The New Timeline

by Jongoji245

One Shall Rise

On a nice sunny afternoon, Twilight opened her door, took in a breath of fresh air and walks around the town with a smile on her muzzle.

Twilight Sparkle
Morning in Ponyville shimmers
Morning in Ponyville shines
And I know for absolute certain
That everything is certainly fine
There's the Mayor en route to her office
There's the sofa clerk selling some quills

"Morning, kid!" greeted Davenport.

Twilight Sparkle
My Ponyville is so gentle and still
Can things ever go wrong?
I don't think that they will
Morning in Ponyville shimmers
Morning in Ponyville shines
And I know for absolute certain
That everything is certainly—

The song became interrupted by a shattering kaboom, the shockwave sending many a pony flying off, including Rainbow Dash from her cloud. Recovering from the shockwave, the inhabitants walked over to the crater. As the dust cleared, it revealed a blackened crystal.

Twilight and her friends knew this all too well.

"Everypony, get back!" - Twilight ordered when black smoke shot out of the hole like a volcano, the topmost part revealing a set of menacing eyes, red horn, and toothy maw - "Sombra" Twilight growled.

"Sparkle..." Sombra whispered, baring his teeth at the purple Unicorn.

Two Days before Today

Far up north, a good distance away from the Crystal Empire, Blackarachnia, Lightning Dust, and the Red Hood carried the three petrified cocoons of the three Witches in the Red Hood's snow vehicle. Parking over by a small cave, the three rogues carried the cases inside. Lightning Dust and the Red Hood looked around to see just a dark void illuminated barely lit by the sun.

"So, where do we go now?" - Shivered Lightning Dust

Blackarachnia looked at the Alicorn Amulet, this time no longer glowing as was days ago.

"I don't know, this amulet should guide us further."

Under the all around helmet, the Red Hood drew a glare.

"Well," - She pulls a pistol and grabs the hornless Changeling - "how about you tell your little gem here that it lead us to a wild goose chase!"


Suddenly a massive burst of red light illuminated the cave, sealing off the entrance and releasing Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle from their prison.
Draggle lifted her arms in disgust as she was covered in the viscous fluid.

"Finally!" - Draggle moaned, rubbing the slime off her fur - "I was wondering when we would get out."

The group turned to a massive red crystal, glowing in and out as if breathing

"Wh-who are you?" Lightning Dust began to shake.

"I... am the Umbrum." - Muttered the crystal in a deep, feminine voice - "I have brought you for a purpose..."

Hydia snorted, "Nopony summons the leader of my clan."

"Then... it pleases me to be the first." The crystal scoffed, bringing a chuckle from Hydia's daughters before being silenced by her glare.

"What's your business?" asked the Red Hood.

"This is my command: Destroy the Element of Magic." - the Umbrum glowed - "It is far too readily available to overcome."

Blackarachnia fluttered her wings, "What's in it for us?"

The gem hummed a deep note, "You are foolish to bargain against my word. Very well, I shall grant you new powers and soldiers to command."

Reeka's tummy growled, gaining an idea. "And?"

"And nothing!" - the Umbrum yelled - "You all belong to me now."

"I serve nopony but herself!" Hydia growled when a red aura surrounded her, choking her as the witch held her throat.

"Perhaps I misjudged you. Proceed your way to oblivion."

As the glow intensified, Hydia was almost at the point to death when her daughters came to her aid.

"No!" - Draggle shouted - "We accept, we accept!"

The magic receded, releasing Hydia from the Umbrum.

"Excellent." - Said the Umbrum in a sadistic tone - "And to make sure you have done the job correctly..."

The Umbrum shoots out a beam onto the Alicorn Amulet. The group steps back as an image slowly appears before them.

1 hour before now

Over at the library, Twilight Sparkle was happily prancing about the library, her dragon assistant still slightly unamused.

"Oh, this is so exciting!" - Twilight prepared a pile of books on the central desk - "This will be a fascinating moment for Celestia's School of Magic!"

"It's just a practice test, Twilight." Said Spike as he lifted another pile of books.

"Just a practice test?" - Twilight inched her nose to her dragon companion - "Even if it's a practice test, if he passes it, it can set a new standard for the school. How often does a non-Unicorn enter the school?"

Spike crossed his arms, "Not very."

Far over at the testing room, Cosgrove studied the subject of his practice test: a locked treasure chest. He took a glance at the directions they gave.

Open the lock without scathing the chest.

From the side, Sunset watched the Hipparion tap his snout before flicking his ears high into the air. Adding a small amount of gunpowder into the key hole, Cosgrove then scratched his hooves repeatedly before a spark shot out of them. Feeling the heat, the lock was sent limp with a small pop. Removing it, he opened the chest revealing a small gem inside. He showed it in front of his prospective judges, who were just finished talking to each other.

"Mr. Cosgrove," - Top Marks beckoned - "at this point, your skill is currently below our standards for a pony your age. We suggest that you improve your craft and try the test again."

Despite the fact that this was a practice test, Cosgrove droops his ears before taking a deep breath.

"Thank you for allowing this opportunity." Placing the gem back into its chest, he hops off the stage and walks out the room with Sunset.

Throughout their walk towards the exit, Cosgrove remained silent, much to the worry of his friend slash mentor.

"Even in a practice test, Cosgrove, they are usually rigged in a Unicorn's favor." - Sunset eyed the ceiling of the halls - "But even then it can be dubious, mine certainly was."

"You wouldn't be mad if I failed the real test?" Asked the young Hipparion.

Sunset stopped, turning her head to him.

"If anything, it is my fault for only teaching defensive magics." - She answered - "I wouldn't be mad at you for at least trying."

Cosgrove slowly smiled when their ears flicked to a series of heavy hoofbeats coming towards them. Turning their heads to the right, they found Princess Luna approaching them. She stopped as they bowed their heads before her.

"I see you have taken the practice exam." Said Princess Luna to Cosgrove

"Yeah, didn't turn out so well." - He answered, scratching his head - "Don't know how Twilight would react to that."

Princess Luna chuckled, "Leave thy worry to Twilight alone." - The Alicorn eyed the unusual cutie mark on Cosgrove's flank - "Have you any clue as to the purpose of your cutie mark?"

"We have already tried to find that out, your Highness." - Answered Sunset - "Every historical record, even photographs of Paleolithic cave paintings, nopony displayed a similar cutie mark. The only way to find out is if we find his people."

Princess Luna nodded, "Take as much time as you need, your student is still young."

Luna gestured her subjects to walk with her. The three ponies walked out of the schoolhouse and over to the castle. As with Princess Celestia, Cosgrove kept his snout closed. One time, a little slumber party, or "Brony Bash" by Button Mash, at Pipsqueak's turned up a little south after Cosgrove spotted a small shrine dedicated to the Princess of the Night. Granted that the first Nightmare Night that Luna Celebrated was at first lukewarm, the Hipparion didn't think that the small pinto would take the fantasy quite well.

"You seem concerned, young stallion." - Luna's statement got Cosgrove out of his blank state - "Is there anything of concern?"

Cosgrove started to flick his ear a little, trying to get find a reasonable question to ask back.

"Have you ever had any students of your own?" he asked before holding his lower lip with his teeth.

Luna looked up at the sky, trying to recollect any previous knowledge before her millennium exile on the moon.

"Before my exile, my sister and I have trained several students," - Cosgrove was about to interject when Luna turned her head to him - "but on my own, no if that is what you are asking."

Cosgrove puckered his lips back as he tried to ask another question. "If you had a student of your own like your sister has, who would it be?"

Princess Luna immediately stopped, the machinations of her mind humming for an answer. That was disturbed when a large flying object flew over the sky, speeding down over the mountainous city.

