Born of chaos and heartbreak

by Slick Dash

Everything I did was for you

Disc’s scarlet eyes closed, unable to believe after everything he had done, he had only bought Tia a few years at most. From beyond the darkness of his eyelids he heard the king continue. “You are hereby stripped of the rank of ‘Captain of the guard!’ you are hereby ordered to leave Equestria. A tainted and disloyal creature as you cannot be allowed to live in this land!” Tainted? That was an understandable name. Disloyal? No, he wasn’t disloyal; Disc had done all this out of loyalty, loyalty to his feelings, loyalty to his heart, loyalty to Tia!

“You...” Disc purred. He felt the atmosphere change as the king heard his livid and poisonous tone. “You call me tainted?” His eyes flew open, and the reds of his eyes flashed menacingly. “Yes, I am tainted! But that’s from what you’ve done.” His eagle hand against the pillar curled into a fist, his talons scraped against the stone, gouging out four little trenches into the column as they came together. “You’ve done this! You made me like this! Your need to take Tia away, you inability to change tradition through your own stubbornness.”

Tia looked up from the ground and looked at the two; she’d never heard Disc speak like this, with such venom and loathing in his usual sensual and calm voice. Disc began to stand, his new height making him tower above the king. “You couldn’t see Tia didn’t want to leave. You couldn’t possibly consider she had reason to stay!” He took a step towards the dark alicorn, who took a step back defensively. “I’m disloyal?” The creature asked, taking another step to him. “Only as much as you.”

“That’s enough!” Ordered the king, but there was no authority in his yell. The creature continued to advance, making the king retreat further back towards his throne. “I should kill you!” Disc mused. He heard Tia gasp with horror, but ignored it. “I should end you here and now for what you’ve done today.” He brought his lion paw high above his head, unsheathing its deadly claws. The king grimaced and closed his eyes in preparation for the strike. A small knick against his face made him jump; he opened his eyes and put a hoof to his cheek. When he pulled it away, blood -vibrant against the black of his hoof- was speckled over it.

He looked up, and saw Disc leaning back, looking at him. “But I’m not that kind of pony...” He stopped, looking down at his hands. His mouth curled horribly and he let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Or at least I’m not that kind of Thing.” His head rose again to look at the king. “But then again... It’s not Killing when somepony transcends... is it your majesty?” Tia realised what Disc was thinking she took a step forward towards him but the king flung out a hoof.
“Stay back!” Tia froze yet again, torn between her father and her lover. Which would she side with, how can she stop all of this? If she allowed her father to succeed, Disc would be banished and she would never see him again, but she couldn’t let Disc send her father to the next evolutionary state!
“After all your highness,” He purred as he approached the king, stretching out a clawed paw, which exploded into a plume of green fire. “You seem to love the idea so much, why should you wait? What if I could send you right now?” He stretched out his hand towards the head of the king.

The king’s eyes showed a sense of fear for the first time Tia had ever seen. Yet she still stood frozen, unable to move for shock. Slowly, Disc’s new lion paw fingers began to wrap around the king’s face. He parted his fingers so he could see his dark eyes. The fire began to seep into the king’s face, though it didn’t burn. How unfortunate. He deserved to suffer! After he tried to steal Tia, he deserved to suffer!

Disc leant in close. He looked into the fearful eyes of the king. “Don’t be scared. It’s not dying at all is it? You were singing its praises only a moment ago!” Disc glanced at Tia, though she looked terrified, she still looked as radiant as ever in his eyes. Disc leant in closer, taking his lips to the king’s ear. “No one will take her away from me! No one! With you, transcendence dies, and she’ll never need to leave.”

And with that, the king’s veins began to gleam from beneath his skin. The tracks of blood shone vibrantly green, prominent against the black of the king’s fur and skin. Soon the magic pouring into him began to climax and finally burst the physical form of the king. Disc felt his face disintegrate from beneath his fingers. The light intensified to a blinding blast that filled the hall with its radiance.

Tia stood staring, unable to look away as she watched in horror. The light burned her eyes slightly, but she didn’t even blink for horror of what was transpiring. When the light died, and her vision came back. All that was left was Disc stood panting, a scorched patch of marble at his feet. Slowly he turned to Tia, and gave a shaky smile. Tia stared at him, slowly, she stuttered a command.

“Bring him back, Disc bring him back!” Disc’s face fell. His eyes grew from happy to serious, as he looked down at his hands. The hands that had just committed treason of the highest order. He quickly bolted away, and slid up against a pillar to the side of the hall. His legs felt as though they were suddenly made of lead, he could barely move them! “Disc!” Tia cried taking some rushed steps towards the fleeing creature.

“Don’t come any nearer!” Disc shouted over his shoulder. Tia froze a few feet away. “Dont...please, not like this!” He looked to his clawed and talon’ed hands in disgust. He glanced at the stained-glass window just ahead of him and caught a glimpse of his face. Those twisted eyes, his grotesque horns, how hideous he was! There was no wonder that he had just done what he had, this face the face and body of a monster!
“Disc?” Tia whispered on the verge of losing herself to sobs. “Disc, bring back my father, we can still fix this, just bring him ba”-

“NO!” Disc shouted quickly, cutting Tia off mid sentence. He slowly glanced around the pillar, peeking out from behind and showing his face to his beloved. “Don’t ask me to do that. He’ll take you away, I-I can’t... I won’t!” A green tear seeped from his eye; it spattered the floor and burnt it like acid. “I can’t...” He echoed hollowly.

“Disc, we need him back, after everything you’ve done, we need someone to help us lead our people!”
“EVERYTHING I’VE DONE?” Disc exploded, giving into the animal rage that seemed to be constantly brewing inside him. He spun out from behind the pillar and stood against the light of the window behind him. “Everything I’ve done was for you! For us! I did this all to let you stay here in peace!”

A sudden look of realisation spread across the tainted pony’s lips. “We could do it!” Tia frowned at his mood swing. Disc took a few ecstatic steps forward. “Think about it Tia, I can be king, and you can be my queen. It’s not like I’m inadequate now, I’m...I’m... I’m like a god!” He boasted, his chest puffing out proudly. Tia’s eyes were fixed on the warped face, the closest thing that resembled her old beloved Disc. She couldn’t help her voice from cracking as she asked.
“You’re not inadequate NOW? What do you mean? You were never inadequate Disc!”
“Yes I was Tia, I was just a earth pony, now I’m stronger than a king. I can ascend an alicorn and still feel power running through me!” Disc raised his hand, small discharges of electricity prickled across his spindly fingers as he flexed them impressively.

“You’re a goddess Tia, you deserve the best.” His fang gleamed as he smiled. “Now I can finally be that for you! Far more than just Disc!” Tia’s soul seemed to freeze over, this was unbelievable. This wasn’t Disc talking! He would think like that.
“b-but ‘Just Disc’ was the stallion I fell in love with! Not a power crazed creature with his face!” tears ran down her cheeks, her makeup began to run, adding black to the pearly tears as they made dark trails down her fur. “Come back, come back to me Disc!”

Disc took a step forward, his red eyes still gleaming with his new god like power. “I’m here Tia, it’s still me!” As though he were just a mirage, Disc began to swim out of focus. He shimmered for a moment, then with a pop. The old Disc appeared and stood before Tia. “See!” he smiled; his teeth the way they once were, devoid of fangs or any other abnormalities. His mane was shorter than before, had he ensured it was shorter? Heeding Tia’s words from earlier that day? Just to convince her better?