over for the angel, Twilight sighed and got up from her seat.

"I guess that concludes it for today. You can go home now Elvis."

Elvis rose from his seat. "Eh, chica, what was this all about again?"

"I was kinda hoping that bringing the both of you here and have you perform magic before me so I could study it would give me a clue on my research. I'm afraid that isn't the case."

"Good try though, amiga," Elvis said with a smile and a thumbs up. The devil made his way to the door, passing the angel, whom waited for Elvis to be gone entirely before it stood up as well, preparing to leave.

"Wait!" Twilight pleaded, "Before you go, I have a few more questions."

Adna didn't turn around to face her, but remained at the door never the less. "Ask."

"Are you still harboring a negative view on magic?"

Adna stayed quiet for a moment, before speaking again. "By God almighty, by this blasphemous tongue of mine... I do not know."

"Ok," Twilight said dejectedly, "I have one more question. Why do you seem to hate Elvis. Did he do something horrible to you?"

Adna finally turned to face the little unicorn and spoke clearly, "Thousands of years ago... almost countless to be sure, Heaven was pure and whole, and we children of God danced under His radiance in paradise. God was pleased, but not satisfied. We were his perfect children, but he sought to create a new race. In his great wisdom, he created the mortal world, and set in motion the creation of Humanity. Imperfect creatures of mud, born from the culling of races of animals until they gained the great blessings: Reason and Understanding. In His jubilation, some of his perfect children, our brothers, grew jealous and spiteful. Cracks in our perfection began to show, and a war broke out between us, the good children of God, and those that dissented. They would not listen to reason, and one of our kind sacrificed their own life to separate us, divide Heaven from our enraged kin, and end the war, casting the fallen to a newly formed realm to remained imprisoned until the Grand Forgiveness. For thousands of years, fallen angels became devils, and continued their bitter hatred for Humanity, toying with their lives." Adna paused for a moment, before he continued in a melancholy tone. "But we were so divided. Have they changed so much and we did not see? I saw anger in that devil, but not the spite and jealousy our fallen brothers had all those years ago."

"Maybe," Twilight started, "Things aren't as black and white as you think they are. Time changes us all. Even I grew into a very different unicorn compared to the shut-in I used to be. Maybe it's time to give things a chance. Do what is right, and not what you think you have to do based on something that happened so many years ago." Then she laughed for a little. "Geez, I'm starting to sound like Celestia."

Adna considered her words. They were as genuine as her patience for both the angel and the devil that was here not a moment ago. "Fare thee well, until the morrow."

"Yeah, goodnight." she replied with a smile.

With that, Adna left the library for Rainbow Dash's cloud home, intending to ponder the words and revelations he found today.


The morning after, Rainbow Dash had woken up extra early to do more vigorous exercises, compensating for the words that her idol etched into her mind. Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and seemingly the fastest pegasus in the land, wasn't selected to be a leader. Despite a previous protest and wanting nothing more than to remain begrudging in acceptance, she opted to follow the advice of her strange guest and behave sportively. On top of the outlook, she decided it would be best to try to push herself further as well, and no longer leave things to talent alone. However, as she tried to move onto her wing exercises, she felt a jolt run up and down her right wing. Remnants of an injury she gained yesterday curbed her enthusiasm. Never the less, upon reacquainting herself with the pain, she began to work through it slowly.

While she worked out, oblivious and lost in her thoughts, her strange house guest had gently flown in the training facility and touched down beside her. It took a gentle cough to kick her out of her stream of consciousness and collapse with a gasp of confusion. Rainbow Dash picked herself up and brushed herself off, before she turned to greet the angel.

"Oh hey, Adna. What are you doing here so early in the morning?" she asked.

"The feeling returned," the angel stated flatly.

"Oh," she mumbled dejectedly, "So, you aren't here to watch me continue to be awesome, I guess?"

"In between investigations, I shall," it said with a warm, friendly laugh.

Rainbow Dash paused. Did I just hear that right? "I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before."

"My apologies, Lady Dash. It has been a very trying time," it said with a light bow.

"Hey, hey, no need to be all la-de-dah formal with me, dude," Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

"I did not believe I was," Adna confessed, slightly confused.

She rubbed her forehead in mock irritation, "Of course you weren't. Well, whatever." Suddenly, she remembered something she wanted to say to the angel. "Oh, I took your advice. I didn't make lead pony. In fact, I was made wingpony to Lightning Dust's lead."

"Lightning Dust?"

