Born of chaos and heartbreak

by Slick Dash

Congratulations your magesty

The captain of the guard walked down the hallways, his mane -long and straight- flowed behind him in the breeze of his quick pace as he rushed through the castle. He came to a large oak door, on it was an emblazoned sun. Raising his hoof, the stallion rapped on the centre of the sun determinedly. “UP!” He shouted.

No response came from within. The stallion shook his head, giving a dry laugh at the laziness of the girl. “TIA! UP!” he gave the door another hard knock, and this time he heard some movement from within.
“You can come in Disc!” an angelic voice cried out as he waited. The stallion took the invitation, and pushed open the door to the princess’s chambers. Lavish furniture crowded the room, mirrors, wardrobes, desks and chairs all fit for the greatest rulers of Equestria, all cluttered the floor.

Disc began to walk into the room, and found what he was looking for. There on a stool, brushing her celestial mane with a golden toothed brush, was Tia. Though her full name was Princess Celestia of Equestria, Disc had never called her that. They were too close to be able to call her by such a formal title. Tia preferred it that way anyway. The two had met when they were teens, in the forest of Disc’s home town.

Everypony in the kingdom knew of the brave stallion who had charged in, with no regard for his own safety, and fought off a huge Ursa Major. But the two ponies in this room knew better, rumours were annoying little things, they always ended up embellishing the truth until, when you tell the truth, people believe it to be false! So the two had decided to let the rumours spread, after all they were what made Disc so famous that the king had granted him the honour of captain of the guard.

“You’re running late.” Disc said exasperatedly to his long time friend. Tia blushed, looked over her shoulder and disarmed him with a dazzling smile.
“I’ll be fine Disc.” She turned back to the mirror, speaking to the captain’s reflection while she brushed her long flowing mane with her magic. “After all, it is my birthday! I’m allowed to have a little fun.” Disc smiled.

“I suppose that’s true.” He said as he approached the princess. As he came closer, the alicorn’s expression changed. Her eyes drooped slightly, and a dreamy smile drifted over her lips. She knew what the stallion was about to do. “Well,” the captain said lowly. “This should be fun enough.” The princess turned around fully, and embraced the stallion as he kissed her.

The two stayed there for a moment, embracing each other in their secret romance. Nopony knew, nopony could ever know, or Disc would be discharged due to emotional attachment! Disc’s warm tongue danced with Tia’s making her shiver with delight. His hoof began to travel up her back, towards her freshly brushed mane. She expected him to run his hoof through it, or to stroke it. But no, slowly, and quite deliberately he pulled the princess’s mane.

Tia gasped out in shock, breaking the kiss. Disc laughed, knowing he hadn’t hurt her, only surprised her. “Come now! Don’t go being a baby Tia. We need to get going! Your father wants you.” Tia gave the stallion a playful push as she stood up.
“Yes, yes, I know.” Disc raised a surprised eyebrow. “He said to he would speak with me this morning at dinner last night.” The radiant alicorn explained.

Disc accepted her explanation and turned to lead the princess from the room. He got halfway across, when he realised she wasn’t beside him. In confusion, he turned back to look at her. There she still stood, beside her stool and mirror. A lost expression slowly growing across her beautiful face. “Tia?” the captain asked. Tia shook her head; coming out of whatever reverie she had been in.
“Coming!” She called as she trotted to catch up.

The two left the room together, heading down the winding hallways towards the main body of the gargantuan palace. “Umm, Disc?” The royal mare asked nervously. The stallion glanced to his side at the mare he loved. She looked...worried.
“Yeas dearest Princess?” he asked in mock formality, knowing it would cheer her up a little.
“Stop that!” She laughed, mission accomplished! “Would you... could we... go on your rounds together?” Disc frowned at the odd request.
“Yes, I guess. We’ll go see your father, then we’ll”-
“NO!” exclaimed the royal mare. The outburst shocked Disc into a halt.

He stared at Tia, what was wrong with her today? It was her birthday; she should be happy, not this jumpy and jittery! “I mean...” Tia began nervously. “It’s my birthday Disc; could you let me come around on your rounds before we see the king? As a present?” Disc grimaced.
“Not much of a present really.” he sighed, “Well, if you really want, I don’t have a problem with it!” Tia beamed at him, and the two resumed their walk through the halls, Tia beaming, and Disc weary of his beloved's strange attitude today.

