//------------------------------// // New 'Born' // Story: Daddy's little Abomination // by fluttercord45 //------------------------------// Discord had everything he could ever wanted. Overthrowing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna from their thrones, taking over Equestria and filling it with chaos and best of all no pony could ever stop him. His beloved chaos would could never fade away. His chaos was a beautiful thing and it was honest. Chaos simply was whatever it was. It didn’t judge or pretend to be anything other than chaos. It was true freedom from anything and everything and yet too innocent to be malicious. In truth; chaos did not know good or evil. Discord smiled as he observed the landscape and what his chaos had done to it. His smile faded as he once again pondered what chaos was. It was to him the most precious thing he had to give Equestria but one hard fact felt heavier than usual. Chaos could make him smile but not truly happy. Chaos could comfort him, but not ever love him. Chaos was just a necessary antithesis to the illusion of order. It was his only friend in the sense that his shadow would always be at his side. Discord; the Master of Chaos could remake the world with saxophone reeds and marshmallows while watching ponies run in fear from his innocent madness yet it still couldn’t fill the lonely void in his heart. Another glance at the beautiful landscape and he could not bring himself to smile. Chaos was something that could warp around the world many times over but it was not capable of holding him or being held. Discord sighed heavily lounging on his throne shifting his head up to the sky and saw nothing but single small cotton candy cloud floating by itself. The draconequus stretched his arm and plucked it from the air. He held the sweet cloud and pulled it close to him. He stared at it while reaching for an idea to break the melancholy mood. After a while he began to mold the small cloud into everything that came into his head. First was a perfect cube, then an Ursa major cub, a tiny draconequus, a changeling, and lastly he shaped a small Celestia figure. “Look at me, I’m Princess Sun Butt” said Discord; mimicking her voice while waving the figure. ”I sit around doing nothing but eat cake all day.” He than began to mold it again into itself and caused it to pour a glass cup filled with chocolate milk. He drank the glass instead the chocolate milk before tossing it away to explode in the air behind him. He kept continued molding a while until he stopped and realized he had crafted a little foal. “If only I wasn’t alone.” Discord muttered to himself as gently glided his paw from the figure’s chin to mane. ”I wish someone would care about me and my creations of chaos.” Without any warning his magic flowed through his paw and into the little foal cloud. Discord sighed and was about to toss the foal figure away, until he heard a soft babbling. The mismatched creature looked down and saw the cloud figure slowly moving on its own. The strange and somehow animated creation gave a small sneeze which shook off the pink puff. What he now held was a small foal Earth Pony with a pink coat and its mane was purple with white highlights. Did his own mismatch eyes deceived him? Did he really created a foal with his magic? He slowly held the foal to him for a better look. The foal slowly opened its eyes and stared at him through swirling eyes that matched her mane color while wearing a small smile. “It’s impossible.” Discord thought to himself. ”I...created a foal with magic?” He gently bopped her nose and she let out a soft giggle. A strange feeling deep down in his cold stone heart spread through his body. A gentle warmth radiated from his core and he smiled warmly at the foal. He couldn’t help but softly nuzzle the foal. As he drew her close to him as she grabbed hold onto his face slowly nuzzled him in return. Was this what he was missing in the lonely void in his heart? Was this the cure for his loneliness? A bond slowly grew between them. The precious moment was abruptly cut short when something bumped into his throne causing him to drop the foal. As she lost her hold on his face she let out a tiny panicked cry. He quickly caught her with his snake tail and she continued to cry. His warm happiness faded away and was replaced with anger. Discord growled as he turned to see what caused him to drop his daughter while planning the consequences. His gaze was met by a peasant Earth Pony stallion with blue coat and green mane wearing a rag cloth who was rubbing his head. The stallion looked up and saw the fire in the Draconequus’ eyes. “I...I'm so sorry, my lord” aid the peasant stallion as he quickly bowed to him in fear. “You have two seconds to get out of my sight, before I turn you into an orange!” Discord said angrily as dark clouds filled with rolling