At the Twilight of Harmony

by Rammy

A Call to Claws

46 days since the fall of Traxti City

20 days since Legacy Chaser’s murder

Nearing midnight, Hourglass

He of Hourglass gazed down at the closed birdsnest in front of Medallion’s hoard lost in thought. He had been staring at it since he left the Council room that afternoon. A part of him wanted to curl up, another wanted to rage, but the largest part just felt dead...

“Firstclaw?” A voice called out in the darkness.

“What is it Twixt’d?” He of Hourglass voiced after a moment of silence. He kept his gaze down at the birdsnest as he just didn’t want to face the the grief of his clan, more so with Twixt’d. Twixt’d attachment to Sentinel was in ways stronger than his own. That only made it more difficult.

“Equestria has sent information… Information… um…” Twixt’d couldn't go on. The complete cold reaction and eyes from He of Hourglass caused him to pause. It absolutely spooked him to see the spark dragon having no warmth in his eyes. It wasn’t the first time he saw eyes like that, but this was the first time he saw it coming from what he could consider a good friend. On the streets that was the look of danger; the look of cold murder. For to see it would meant a promise of a painful death and on the streets that was a promise. His only real consolation was he knew for whom the look was for: the one that caused this.

He of Hourglass soften his gaze as he looked over the whelp who was now next to him looking down at the birdsnest sadly, a stack of parchment press against his side. He sighed. What was that saying? ‘No rest for the weary.’ “Relax my friend.“ He reassured his friend. “Let's go back to the library and go over the information that Secondclaw and He of Laughter managed to get on the Nameless One.”

“Okay…” Twixt’d whispered. He really didn’t want to look at the cold analytical details surrounding the death of his friend. Sentinel was more then that. However, he had made a promise to Sentinel's memory to be and do whatever his firstclaw needed.

The two dragons found their way to the room that He of Hourglass used as an office and workshop. He of Hourglass took the stack of parchment and place them on the desk. He concentrated for a moment and several identical stacks appeared next to the first one. With that done the two went about reading the report.

After only a few minutes He of Hourglass put the stack down. This is going to require more detail thought and I’m going to need the clan to look at it to cover all of our bases… His skill in magic was strong but it was more of a jack of all trades. For example, Scorpion was stronger at Soul Song magic then himself by a long mile and though Metal Claws was more into construction of physical combat weapons with a bit of encouragement he should be able to see flaws in the combat spells used more than himself.

“I don't  think there is much you can get out of this report directly Twixt’d…” He of Hourglass sighed. “Neither one used much in the way of physical attacks…”

“I’m going to believe you. I don’t understand magic all that much.” Twixt’d shrugged. The only dragon magic that he had much of an understanding was his fire mail and outside of the speed of the attacks, which frighten him, he had no idea what to do with the information. He now was more understanding on why Sentinel had kept him back in Hourglass when he left for Equestria.

He of Hourglass chuckled much to Twixt’d’s irritation. “Twixt’d increase the training of your griffons. Take a copy and consult them for how to best prepare to fight the Nameless One. Notify the Captain of the Guard to increase their training as well… Though I suspect that the guard is already doing that… Before you do that go tell your parents to met me right away in the council room.”

“Shouldn’t I be there for this meeting?” Twixt’d questioned as he followed He of Hourglass out. Even though he had no magical skills he still wanted to be helpful.

“No, not this time…”

“What!?” Twixt’d snapped, fighting to keep his anger in check. He wanted to kill the dragon responsible with his own claws but he knew that was impossible. So barring that he wanted in on the planning for how the clan was going to go by doing that. “You think I don’t have nothing to contribute to this?!”

“Twixt’d.” He of Hourglass shook his head.“If I thought that I would have had an issue with you being the ‘High Griff’ of the griffons here. For by being that you have a way to help by working with the griffons.” He thought of something else and leaned in to whisper into Twixt’d’s ear. “Thank you…”

Twixt’d stopped, confused at the thank you. ‘Thank you’ for what? He wondered. It made no sense. “For what?” He finally spoke up.

“One day Twixt’d…” He of Hourglass look back over his shoulder with a smile on his face. “You will be a Claw in this clan…”

That completely broke Twixt’d. A Claw… Me?! He had vowed to stop being so negative about things but there were times where he would slip. Now was on of those times. For Twixt’d, he just couldn’t believe what his firstclaw had said. He could see being a High Griff as that was determined by combat not by station. As for a Claw… he felt his past should preclude him…

“Your parents please.” He of Hourglass reminded the shocked whelp.

Twixt’d finally snapped to attention and rush off towards the forge. Two thoughts playing in his mind the whole time why and what for did his firstclaw thank him and why the claw remark. It was confusing. The feelings that had plagued him for months returned and a question played in his mind: Who am I?

He of Hourglass watched for a moment longer and once he was satisfied he headed off towards the park. Scorpion would most likely be there right now. While he was usually up at this time he usually didn’t move away from the park.