"That's strange," - Sunset cocked her head - never seen a meteor make its way towards Ponyville."

"Never seen one that glowed black." Cosgrove added.

They watched as the asteroid crashed to the ground.

"We better return." Said Sunset as she and Cosgrove ran towards the train station.

"Take my chariot, it's much faster." Luna offered

Much further away, the other members of Twilight's posse stood next to her, though Fluttershy did quiver as usual.

"And what brings yer smokey keister here, your Highness?" Applejack asked mockingly.

Suddenly, a launched rocket exploded on the ground. Looking up, they found the Red Hood standing on top of one of the roofs holding a bazooka on one shoulder. Rarity lit her horn as a green blur pushed her aside. Looking up, Lightning Dust fluttered above them. Rainbow Dash growled.

"No one hurts my friend like that!" Rainbow immediately took off, pursuing her near equal high in the sky.

Three blasts of dark energy strike the earth; Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle appeared before them in an new wardrobe. Hydia tied her hair in two braids jutting out the back of her head while wearing a violet robe adorned with spiked shoulder pads of a silver suit, gauntlets of silver on her arms and legs. Reeka wore a red-gray battle suit with massive red shoulder pads, arm and leg gauntlets, and a black band on the top of her face. Draggle wore much simpler clothing: a tattered blue cloak over a conditioned dress, holding a wooden staff with the top end impaling through a skull of a young pony.

"I appreciate the nice set of clothes" - Rarity lit up her horn before slowly going into a battle pose - "but I suppose your manners haven't changed."

"By the time we are done with you," - Hydia cackled - "there won't be enough of your fur to stuff a pillow."

Lighting up her horn, the witch fired a blast that the remaining five members barely dodged.

"You big meanie!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie

"Ah, did I hurt you?" - Reeka said in an appealing voice, all the while lighting her horn - "This will make it better!"

Pinkie Pie dodged the blast of black magic before taking out her party cannon, hopping inside of it, and blasting out, hooves stretched forward as she collided with the witch.

Fluttershy, of course, had the weird side of the battle. Binding her under containment spell, Draggle hugged the yellow Pegasus like a teddy bear, ignoring her soft whimpers.

"Don't worry, I have a nice little cage where we can play all day." - That sentence sinking into her ear, Fluttershy screamed, pushed the witch aside and began to run like a mad cow. - "Don't you dare leave me!!"

Applejack kept landing a few glancing blows against the Red Hood, leaving a few cracks on the helmet. Throwing a smoke bomb, the antagonist vaulted over the Farmer and ran towards the edge of the roof. She leaped away when the loop of a rope snagged her leg. With a tight turn, the Red Hood took out a knife and sliced off the rope in one quick stroke. But with the momentum lost, the criminal landed on the pavement, looking to see Applejack scowl at her.

"Ya know there are ways to get Ponies hurt, right?" Applejack immediately dodged an onslaught of bullets, sliding down as they pierced the straw roofing.

"Yeah," - answered the Red Hood as she lifted up the smoking gun upright - "like yelling at the pony carrying the MW-87."

Back up in the air, Rainbow Dash continued to chase Lightning Dust, reaching by her rival's side.

"Couldn't resist a grudge after Wonderbolt Camp?" Rainbow Dash grappled with her equal, swirling in the air as their bodies cast silhouettes in the sun.

"I should have been lead pony, not you!" Lightning Dust lashed out

"And this is going to get you back into the Wonderbolts?"

Just as Rainbow Dash finished, Blackarachnia swooped over, biting the back of her neck and taking a nosedive straight to the ground. The Changeling rose up on her perforated hooves, looking down at the broken Pegasus when Lightning Dust landed next to her.

"That should get you in a place with Admiral Firefly!" Lightning hissed.

Back to Twilight and Sombra, the fight was very one sided. Being away from the Crystal Empire, the Shadow Pony didn't have to worry about the effects of the Crystal Heart. In his shadow form, Sombra easily dodged Twilight's blasts before shooting out a bolt of lightning from his demented horn.

"Twilight!" - From a distance, Spike beckoned her name while holding the Elements of Harmony.

Sombra, recognizing the small beast who brought the key to his downfall, stormed after him.

"Insolent animal!" - He roared as he solidified himself into his black, armored form - "I'll grind you to pulp!"

"Sombra!" - Twilight beckoned, drawing the tyrant's attention - "Do what you want with me, but leave Spike alone!"

Sombra stopped for a moment to think, "Let us test the strength of your friendship with this beast!"

The Shadow Pony glowed his horn once more, ready to blast at the young dragon. Spike tried to run, but each area of escape he went was blocked off as his shadow generated black crystals. Twilight fired a beam of light at the tyrant, only to be cast aside by a crystal that shattered upon contact. Seeing him rearing his head, Twilight faced with no other option. She teleported to Spike's side, casting a shield to protect them both from the blast. The violet Unicorn mustered all her strength to repel Sombra's dark magic.

A good distance away, the Umbrum glowed a bright red. "Destroy her!"

Sombra's magical aura grew much more intense as his spell drew much closer. Spike watched when a small aura wrapped around him. The young dragon was confused before noticing Twilight slowly turning her head. His eyes widened when he noticed Twilight curl a smile, a tear just streaming from her eye.

"I love you, Spike."

In a split second discharge of energy, Twilight dissolved the shield to teleport Spike as far as she could when Sombra's spell wraps over her, the other Elements of Harmony looked in horror as Twilight screamed. When the spell cleared, what was in Twilight's place was no longer a flesh and blood pony, but a crystal statue standing in a pose of fright.

Everypony looked at the statue, their mouths open agape and their eyes small as pinpricks. Rainbow Dash slowly turned a glare at Lightning Dust, who also had the same look.

The other antagonists looked at the stunned populace.

"Well," - Hydia lit up her horn, aiming it at the nearest pony - "there's still enough time for it."

Suddenly a series of tarot cards stab into her horn. Looking up, Cosgrove just descended from Luna's royal chariot, Sunset joining him in a flash of sea green. Blackarachnia drew a sneer as she launched towards the Hipparion before being retracted back by Sombra's magic.

"Our mission is done..." Sombra quickly became shadow as he began engulfing his allies. Seeing Lightning Dust enveloped in shadow as well, Rainbow Dash in a fit of rage flew as fast as she could, but by the time she reached the ground, it was too late. Tears welled up in the Pegasus' eyes before she slammed both hooves on the ground and screamed.

A while later, the Mane Five, the Crusaders, Cosgrove and his grandparents waited outside of the library. Inside, Spike peeked from behind a bookshelf as Sunset and Princess Celestia discussed the crystalline statue.

"This spell I recall was the one used on the first Princess Amore." - The Alicorn touched the statue - "Thank the maker that he had not shattered it at the same time."

"Then there is a spell that can bring her back?" Sunset asked.

Celestia lowered her head, "There was..."

Realizing this, Spike ran towards them. "No, no it can't be!" - he begged - "You have the power, you can bring her back!" - He began to tear up - "Please!"

"I'm sorry, Spike." - The Alicorn embraced him - "But unless we can find a spell, Twilight may remain this state forever."

Spike slowly backed away, his claws trembling, before he ran to the nearest bookshelf and began pulling out books.

"She can't be gone, I'll find the cure!" - the young dragon skimmed each book before tossing it aside - "I will!"

The two older individuals looked at each other before Princess Celestia walked over and embraced him.

"I have too!" The young dragon sniffled as he clung onto the ruler's white fur, weeping as he is brought to reality.

A few days later, every inhabitant of Ponyville, including a few guests such as a few additional Apple Family members, gathered around the statue. Twilight's immediate family sat in front, with Twilight Velvet weeping as her remaining child, Shining Armor, rubbed her back. Princess Celestia stepped before her people, taking a deep breath.

