Elements Change the Dark Hearts

by Nightmare_0mega

No More Angels

Speeding through the clouds at breakneck velocity, Rainbow Dash flew like a bat out of Tartarus towards her destination: the Wonderbolts Academy. It's only been minutes since she finally received her letter, and she intended on not wasting any more time lollygagging about while she could be spending time there. Truth be told, she was still a little nervous, with an inkling of a doubt scratching at the back of her head, claiming she wouldn't be good enough. However, all fears were finally squashed the moment she read those glorious words of acceptance. Having her friends there to keep her somewhat grounded and pumped up at the same time helped as well.

The whole package detailed it would be a single week training regimen, standard for all new cadets, with the works; testing strength, endurance, agility, stamina, and dexterity. In her mind, Rainbow Dash's bold confidence had her scoff, believing she had it already in the bag. Though, a small piece of her did recognize that to be part of the Wonderbolts meant to go above and beyond. She knew she had the talent, but she also knew they would not mess around to push it to its fullest.

Upon finally eyeing the runway plateau, she gazed at the training facility in all its glory. Cadets from all across Equestria were hard at work from their own acceptance, while others were brandishing their colors in a march for completing their course. Each group worked hard, exercising every aspect they could to flesh out the strengths within and support their weaknesses, with trainers pushing them to go the distance. Rainbow Dash could hardly contain her excitement, expecting just as much in her own week long class.

"Oh yeah!" she exclaimed with the widest grin and the most determined eyes, "This is gonna be SWEET!"

Before Rainbow Dash touched down, she stopped mid air and looked about, feeling like she was being followed. Sure enough as she turned around, Adna was spotted a few minutes away from the training grounds. Deciding to know what was up, she sped back to it to get answers from the strange bird creature itself. Stopping just short of the angel, she greeted it.

"Hey, uh, why are you here?" she asked, "Came by to watch me be awesome?"

"I was brought here by a strong feeling of familiarity," Adna said frankly, "I wish to investigate the area to lay curiosities to rest. Thou art here for thy training, correct?"

"Uh, yeah, I am," Rainbow replied, both disappointed Adna had nothing to say about seeing her skills in action and trying not to comment on the angel's style of speech, "Well, the pamphlet says that guests are allowed to visit until four in the afternoon. It's about noon now, so I guess you have a little bit of time for your investigation, Sherlock."

"I am not Sherlock," it replied flatly, missing the joke.

Rainbow Dash simply rolled her eyes, "Well, anyway, I should meet up with the rest of my class. I'll catch ya later. Good luck with your investigation."

"God speed in thou endeavors as well," the angel replied.

Rainbow Dash shook her head as she returned to the academy grounds in search for the other new cadets she'd be training with. Now left alone, Adna began ascending the skies, overlooking the vast facility. Ponies that flew by gave the angel strange looks of curiosity, but would always quickly return their focus to whatever they were doing. Adna paid little mind, and continued to gently search the open skies, relying on the present feeling deep within as a guide. However, it didn't take long before it was confronted in the skies by what seemed to be a yellow pegasus with a dual toned orange mane and a decorative military jacket complete with medals and a whistle hung around her neck. Upon reaching the angel, the pony hovered in place, taking off the shades to get a better look at what she was talking to.

"Can I help you?" she asked in authority and slight irritation.

"My apologies. I'm searching these grounds for something important."

"Is that so?" The stern mare sized up the angel before putting her sunglasses back on. "Listen, buddy. You're in restricted airspace. Cadets and full members in training will be flying in, out, and around the area, and they need clear skies to do so safely. I request you either touch down to ground level until your visit here is over, or leave outright."

"Again, my apologies." With that, Adna descended the skies gently until its feet made contact with the grassy plateau. The mare that confronted the angel followed suite with a smile.

"You're cadet Dash's friend, right?" she asked rhetorically, "I saw her speak with you not a moment ago. The name's Spitfire. If it's any consolation, I'll be the drill sergeant for the class she's in, so you don't need to worry about her."

"I have no worries," Adna assured simply, "And I shall be leaving the grounds soon."

"Nah, stick around, watch your friend. Show a little support. Heck, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about how we operate." She smiled lightly. "Just don't float around our airspace too much, and you have yourself a good day."

