//------------------------------// // Ditto: The King of Pillow Fights // Story: I Think it's a Changeling... // by Vinyl-ScratchDJ17 //------------------------------// Twilight strolled through the streets of Ponyville, on the way back to her majestic castle from her usual stroll through the town. The moon was shining bright in the cloudless midnight blue sky, and the smell of summer greeted her nostrils. She had planned to go home to have another sleepover with all of her friends at the castle, but little did she know, she'd soon be adding an unexpected guest to the list. She trotted merrily along with her usefull dragon assistant, Spike, upon her back, who was reading the latest issue of "The Power Ponies," when suddenly a faint voice cried from nearby. Twilight stopped in her tracks to take a listen. "Hey, why did we stop, Twilight?" the dragon asked. "Shh! I think I heard something!" Twilight whispered back, her ears swiveling this way and that, trying to pick up any kind of sound. "Ditto..." "Did you hear that, spike?" "I din't hear anything." Spike shrugged as he turned the page of his comic book. Twilight sighed. "Of course you didn't, you're too caught up in that comic of yours, which I hope won't suck us into it like the last one." "Dittoo-oo" the voice cried again. "This way, Spike!" Twilight trotted into a small alley way between a hair salon, and a hardware store. She was just small enough to fit, but as she came to the back of the hair salon, she still saw nothing. "Ditto-o-ooo..." Twilight's eyes followed where her ears had turned to. She spotted a large green dumpster from which the voice must have originated from. But who would want to be inside a dumpster? She slowly walked up to it, and behind it, she found a pink blob of sorts, with two beady eyes, a mouth, and two small stubs for arms. Twilight stood confused as to what the thing was, and what it was doing here. "What is that thing, Twilight?" Spike asked, since this creature seemed fairly odd enough to ignore, even for his comic book. "I don't know, Spike, I've never seen anything like it before." Twilight suspiciously eyes the pink being with a skeptical facial expression. It's small mouth quivered with fear, it's eyes watery with tears. A low grumble was heard, and a small vibration came from the creature’s stomach. Twilight noticed this. "Um...are you hungry, little one?" "Ditto, ditto..." the creature nodded. Twilight had no clue what 'Ditto, Ditto' meant, but the nodding told her it meant yes. She went into her satchel bag, searching for the apple she hadn't eaten with her dinner not too long ago. Upon finding said apple, she levitated it over to the being with her magic. "Here you go!" Twilight smiled, seeming not so affected by its strange appearance anymore. Hesitantly, the small creature took the Red Delicious from Twilight's grasp, and a smile appeared on its face as it took the first bite. "Ditto!" It said happily, making cute noming sounds as it ate. "I think it likes it!" Said Spike. "What should we do with it? We can just leave it here or it'll, you know..." Twilight crossed her eyes, stuck her tongue out, and ran a hoof across her neck. "Are you saying we have to keep it!?" "No Spike, just return him to where he came from." Twilight smiled at the creature as it generously ate with a small crunch in each bite. "Now how do you know it's a he?" Spike asked with a tilted head. "I dunno, I just guessed." Twilight shrugged. "So what's your name, little guy?" The creature looked up at Twilight with a smile and said; "Ditto!" "Wanna come with us, and maybe we can find your home?" Twilight asked, now at the same eye level as Ditto. Upon being asked, the same sour face from before replaced it's temporary smile. "Ditto..." It said, gazing sadly down at the ground. "Do you not have a home, Ditto?" Ditto shook its head, which made Twilight cringe. "Oh, You don't have one? Well, you can stay with us if you want!" Twilight offered, with a generous smile. The Ditto smiled back and threw itself into Twilight, hugging and nuzzling her leg. "Ditt, ditt, ditto, ditto!" "Ugh, Twilight! We're really keeping that thing? Just give it to Fluttershy, she loves strays!" Twilight turned her head and glared at the small and purple wingless dragon. "Yes, Spike, seeing how he doesn't have a home, and Fluttershy is already watching over every critter in the Everfree that isn't hostile! We are keeping Ditto." Twilight turned back to face the creature, but it seems to be it was no longer there, and