"Yeah. She's a pegasus that can ALMOST keep up with my speed. She has some pretty sweet skills, for sure. Well, I never really figured I'd end up being wingpony to her. Kinda had it in my head we'd both end up being leads, since we're both so awesome and all, but I guess Spitfire set us up so we could be examples of a strong team." As she said this though, she seethed through her teeth as her right wing twitched.

Adna noticed the pain, and quickly moved to the wing, gently taking it up with its hands.

"Hey, OW! What are you doin'? Let-" before she could finish, however, Adna's hands glowed a brilliant golden light, and the injury deep seated in the fragile limb went away entirely. In fact, it felt better than it ever had before. With that, Adna released the wing, and Rainbow gave it a test flex before folding it back against her. "-Go... Wow... what did you do?"

"Where did thou get such an injury?" Adna asked.

The pegasus was thrown off by the sudden question, but managed to stay on track and answer. "Well," she started, albeit sheepishly, "We were running a flag hunt exercise and I, uh, clipped my wing when looking for one of them. It was the strangest thing."

The angel grunted. "I am disappointed. I never thought thou would stoop to a lie." Rainbow Dash was about to retort, but Adna raised its hand in request for silence. "Know how far is too far, Lady Dash. Obedience and loyalty are strong traits... but if thou continue to be injured, or if thy actions place others in jeopardy, make thy stand."

Rainbow Dash took a step back. Its like he read my mind, or something, she thought. The normally outspoken pony sighed, "It was an accident. Lightning Dust just, ya know, likes to push herself a lot. She's a little careless, but I don't think it'll happen again." She flexed her wing once more, before smiling in satisfaction. "Thank you for patching me up. The medics did what they could but warned it would take time to heal and would be kinda stiff and sore for the next little while. At least now I can get back in the game and do my best at my absolute best."

"Thou art verily welcome."

She rolled her eyes. "You're doing it again. Anyway, I should finish up my exercises and get my cadet flight suit on. Since you're here to investigate, maybe you could stick around and cheer me on?"

"It will be highly considered." With that, Adna opened its wings, and gently ascended the skies, leaving Rainbow Dash to resume her wing-ups with renewed vitality and drive.

From there, Adna took the relative calm of the morning to continue to search the grounds, trying to pinpoint the location of where the feeling it had was originating from. Like before, however, no new clues were found, which began to drive the angel mad. Despite the irritation, the angel did its best to keep calm. As it was about to continue, it noticed ponies leave their barracks and head for the mess hall constructed of clouds. Gazing up at the sky and towards the sun, it realized that it had been searching for the hour equivalent and had gotten nowhere. Defeated, Adna decided to find a seat and watch, hoping either the feeling would go away or get stronger, so the angel could put this to rest.

For a while, the angel simply perched and watched the grounds in peace and quiet, finding solace in such a strangely comforting atmosphere. The rays of sunlight that easily reached the grounds were warm and familiar, allowing the angel to relax more as the minutes passed by. Enjoying the simple splendor, it wished for nothing more than for this moment of silence to last a lifetime, as ridiculous as it may sound. Nothing was meant to last, however. It didn't take long for the silence to be disturbed as ponies soon began to leave the mess hall, normally small groups or pairs at a time. All of them stuck around the building long enough to form their classes before properly departing for their training locations, among other things. The angel managed to even spy Rainbow Dash leave with the one it assumed was called Lightning Dust. With the pegasus' behavior still fresh in its mind, Adna decided to pay close attention to them, no longer out of curiosity and well wishing.

Mere moments pass as the class gathered in a section of the training grounds at a secondary runway that sat below the main facility, with the one called Spitfire joining them not a moment after. The cadets were given a short explanation, as the drill sergeant pointed above them, singling out various obstacles and strange machines. Adna watched the machines closely, realizing they were artificially generating wind currents and clouds. Once again, it found itself being fascinated by this mortal species' ingenuity and intelligence. However, shaking its head, Adna refocused on the class, nearly missing Rainbow Dash's take off with Lightning Dust.

The course went well at first as they sped through half of it, dodging clouds and currents, while flying through hoops with pin-point precision. It seemed like it was some sort of race, right up until they came to a hard slowdown behind other cadets. Adna was confused at first before realizing perhaps winning wasn't the main concern as it was being aware of the pseudo-dangers. The angel was then amused as it watched the two talented pegasi pull tricks while they were forced to slow down. It had a sneaking feeling it was the Lady Dash's idea to do that while they waited. However, all mirth came to a halt when it felt that strange feeling coming from Lightening Dust again as the line of ponies passed through the large grey rain cloud. After a lull of silence, the two ponies ahead of the pack that slowed down the others were suddenly blind sighted by steaks of rainbow and jagged yellow, knocking them back into the rest of the following herd. Every single one of them became affected by the impact, and crashed into the clouds around them, only keeping them safe from a harsher landing. On the other hand, both Rainbow and Lightning sped through the last of the course, flawlessly dodging the moving wind barriers, and returned to the secondary runway they started at. Spitfire was there to seemingly congratulate them, before she took off to assist the crashed cadets left behind on the course.