"Grammercy, and have thy self a pleasant day, if it please thee."

"Heh, whatever you say." With that, the mare took flight towards her new class to greet.

Adna stood, crossing its arms with intrigue. The angel decided that it wouldn't hurt to watch how things play out. The feeling it had didn't intensify, and while it was searching, it found no evidence in relation to the curious ailment deep down inside. With that set in its mind, Adna opened its wings again and flew to the audience stands, and perched on the highest seat available. From there, it began to observe. The stands were a bit too far away to hear what was being said beyond the odd "Yes Ma'am!" that was shouted from one of the cadets. After a few minutes though, the one called Spitfire backed up, and blew her whistle, causing the entire class to speed off to make laps around the facility, with a rather large, burly looking pegasus trailing behind on his pathetically small wings.

Upon watching the five hundred lap exercise come to an end, Adna observed Rainbow Dash chat with another pegasus that moved as fast as she did. Said pegasus was light turquoise with a brilliant amber and gold streaked mane, almost like lightning striking in the day. While they did seem very friendly with each other, the angel felt something off. The feeling was feint. Very feint. Right to the point of almost nonexistence, but it was there.

With it etched in its mind, while watching the two ponies leave for the mess hall, Adna decided to look around the grounds again. Keeping in mind Spitfire's request, it opted to stay out of the skies as much as it could while it searched. While it did limit the angel, it made the best of it. However, for a solid ten minutes of looking, nothing seemed to turn up. Not one iota of evidence of the bizarre sensation of home invaded its senses. Clenching its fists in frustration, Adna was prepared to leave, but the sound of Rainbow Dash and the others gathering up once again stayed its pace. Curiosity caught the angel's attention enough to watch.

A few officials dragged out some large contraption that was covered in a purple tarp along with an odd machine attached to it. Before questions could be asked among themselves, Spitfire returned and demanded attention. After some more shouting Adna couldn't entirely make out from the distance, the officials whipped the tarp off of the object it concealed and revealed a strange disk based device with a gear attached to one end of the large circle complete with harness. The only thing he could catch from the odd lull of silence that followed was the name of the strange thing before them: the Dizzatron.

Adna watched carefully as the first pony in the class was selected. Upon getting in the harness, the device was activated, spinning the whole disk rather quickly with the gear spinning faster than that due to its comparatively smaller size. Suddenly, the pony was released and was flung high into the air, tumbling wildly through the sky. It took the poor cadet about fifteen seconds to realign herself and come in for a safe-ish landing. Adna leaned back, realizing what was being done. This object must have been crafted to simulate loss of flight control. Clever. Next up was Rainbow Dash. Everything started out the same, but instead of uneasily gaining control, she managed to stop almost completely and speed in for a perfectly safe landing. The whole thing lasted an impressive six seconds. Intriguing, thought Adna. Next up was the pony Rainbow Dash was talking to not very long ago. The angel noticed that strange twinge it had as she made an unusual request it couldn't quite hear, despite noticing the confusion emanating from Spitfire. Upon getting into the device, they activated it, only to speed it up to its maximum velocity. Upon release, the pony in question preformed near identical to Rainbow Dash, only coming in second place to her time by half a second. While it would feel impressed, even more so than it did with Rainbow Dash, the angel couldn't help but feel something was marring it. The feeling it noticed from earlier refused to go away, but because Adna couldn't identify what it was, it only hoped the issue would be solved without the angel's intervention.

As time went on, the rest of the class each took their turn on the device. Some came in at closer to twenty seconds, others came up to ten. The bulky looking pony that seemed far too big for the device ended up getting dead last at twenty-four seconds, having trouble realigning himself with his comically small wings. Not a single one of them ever came close to six, let alone breaking ten. After the test was over, Spitfire explained something to them for a moment. Upon finishing what she wanted to say, the entire group made their way to the barracks, except for Rainbow Dash, whom approached Adna.

"Did ya see that!?" she exclaimed, "That was SO AWESOME!"

"Thou performed admirably," the angel replied.

"I hope I get lead pony for this." Upon remembering she was talking to someone that wasn't familiar with what was going on, she began to explain. "Spitfire is going to divide our class up into pairs. One will be lead, while the other will be a wingpony. It's just another way of saying that one is in charge while the other one follows. Though, I'm too good to just play 'follow the leader'."