Twilight finds herself staring at a perfect replica of herself. It smiled. She gasped in shock, staggering back a few paces. "Ditto!" said the replica with a cheekish grin on its face. "Twilight, I think it's a changeling." Spike stated. "How can that be? Changelings are bug ponies, not little pink goopy thingies!" Twilight protested, eyeing the creature still. The thing smiled and began nuzzling cheeks with Twilight, who blushed from the affection. "I think it likes me, so I still wanna take it home." Twilight nuzzled the creature with a hug. “Ditto!” “Is ditto all it can say?” Spike interjected flatly, with a bemused face. “I don’t know, but this little guy is coming with us!” Twilight smiled as she gazed into her eyes. The creature’s eyes. “Also, would you mind changing back? I don’t think the other ponies will take very likely if there were two Twilight Sparkles!” “Ditto!” said the creature, and with a small flash of light, is reshaped back into its original pink form. “Well let’s go!” Twilight said as she used her magic to place Ditto on her back. “I have a bad feeling about this, Twilight.” sighed Spike. ***** Later after the arrived at the castle, Twilight’s friends were there to greet her at the door. “Hey, Twilight!” they all said cheerfully. “Hi girls! We Um...have an extra guest.” Twilight places Ditto down on the floor in front of her. “Ditto! Ditto!” The others gasped and stared at the odd thing, never having seeing such a thing in their life, and they’ve all seen many, many things. “Uh, Twilight? What is that thing?” asked Rainbow who was currently floating in the air above the door, gawking at Ditto with wide and curious eyes. “Who cares!? He’s so cuuute!!” Flutterhsy squeed, scooping the little ditto into her forelegs, hugging tightly. Ditto now finds himself struggling to get any air into his little lungs, giving a pleading look to Twilight for help. “Okay Fluttershy, I think he’s had enough.” Twilight giggles as the creature tried in vain to escape Fluttershy’s grasp. “Oh, sorry!” Fluttershy blushed, still holding Ditto but loosely now as to not strangle him to death. Ditto didn’t seem to like Fluttershy at the moment, in which he retreated to the safety behind one of Twilight’s forelegs. “Girls, this is Ditto. Ditto, these are my friends; Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. You know Fluttershy already.” Each of the ponies either smiled or waved upon the hearing of their name. Applejack gave a tip of her Stetson hat. “Now...I don’t know if you guys will believe this, but Me and Spike have suspicions he may be some sort of changeling.” Twilight stated. “What!?” the others gasped in surprise, while Rainbow was hunched over with her forelegs across her stomach as she laughed hysterically. “You-you really think, that little guy could be a changeling!?” Rainbow blurted as she was still laughing. “Darling...changelings are those weird bug like ponies. Not little pink...whatever he is.” said Rarity. “Ah have to agree. Maybe ya were just seein’ things?” “OOH OOH! Maybe it’s a new kind of changeling! Maybe they’re just starting out and Twilight just stumbled upon this one!” Pinkie suggested with the little duck quack as she smiled widely. Twilight face-hoofed. “Girls, I know what I saw. Spike saw it too, didn’t you Spike?” Twilight turned her head to see Spike standing next to her, who was lost in his comic book once again. “Did you say something, Twilight?” Spike asked, still reading through his comic. “You saw Ditto turn into me, right?” “Yeah, yeah, I’m trying to read.” Spike answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Some help you are.” Twilight said flatly. She turned her head back to Ditto who had been looking up at her with a curious face, with his stubby little arms around her leg as best he could. “Ditto, think you can transform into me again? I’ll get you another apple if you do!” Ditto nodded as stepped out in front of Twilight, and the others watched patiently. Except for Rainbow Dash who had her forelegs crossed across her chest. She didn’t seem very amused. “Dittooooo!!” There was a flash of light, just like last time, and they all could see his white glowing form shift into that of Twilight’s. The others stared in shock and disbelief that before them, stood a second Twilight Sparkle. “Well, you don’t see that everyday!” said a wide eyed Applejack, with her pupils the size of pin pricks. “Oh! Do me! Do me!” Rainbow exclaimed, She swiftly swooped down silently in front of Ditto. Ditto lit