“You know...” Tia began thoughtfully, looking at the stallion’s long draping mane. “Your mane’s getting rather long.” Disc looked as his princess, raising an eyebrow.
“I should have it cut?” he asked.
“I think a short mane cut would suite you better.” The alicorn explained. Disc shrugged with indifference. But gave his beloved a quick smile to show he appreciated the opinion.

The first stop on Disc’s rounds was the guard barracks. Each stallion that had any kind of duty to the castle or the royal’s would sleep here, this early in the morning it was easy for some to oversleep. This was one of the more fun tasks Disc got to do in his day. To the stallion’s joy, three beds were still full. Their occupants obviously fast asleep.

Disc glanced at Tia, who looked at him with an odd expression. Disc couldn’t quite place the emotion it showed, so he dismissed it and winked at her to show that this was going to be fun. Puffing out his chest, filling his captain’s uniform as much he could. He bellowed in a loud and angry voice. “ALRIGHT MAGGOTS! GET THOSE FLANKS MOVING! THIS ISN’T BED TIME AT MOMMY’S PLACE, THIS IS WORK DARN IT!” Tia held a hoof to her mouth to stop herself from giggling at the voice that she had never heard Disc use before.

The sleeping stallion’s all jumped at the screaming captain’s voice. Two flailed wildly as they were pulled unceremoniously from their dreams, while one simply fell straight out of bed and onto his head. Laughing at the chaos before them, the two moved on, knowing the guards would now get moving.

Next on the list was the battlement’s inspection. The two of them walked lazily on the wall that outlined the castles boundaries. Tia gave a little push of the stallion’s shoulder as they walked. Disc gave her a little playful nudge back, nothing needed to be said, only appreciated.

Meeting in secret, spending the night in Disc’s own private quarters whenever they could, exchanging a note or two during a very busy day. This had been their life for the past year, and they loved it. Knowing that no matter how tough the day got, the night was theirs to share.

Disc would have kissed her then, with no one on the battlements it was the perfect place, but as he began to move towards her the door to the stairs that lay just ahead burst open. One of hoof maidens to princess Luna exited. The mare rushed, laden with royal garments, quickly approaching the travelling two. Tia and Disc parted to allow the maiden to pass. She did so, giving a quick “Thanks a bunch!” as she passed.

The two began to move again, when suddenly, the maiden behind them gave a quick shout. “Congratulations your majesty!” Disc glanced back, seeing the mare disappear into the next block of steps. Congratulations? Oh her birthday! Disc couldn’t help but think how stupid he was being. The shock of nearly getting caught had clouded his mind for a second.

Disc gave a happy smile to Tia, but she wasn’t looking in his direction. She was staring at the ground, a brooding and miserable look on her face. “Tia?” the captain asked. The alicorn bolted upright, plastering a wide smile on her face that Disc knew was false. Still unsure on how to address his love’s strange behaviour he kept quiet and continued on his rounds with her.

Finally on his rounds was the inspection of the marketplace just outside the castle steps. When nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be occurring, the two retreated back to the castle. Inside the hallway of the castle, the large wooden doors of the throne room towered before them. Inside was Tia’s father, the king of Equestria. “Well.” Disc said dismissively, “That’s the end of my”-
“Congratulation’s your majesty!” called a sweeper, just leaving after cleaning the hall. Tia gave the old mare an encouraging smile. Then turned back to Disc who tried to continue.
“That’s the end of my rounds. So now if”-
“Congratulations your majesty!” shouted the cook, cantering past towards the kitchens with her saddle bags bulging with carrots.

Disc gave a little frustrated sigh. Then not wanting to upset Tia, decided to make a joke. “You know! If it wasn’t your birthday, I’d think you were getting married!” He laughed, so did Tia, but only half heartedly. Disc’s own laugh died at the sound of misery emanating from his love reached his ears. “Tia? What’s the matter?” The princess gave a miserable sigh. Glancing up at the doors to her waiting father fleetingly. She took hold of Disc’s hoof and rushed off towards a small empty room just off the hallway.