//------------------------------// // Classroom Craziness // Story: Tales of Another Ponyville // by Paradise Oasis //------------------------------// "Ow! Miss A! Miss A! He's shooting spitwads at me!" Hokey Pokey cried out. "Please make him stop!" "Okay class! Let's all try to get settled in here now!" I exclaim enthusiastically, trotting into the room with a big smile plastered on my face. "Romperooni, please stop trying to shoot that spitwad into Hokey Pokey's mane!" "Aww, but she was annoying me, Miss A!" The colt with the purple coat and orange and white mane pouted, crossing his hooves. "Shucks, girls can get away with anything around here!" "Serves you right, ya big dookie head!" The pink filly with the purple mane exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at the offending colt. "Thanks for telling him off, Miss A!" Hello there, my name's Alphabittle! I'm the yellow mare with a rainbow mane, with a bowl of alphabet soup for a cutie mark! I'm the teacher here at the teapot palace school! Oh yes, that wonderful little pink building that looks like a teapot, right behind Storybelle's library. I teach a great many things here during the week; cooking classes on Monday evening, singing lessons on Tuesday evening. But every day during the week, I teach the little colts and fillies here in town their three R's. I just love educating these wonderful little angels, there's nothing in the world that's quite like the joy of teaching. Yeah... nothing in the world.... "Now class, if you would please open your books math books, and turn to page-" The crinkling of folded paper made me stop mid-sentence, and look up. "Sparkleberry Swirl, please stop making paper airplanes out of the pages of your textbook!" "But Miss A, I'm getting some really good airtime with these paper airplanes!" The pink filly with the yellow mane pleaded. "It's teaching me about aerodynamics, and the law of gravity!" "Swirl, I'm going to assume the only reason you know what those words mean is you're Storybelle's daughter." I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I wonder how your mother would react if she knew you were destroying a book." The other two also have an interesting parentage; Hokey Pokey is the daughter of Fluttershy and Piccolo, and Romperooni is the offspring of Rainbow Dash and Denim Blue. But these two are not very much like their mothers, and are much better at getting on my nerves. The class continues on, and there are more problems as we went. Snack time turned out to be a total disaster, as well. I passed out the little snacks to all of the ponies present, but many of the foals had ideas of their own. "Penny Candy, would you please stop stealing other students cookies and juice?" I groaned, trotting over and swiping back the treats the hadn't shoved into her mouth yet. "Honestly, I can't believe you 're Pinkie Pie's daughter, as greedy and childish as you are!" "Mmmph mmmph mmph!" The filly protested, crumbs falling out of her mouth. "Mmmmmph mmph!" "You are wasting your time trying to reason with the greedy one, Alphabittle-sensei." A colt with a heart-shaped charm cutie mark advised me. "Any effort to reach through her greed is like a wave lapping against the sand." "Stop making such mean remarks about your fellow student, Charm Bracelet." I groaned, rubbing my temples with my hooves. "Or would you prefer if I discussed your behavior with Kimono?" At the mention of his mother's name, the colt fell silent. Taking a deep breath, I tried to bring my temper back under control. I-I'm the Ponyville teacher, educating ponies is my special talent! I teach adults different skills in the evening, I can teach these children here in the daytime. I have been teaching my fellow ponies since I was a little girl, helping my friends with their homework, and tutoring other students. I have the patience to deal with these foals, I'm not going to have a nervous breakdown! Doctor Spring fever said this job was stressing me out to the point of a stroke, but I CAN DO THIS! *sigh* Oh well, at least Minty's daughter is home-schooled, otherwise I'd probably have a stroke from all this stress. "Hey, Romperooni-san? Could I have that marker back you borrowed from me last week?" Charm Bracelet asked the other colt. "I kinda need it back to work on my art project!" "What, no way!" Romperooni snapped back, glaring at his friend. "You gave me that marker, and I ain't giving it back!" The two colts immediately jumped at each other, bucking and kicking and biting and snorting and yelling. Like all males, they fell into their gender's typical method of settling problems... by beating each other senseless! "Miss A! Miss A.!" Penny called out, pointing a hoof at the two frenzied foals. "The boys are fighting again!" "Ohh, look! A right hoof, and a left!" Hokey Pokey exclaimed, cheering the two combatants on. "Knock him good on the head, Romp! Give him a bite on the hind leg, Charm!" "Hey, just whose side are you on, Hokey?" Sparkleberry asked, looking over at her friend. "I thought you had a crush on Romperooni!" "I'll have a crush on whichever one wins this, Swirl!" She told her friend. "I only want the strongest for my special someone!" As for me, I couldn't take it any more. With a twitch of the eye, I just curl up in a ball, and put my hooves over my head. Happy place, happy place, no little hellions there... hee hee.. These brats had finally gotten to me, and I really, really need a day off! Storybelle's note; Oh dear, we've been waaay too lenient with those kids! Alphabittle's right about destroying that book, though... Sparkleberry, you're grounded!