"I congratulate thee. Being a leader is a great honor," Adna began, "However, leadership a big responsibility. It would be thy job not JUST to set examples, but to support thy followers when they need it."

"Ah, that won't be too hard. I'm the queen of setting good examples," she posed for a moment, before deflating her ego a little with a nervous laugh, "Well, actually, I do kinda need to work on that a little, but it shouldn't be too hard to try."

"Mark these words of mine, Lady Dash," Adna started, "Whilst I give thine applause prematurely, do not be discouraged if thou dost not make lead. Being a subordinate is responsibility driven as well. Thou must support thy leader, but know how far is too far."

Rainbow Dash stared at him for a moment, before her cocky smirk returned. "Ah, don't worry," she said with a laugh, "I'll probably make lead. No one else even comes close to how awesome I am. It's in the bag."

The pony and the angel said their goodbyes, with Adna promising to return to check up on her another day, as well as continue its investigation if anything develops. Rainbow Dash departed for the barracks, excitedly ready to continue her week of training, while Adna returned to Ponyville to investigate another thing that has been bothering the angel.


Back in the town of Ponyville, the sun was on its way to set over the horizon as Adna had just touched down after the journey back from the Academy. While investigating the anomaly that was pulling at its very core was one of the few important things it set for itself to do, the other task was necessary if it wanted to get some answers. Something was very off for the angel in town, and it began with the clearly dark spirited creatures that resided so close to such bright souls. The only way the angel figured it would find out anything is if it got said answers from the horse's mouth.

Flying over the town, Adna approached Fluttershy's cottage and touched down on the grass just outside her property before the quaint little bridge. It didn't take long for various birds and butterflies of all kinds to perch on its marble skin in a trusting way, nor did it take long for an upset Fluttershy to storm over to Adna.

"Greetings, I wish to-"

"You listen here, mister!" she spat angrily, "when you last came here, not only did you antagonize my guest in my home, but you also stomped all over my garden. You never even apologized for what you did!"

"Thou chide me for simple blooms?" Adna asked, "But, they are fleeting. By the seasons eve, they will die for new ones to take place. If thou insist, I can have them bloom once again."

"It's not about the flowers," she scolded, "but about how you disregard them so casually despite the time and effort I would have put into them when gardening, and how callous you are when it comes to someone's home. I don't go around stomping on YOUR flowers, do I?"


"And you still haven't apologized! You just made up a bunch of excuses to brush off the blame just now to whitewash the situation!" Fluttershy huffed, but kept a stern glare on the angel. "You are not allowed to come back here to my home until you've thought about what you've done, apologized, and quite frankly, cleaned up your attitude." She then pointed off her lawn with her hoof. As if on cue, all of the birds and butterflies that sat on the angel immediately dispersed and returned to the flowers and perches they came from.

Adna stood flabbergasted at the display. Before the angel realized what was happening, it turned around and actually began to fly off. Upon realizing the situation, Adna had two thoughts: How did she scold me as if I were nevermore than just a poppet? and, Why am I actually considering it?

Never the less, despite being barred from one of them, Adna figured it had other places to go to get its answers. The angel had not made similar errors with other homes as it did with the cottage, and had relatively easier interactions with the other significant mortals. With that, Adna headed for the nearest location: Carousel Boutique. The angel recalled the mare that resided there being both eloquent and kindly. It was sure to get some answers from her by that fact alone.

It didn't take the angel long to gain visual on the unique building, so it wasn't long either that it touched down on the ground. Before it took a step forward, it eyed the shack that was attached to it. Adna scoffed, wishing only to barge into it, kill the undead, and be done with it, if only to quell the unnatural, uncomfortable feeling it had. Never the less, shaking its head, Adna proceeded to the main building and entered the shop proper.

The little bell above the door jingled lightly as it stepped through the door and beheld a rather extravagant interior, more so than what it seemed like on the outside. Not long after, the little unicorn with the elegant purple curls trotted out from behind the curtain.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where every garment is chic, unique and-" she paused, upon realizing who her mystery customer was. "Oh, my darling, I never expected you to step through my doors. I highly doubt you need my assistance in being fabulous, but if you need a new look, I'm always here to help."