up again and as the light faded, she looked exactly like Rainbow Dash. “Wow! That is so awesome!” She smiled with a wide open grin. Ditto copied her. Rainbow flapped her wings. Ditto did the same. Rainbow flicked her tail. Again, Ditto did the same. “I just got the greatest idea, ever!” Rainbow exclaimed. “I just got the greatest idea, ever!” said Ditto. “Hey, don’t copy me!” “Hey, don’t copy me!” “What did I just say!?” “What did I just say!?” Rainbow puffed her cheeks and poked Ditto’s chest with a hoof. “Stop. Copying. ME!” Ditto poked Rainbow back. “Stop. Copying. ME!” Rainbow opened her mouth to say something, but Twilight decided she had enough. “Okay, girls, that’s quite enough! Don’t want anything bad to happen now, do we?” “No, I guess not.” Rainbow replied. Ditto turned to Twilight with a smile, his magenta Rainbow Dash eyes sparkling in the light. He stepped closer to Twilight and nuzzled her cheek. “Yeah, let’s go get you that apple.” Twilight smiled and gave a small ruffle to Ditto’s mane before he changed back to his original form. With her magic, Twilight set Ditto onto her back again as she trotted down the long corridor. Once inside the large kitchen, with it’s walls made of crystal, Twilight headed over to the refrigerator to her right, letting the wave of cold air wash over her as she pulled open the door. She retrieved an apple from the drawer at the bottom, and gave it to a hungry Ditto. “Here you go, little guy.” “Ditt ditto ditt ditt ditto!” Ditto exclaimed happily as she began munching into the apple. “So, would you like to stay with me and Spike, Ditto?” Ditto nodded with a smile as he chewed gracefully. Twilight smiled and nuzzled his cheek. “Welcome to your new home then, Ditto! But, where did you come from anyway?” Twilight asked as she trotted out of the kitchen again, to be greeted by her friends. “Ditto ditto, ditt ditto ditto.” Ditto replied. “Is that all you can say is your name?” Twilight wondered, with a slight tilt of her head. Ditto nodded. “Well, when you turned into Rainbow Dash you could talk. But when you were me back in the alley, you still said ditto. Maybe you can only copy what’s said to you?” Again, Ditto nodded. “What an interesting creature you are.” “So, hey, Ditto, think you could turn into me again?” Rainbow asked. For a third time, Ditto nodded and had shifted himself into Rainbow Dash again. “Maybe he is some sort of a changeling!” Rainbow smiled. “He’s not too bad.” She chuckled and gave a pat on Ditto’s head. “I’m keeping him, too!” Twilight chirped, obviously glad with her decision to permametely house an unknown creature. “Awe, darn it! I was gonna ask for him!” Rainbow muttered. “Well, he’ll be with me and Spike all the time now, so, just stop by if you wanna see him,” said Twilight. “Awesome!” “Now, since we’re here for a sleepover, how about we begin with the festivities!” said Twilight. “Alright!” the others said in unison, all with happy faces and smiles. “Now, everypony! Go get all the pillows you can find, and meet in the library!” “Yes, ma’am!” Said Rainbow with a salute, as they all went in different directions, down the many corridors. Spike sighed. “I’ll be in my room while you kill each other with your girly stuff.” He went up a nearby staircase, grumbling under his breath. “Wanna join us, Ditto?” Twilight asked her new companion. Ditto nodded once again, and transformed into Twilight. “Well, let’s go!” Twilight cheered and ran down a random hallway, Ditto following close behind. ***** Twilight and Ditto ran about the castle, collecting pillows from every couch, rocking chair, beds, and closets they came across. Everyone was having an absolute blast, especially Ditto, who found this to be far better than eating trash from an alleyway dumpster. He laughed and giggled as he ran about the castle with his new owner; Twilight Sparkle. How did he end up in Equestria? Well, after Team Rocket found out that these "useless pink slime balls" can transform into any pokemon and be able to have all its attacks, they tried to make off with him. Not just him, though. There were many more on the ranch he was being raised on, when Team Rocket came along. Jessie fired several net guns at him and the others from the hot air balloon. Sadly, the Ditto's had been well raised, and on instinct they all transformed into other Pokemon such as Charizard, Blastoise, and Venosaur. All but that one Ditto. He was new to the ranch, and could only do as much as transform into the actual Pokemon, provided it was