thunder formed around him. The earth stallion peasant ran fast he could away from the Lord of Chaos. Without a warning Discord snapped his claw and turned him into an orange anyways. The foal continued crying. Discord ignored the fruit stallion and picked her up from his tail. “You're safe now my little pony” Discord said calmly while rocking her slowly in his arm. ”That bad pony gone. He won’t bother us again or hurt you. Not ever.” The foal continued crying. Discord tried to think of how to make her stop crying and an idea stuck him; literally. A lit lightbulb formed over his head and abruptly broke itself over his noggin and the idea was in his head. He spawned a bottle of chocolate milk and handed it to her. The foal slowly stopped crying once she caught the scent of sweet chocolate. She slowly opened her mouth and began drinking it and calmed down as if nothing happened. Discord breathed in relief as she relaxed. Once she was finished drinking the chocolate milk from the bottle she pushed it away from her. It fell to the ground and caused a small explosion. By a snap of his claw, Discord spawned a wool blanket to wrap around her for warmth and security. She softly yawned as she grew more comfortable within the warm wrap. As she drifted off to her slumber Discord settle back into his throne while holding close to him. “This feeling is strange...yet nice” Discord said to himself. “Raising a foal to keep me company and happy. How bad can it be?” --- “I spoke too soon.” The foal that he first thought would fill his life with innocent joy had done nothing but cry for the past hour. Discord had a heavy pair of wool lined concrete ear muffs on him to block it out but somehow it sounded like they were making it louder. He tried everything that should have worked to stop her crying. The simple tasks of changing her unreasonably vile diapers, feeding her, burping her and even entertaining her and still got nothing except cries. The Lord of Chaos sat up and teleported to her crib and picked up the foal who would make an excellent air raid siren. “Oh come on” Discord groan tiredly. ”What more do you want from me?” The foal grew louder then ever. He could now start to hear glass breaking and dogs howling in pain; despite being quite far from the nearest pony settlement. “Please tell me there's nothing wrong with you and that there aren't any repulsive things in your diaper again.” He checked around her if she was hurt. He carefully inspected every inch of his daughter but found no reason why she would be upset. Discord held her up as she began to struggle in his gentle grip. “W...what do you want from me?” Asked Discord as tears of his own began to form. Slowly the fluids began to carry his eyes off with the current. “Is this what you want? Seeing me cry and suffer? Well it ain’t working for the both of us.” He tried everything he could to make her stop crying so what else was there? What was the one correct action that he hadn’t tried? His eyes widened as a desperate plan formed. He considered the potential power of a lullaby. He cleared his throat and held her close to him as his watery eyes slowly slid back into their socket. “Please do not cry my dear, your daddy is very near” Discord sang softly as he rocked the infant. She slowly stopped crying and looked up at him; listening to him as he went on. “If anypony caused you harm or pain I shall bring them pain and drown them in chocolate rain ‘cause I am your Daddy Discord, and you are a piece of me.” The foal smiled and babbled as if she was trying to sing along with him. Slowly her tiny wordless murmurs became something he understood. “Oh simple sawn of mine,without you I would be so lost you’ll stuck by my side Our crazed imagined thoughts have given us a new found strength Cause you are my Daddy Discord and I...will protect you” Once it was over the foal slowly yawned and dozed off back into her slumber. He slowly tucked her back into her cloud crib snoozing off to her chaotic dreams. Discord sighed in relief. “Well the melody was a bit off and you just claimed credit for creating me but I’ll take it. Finally I can get some beauty sleep” Discord groaned to himself. Discord threw himself into his cloud bed and settled into slumber’s sweet serenity. Suddenly he felt something squeezing between him and his lion arm. He opened one of his eyes to see what was crawling on him. He saw the foal was sleep crawling; trying to wriggle into a secure spot. He was to tired to put her back in her crib but instead he slowly raise his pawed arm to allow her to get into the spot she wanted. The tiny filly slowly nuzzle him while getting comfortable on top of him. The mismatched creature gently brought his arm back down and covered them with a warm blanket and joined her in sleep. The solitary god had found a new beginning that did not involve feeling lonely.