"And so the departure of Twilight Sparkle is a tragic loss to us all. She was among my greatest students, and one of my best friends. I remember when she would check out a large pile of books so much that she would max out her library card. I will miss her dearly as so we all. Rest well, Twilight, rest well."

As if on cue, Philomena ascends and burns ceremonially. When the light faded, Shining Armor lined up next to a column of soldiers, issuing an order to fire several blasts into the air that exploded in a series of colors.

As the funeral was shown on air, back at the Mane Manor, Trixie, Cogsworth, Spot, Garble, and Mary watched as Celestia delivered her speech. The crippled Earth colt turned to the magician.

"Anything we would like to say?" He asked.

"Before I left Canterlot, I remember Twilight Sparkle was always such a bookworm." - The blue Unicorn sniffled - "But she knew a few steps ahead."

Garble snorted, "She was just one of those namby-pamby Ponies, just like her dragon pet."

"I can tell you one thing," the group turned around to find a recovering Bridgette looking at a microscope, "she's not dead."

"How so, like me?" Asked Mary.

"Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only converted to one form or another. Unless the law of conservation was repealed, she's not dead."

Trixie looked at the display case of Bridgette's second apprentice.

"If only that were true to Jamieson."

The master of the house glared at her new student, promoting Spot to wave his arms."

"Sorry, low blow." He barked.

Over the course of a few days again, the effect of the loss took hold of Twilight's closest friends. At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was busy harvesting the family crop. When she came across one tree holding red apples, the farmer imagined the pure white eyes from the Red Hood on each fruit. Gritting her teeth, she bucked at the trunk, relieving it of its burden before smashing each individual apple. Stopping at the sight of a shadow, Applejack turned to find her older brother looking at her with a pitiful look on his muzzle. Tears welled in her eyes before the proud farmer broke down, embracing her brother as the water streamed down her face.

Pinkie Pie tried to keep a happy face as she baked for her customers. But it is still pretty evident when she delivered orders.

“Uhm, Pinky” - Bon Bon pointed to the order, a violet carrot cake with Neapolitan ice cream on the side - “this isn’t what I ordered.”

“Oh,” - Pinkie's hair deflated slightly - “I'm sorry, I'll get you another order.”

The party Pony grabbed the order and bounded a good enough distance into the kitchen before she broke down and cried so hard, tears shot out of the kitchen like a fire hydrant, washing away the customers.

Rarity was just signing a commission form to sell duplicates of Twilight's grand galloping gala costume.

“Your friend would be happy that you are letting her do this.”

The white Unicorn looked to the Library before lowering her head.
“Not entirely.”

Rainbow Dash flew around the town’s airspace, her face clenched in rage as she rammed through every cloud, a reminder for what she would have done to her rival along with that Changeling.

Ever since her passing, Fluttershy would weep in her garden, her animal companions surrounding her. Inside her college, Discord, now (for the most part) reformed, looked at his first friend, one of the few times the normally happy go lucky Draconequus was sad. His daughter, Screwball, floated towards the door.

“Well, I'm going out to do some well-deserved chaos.” Screwball placed a hoof on the doorknob.

“No more acts of chaos, Screwie.” Moaned Discord as he lowered his head.

Confused at first, the Chaos Pony then chuckled. “You’re such a kidder, Da-”

“I SAID NO!!” - The Draconequus lashed out at his daughter, scaring her to seep into a crack in the stairs. Screwball shivered in her hiding spot before being joined by her father. - “Oh, I'm sorry, Screwball. It’s just that without Twilight, Chaos has no punchline.”

With Twilight gone, Sunset Shimmer was now the official library master, but she wasn’t happy about it. Stamping each book to give to a borrower, then having to reorganize it on a shelf gave her a sense of nostalgia. Memories flooded around her as she recalled each moment she was with her former classmate from shunning her off as a filly to trying to prove she was the best as an adult.

One particular memory surfaces. One point as a filly, Sunset was berated by Princess Celestia after getting into a fight with Twilight.

“Sunset, you will apologize to Twilight this instant.” She ordered.

“Why, she started it!” Said the young Unicorn as she crossed her arms.

“I felt your magic start first.” Celestia rebuked “why do you-”

“Because she is all so special!” - Sunset lashed out - “She believes she can be your own pet, well I came here first, damn it!”

“Sunset!” Celestia stopped her as the young Twilight hid behind her mentor.

Realizing what she had said, the young Sunset drew her ears back before running out of the room. Twilight looked on as her sniffles echoed across the hall.

“Sunset…” whispered the young Twilight before the memory flashed over to the present, the visual of Cosgrove carrying a scrapbook in his saddlebag.

“Oh, hi Cosgrove.” - Sunset sniffled as she wiped a small tear from her eye - “Just came by to visit?”

“That, and I wanted to check up on Spike.” Cosgrove answered.

Upstairs, the young dragon curled up on Twilight's bed, his arms wrapping around his muzzle. Right in front of him, Owlowiscious sat there.

“I don’t know what to do anymore.”


“Without Twilight, I feel empty.”


“Twilight, my friend.”


“Your owner.” Spike furrowed his brow as he lifted up his saddened eyes.


“The original owner of this library.”


Spike began to shake before exploding before the strigiform.

“The Pony who now won’t hold me back from coming at you!” The young dragon chased the owl around the room, jumping up and down to catch the hovering bird.

Just as Cosgrove walked up the stairs, Owlowiscious soared to the Hipparion, ascending above him and hovering behind him. Just when he looked ahead, Spike jumped at Cosgrove, causing them both to roll down the stairs, landing on the floor with a hard thud before the young Pony rolled back up and pinned Spike to the ground. A moment of hard breathing, the dragon calmed down well enough for Cosgrove to release him.

“Sorry,” - Spike dragged his arm across his muzzle - “Owlowiscious was just teasing as usual.”

High on a bookshelf, the little owl crossed his arms, raising a brow in disagreement.

“We miss her, Spike.” - Sunset walked up to them - “We all do.”

“How can you two get over the fact that our best friend is… is…” Spike placed his claws over his eyes when a yellow forearm stretched forward. Uncovering his eyes, Cosgrove took out his scrapbook, revealing pictures of his younger years in Ponyville.

“Talk.” Cosgrove answered.

A good distance away in the Everfree Forest, the Ponies responsible for the attack hid in an abandoned house, Lightning Dust kept watch outside. Inside, however, their success is met on a rather sour note.

“What do you mean, Mother?” - Sombra asked as the Umbrum grew brighter - “Twilight has been defeated, the others cannot use their elements against us.”

“The Elements do not affix to one owner.” The Umbrum growled “They become part of anyone who best fits the element.”

“Sunset Shimmer…” - Hydia growled before stepping forward - “If I so may, why not discourage them much further?”

“How so, Hecate?” The Umbrum asked.

Unaware to either of them, Lightning Dust was watching them, learning of their plan.

“My barge may be destroyed, but I know of one destructive formula that will really get them running.”

Reeka and Draggle’s eyes widened.

“You don’t-?!”
“You mean?!”

“The Smooze.” - Hydia answered - “Even with the Phlume plant extinct, the Smooze can still create enough destruction before they can use their magical charms.”

The Umbrum hums echoed the room. “Very well, see to it as you must. My victory must be certain.”

Suddenly their ears picked up the sound of hooves scraping against the rocks. Lightning Dust immediately was a good distance away when a massive black cloud erupted from the house. The green Pegasus looked behind to see the predatory head of the former king of the Crystal Empire. With a zap of his mighty horn, Lightning’s left wing became crippled, careening herself down to the forest floor. Leaving the Pony to the predator’s mercy, Sombra slowly faded away.