As he suspected Scorpion was in the park, but he was not in his hoard. Less expected, though not surprisingly, the dragon in question was curled around Sentinel’s birdnest. His birds were gathered around or on the dragon. He of Hourglass walked to the sleeping dragon. A mixture of pain and rage bubbled at the look of sorrow the could be seen upon the sleeping Scorpion.

He of Hourglass nearly broke again. He really was what kept us together… the fire that burned with passion…. and without...

*What is it Firstclaw?* A single blood shot eye peeked out to gaze at the spark dragon.

“I have looked at the information that was supplied from He of Laughter…”

*Say no more.* Scorpion spoke. He yawned long and hard before he slowly got up, scattering the birds into the trees. *Sorry, my hoard…*

For the first time He of Hourglass noted that he could fit easily into the mouth of Scorpion. He rubbed the back of his neck from the reminder of how he had to constantly look up to talk. If only he could figure out what was blocking his ability to enter any growths. He continued to watch as Scorpion stretched showing off rippling muscles underneath his scales. He of Hourglass sighed as he realized that he also was not as physically strong either… though with what Sentinel discovered agility and speed was going to a plus… at least for now...

“Yes, right.” He of Hourglass snapped out of his musings and turned to walk back to the council room, Scorpion falling right behind him.

“What did you tell him?” Metal Claws accused Golden DragonHeart as soon as he entered the council room. Golden DragonHeart had to resist the urge to facepalm. “He came into the forge confused and stammering nonsense. Something about becoming a Claw and questioning his place and who he is.”

Golden DragonHeart blinked in slight disbelief You can’t see it? You son is… ah nevermind… He mentally shook his head. Sometimes Metal Claws was a bit dense. As for his mate, MetalEtched Claws, he couldn't tell as she usually kept a lot to herself, even more so than Soul Fire, but she never seemed to be one to be that oblivious. Though to be fair this could be the first time that the signs were this noticeable… “Isn't it clear?”

“Wait… are you saying that…” Metal Claws stammered out as he started to make connections.

“Twixt’d will be a Claw in the clan. His ability to get along with ponies and griffons the way he does proves it. Not only that, he managed to break through your stubbornness without resorting to dangerous tactics…” Golden DragonHeart waved a claw dismissively.“ Enough of this, we have work to deal with.”

The sounds of shuffling parchment could be heard as the clan began to look at material that had been gathered. One dragon, however, was struggled to examine the intelligence. Metal Claws kept thinking back to what his firstclaw had said about his son. He tried over and over to stay on task but he couldn't.

“Okay.” Golden DragonHeart put down the report he was reading. He was annoyed that Metal Claws had been eyeing him and trying to hide that fact, poorly, like usual. “What is on your mind?”

“The Fire Tail Ceremony…” Golden DragonHeart narrowed his eyes. Metal Claws sighed at this. “Golden DragonHeart even in war life must go on…”

That shocked the firstclaw. He was not expecting the blacksmith dragon to outright quote Soul Fire. “What did you say?”

“Uh…” Metal Claws was thrown back a bit though he recovered quickly. “Even in war life must go on... Golden DragonHeart doing this honors his hoard…”

Golden DragonHeart turned to face away from his clan as his found himself tearing up. “Would you have asked even if…” He didn't want to finish the sentence... it was too painful.



“Because…” Metal Claws grumbled in embarrassment. He was not expected such pointed questions.

*Because Twixt’d gives us hope…* Eternal Beats unexpectedly answered, to the semi relief of Metal Claws. *How can one not feel hope to see the joy he has in flight? And we need that now… more than ever…*

“I don’t know if you fully realize this or not yet Firstclaw,” MetalEtched Claws continued the explanation, “but we look to our Claws for direction. Soul Fire... was our passion and with him gone… You are our… heart... the who we are as a whole. Eternal Beats is right. Twixt’d would give us hope…”

“Forget fierce fire breathing dragons I’m surrounded by cute puppies.” Golden DragonHeart shook his head in amusement. Metal Claws flustered angrily at being called ‘cute.’ Eternal Beats was torn between being embarrassed and laughing at Metal Claws’ discomfort.

“You know the Fire Tail Ceremony kinda needs a bit of flame don’t ya think?” Golden DragonHeart smirked as he casually inspecting his free claw while holding the tail of Metal Claws causally as it it was nothing.

Metal Claws blinked, his jaw slightly ajar. He knew his firstclaw had some skills but he didn’t think he was that good. He halted the attack without the need to use magic to augment his skills and to just nonchalantly stop his attack like it was nothing more than a mosquito was something he expected from Soul Fire not Firstclaw. A burst of greed came over him and he now needednot wanted like before his firstclaw as a hatchmate. “Fuck Firstclaw you have been holding out on us, haven't you?

“Just a bit.” Golden DragonHeart smirked as he gave a half confession. What his clan didn’t fully realize was when Soul Fire and himself fought they were so clouded in rage that they couldn't fight at their true potential. “Did you really think that all that Soul Fire did was teach me magic?”

