//------------------------------// // (1) Night and Day // Story: Pinkie Pie // by Agalakachikaboum //------------------------------// My name is Pinkie Pie. At least, everybody knows me such as Pinkie Pie. That’s right, everybody. I feel weird saying that. I hate that word. ‘Everypony’ is a much better thing to say. It sounds better to my ears. Yet, I can never say it to my family. Once, I already said it by mistake while we were at the table for dinner. Mother stared at me for a long while, until I corrected myself. She thinks I’m crazy, obviously. I think she knows about my dreams. Probably has she heard of me talking to my younger sister about it, who knows. But she knows about them. She knows I dream of magical and colorful talking ponies. Though I don’t think she knows more than that. I don’t think she knows that they are not only dreams. You see, as soon as i go to bed at night, tired and sleepy, I wake back up with full of energy in a place known as Equestria. There’s no humans over there, but ponies. Magical and colorful talking ponies. And I’m one of them. I’m a bright pink earth pony with puffy dark pink hair. Though my name doesn’t change. I’m still Pinkamena Diane Pie. Though what I like is that almost nopony knows that. I always introduce myself as Pinkie Pie, and nothing else. I hate my real name, and I will always hate it. In that world, I still have the same family. There’s mom, dad, and my sister, Inkie Pie. She’s lucky, she doesn’t have an ugly middle name. I based myself on her name to make my pony one, actually, since I think hers is really pretty. Though it isn’t like in Equestria. In Equestria, I saw Dashie’s rainbow, I smiled, I made a party and everypony ended up by enjoying it. I already tried to make a similar party in my real life, on Earth, though the results weren’t the same. No smiles, no happiness. Just more thoughts of sending me to a psy. That is, for my mom and dad. Sis acted just like in my dream, and started dancing and having fun with me. She doesn’t think I’m crazy. She’s stuck here, just like me. And we both hope to escape one day. Just like in Equestria, we are trapped into a dark field of only rocks and rocks and dirt and rocks. We are surrounded by a never ending forest. My cousin used to live with us, but when he tried to escape out of that forest, he never came back. We believe he either died in it or found a happy world and never came back to this dead pit. There’s a close village with food and marketing and all, sure, but it’s just as dark as our residence. It’s always cloudy by here, and when it isn’t the sun is hidden by the high trees. I don’t think there are higher trees than where we live anywhere in this world. I believe a place like Ponyville exists somewhere, though. A place of light and joy. But the last place where that place could be would be in this place. In this dark village called Muddy Town. That’s how every resident calls it. It’s real name is Carset Town, in honor of the creator of this dark hole, but everybody hates him so much because of what he turned this village into that we never even pronounce his name, like if he was the devil or something. Today was a busy day. We had to plant pumpkins. Those metal objects we move for farming are very heavy and sometimes you just want to give up. Staying hours with that thing in your hands can be very hard work. But moving with it? Sometimes I just like to sit at the edge of the forest to relax and stare through the trees, wondering if there is an exit from this nightmare somewhere past the infinite woods. I keep dreaming about possibilities until mom sees me not working as pushes me back to the tools. After planting the pumpkins, it took a lot of time to go to the market to buy turnip seeds for tomorrow. This month is what we call Planting Month around here, because it’s the month where every citizen owning a farm (which means everybody) starts planting seeds and growing food or flowers. Agriculture is very hard around here, not because of the earth - we have an extremely soil ground - but because of the lack of sun. Fake light is okay, sure, but it still works way harder and it costs a lot of money to buy new pills when they run out. We don’t have a lot of electricity around here, and the only pinch we have, we use it for lights, and it takes all the outlets to light up the house. So pills are very popular around here. Gives the electricity needed for everything else. We don’t have a television. There was this kind of thing in Ponyville, I remember, Dashie and Rarity both had one in their living room, and Twilight had one in pieces so she can see how it works. I bought one recently too, but still, it’s sad that I can’t watch it when I’m on Earth. A lack of so many things between the two worlds makes me very sad, sometimes. I guess I’m always sad. Because my hair’s always straight. It doesn’t puff up when I’m happy like in Equestria. It stays straight, always straight. After we spent all afternoon in town, looking for some simple seeds, I permitted myself a little break by sitting on the old couch in the living room and relaxing while looking at the wall in front of me. I imagined there was a television over there. A pink one with red antennas it was, just like the one in my pony living room. I stared at it, watching ads for toothpaste and a new clothes shop pass. My sister joined me. “What are you looking at?” she asked as she sat down on another cushion of the rusty sofa. “Television,” I replied neutrally, continuing to watch as an ad for a certain ‘Mixer 3000’ passed. I always had fun laughing at the announcer. He was so ridiculous, with his light blue mane, his orange moustache, his dark grey skin and violet tail. He looked like a rainbow that got messed up. I was about to start laughing when my mother’s serious voice brought me back to reality. “There is no such thing as a television,” she reasoned, looking at me like if I was an alien or something. “Stop sharing your crazy ideas with your sister.” I