Slightly further away, Zecora meditated on the sudden loss of Twilight Sparkle. Since Apple Bloom established a friendship between them, the Zebra has provided much-needed help. She was needed when the young farmer had a case of cutie pox when Spike was becoming greedy (and dare to say much larger), and tried to provide the means to defeat the then bewitched Trixie. She took a small sip from her cup, taking a few small breaths as she maintained her emotions.

Her ears flicked to the sound of frantic hooves passing by, drawing a concern from her foreign eyes.

“Even if it is not night, being in the forest alone does not give-” Zecora stopped when she found the wounded Lightning Dust wobbling passed the hut. This still made the Zebra concerned as she was told about her.

“Please…” - Lightning Dust was about to faint - “Take me to the library.”

The green Pegasus fainted on the forest floor. Zecora looked around for any signs of danger before lifting the stranger onto her back and began a slow trot over towards Ponyville.

“That looks like the exact spell Sombra placed on Shining Armor.” A faint voice was heard.

Slowly, Lightning's vision became clear as it revealed the remaining Elements of Harmony, Sunset, and Zecora looking at her

“It is still curable with the help of the Crystal Heart.” Added Applejack

“Uh, girls.” Whispered Fluttershy as she turned to her friends “She’s waking up.”

Rainbow Dash was the first to turn around and fly over to Lightning Dust, holding her down as she looked at her furiously.

“Glad you’re not dead,” - Rainbow snarled, aiming a hoof at her muzzle - “cuz I wanna make that my honor!”

“Rainbow!” Applejack pulled her back, trying to resist her squirming.

“You have a lot of nerve showing your flank over here again!” Rainbow Dash hissed.

“Why have you come, after what you’ve done?” Asked Sunset as she walked towards the injured Pegasus.

“I just wanted to get back at Rainbow for getting Spitfire to remove me from the Wonderbolts.”

“My fault?!” Rainbow rebutted “You almost got my friends and our teammates killed out there!”

“Never mind that,” Sunset interjected before turning back to Lightning Dust “Where are the others? What are their plans?”

“They plan to unleash something called a Smooze.”

The other Ponies were completely dumbfounded.

“What, pray tell,” - Rarity broke the silence - “is a Smooze?”

Suddenly a flash of light appears, revealing one of their former enemies floating above them.

“What’s a Smooze?” Discord asked in a tone like that of Rarity’s “Why Smooze and I go a long ways back.”

Stretching his bird arm, the Draconequus pulled down a screen, 1950’s style video countdown before displaying a Rocky and Bullwinkle style visual depicting what happened a millennia or so ago.

“Quite a long time ago, Hydia lead a revolt of her clan from Midnight Mountain against Celestia, with their chief weapon, the Smooze. Smooze gobbled up their armor, jewels, and even clothes. When all hope was lost, Discord came and saved the day.” The animatic Discord tore open a hole before casting the demon aside “While our Royal Princess’ journeyed about to rid an ingredient, I was placed in charge of repair.”

At the end of the video, Discord made a sinister chuckle before noticing the concerned muzzles of his equine friends before clearing his throat.

“Can’t you get rid of it like you have before?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well I would but with the Phlume plant extinct, it wouldn’t be sporty.”

“You, the spirit of chaos, don’t find the Smooze all that challenging?” Asked Applejack as she poked the brown, snakelike body.

“If one ingredient is ever missing, the Elements of Harmony should do the trick.” Discord suddenly rose his head “Oh right, but you still need the Element of Magic now that our dearly departed friend is on the other side.”

Spike suddenly got an idea as he ran towards the mismatched creature. “Can you bring Twilight back?”

A long awkward silence was then interrupted by a bellied laugh, when he opened one teary eye, he found the young dragon still waiting for an answer.

“Oh, you're serious? Well, I could…”

“But…?” Spike stood on his tippy toes.

“My magic cannot tear into the spiritual realm, besides, it would be like that time Screwball gave a poor stallion a monkey paw. It isn’t a pretty picture.” He snakes his way to Sunset “I'm sure the Element shall choose a new suitor, isn’t that right, Sunny?”

The entire audience looked at the Element of Magic resting on the chair, collecting dust after a few days from Twilight's funeral. Spike droops his tail as the orange Unicorn levitated the Element to her. Pinkie shuffled her hair as she took out a pair of kiddy sunglasses, ready for the unexpected.

After staring at her reflection on the star-shaped gem, Sunset nestled the Crown on her mane, her eyes closed shut as she prepared to expect any form of transition to come upon her. After a few seconds, her face relaxed, spying her friends with their eyes widened.

“So…” Cosgrove broke the silence “How do you feel?”

After looking up, tapping a hoof on the floor, Sunset raised a brow before looking at the mirror. “Just the same as before.”

She had a reason to; the gem at the top of the Crown hasn’t changed shape to her cutie mark nor has it changed color.

Discord’s normally slim body suddenly became much bulkier as he waddled over to Sunset.

“Guess your body doesn't realize it's the Element of Magic.” He said in a punk accent “Gonna take a lot more than a Crown, and Universe juice.”

“It’ll have to do,” She turns around “I may not be Twilight, but I wish this can make up for my past sins.”

Applejack walked up to her friend, wrapping an arm around her neck.

“If Twilight were here right now, she would be so proud of you.”

Sunset looked to see her friends look at her, many with smiles on their faces. This brought a fuzzy feeling in her heart.

“Group hug!” Pinkie chirped as they gave the new Element of Magic a group hug.

“Uh, Pinkie” Rainbow Dash suddenly reminded herself of the situation at hoof “shouldn't we do this after this is all done?”

“First, we need to tell the Mayor to evacuate the town.” Said Rarity.

Spike took out a parchment and ink quill, waiting for Sunset’s speech.

“Dear Princess Celestia, I am writing to you that a threat has been made to Ponyville. The Ponies responsible for the last attack plans to unleash the Smooze. We are currently in process of evacuating the town. We have heard about the extinction of the Phlume plant, and plan on using the Elements of Harmony to destroy it. Best of luck from your faithful student, Sunset Shimmer.”

Reading the letter next to her sister, Celestia’s face tensed as she stepped forward.

“Send for Shining Armor at once.” Celestia ordered

“My sister?” Luna beckoned

“These are troubled times, and we need the help we can muster.”

“But my sister, the Elements of Harmony should be just enough to stop the Smooze.” - Luna looked outside - “You have trained Sunset for this, though she doesn't know it.”

“It is true, Luna.” Celestia turned her head “But the Element of Magic isn’t ready for her.”

The younger Alicorn cocked her head. “Why thou say that?”

Meanwhile, in an unknown realm, Twilight Sparkle herself hastily looked around.

“What is this place?” - Turning around often had the same result, just empty void - “Hello?”

A while after writing to Celestia, Mayor Mare declared a state of emergency. Ponies of all kinds crowded the train station, gradually reducing in size as each train came and went. At Lion Tamer’s request, the Barn and Bailey Circus train arrived to pick up the remainder of the populace, that composed mostly of the children from the Elementary School.

“Daddy,” Diamond Tiara whined as she pinched her nose “why can't we wait for a fancy train?”

“Diamond, this is the only free way to travel,” answered Filthy Rich “besides, your friends are going with you.”

The boorish Pony groaned as she boarded the train. A distance away, the Crusaders, Cosgrove, and Spike were saying their goodbyes to the Elements.

“Big Mac will take good care of you, Sugarcube.” Said Applejack as she hugged her little sibling.

“And don’t worry, darling” Rarity sniffled “we’ll defeat those brutes like last time.”

“Take care, squirt.” Added Rainbow as she rubbed Scootaloo’s mane.