“Hmph.” Metal Claws grumbled hotly which caused a snort from Eternal Beats. “If I had known this sooner I would have requested the ceremony long before now.”

Golden DragonHeart blinked once, twice then he burst to uproarious laughter. This infuriated Metal Claws and his tail again came down again in an attempt to smack the now laughing dragon. It lurched to a stop before it could reach the spark dragon. This time it wasn’t from Golden DragonHeart grabbing it but from the sight of Golden DragonHeart holding out his tail lit with his green fire. The spark dragon had managed to put fire to his tail and turn to face Metal Claws in the less than a sec that it took for the his tail to move in for the attack.

Metal Claws was stunned for a nanosecond before he rushed to get his tail inflamed and pressed against Golden DragonHeart’s tail. The speed that Metal Claws did this surprised Golden DragonHeart. But he didn’t care. He, himself, was excited for a new hatchmate. The ceremony soon ended with without a hitch.

“Now,” Golden DragonHeart let go of his tail, allowing it to fall back behind him, “is there anything else?”

“Yeah,” Metal Claws crossed his forearms, a claw uplifted, “please tell me this meeting is about how we are going to skin that fucking lava shit of an excuse for scales ‘dragon’ alive. Preferably as slowly and painfully as possible.”

“Skinning him alive is too good for him…” Golden DragonHeart growled angrily. “Think a bit more viciously... more bloody... more pIAnFUl.

For the first time they all felt his blood lust, his rage and they relished in it… none of them cared that Golden DragonHeart had slipped again. If anything they almost wished that he would fall into it fully to avenge Soul Fire. They now knew how he felt and for that split moment they craved it for themselves. Fortunately, the need to pour over the intel smothered the rage before it went any further and the memory faded.

For the next few hours the clan poured over all the information. Golden DragonHeart had only did a cursory glance over the information before so he already had an inkling of content. Now he poured over the details trying to find any flaws and weakness in not only the battle strategy but spell casting of the Nameless One. Anything to give them the edge.

Golden DragonHeart pinched his brow as he finished pouring over the intle for the third time. I see now that Soul Fire’s assertion to wait was both correct and a mistake… and Equestria, the eyries of the east, and he himself paid for it...

“Enough… no more… ” He loudly whispered, getting the attention of the entire clan as it was the first sounds heard from anyone in over an hour. “ I don’t want to read anymore... or look at anymore charts... or pictures from the battle...”

Silence once again fell over the gathered dragons. The mention of the battle coupled with everything that they had been discovering about the battle that claimed their clanmate had dragged them back into a state of depression. At least for the ones that believed he was dead. For Golden DragonHeart, the only one that still believed him alive, if only by a thread, it only filled him with rage not at Soul Fire but at the Nameless One. He would find a way to strike back and kill him and hopefully without anymore loss to his clan and hoard.

Now after a more thorough look at the intel a plan began to form in his mind. Metal Claws would be able to shore up anything gaps he may have. His skills in combats and stratagem was not as strong as Soul Fire but he still was very capable. A smile formed on his maw as he realized that the plan forming was crazy, Soul Fire crazy, which made it just perfect.

“It’s high time we take the fight to him.”

“How?” Metal Claws questioned. He had gone over all of the information on the battle over Baltimare with a finetoothed comb. If the information was accurate Soul Fire had no chance of survival the moment that he engaged the Nameless One. “If Soul Fire was defeated so easily how are we going to take him on? There is only four of us with magic capacities! Eternal Beats is still unable to use his full and most powerful abilities and... and if the speed of the attacks are to be believed only Twixt’d has the speed to be able avoid his attacks…”

Golden DragonHeart flew up the council bench and pulled out a scroll and began to carefully write out a message. After a moment he grumbled and crumbled and pull out another sheet of parchment. Again after a minute he crumbled that one and the next one and the next one. This went on for nearly an hour.

The three grown dragons, who were big enough to just glance over, watched as Golden DragonHeart reread his most recent attempt. The spark dragon eyed the missive for several more tense moments before he nodded in an apparent approval. He spun the message around so the others could read it easily. “This is how we take him on. This is how we end him. This is how vengeance and justice will be brought to the Nameless One.”

A call to all Dragons:

For too long we have hid from the world. We have become weak, lethargic giving rise the Nameless One's ability to ravage the world, to pick us off one by one, smashing our eggs, and butchering our whelps and hatchlings uncontested.

Where is our pride? Where is our boasting of invincibility? Where is our Honor? ARE WE NOT DRAGONS!? Since when have we been the ones cowering in fear?

Why do we allow a dragon striped of his name for all time more prestige, more respect then the Alicorn Keeper who resolved to live as an acolyte… as one of us? The Nameless One should have nothing and we dare give him that?

As this letter goes out the Nameless One is attacking the west continent. Besieging my allies injuring my clanmates, hurting my hoard. If you wish to show this thing the error of his ways and show him the true might of dragon make your way to Terra Hourglass with all do haste.

The Dragon Keeper of Harmony, Cktüis Sarzs
He of Hourglass, Firstclaw of Hourglass Dragon Clan