"Thy services shalt needn't be required, dear maiden," Adna said, "I do, however, require answers."

"Oh?" She replied, inquisitively, "And, what may I help you with?"

"I wish to know about the creature that shacks beside thine establishment."

"W-heh-ell," she laughed, trying to hide feeling little indignant to Adna's choice of words, but replied in earnest anyways, "My dear friend Dumah needed room, board, and a place to work his craft. It was a little difficult to get used to, especially with the smell of hot metal, but Twilight fixed that by coating his... humble establishment with a light sense barrier. Not smell nor sound can be experienced outside, and frankly, it's been a blessing ever since. It was ever so hard to concentrate on my work when all I could hear was a hammer clanging on metal and smell whatever he was smelting."

"Indeed," Adna replied with little thought, only to continue his questioning, "Why dost thou have such a terrible creature attached to such a divine place like a cancer?"

"I beg your pardon?" she asked, shocked and confused to what she just heard, "I don't believe I heard you right."

"The creature is of undead origin. and ghouls like that are mere puppets of worse beings. I wish to understand wherefor thou tolerate such a monster."

Her eye twitched at the indignities, but she remained calm regardless, hoping to be able to change Adna's attitude through her explanation. "Dumah is a friend. A very dear one. He's been a perfect gentlecolt ever since he rescued me from a horrible fate, and has done nothing but remain decent not just to me, but everyone in town. I assure you, he is not some ghoul."

"I sense a dark hunger from that beast. Art thou sure the fiend should be trusted? Thou dost not seem like a mere familiar nor thrall, so thy wits are unmarred, if uneducated on these dire matters. The horror it could cause-"

"Ok, that is it!" Rarity barked, "I've tolerated it for long enough, but I will not sit here and let you INSULT one of my good friends. He is not some beast, nor is he some soulless horror. He is a good friend of mine with a good heart to match, if only a tad misdirected from a bad life he lived before now. And if you cannot understand that, then I must request you leave until you've developed some manners, for insulting him is insulting me."

"Thou must reconsider!"

"Good e'en!" Rarity punctuated with a huff, before disappearing back behind the curtains.

Adna stood dumbfounded once again. Not only did the angel end up arousing the ire of one of the individuals it believed to be sensible, but it was still no closer to understanding why creatures like that were allowed to wander free as if they weren't dangerous. The angel turned around, and slowly made its way out the door, bell jingling to signal its leave.

It did not take flight this time, instead opting to wander the now emptier streets of the sleepy little town as its mind was set to dwell on the circumstances. Eyes of ponies briefly turned to the angel, still not entirely used to the sight of such a strange creature among them, but just as quickly returned to their own lives for the end of their day. The sun was now setting, and the bright and colorful world it was in was now a few shades darker. Strangely, though, it felt more peaceful and just as pleasant as it did during the morning. However, it was soon kicked out of its thoughtless wanderings by a familiar voice.

"Oh, there you are!" said Twilight, whom approached the angel with a smile. "I've been looking for you. I've been all over town, and no one said they've seen you today. I even checked Rainbow Dash's home, and you weren't anywhere to be found. So, where have you been all day?"

"To be honest, I had spent most of the day traveling to and from the place Lady Dash was invited to. I had only recently returned."

"Oh? Why did you go there? To cheer on Rainbow's first day?"

"I was there investigating a feeling I had earlier this morning. Something familiar to me. I had not found an iota of a clue, so I left the grounds, opting to return another day."

"Oh," Twilight said, a little disappointed there wasn't more to it. "Well, anyway, I need you to come with me. I need your help on something I've been working on."

"Wouldn't thou benefit from asking thy friends for assistance?"

"Not for this. Besides, I haven't even gotten the chance to get to know you anyway. This would be a good opportunity for that."

Adna thought about it for a moment. Originally it was going to seek out the pink mare to attempt to get its answers, but felt it wouldn't hurt to stick with Twilight for now. Besides, she didn't seem to have some demon or monster following her around like the others, and would probably get more answers from her and her outsider's perspective. On top of that, it could tell she had an inquisitive mind and would rather provide answers than defend prides.

"Very well. Lead the way."

"Thank you. I promise this will be quick. Heck, we both might learn a thing or two."