“Things will get better” Sunset embraced the Hipparion she knew for so long “they will.”

As the children boarded the train, Fluttershy flapped to Discord.

“Discord, may I ask a favor?”

“Anything for my first friend.” Answered the Draconequus with a bow.

“Watch over them and Screwball.”

Discord's eyes popped open. “But Fluttershy, you need me.”

“Right now, there are Ponies who need you more.” Fluttershy cemented it further with a hug.

Feeling a fuzzy feeling since being reformed, Discord dons on an eagle scout uniform, placing his lion arm on his heart and raised his bird index and middle fingers.

“I promise to do my best to do my duty (most of it anyway), Colt Scout’s honor.”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord and Screwball reappeared at the last car, the former in a dress as he cries in anguish, holding a handkerchief as the train moves farther and farther away. Lightning Dust looked on as she felt the guilt rising in her heart before she walked away.

Back at the station, Sunset took a deep breath before turning to her friends.

“Let's go.”

Back on the train, Cosgrove felt something funny in his saddlebag. Unzipping it, he found the most unlikely of objects: Sunset's journal. Lion Tamer and Loopty Hoop cocked their heads in confusion.

“Why would Sunset trust you with her book?” Asked the grandfather.

The Hipparion flipped through a few pages before finding a note that revealed a set of alchemy spells he hasn’t tried yet, including one resembling her cutie mark with a warning label, “Only to be used as a last minute measure.”

Cosgrove embraced the book, knowing what will happen in the near future.

Back at Ponyville itself, the Mane Six waited for the threat to appear. Rainbow Dash floated high above them to get a better look. The silence was soon disturbed when a series of voice, as if scatting, became louder and louder. Soon the Valley was becoming swamped by a purple slime with a series of floating eyes and mouths as it devoured everything. Floating on it was a new sailboat with the three witches of Midnight Mountain.

Reeka and Draggle:
Something bad is coming down - have you heard the news?

Listen up!

Reeka and Draggle:
Get inside...better run and hide - nothing can stop the Smooze

You can't stop me!

Reeka and Draggle:
See the way it slithers forth - spewing gobs of ooze henceforth

I love ooze!

Here is comes!

Reeka and Draggle:
Right now!

Hydia, Reeka, and Draggle:
Nothing can stop the Smooze!

No way!

Reeka, Draggle, and Smooze:
You can't escape can't escape it - you haven't got a chance. Yeah!

That evil goo is a witch's brew

Reeka and Draggle:
No matter what you do, it's gonna get to you
Anyone who tries to fight is guaranteed to lose


Reeka and Draggle:
You can't win!

You oughtta pack it in

Hydia, Reeka, Draggle, and Smooze:
Nothing can stop the Smooze

Don't even try!!

Reeka and Draggle:
Here comes the Smooze cruisin' along singin' it's funky, gunky song!

Just ain't no way to stop...

Hydia, Reeka and Draggle:
Our gooey, gooey glop! Ooh!
When it comes to witches brews, Smooze is what we choose
We won't stop - nothing else can top our ......... unstoppable Smooze

I love to Smooze!

Reeka and Draggle:
Smooze...nothing can stop the Smooze


As the slimy monster drowned the town in sludge, the Elements of Harmony stood on a nearby hill, looking down with determined looks on their faces.

“Here goes.” Sunset closed her eyes as the other elements began to shine, levitating her friends into the air. The orange Unicorn rose up on her hind legs, ready to perform the first action as the Element of Magic.

Nothing happened. The Smooze still devoured the town.

“What gives?” Rainbow Dash protested

“I don’t know.” Sunset levitated the Element of Magic to her face “It should have worked with me!”

Suddenly, Discord's image appeared on the gem.

“Guess your body doesn’t recognize it as the Element of Magic.” His comment echoed in her head.

A lightning strike turned her attention as black smoke erupted from the boat, the predatory head of Sombra swirling around the town. The Smooze fossilized, changing from the harsh purple to obsidian. At the town square, Sombra materialized on a jagged crystal as another, giant red crystal erupted, becoming much taller as the sky grew darker.

Blackarachnia stood on the crow's nest as the Alicorn Amulet dissolved into her chitinous body, channeling its energy over to the bare spot on her head. Soon, the magic spiraled up into a horn.

“Yesssssss!!!!!” Blackarachnia squealed in sly joy at her restored feature. She then looked at the intruders below her. “Let's test this baby out!”

Hovering in the air, the drone channeled a new red aura in her horn as it illuminated hundreds of shapes in the crystalline ground.

“Arise my legion!”

On cue, Crystal dreadnoughts of her image erupted from the ground, screeching into the sky before their glass wings buzzed into the air.

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. “Time for the hard way!” She pounded her hooves before noticing Fluttershy flying at a breakneck speed.

“Right now, Rainbow,” Applejack turned to her cyan friend “a retreat sounds like a good option right now.”

Immediately they ran away as the soldiers divebombed into the ground behind them, leaving small craters as they shattered into several pieces before being placed back together again.

A much further distance away, the event is unfolded again on TV as a journalist reported the event.

“And as we speak, the army is coming towards us, the Elements of Harmony couldn't stop them as we have hoped and-”

“What are you standing here for?!” Rarity pushed them into a gallop as the camera mare turned to the bombarding soldiers “Run!”

Once the visual became static with the label “Please Stand By,” the residents of the Mane Manor stared in shock and awe. Cogsworth’s hoof slowly curled up.

“My home…”

“That not possible!” Spot barked before pointing to his head and neck “Gems they possess usually work.”

“Trixie recalls from her studies that the Elements work with those who suit them the most.” Said Trixie “Now without an Element of Magic, we are lost.”

“I wouldn't say that.” Said Bridgette while she drew up a 3D map of the contaminated Ponyville “I was able to get a schematic of the town. The red Crystal is shallowly rooted to the ground.”

Cogsworth rubbed his chin before gesturing.
“A well aimed spiral grenade should be able to shatter it.”

“Not possible, energy is pulsing at an alarming rate, deflecting any physical weapons such as a missile.” Rebutted Rachel

“Us Diamond Dogs should be able to dig it out!” Said Spot.

“Mary will push shiny, red rock.” Added the Zombie as she flexed her muscles.

Garble eyeballed at the massive tank behind them. “I can get the boys to provide cover fire.”

The master of the house stares forward, looking furious at the probable suicidal idea as she raised herself with her cane. The others were silent as Bridgette walked towards the entrance of the cave. Rachel, the first of Bridgette's apprentices back in the day, walked to her side.

“I’ve known you for too long to not think what you plan to do.”

Bridgette stopped and glared at her first young ward.

“The mission is not over.”

A good distance away again, the refugees that took the Barn and Bailey Circus train now roamed with the circus folk. Some did not like it, but others enjoyed being in the company of the strange beings. Cosgrove's family and Spike stayed in the same tent before the Hipparion left for Ponyville.

“Wow…” Loopty Hoop stretched her arm up “I never realized how small this tent was.”

“Brings back memories…” Lion Tamer added.

Suddenly, Spike's belly vibrated before belching out green smoke that soon materialized into another scroll. The young dragon unfurled it and began to read it.

“We have been unable to stop the Smooze and the situation has become much worse. We have been able to escape, but now we need to come up with a counter attack plan while Princess Celestia sends additional help.” Spike looks at the Tamer family, now with a worried look on their faces.

Cosgrove slammed a hoof on the dresser. “And Discord found this unsportsmanlike?”

Suddenly Discord appeared once more, now with a frustrated look.

“You know, I do have better reasons than that.”

“Such as?” Asked Scootaloo

Discord snapped his fingers, releasing a caged lion, causing ponies nearby to scream. The lion chooses Zecora it jumps out of the cage and begins chasing her.

