The New Timeline

by Jongoji245

The Equestrian Prometheus

After several long days of traveling, Trixie, Cogsworth, Garble, and Spot stop to rest. The cold snowy air, which made the area gloomy was broken by a small campfire set up by a few cut-down trees and a teenage dragon. Being herbivorous creatures, the magician, and the techno-organic Earth Pony gave a grimace as Garble and Spot devoured a burnt deer. Fortunately having only one other person to share her large supply of food eased the queasiness in her hind gut.

Suddenly the Galgameth began to pick up a signal. Spot flicked his ear to the sound of rustling bushes before growling. The four travelers became defensive as a dark silhouette came out of the bushes. As it got closer, the furious brows on their faces slowly rose up as a shadow rose over them.

"What kind of pony are you?"

195 years ago

By the Jura Mountains of Romania, famed scientist Victoria Frankenstein was in the middle of making the experiment of a lifetime. Deep in her laboratory beside the scientist was a figure covered in a white sheet. Beside them was a vat of electrified embryonic fluid. The Unicorn raised the table above the concoction, ready to begin the experiment.

"And She said, "Let there be light," - The scientist pulled a lever, dropping the lifeless figure into the mixture. The electricity coursed through its body before being flushed out. Victoria inspected the body before noticing the black tail twitch - "And so there has..."

A few hours later, the interior of the lab was being lit aflame.

"No! Don't go!" Victoria beckoned before the creation busted through the window, galloping towards the wilderness.

The next few years, newspaper articles were being published like mad.




The third headliner marked the last instance that the creature and it's creator existed.


2 weeks before Today

It is nearing New Year’s Eve, and the citizens of Ponyville are getting ready to celebrate. Party decorations lined up many of their houses while a few began gathering items such as rattlers and fireworks. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, of course, took this opportunity to earn their cutie marks in New Year’s Planning.

"All right, Crusaders" - Sweetie Belle pulled out a checklist - "we got fireworks?"

"Eeyup." Answered Apple Bloom, prompting the young Unicorn to draw a check mark.


"Three for each." Said Scootaloo.

After checking out the checkmark Sweetie Belle asked, "Best New Year's cheer ever?"

They took in a deep breath and just as they were about to scream, a loud howl echoed the air.

"Wow, we need to improve our cheering." Said Scootaloo as she cleared her throat.

"That wasn't us..." Said Apple Bloom before the howl was heard again from the Everfree Forest.

They followed the noise to find an amazing sight, a pack of Timberwolves fighting a lone Pony. Despite the number difference, the Pony was actually winning. While crushing the others to mere twigs, one wolf took notice of the fillies and began charging at them. With a scream, they ran as fast as they could back the way they came. Scootaloo tripped on a branch, skidding on her face to a quick stop. She turned to meet with the splintered maw of the carnivore. The young Pegasus winced as the teeth drew near her. Suddenly the beast was dragged away, squirming as the fighter opening its mouth so wide that the joint broke.

Flicking her ear to the crunching snow, Scootaloo stood up - "Thanks for saving-"

Scootaloo turned to find that her savior was quite unusual. The hair was black, skin was a gray-green stretched so tight that the muscle contours could be seen, the eyes were somewhat faded (it's still evident that she could see), and most recognizable is the numerous stitches laced around her body; there was even a horn on her head and relatively small wings as the body was from a deceased Horse. All it could respond was with a simple snort as it drew its snout closer to the young Pony.

Scootaloo screamed before running as fast as her little legs could, all the while hearing the heavy hoofbeats of the makeshift Horse behind her. The orange Pegasus filly managed to reach back to town when she skidded to a halt. There were no hoofbeats, giving her the comfort needed to relax her wings. Turning around, she saw the monster standing right above her.
Before the zombie could go any further, a lasso wrapped around her neck, yanking her to the ground. Applejack held the rope between her teeth before pinning it further with her front hooves. The monster strained herself, almost getting on her stomach when Apple Bloom and Big Mac roped her legs, yanking the lassoes so tight that pieces of the leg tore off, much to their confusion.

"No this is just getting creepy." Said Applejack as she added additional weight to the rope.

"Eeyup." Big Mac strained through his teeth.

Twilight ran up to the monster, horn lit. "Hope this works on the undead." - The violet Unicorn casts a spell on the Zombie, making her relax gradually before her vision blacked out.