Something was wrong. While it could sense that strange feeling grow within Lightning Dust, doubt and discontent began to form from Dash herself. The angel wanted to intervene, but it remembered Spitfire's request, and stayed its own form as the two star cadets left for the mess hall. Instead, it sat and waited.

It took a good half hour before the rest of the cadets were fished out of the clouds and escorted to the mess hall to help themselves to some lunch before returning to the primary runway. After the class was once again gathered, Spitfire explained their latest exercise, and left the class behind with her attendants. One sat at a chalk board, and the other near the class, readying his whistle. They took ready stances, before suddenly taking off in pairs in every direction at the sound of the whistle. It didn't take long to realize it was their task to bust the clouds in the sky, while everyone was being marked for each one taken. Everything was going relatively smoothly, until that strange feeling cropped up yet again, with Rainbow Dash exhuming more doubt and concern from her soul.

Adna, sick of being a useless bystander, stood up and was about to take action when the two pegasi suddenly sped up. As they got faster, they began to cycle themselves into tighter and tighter laps until the air around them began to follow and create a tornado, sustainable in the sky. Adna halted as the torrent of wind whipped about and cleared the sky almost immediately, before it ejected both pegasi and spun out of control. The first victim to be hit by the rampaging cyclone was the attendant at the chalkboard, whom thankfully managed to flee in terror unharmed. The chalkboard itself wasn't so lucky. As it got stronger, a few of the weaker cadets were also tossed aside from the rampaging winds, grounding them for the time being.

However, in the distance, Adna noticed something pink and bulbous poke out of the clouds and approach the training grounds, which was now in the path of the flying tornado. It was a hot air balloon, carrying Rainbow Dash's five friends with it in its basket, whom only realized the danger they were in when it was too late. It didn't take long for the force of wind to vacuum in the balloon and swing the girls around wildly. In mere seconds, the support ropes snapped and sent them all flying and falling to their demise.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she sped from the runway ground she previously landed on, chasing after her friends. Adna took action too, summoning its staff, and ascended the skies, heading right for the tornado. As fast as it could go, fighting the wind current it created, it coated its staff with a tightly woven hard light shell and forced it into the gale, before expanding the shell and destroying the cyclone entirely. Seeing the large basket continue to fall and pose a danger for those below, it tossed its staff like a javelin, spearing it, and pegging it to a nearby mountain side.

Suddenly, it noticed that the five ponies that were in danger were now suddenly falling upward. Noticing only four other able cadets rushing in to save them, Adna sped in to help, managing to catch Fluttershy out of the bunch. Utterly overjoyed for being saved from certain death, they thanked their rescuers. Even Fluttershy managed a warm smile and a thank you to the angel that she had so angrily chastised only a while ago. Returned to the plateau runway, they all breathed a sigh of relief, even as Rainbow Dash returned from below in panic.

"Are you guys ok?!" she bellowed in concern. Upon getting confirmation, she went in, giving them a hug of reassurance before turning to see a distraught Pinkie behind her. "Pinkie Pie!", she shouted, running over to her last friend. It only took a moment, but the frazzled mare on the ground soon became teary eyed and leaped at the cadet, winding around her neck in a desperate embrace of relief.

"You... REMEMBER ME!" she whimpered, almost crying.

"Well, yeah," Rainbow Dash replied, confused, "of course I remember you." With Pinkie still hanging off of her, she turned towards the rest of her friends. "But, what are you all doing here?"

"We wanted to bring you a care package," Applejack answered, "Didn't realize you'd be in the middle of some crazy tornado drill."

"That. WAS. AWESOME!" Lightning Dust exclaimed, pushing her way through rather upset and angry cadets, oblivious to their concerns.

"Awesome?" Rainbow Dash parroted, indignant and irritated, "My friends could have been smashed to pieces!"

"Yeah, but they weren't, right?" Ascending the sky, she looked about, forehoof to shade her eyes from the light as she gazed into the clear blue. "Can't say the same for the clouds. We totally wiped them out with that tornado." Floating down with her legs crossed and her hooves behind the back of her head, looking smug, she continued, "The other cadets would have to be up there for DAYS to bust as many as we did." With that, she offered her hoof to Rainbow Dash.