“As you see, a lion chases a zebra. Nature isn't normal, chaos abounds in situations like this. Here the Zebra’s heart thumps, her body sweats, and her mind races to find an escape route.”

“Stop!!!” Sweetie Belle shrieked just as the lion was about to jump on Zecora. Soon they were back in the circus tent.

“What the hay was the point of all that?” Questioned Apple Bloom as she glared at the Draconequus.

Discord rolled his eyes, “The lion is the point.”

“The lion?” Said Loopty Hoop

“Yes, the lion is there to alert the Zebra of the lion.” Discord still didn’t get a response from his audience “My point is how would you learn if the danger was gone with” - The mismatched animal stopped himself from snapping his fingers - “a snap of the fingers?”

“Sunset would not allow me to do this-”

“Without help?” Discord interrupted as he wrapped around the Hipparion before looking at the audience “And the fossil Pony was taught under one of Celestia's finest. You have your miniature army before you.”

“What?!” Said Chelsey “We don’t know how to fight!”

Suddenly, the horse was tossed a bo staff from Zecora.

“Then you must learn fast.” the zebra stepped to Cosgrove’s side “Or you too will be a thing of the past.”

The children looked as they began to understand the situation. Cosgrove looked at Sunset’s journal when another shadow, Spike's, loomed over her words. The two assistants of Canterlot Students looked at each other before giving each other a nod.

“Rule 1: This will be taught on a higher level from where we are now.”

At a closer distance to Ponyville, the Mane Six conjured up a plan.

“With outside help coming soon, and Lightning Dust not among them, this does make things more even. Applejack, you can keep the Red Hood busy, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, you will fight the witches.” Sunset's plan now made the yellow Pegasus cringe “Rainbow Dash, you will take care of the Changeling. I will fight Sombra.”

“With the Elements useless now, this plan is so dangerous it's stupid.” Rainbow Dash looked at her Element

Pinkie Pie stood on her hind legs, placing her front ones on her hips. “Of course, we dare to be stupid.”

The others were silent, giving the party Pony a look.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

Back at Mane Manor, Bridgette watched the sky become ever more darker, her backside illuminated by the lit fireplace. Her associates looked in the other direction as their unusual guest stirred her spoon in a filled teacup.

“This is crazy, even for me, but if we do not do something, there will be no world left to rule over. And I fear that Celestia's help won't survive this battle.” She turns to her guest “I ask of you this: help us fight long enough for the Diamond Dogs to unearth the Umbrum.”

The blackened hoof stopped stirring before a sickly green aura lifted the cup into the shadows, where a toothy maw sipped the brew.

“Only on one condition.” The guest rose out of her chair and walked into the light, revealing a heavily scarred Changeling Queen, easily towered over the master of the house “That I finish off Sombra.”

The associates turned to their manager, who gave Chrysalis a deep glare as usual.


Throughout the song, the help became much more expanded. Cosgrove, Spike, and Zecora trained the Crusaders, Chelsey, Zipper, and Diver on how to fight. Apple Bloom, having been with the Zebra for quite a while, learned the basics of making simple potions. Sweetie Belle was taught the basics of using defensive magic, able to fire a few blasts on empty bottles, weak but with good accuracy. Scootaloo learned quite a few agile moves, with her wing power slowly her descent to deliver a few combos. Not being quite a grown Mare, Chelsey aimed her strikes at vital areas to maximize damage. Zipper was wanting to do this for some time; increasing his speed in circles, the Sleipnir generated a tornado or two. Diver, with her great mass, learned a tackle maneuver where she would roll onto the training dummies.

A distance over, the Brobdingnags were passing by when one in particular stopped and looked at the darkening sky. With a bellow, he walked away from the herd to the source of the problem.

North of Canterlot, Shining Armor stood over a hill, hundreds of Crystal Pony soldiers standing behind him. One of whom walked to his side.

“On my word,” Said Shining “we strike.”

Back at Mane Manor, preparations were well underway. Spot had already left to gather his kind. Garble called his friends over, and like him before, they gave an appealing whistle at the massive tank in the room. Cogsworth rolled his wheelchair to a landing dock where the Galgameth rested. Unhitching one transport, the mechanic heaved himself into the cockpit, allowing the wires inside the glowing interior to connect into his spinal cord. Further below the cave, four dark silhouettes stood before a black void. One of them gives the Unicorn a piece of cloth and hat. Taking one good look at it, she wears it over her head before placing her hat over her horn. She turns around, revealing the frightening glare that Alison remembered over forty years ago.

“By Celestia…” She said as the new Mare Do Well walked up the stairs, ready for her new mission.

Back at Ponyville, or the town so covered in fossilized Smooze and jutting crystals, it would basically be totally unrecognizable, Sombra watched from a massive spire as his mother illuminated by his side, curling a toothy grin. His ears then flicked to the sound of yelling and rapid hoofbeats. Turning around, he found Shining Armor’s army charging full force.

“Blackarachnia!!!” - the Shadow Pony roared - “Send our army and dispose of them! I want that Unicorn’s head delivered to the Crystal Princess.”

With a glow of her makeshift horn, the corrupted Changeling sent her legion over to the opposing army. Even with Sombra’s army having a flight advantage, a majority of Shining’s are Crystal Unicorns. In rapid fire, the bombarding Obsidian soldiers became obliterated, another squadron of Shining’s army provided a shield to prevent the shrapnel from piercing their armor.

A small distance away, Hydia and her daughters watched when Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy (still scared of being in a harsh environment like this) stepped before them.

“So, you Ponies still want revenge for what Sombra did to your friend?” Hydia turned around, lighting up magic from her horn.

“Revenge isn't normally on a lady’s agenda.” Rarity then rose on her hind legs, rubbing her arms as if she had sleeves “But if it's a fight you want…”

Hydia then fired a blast at the fashionista, leaving a massive hole in her ship. Agitated that her new vessel is now damaged, the witch turned to find Rarity levitating a cauldron of water.

“You want things to be dank as well?” Rarity flung the cauldron over the witch, further infuriating her.

Pinkie Pie continually blasted Reeka with her party cannon, gradually covering her in a mixture of glue and confetti, toppling the obese witch to the ground. Fluttershy was fleeing from Draggle, who constantly flung fire spells that nearly blackened her otherwise yellow fur. The skinny witch stopped and turned to the victorious pink Earth Pony.

“If you don’t want to play.” Draggle then charged up a fireball “Then maybe your friend will.”

Pinkie thought fast as she bounded away from each blast as they scorched the deck with each blast. Draggle continuously chased her when Fluttershy swooped into view, deploying her trademark stare. The witch faltered back before tripping on top of her sister.

A distance south of the fight, Spike showed a look of determination on his face as he readied to avenge his fallen sister.

“You ready, Cosgrove?”

A little zoom out revealed the young dragon on top of the Hipparion.

“Just to let you know,” the former circus Pony turned his head to his right side “I didn't pass the practice exam.”

Spike leaned right. “Seriously? You're talking about that right as we go into battle?”

Cosgrove's answer was a simple look of frustration as the Crusaders, Chelsey, Zipper, and Diver joined their sides. Rearing onto his hind legs, the Hipparion galloped forth. Spike twisted his body around as he gave out the orders.

“Apple Bloom, you, Scootaloo and Zipper go to Shining Armor and tend to any of the wounded. Sweetie Belle, you, Diver and Chelsey help Rarity. We will go help Sunset.”

“And how are we going to do that?” Asked the young Horse as she raced to the young dragon.

Spike looked to the Umbrum, “We’ll find a way, now go!”