It took twelve Ponies to carry the body over to the library. At the center it laid on the floor, unconscious, unknowing that her captors are examining her. Against her judgment Rarity took the opportunity to stitch up the zombie, wincing and uttering a whine as she guided the needle through the rotten flesh.

"What crazed filly would ever make such a wicked rag doll?" Rarity whined.

"No, what an extraordinary find," - Sunset walked around the living corpse with curiosity that rivaled that of Twilight's - "if this is to be true, then we have found the one surviving work of Victoria Frankenstein after almost 200 years."

Twilight took out a scroll and ink quill, "Just wait until Princess Celestia gets word on this."

"So..." - Spike pointed at the mismatched thing - "What makes this so scary?"

"According to eyewitnesses, the creature is relatively gentle." Said Twilight as she passed the note to her companion.

"A good act rich in kindness would help this poor thing." Fluttershy suddenly jumped when the monster snores.

"But we're still going to keep her in chains for the time being, right." Cosgrove had come over with a steel chain that he used to keep Schnookums in place before he left.

"Well, duh!" - Said Rainbow Dash before stretching her arms at the zombie - "We're friendly, not insane!"

A few hours later, the monster slowly opened her eyes, her vision becoming clear at the sight of two Unicorns and a Dragon. Immediately she lunged at them before being jerked back by the chains that wrapped around her arms and legs. She strained herself constantly, reaching only as close as her upper lip being a few inches away. Immediately she tired herself before the chains dragged her back.

"Do you know your name?" Asked Sunset, only to not receive an answer from the Zombie Horse.

Taking a notice of the stitched wings, Twilight asked, "Can you move your wings?"

The monster unfolded the wings, swinging them back and forth before spreading them to make herself look taller. She tries flapping them, but can only get as much as a few centimeters before the chains stopped her.

"Magic?" - The Orange Unicorn again didn't get a response, in fact, the Zombie cocked her head - "Like this..."

The two Unicorns lit up their horns before practicing a series of small levitations. The Zombie plopped on the floor and started giggling. Curious, she tried to light up her horn, but not even a spark. The Zombie tried again, but no avail.
The two Unicorns looked at each other.

"It may be for the better," Said Twilight "we can't tell what power she has."

Suddenly, Spike's tummy began to rumble before belching out fire. Seeing the burst, the Zombie reared on her hind legs, braying loudly as she tried to break loose the chain.

"What's wrong with her?" Twilight fiddled back.

Spike picked up the note, "Do not show any sudden bursts of fire."

The experiment continued to yank on the chains, bringing the uneasy faces of both Twilight and Spike.

"Are you sure that chain would hold her?"

"Even Schnookums can't break through that."

But the Frankenstein Monster was no Brobdingnag. Her horn absorbed an electrical charge from the underground laboratory, gaining strength as the link stretched before snapping. Outside, Pinkie Pie was pulling a cart containing a birthday cake.

"She will be so happy when she see's this." Pinkie squealed "Oh the thought just makes my tummy-"

Suddenly, the Pink Pony’s ears started to flop, then her eyes fluttered, and her knees twitched. After the third body spasm, the Zombie Horse busted through the door and galloped away.

"Wait!" - Pinkie turned the cart around and ran alongside the monster - "You forgot your welcome cake!"

Reaching the town square, the residents began to panic as the monster roared at them. She moved one direction, only to be stopped by the explosion of firecrackers. She brays and ran the other way only to stop at a firework test. She moved the other way only to be stopped when she bumped into a telephone booth out of nowhere. She merely ran around it and ran over towards the Everfree Forest.

The door to the booth opened as The Doctor took a peek. "Hello?"

The monster met up with Twilight and Sunset before she leaped over them and continued on her run.

"She's running towards Zecora's hut!" Shouted Twilight.

She did have a reason to worry, The Crusaders are currently visiting her as the Zebra made her special New Year's brew.

"The brew is almost complete, all I need now is swamp peat." Said Zecora.

"I got it!" Scootaloo fluttered her wings, trying to get airborne. Concentrating as hard as she could, the orange Pegasus ascended quite a little height, much to the joy of her friends.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, turning their attention to the panicked Frankenstein Monster. Scootaloo flopped hard on the ground as Zecora stood between them, looking furious.

"Leave my home, Monster, and violence will not have to occur."

The monster looked ahead, noticing a vile spinning off the rack. Immediately the Zombie pushed the Zebra out of the way before grabbing Scootaloo by her mane and yanking her away. The vile splattered on the wooden floor, leaving a burn mark as the juice dried. The orange Pegasus turned her head to the Zombie, who looked at her with a scared look.