there in front of him, thus, he was snatched by the net, and brought back up to the balloon. Sadly for Team Rocket, they didn't even get away with him, as the other Ditto opened fire. Flamethrowers, Water Cannons, Razor Leaves, Thunderbolts, and many other powerful blasts rocketed up to the hot air balloon, and thus, Team Rocket was sent for the stars. "Looks like we're blasting off again!" Jessie, James, and Meowth cried. Ditto had been flung from the aircraft, and had fainted from the blast. When he woke up, he found himself in a land of sentient ponies. He tried begging for help, but either they ran away screaming, or rejected him for what he was, and thus he found himself in that alley for three days, until Twilight came and saved him. Now here he is, having the time of his life. He let out a little giggle and threw a pillow, aiming for Twilight's face. Twilight let out a little "Oof!" as he hit his target. "Ditto!" Twilight giggled. "Not yet, silly!" Ditto threw another pillow, hitting Twilight in the face yet again. "That's it! You're so dead!" Twilight began conjuring up pillows with her magic, flinging them like machine guns. "Take this! And that! And this!" She hollered as she threw more pillows. "Wait! Why didn't I just do this before?" She stood confused as the pillows stopped flying, and now piled up against one wall. She shrugged and conjured up another pillow, waiting for Ditto to pop his face out of the pillows. A few seconds later she felt something hit the back of her head. She whipped around to see Ditto standing there with a pillow in his purple aura of magic, wearing a sly smile. He threw it. Twilight blocked it with another pillow, wearing a face that screamed revenge. She looked at him for a second more. "Game on!" ***** Rainbow Dash flew about, holding the corners of a large blanket in her hooves, with several pillows inside, heading to the library when a pillow all of a sudden came out of nowhere. "Hey, who threw that!?" She glared, searching for the suspect. "Ditto!" Rainbow snapped her head around to see Ditto, as Twilight, standing in the doorway to Twilight's bedroom. "Oh, you're so gonna get it!" She flung her pillow bomb in Ditto's direction, and suddenly her body went all tingly, and everything went black for a second. When her vision came back, she now stood where Ditto once was, as the barrage of pillows flew onto her. She was knocked over by the force of he pillows, as she now lay buried under them. "Hey, get off!" Rainbow cried, struggling to get free, but to no avail. Ditto stood atop the mountain which contained the rainbow maned pegasus, giggling in triumph. Twilight came running into the room soon after, panting, and groaning after having chased him for a while. "There you are! I have you now!" she said breathing heavily. Ditto wore a bemused face, knowing Twilight stood no possible chance. He watched as Twilight slowly ascended the pillow mountain. With a sly smile, he lit his horn, and suddenly the pillow which Twilight currently stood on, fell from beneath her. She fell face first into Ditto's creation, as the remnant of her remaining energy succumbed to exhaustion. Just then, the four others trotted into the room after hearing a lot of commotion. "My, what happened in here!?" Rarity said as she stared at the mountainous pile of colorful pillows. "Ditto happened." Rainbow said flatly from beneath. They all looked up. "Rainbow Dash. Ya mean to tell me that Ditto beat you!?" Applejack asked in a tone of disbelief. "Sucks, doesn't it?" "Wow, Ditto! You beat Rainbow Dash!?" said Pinkie. She stood a gape with a wide open smile. "That's quite impressive, if you ask me," Fluttershy added with a nod. There was a groan, followed by the sound of claws against the floor as Spike entered the room. "Can a dragon not get his night full of rest and sleep!?" He shouted. The group turned to see Spike, with wide redenned eyes, and bags. "Sorry Spike!" They all said in unison with apologetic faces. Spike gave a heavy sigh. "Yeah yeah, you guys say that everytime this happens. And so I see Ditto won the pillow fight?" "Pretty much! I'm really impressed with Ditto actually!" Applejack smiled. Spike rolled his eyes. "Told you I had a bad feeling, didn't I, Twilight?" "Yes, you did, Spike." Twilight said, her voice muffled by the pillows. "Ditto!" Ditto cheered, and he threw a pillow straight for Spike as he turned to leave. Spike now found himself on the floor, surrounded by laughing ponies. "Really," Spike deadpanned. "Ditto!"