The young Ponies split off into different directions. At one point during Apple Bloom’s, Scootaloo’s, and Zipper’s journey, they came across a few of Sombra’s troops. With a quick burst speed circle and a swift kick by Scootaloo, the tornado quickly swept them away.

Just as Sunset was nearing the Umbrum, Sombra solidified before her, growling as he readied for the next fight.

“You are no Element of Magic…” Sombra growled “And you never would be.”

The orange Unicorn closed her eyes, accepting this fact when another thought occurred to her.

“Neither was Radiant Hope.” Sunset's answer made Sombra's predatory eyes widen as memories flash to his childhood days with his best friend “What would she say to you now?”

The former Lord of the Crystal Empire closed his eyes, leaving the noise to the battle around them. Then he opened his eyes once again, demonstrating his fury. Sunset lit up her horn, ready to defend herself.

“Radiant Hope is dead! I am shadow, I am eternal!”

Just before he could attack, a sickly green blast hit his side. Returning to his shadow form to recover, he looked to his right at a face he had not seen in quite a while. Queen Chrysalis hovered to the ground, her own set of eyes glowing in rage.

“You…” Sombra growled as he became solid again.

“Like I have said once upon a time, I will have your head!”

Sunset’s ear flicked to a constant buzzing sound as thousands of Changeling drones hovered behind her, hissing, ready to attack. Sombra summoned his own platoon of attack units before charging at the Queen. Chrysalis did the same as they locked horns with each other, their respective subjects colliding in flurries of green and red.

Sunset took this opportunity to continue her trek over to the Umbrum. Another section of troops blocked her path when a massive tank charged over them. Inside, Garble and his friends were having a ball with the vehicle as they blasted the troops around them. Continuing further, she found a massive pack of armored Diamond Dogs hard at work in unearthing the gem while the Frankenstein Monster, connected to an electrical generator, applied her ever increasing strength to topple it.

Rarity still dodged Hydia's attack as she increased the frequency of her blasts. But now backed against a wall, Rarity prepared for the worst when a light green blast hit the witch's flank. Hydia turned around to find Sweetie Belle, her horn glowing, while Chelsey wrestled Draggle to the ground and Diver kept smacking Reeka with her tail. Hydia charged up her horn once more at the young Unicorn when Rarity levitated the sail off the mast and wrapped it around her. As she done so, a series of loud crashes were heard as a massive beast approached the boat. The soldiers inside the ship began firing cannonballs at the beast. But in part of his much larger size he attained since leaving, the Brobdingnag’s skin bounced the balls away, though they did leave bruises.

Even when tied up, Hydia still aimed a blast at Rarity. The fashionista looked as Schnookums bellowed before wrapping her magic around the witch and flinging her away. Mistaking the witch for a large parasprite, Schnookums began to inhale, sucking the witch as she screamed down his gullet and into his stomach.

Reeka and Draggle looked in shock at the sudden loss of their mother. That is until they turned to each other with a grin on their faces.

“We're free!!!” They called out as they hugged each other.

As they cheered on, Rarity panted in and out before looking at her smaller sister.

“Why… are you… here…?”

Further up in the air, Rainbow Dash and Blackarachnia locked hooves as the latter continuously tried to bite her adversary's throat. Rainbow eyed the ground, noticing a yellow and violet object racing towards the Umbrum.

“Spike? Cosgrove?” She said.

The Changeling looked down to find one of her targets from Saddle Arabia galloping towards her new master. Pushing her aside, Blackarachnia immediately dove towards the two. Rainbow Dash tried to catch up, but one of the troops grabbed Rainbow before it got blasted by another Changeling drone.

Just as they were close to their goal, Blackarachnia slammed herself onto Cosgrove, flinging Spike a few meters forward. The young dragon turned to find the insect-like being lifting the Hipparion off the ground. Cosgrove moved his neck to face his partner.

“Go! Complete the mission!” He ordered before turning once again to the toothy maw of his enemy from Saddle Arabia, noticing her new horn.

“Take a good at it, Pony.” She hissed “It will be the last thing you’ll see.”

“Funny…” Cosgrove managed to take out her original horn through tied hooves “I really liked your old one!”

In a quick movement, he stabbed Blackarachnia’s back with the dismembered horn, beginning a free fall once released. Pulling out the horn, green blood oozed from the wound. With a shriek, she dove after Cosgrove, dodging his ignited tarot cards as she came screaming to him. Taking out a quill and parchment, the Hipparion quickly drew a wind and water symbol before illustrated a shallow curve. A small burst of turbulence extended twice as fast as he can fall, allowing for a soft landing.

Blackarachnia was furious, growling as she ignited her horn. She fires a steady blast directly at Cosgrove just when a massive robot intervenes, receiving the blast on the upper shoulder. Both fighters knew who this was, but for Cosgrove, this was for the better.

“My turn.” Said Cogsworth as he modified the arms into satellite shaped appendages before firing two steady streams of lightning that was locked by the Changeling’s horn blast.

Applejack was in the midst of fighting the Red Hood. She chased her rooftop after rooftop before the assassin pulled out a gun. The farmer reacted quickly by lassoing the weapon, pulling it to her, and crushing it under her hooves.

“Not bad, cowgirl.” The Red Hood pulls out another gun “But how long can you keep it up?”

Just as she pulls the trigger, a boomerang shaped projectile sticks itself into the barrel, causing it to explode and chip off a section of the nail. The assassin turns to find her new assailant, Mare Do Well, in a black and gray outfit, glaring at her.

“Mare do Well is real?” Applejack cocked her head.

“So,” Trying to apply as little weight as she could to her damaged limb, the Red Hood pulls another gun “the Dark Knight Returns…”

Before she could pull the trigger, Mare Do Well flings another projectile, batting it off the Red Hood. She immediately leaps onto the criminal, knocking her to the ground before being flipped over. Pulling out a knife, the Red Hood then did a series of thrusts, at one point making a tear to the cowl, revealing chainmail. She was about to throw the knife when a lasso wrapped around her wrist. Before being pulled away, the Hood grabbed the cowl and tore it off, revealing the identity to Applejack.


The magician gave a small smile before adding, “The great and Apologetic.”

“Hmph.” The Red Hood scoffed “Guess the Old Mare didn't have it in here anymore. Well, I guess I should make it even.”

Unhitching the locks at the back of the helmet, the real face of the Red Hood is revealed: a slightly pale face with black hair, albeit with a noticeable white stripe streaking across the sides.

At the manor, Bridgette rose up, shocked at the familiar face.


Looking at her again, a slight flash revealing the once mangled body of when Jamieson was Bridgette's second soldier.

“Yes… Now you know…” She looked at her helmet “But was it a simple death experience that made me rabid, or is this the real me?”

After kicking the helmet aside, Jamieson began to fight Trixie and Applejack once again.

The Diamond Dogs were getting much closer to their goal, as shown by Mary gradually starting to budge the Umbrum.

“Sombra!” She beckoned “Come to your mother! Make her whole again!”

While locking horns with Chrysalis, Sombra heard his mother’s call, fading away into smoke. Much to her agitation, Chrysalis resumed her battle against his soldiers. The shadowy form approached the crystal, their aura’s of Magic intertwining before Sombra became absorbed into the Umbrum. With another blast of energy directed at Blackarachnia, the energies from what was once the so-called Alicorn Amulet were sapped out, rendering the Changeling hornless again.

The Umbrum began to change, no longer it was a massive Crystal, but it now took the form of a massive Unicorn, one could easily guess she would be twice Celestia's size. Looking at the first Pony she saw with predatory eyes, Sunset began to step back as she lit up her horn. From afar, Spike looked from the corner of a building. Mary reacted accordingly and charged at the abomination before being blasted away.

Back between Applejack, Trixie, and Jamieson, they watched as the Umbrum approached Sunset.

