//------------------------------// // 13 Let's Reconcile // Story: Let's Play // by Cool writer //------------------------------// I stood there, staring at my sister, awe struck. "You're getting married?!?" Star and I exclaimed, surprised. Leaf nodded happily. "I'm so happy for you!" Star said, galloping up to them and grabbing them in a hug. "I can't wait for the wedding! Oh! We should do it in Canterlot! That would be amazing! And, we'll need to work out the flower arraignments and..." Star began rambling to herself. I smiled and shook my head. 'Hey, maybe we should get married too.' I joked to myself, mentally. "... And I could be a bride's maid! That'll be great! What do you think Night?" Star said, coming out my her ramble. I just laughed happily. "As long as we're satisfied, I don't care." I said. As some text rolled across the bottom of my vision, Celestia grinned. It said: Secret badge acquired: "It doesn't matter," Realize that all you need now, is to be satisfied. Broad then remembered something. "There's one thing we're forgetting..." He said, nervously. "I need to do this right... so I'm going to need to ask your parents about this." "You can't!" Leaf and I both exclaimed. "Not now anyways. Let's ease them into us being ponies, before we drop the marriage bombshell." I continued. Broad nodded. "Yeah, I mean, we don't wanna rush things." Broad said. "But, speaking of your parents... It's time." Celestia said. I could feel the good mood drain from the room, fleeing for it's life. Celestia stood up, and walked away from the couch, leaving a spot for me. I gulped, and sat on the couch next to Leaf. Broad sat on the other side of Leaf, and Star on the other side of me. I grabbed Leaf's hoof, and she clenched mine in response. We were both scared. Celestia's horn began to glow, and a red crystal appeared on the coffee table. "I have been working, on a sort of "video phone, fax machine" for immigrants to be able to contact their families without me. All you need to do, is either think about the people you wish to contact, and touch the crystal, or place the crystal on a letter, and the letter will be printed in the recipient's house." Celestia explained. The crystal began to glow, and it projected a square onto the blank wall across from us. And, then, our mom appeared. She was sitting on a couch (presumably across from a pony pad). We sat, in silence, neither party wanting to talk, until I broke the silence. "Hi." I squeaked, not looking up from the floor. "... Is... is that you?" She asked us. We both nodded, not looking up. "We... uh, go by different names now. I go by Leaf Blade, and he goes by Night Light." Leaf explained. Star inhaled deeply. "I'm Star!" She suddenly exclaimed. "I live with your kids in this place- well, they live here with me if we're going to be exact." I thought about what she just said, then I started laughing. Everyone gave me a strange look. "I'm sorry, I just realized how weird this scenario is." I explained. "I mean, your talking to your kids, who have become miniature pastel ponies and live in a video game, where the goal is to let it make you happy!" I laughed. My mom snickered, and I swore I saw a tear run down her face. "Random thoughts and what if's by... I guess Night Light now." She laugh cried. "At least I know that really is you two in there." I heard her sniffle, and saw her wipe her nose. "It's ok, we're ok now. Everything's... perfect now." I smiled at her. "But... you're sure you're happy in there?" She asked. I nodded. "Where's dad?" Leaf asked. "Oh, he's still on his trip. His plane hasn't landed yet." Mom explained. "Wait a minute... his plane was supposed to get back the next day... so how long has it been since we left?" "A few hours... I woke up early toda-" "A FEW HOURS?!?" I exclaimed. I then turned to Celestia. "You can cram a whole month in the span of a few HOURS?!? Just how powerful are you!?!" "A... month?" Mom asked. "Yeah, we've been living here for a month... from our perspective anyway." Leaf elaborated. "Have you been working to pay off rent?" She asked, sternly looking at us. Leaf and I started laughing. "Ponies don't have to pay rent, mom." I said, after laughing. "Or get jobs... unless we want them." ... And then we explained the ins and outs of Equestria.