The cadet looked at it in surprise, then anger, then turned her gaze to Lightning, rejecting the offer. "A hoof-bump? Seriously? You made me clip my wing, you sent half our class into serious tail-spins on the obstacle course, YOU UNLEASHED A TORNADO THAT NEARLY DEMOLISHED MY FRIENDS!"

"Yeah," she replied, remaining as if she had done nothing wrong, "And?"

"AND, I get you want to be the best!" she replied angrily, before softening for a moment, "So do I. But you're going about it in the wrong way."

"The Wonderbolts don't seem to think so. That's why Spitfire made ME the leader, and you the wingpony."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "You're right. She did." With that, Rainbow Dash took the the skies, and left for the main offices of the facility.

Lightning Dust watched confused, before brushing it all off once again. "What's her problem?" she asked, hoping for an answer from her peers, whom all did nothing but return cold or angry stares. She was surprised at first, but brushed it off as well. "Whatever, everypony. All's well that ends well, right?" Leaning back as she floated away, she remained oblivious until she ran right into Adna's marble like frame, which kicked her out of her self-reverie and fell to the ground, into the angel's shadow. Upon rubbing her head from the minor injury, she looked up, and her jaw dropped.

She had noticed it in the corner of her eye previously only for a moment, as she made it a goal to only remain focused on her training, but felt seeing it was a trick of the light. But now laying beneath its stature, this wasn't a trick.

"I see thy soul now, clear as the skies above," it said with its haunting, reverberating voice, "Arrogence, callous and prideful, forgoing the welfare of thy peers for self-centered acclimation, risking all in blind pursuit."

"Wh-what?" Lightning quivered, backing away slowly from the heavy, judgemental words.

"Repent and amend thy callous, prideful heart, lest thine actions cost thee more than a toll thou can pay," it exclaimed, flaring its wings and showing off its impressive span.

Terrified of the angel's presence, the pegasus darted off, returning to the barracks. Adna sighed, letting its wings fold back against itself. It looked towards the group that was still there, whom stared back with curiosity and unease, aside from the five mares that came to see their friend. The crowd parted to let Rainbow's friends approach the angel. With that, the cadets also dispersed, realizing there was nothing more they needed to see or do.

"Well, fancy meeting you here, Adna," Applejack said.

"I was here on investigation again. Why hath thou all come?" the angel replied.

"Well, as we told Dash, we were here to give her a care package. It was Pinkie's idea." Twilight said.

Before they could continue conversing, Rainbow Dash returned with dejection in her eyes and her packs in her teeth. Landing among her friends she gave them a weak smile.

"What's wrong, Rainbow, darling?" Rarity asked in concern.

The pegasus sighed, putting her saddle packs on. With a shaky voice, still coming to terms with her decision, she responded, "I talked with Spitfire. After what happened today, what almost happened to you, I made a choice... I've quit the Wonderbolts."

"You did WHAT?!" Applejack shouted in surprise as Rainbow tightened her saddle.

"Being a Wonderbolt was your dream!" Rarity added in shock and concern.

"Not anymore." She said, almost trying to convince herself.

Twilight approached her distraught friend, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I know how much this meant to you."

Adna watched as the ponies huddled together to give the disappointed and crushed pegasus support in her time of need. The angel was touched by such devotion that they had to each other, and couldn't help but feel the warmth of the moment all around, even though it was grim for the aspiring cadet. However, Adna noticed something odd. The warmth was more than just their friendship, but it was something all encompassing and strong. Something that resembled home. Then, it felt the air shift. Like the sky being sliced open silently, turning the blue to golden and sprinkling the air with pure white plumes.

Adna gazed to the skies, and beheld the grace and glory of heaven, ushered in by Fortitudo of the Auditio, an angel in a class above the three Spheres. First, Adna welcomed the idea of heaven finding the lost angel in jubilation, only to lose it in a realization of dawning horror.

The grand creature was colossal. An upside-down head ornate with golden trimmings was what one first saw. Next, what could be discerned were dragon legs at its forehead below, and twin dragon heads at either side of its jaw, one side red and the other side blue. Elegantly flapping slowly to keep the bizarre, divine being aloft were two gigantic wings, tipped in armor of the colors the dragon heads carried, still trimmed in gold. Behind it, a magnificent, ornate, runic circle of light floated in sync with it perfectly. With a deep voiced bellow that reverberated much like Adna's own, it summoned a hoard of Affinities just like the wayward angel, save for slight differences of colors in their robes and sparse armor, their weapon choices, and the distinct presence of a halo above their heads. Everyone in the facility gasped at the sight in mixed emotions of fear and enchantment, unable to act beyond that. Then, the massive Fortitudo spoke.

"Esiasch, ge uran ta. Chirlan!"a