"Thanks..." - Scootaloo pushed against the Zombie - "again."

"You know," - Apple Bloom walked up to the corpse - "you need a name."

The monster cocked her head.

"How about, Sherry?" Asked Sweetie Belle, only for the Zombie to grunt.

"Kerry?" Asked Apple Bloom, only for an ear to be raised as a response.

"Mary?" Scootaloo felt the Zombie slowly embrace her before completely hugging her tightly.

The Crusader's cooed at the fact that the now Christened Mary accepted her name. But the smiles on their muzzles turned upside down when they noticed their friend starting to choke.

"Let her go, Mary!" Sweetie Belle strained herself as she tried to pry the undead limbs.

Like a mother punishing a child, Zecora smacked Mary on the head with her staff. As the Zombie instinctively rubbed her head, Scootaloo caught her breath as she wheezed in and out.

"Got some strong muscles, don't you?" Asked Scootaloo as Mary looked down at her before her belly began to rumble.

"I have not much food to fill that stomach good, but perhaps I shall see that can be fixed with a batch of tea." - The Zebra scooped up a cup of her mixture-in-process. Handing it to the Zombie revealed an underestimation of strength when the cup was smashed between two dead limbs, splattering the mix onto the Zebra - "It is never impossible to tame a beast, but being gentle is a skill to be taught at least."

Over at the trail, the Mane Seven raced as fast as they could to Zecora's.

"Whatever that thing is doing," - Rarity growled as she increased her trot - "it would have to get my sister through my cold, dead hooves!"

"You, fighting a Zombie?" Asked Rainbow Dash as she flew next to the white Unicorn.

"No holds barred, darling." Answered Rarity.

They did not hesitate when they burst through the door.

"Zecora," - beckoned Twilight - "we saw a monster-"

The group's pupils shrank as they saw the most unlikely sight: the Crusaders, Zecora, and Mary were sitting across from each other, the last just about to master being delicate when her attention was turned. Rarity was the first to react when she charged first at the beast.

"Stay away from the children, you monster!" Rarity's efforts were in vain when Mary instinctively pinned Rarity to the ground

"Mary, no!" Sweetie Belle ran up to the monster, pulling at the beast's decaying hide before being pushed aside.

Applejack tossed the loop of her lasso again, wrapping around the monster's neck before pulling her with such force that she vaulted her out the door and into the snow covered forest floor. The others stepped out as they surrounded the monster, ready to take it down. Having known that the monster can use electricity to amplify its strength, Twilight and Sunset respectively prepared an EMP spell.

"Wait!" - Scootaloo ran between the two opposing sides, spreading her tiny wings - "She wasn't hurting anyone!"

"Scootaloo, get out of the way!" Rainbow Dash ordered, not getting the orange Pegasus to budge.

"She saved my life twice already!" Scootaloo

"So she has to eye witnesses in the past, but there have been more destruction than blessings!" Said Rarity.

"No girls." - Fluttershy stepped forward, turning around to the others - "She's right." - She pointed a hoof to the monster - "We gave Schnookums and Discord a chance, why not Mary?"

Twilight thought long and hard before dousing the aura on her horn. "Let her go..."

The monster softened her expression before looking down at the ponies defending her.

"We are so sorry, Mary. Would you ever forgive us?"

Fluttershy's answer was met with a snort before turning her attention to the sound of fireworks firing into the air with a slight echo of "Happy New Year!" from the distance. Scared of loud noises, Mary ran deeper into the forest again. When they returned, Princess Celestia stepped forward before them with a pair of guards holding capture gear.

"I'm, sorry Your Highness." - Twilight lowered her head - "The monster got away."

Celestia groaned before walking away, the others joining her. Scootaloo looked at the forest, wondering what Mary would do next.

"You comin', Scoots?" Asked Apple Bloom.

Scraping the ground, filly turned around and ran towards the group. At the forest's edge, the Frankenstein Monster watched as Zecora came by her side.

"They will warm up to you, in the meantime, there is much for you to do."


The four rogues watched as the Zombie sat by the fire, even though dead flesh doesn't need to be warmed up. Cogsworth raised a hoof.

"So... What's your name?"

The Zombie looked at the group, snorting out a puff of hot air.

"Mmm-Mu... Mare-Mary..."