frowned at her, getting up from the sofa. If watching TV needed to be done in the same room as my mother, I prefered dying than doing it. “Yeah, cause I’m crazy and you’re not,” I barked at her before I left to my room. ~*~*~ I was brushing my straight, dark pink hair on my bed, while looking at the mirror on the wall in front of me. My room was incredibly small, so the distance between my bed and the reflecting glass was nearly invisible. I locked my door, what I always do, so mom doesn’t come in and yells at me about manners. I could hear a loud frustrated groan from downstairs, though. I think she wants to send me away. To get lost in the forest. She doesn’t know what else to do with me. She hates me. And she starts to hate my sister, too, because she’s on my side. I heard her talking in private with dad once. She admitted that the only reason why she kept us alive was because she wanted inheritance from the Pie family. Inheritance. With who? The only boy that could possibly fit with us was Jack, but he is one year younger than my sister, and two years younger than me. Then there was other men that worked on ponds and fished, too, but they were minimum 5 years older than Inkie. We can’t go with them. Plus, every single boy is ugly here. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Young, slim, 15-year-old girl with blue eyes and pink hair. My hair was normally dark brown, like my mother’s, but I hated her too much to share that with her and I didn’t like that color. So I dyed my hair in the same pink as my pony self. It’s pretty. Aside the fact that it’s straight and I always look depressed with it, it’s pretty. I heard my father shouting something from downstairs. He rarely shouts, but  when he does, it’s to tell us that it’s either time to go to sleep or to wake up. Finally. I jumped in my bed, removed all clothes except my underwear and threw it somewhere randomly in the room, and closed my eyes. ~*~*~ As usual, I woke up in my room on the second floor of Sugarcube Corner. I bounced off my blanket, jumping to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I never brush my teeth on Earth. There are toothbrushes and toothpaste, sure, but they cost way too much for our family to buy. Though we do eat mint leaves that we wash. It makes a bit of the same effect. Toothpaste is  made of mint leaves, isn’t it? I hopped out of the bathroom, meeting my pet alligator in the hallway. “Hi, Gummy!” I said cheerfully in my high pitched voice. My human voice is very high-pitched too, but slightly less than my pony one. I guess it’s the body change that makes the difference. Sometimes it’s weird to think that your soul is moved from a body to another. When it’s night in one world, it’s day in another. When you sleep in one, you wake in the other. My soul is connected to both worlds. It might sound bizarre, but it’s quite interesting, actually. Being in two completely different worlds is actually fun. Only in one of them, though. Gummy jumped on my tail and started gumming on it, from which his name. I grinned at my favorite animal and started walking down the stairs. ~*~*~ The day was fun. Like every day, there’s a problem, we solve it, and Twilight writes a report on friendship at the end before we go back to our respective homes. I usually feel sad at the end of every day. What am I saying, I always feel sad at the end of every day! Just the thought that I’d have to go back to the human world almost makes my hair go straight. I like living in a happy world like Ponyville much better than a dark village like Muddy Town. So every time the day ends, I return to Sugarcube corner to fill my belly with sweets and coffee to stay the awake for the most time possible. I hated days like this. Days when you’re full way to quickly. One pastry and I already couldn’t hold any more. I had a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant with my friends, and I shouldn’t have picked such a big meal. Now I couldn’t eat any dessert. And without any desserts, I can’t stay awake very long. I thanked Mrs. Cake for the delicious slice of chocolate cake and left upstairs. She looked strangely at me as I did so, thinking I’d stop to ask for more. But no, I was full. Even if it seemed impossible for a mare such as me, I couldn’t take not even one more bite. I opened the door of my room and locked myself inside. “Gummy? Gummy, where are you?” I asked as I looked around the room. It’s only when I turned to look behind that I realized a small green alligator holding on to my cotton candy tail. He stood there all day. I never thought that possible. It also seemed like he found how to eat a bit of my hair, in some sort. I posed him on his little bed next to Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Pound stretched her hooves between her bars, trying to reach him. She always mistakes him for one of her toys. Now that I think about it, Gummy and Pound are very alike. They both like to gum on random things. I put the blanket on the two young ponies and sang a soft song that my cousin used to sing me when I was younger, before he disappeared. They fell asleep very quickly. They are so adorable when they sleep. My cousin used to tell me that I look cute when I sleep, too. I miss him a lot. By watching them sleep, I was starting to get sleepy myself. It became harder to keep my eyes open. I continued to sing even though they were asleep, yet it was bringing me nowhere but that dark, lonely world known as Earth. My song was not only making the children sleep, but me as well. I felt my eyes slowly drop. NO! I shouted to myself, going back to reality. I’m not going back in there! Not that soon! Yet when I was trying to walk, I felt extremely dizzy. I couldn’t see clearly anymore. I was so tired that I might of dropped on the floor at that very moment. But instead I succeeded  to walk my way to my bed, and dropped on it, my vision slowly going dark. “Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to...” And I fell asleep.