"Guess my shift ends here." Jamieson immediately jumped off the roof. Trixie turned around to see the Red Hood now a good distance away.

Knowing of the dilemma, the Diamond Dogs quickly burrowed back to their home. Chrysalis, now having the unconscious Blackarachnia prisoner, watched the battle begin to unfold.

“Our battle is done here.” The Changeling Queen and her forces ascended into the air as they left the others to their fate.

“Do you think that your spells could save your life?” She asked as she approached the Unicorn. Without even looking, the Umbrum jutted up a crystal that quickly upturned the tank, knocking out the dragons inside.

Suddenly, Shining Armor, Cosgrove, Cogsworth, and a few Crystal Unicorns stood by her side. The orange Unicorn turned to her apprentice, giving him a slightly harsh look.

“Discord's idea, not mine!” He answered.

“Provide cover fire!” Lighting up his horn, Shining fired at the Umbrum, quickly being joined as additional blast colors, tarot cards, and spiral grenades bombarded her, but at best it could slow her to a crawl.

A good distance from the glowing battlefield, Twilight's statue stood, partially covered under fossilized Smooze.

Back at the unusual realm, Twilight continued to wander around.

“Okay, Twilight,” She reasoned to herself “There must be a reason why I am here. Let's think…”

“Congratulations, Twilight.” - A voice echoed across the realm. Looking behind her, Twilight saw the sympathetic face of her mentor - “I knew you could do it.

“Princess... I don't understand.” Twilight asked “True I did save Spike, but why am I here?”

“You did something today that's never been done before. Something even a great Unicorn like Star Swirl the Bearded was not able to do, because he did not understand friendship like you do. The lessons you've learned here in Ponyville have taught you well. By making the ultimate sacrifice,you have proven that you're ready, Twilight.”

Twilight paused. “Ready? Ready for what?”

Twilight followed her mentor through a "hall" as images of her past adventures were shown before her.

[Princess Celestia]
You've come such a long, long way
And I've watched you from that very first day
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To see what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you
It's time now for a new change to come
You've grown up and your new life has begun
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find what you will be
For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny

As a series of lights circled around her, Twilight slowly ascended as the area became brighter and brighter.

Back at the battlefield, soldier after soldier is tossed aside like a ragdoll. The Mane Six was in retreat while Sunset, Cogsworth, and Trixie fired their projectile weapons at the Umbrum, who continued to shrug it off.

“Your lives are mine…” the Umbrum hissed as she stepped ever closer “for the insurrection of the Crystal Kingdom.”

Her eyes then focused on the sudden glow coming from the Elements of Harmony, drawing curiosity from an otherwise dark time.

“Sunset,” Rarity piped up “are you the Element of Magic now?”

“I'm not the one doing this.” answered Sunset, drawing away from her attack.

Cogsworth looked at the radar in the bottom right corner of the HUD, noticing a bright light coming straight at them.

“The Galgameth is picking a massive energy signature,” - He looked to find the height indicator, showing it to be a few hundred feet above ground - “and it’s airborne!”

Soon after saying that, a violet glow from a series of white and violet stars illuminated the entire town. The Umbrum growled.

“End her!” She ordered her soldiers, who immediately charged at her, only to be blasted with a certain amount of power witness only by Applejack.

Beneath the glow, two more much smaller set of eyes opened as the Elements of Harmony drew their power to her. In one quick motion, a massive rainbow erupted from the glowing orb, wrapping around the Umbrum, who merely continued to walk until her usual red color blackened before becoming completely immobile by the time the rainbow receded. The dark clouds above soon dissipated and the fossilized Smooze shattered and blown to the wind as the orb landed on the ground. The large light receded as well, leaving the light to the moon and stars, and also revealing a very familiar face.

Spike approached her, unsure whether he’s seeing a ghost or not.

“Twilight?” He places a claw on the violet leg “Is that you?”

Arching her head back, Twilight showed her face to her friends while also showing a new feature: wings, spreading wide before them.

They all gasped at this fact.

“Wha…” Applejack placed a hoof on her mouth “I-I've never seen anything like it!”

“Ha!” Rainbow Dash soared over to the winged Twilight, chuckling “Twilight's got wings! Awesome! A new flying buddy!”

“Why, you've become an Alicorn.” -Added Rarity - “I didn't even know that was possible.”

“Alicorn party!” Pinkie Pie screamed before taking out a kazoo and blowing on it as the others cheered.

“Wow,” Fluttershy squeaked “You look just like a princess!”

“That's because she is a princess.”

“Huh?” Said the other Elements as they turned to Princess Celestia hovering down upon them.

“Hold on a second!” Pinkie Pie quickly filled up a glass with water, drank it, then spat it out.

“A... A princess?” Twilight said shakingly

The Alicorn nodded, “Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.”

Twilight smiled before another question riddled in her head. “But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?”

“Not in the same way as before.” Celestia wrapped a wing around the new Alicorn “I'll still be here to help and guide you, but we're all your students now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight.”

Twilight looked to see her friends giving her an encouraging smile before bowing before her. But again she furrowed her brow.

“Is there a book I should read?” She asked again.

The Ponies around her laughed as Spike hugged the one he called a sister.

“There will be time for all of that later.” Celestia answered once more before turning around and walking towards the Royal Express "Come, we have much to do."

The whole group began their march to the Royal Express. Rainbow Dash looked around, noticing that one of them is missing.

“Where’s Trixie?”

Cogsworth stopped and pivoted his machine to the radar pointing right, looking up at the sky.

“The mission isn’t over.”

As he ignited his thrusters and flew ahead of them, the view moves over to the Great and Apologetic Trixie, looking at the mountain range as the wind blew her cape and moon glowed behind her.

The next two days after, a lot of chatter echoed in the mountain city of Canterlot With a blare from a trumpet, the audience quieted down as Princess’ Celestia, Luna, and Cadance stood on the altar, the Mane Six and Shining Armor behind them.

“We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville. She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess.” Spreading her wings, she decreed “Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Two guards opened the doors, revealing the Christened Princess Twilight Sparkle in clothes like that of Cadance’s wedding, just modified enough to accommodate her wings. Behind her, flag bearers followed, each carrying a flag that now bore Twilight’s cutie mark.

The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold
A Princess here before us
Behold, behold, behold
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess Twilight cometh
Behold, behold (behold, behold)
The Princess is
The Princess is here!

Joining her fellow Alicorns, with her dragon companion handing her the Element of Magic, Twilight walked out to the balcony to see the crowds cheer when Celestia nudged her student.

“Say something, Princess.”

“Oh. Um…” - With a clearing of her throat, Twilight spoke - “A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about." - Twilight turned to motion her friends over to the balcony- "But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony!”

The crowd cheered once more as they walked back inside before Twilight is greeted by her brother.

“I'm so proud of you!” Said Shining Armor as a tear rolled out of his eye.

“Are you... crying?”

“Of course not. It's…” - Shining wiped the tear away - “it's liquid pride. Totally different thing.”

After a hearty laugh, the others walked by her side as she walked to the outside balcony.

“Way to go, Princess!” Said Applejack

“Best coronation day ever!” Cheered Pinkie Pie

“We love you, Twilight.” Said Fluttershy as her friends embraced her again

“I love you too, girls!” Twilight agrees with a great smile

[Twilight Sparkle]
Life in Equestria shimmers
Life in Equestria shines
And I know for absolute certain

[Main cast and crowd]
That everything (everything)
Yes, everything
Yes, everything is certainly fine
It’s fine

Suddenly, Discord popped out of the picture with his daughter Screwball on his shoulder.

“Yes! Everything’s going to be just fine!” He said before winking and with a snap of his fingers, the view became dark.