//------------------------------// // Special Recap: Episode of Luffy // Story: My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic // by Hotspot the 626th //------------------------------// Enies Lobby; the judicial island of the Black Empire. It is one of the symbols of power of this empire that brings fear to anyone unfortunate enough to be sent there. Pirates in particular avoid it like the plague; however, there is one pirate crew that dare brave this dangerous island that is always in light. The Straw Hats, aided by the foreman of the Galley-La Company and the entire Franky Family, and then joined by Equestria's bearers of the elements of harmony and their baby dragon friend later on. Together, they have declared war of the Black Empire to retrieve their friend, Nico Robin, back. Though a large gap separated them from their goal, thanks to the assistance of the sea train Rocket Man they now were sailing towards the Tower of Justice. But one has to wonder; how did it ever get to this point? Of course, you all know the story of how the Straw Hats and the Mane Six plus Spike came to be here, but not the story of how the Straw Hats eventually came to meet the Mane Six and Spike. That, indeed, is a story worth telling. Spike: "Wealth, Fame, Power. Gold Roger, the King of Equestria, had attained this and even more ruling over our fair kingdom." Twilight:"But my brother, Luffy, is where this story focuses on. He left for an adventure that would stretch from Equestria and beyond." Luffy:"And also! Twilight and her friends joined up with us too!" All (Spike/Twi/Luffy):"This is the story of friendship and adventure in the great Age of Friendship!" All (Mane Six plus Spike and Straw Hat 7): Come aboard and bring along~ all your hopes and dreams… Together we will find everything that we're looking for~… One Piece! My Little Pony Nakama is Magic Nami/Applejack: Compass left behind… It will only slow us down… Your heart will be your guide, raise the sail and take the helm. Robin/Rarity: That legendary place that the end of the map reveals… Chopper/Fluttershy: Is only legendary 'til someone proves it real… Sanji/Pinkie Pie: Through it all, through all the troubled times, through the heartache and through the pain… Zoro/Rainbow Dash: Know that I will be there to stand by you~ Usopp/Spike: Just like I Know You'll Stand by Me! All: So come aboard and bring along~ all your hopes and dreams… Together, we will find everything that we're looking for… Luffy/Twilight: There's always room for you! If you wanna be my friend~ All: We are! We Are! On the cruise~ My Little Pony Nakama is Magic Luffy/Twilight: We Are! "Episode of Luffy" Several years ago… In a village on the coast of Equestria, Windmill Village, there was a bar that as lively as ever. Inside, the whole bar was filled with ponies of all sorts. Many of them were pirates, but an equal amount were also villagers. Both sides laughed, cheered, and traded stories of adventure and the everyday. And among this group was two certain ponies of interest. One was unicorn stallion with a white coat and a vibrant red man wearing a familiar straw hat. Over his left eye he had three scars, and on his flank was a skull with an eyepatch with two sabers acting as crossbones behind it. Next to him was an even more familiar red colt without a cutie mark. These two are Shanks and Luffy, respectively. "Then take me on your next voyage, Shanks!" said young Luffy beaming with excitement. "I wanna be a pirate too!" Shanks laughed out loudly. "As if you could ever be a pirate!" He said teasing the small colt. "Why not?!" "Luffy." Another stallion, an Earth pony, spoke up. He had a yellow coat with a tan mane and wore a headband with the word 'Yassop' on it. "Just bein' a good swimmer doesn't mean you'd make a good pirate." "I'm good at fighting too! My punches are like pistols!" "Oh, really?" said Shanks not paying any attention to the young pony. "What's that mean?!" shouted Luffy enraged. "He means you're too much of a kid, Luffy!" spoke a portly griffon grinning. He had his claws on a piece of (fish) meat. "Seriously," said the pony Yassop, "you're as old as my own kid!" "I'm not a kid! I'm a grownup!" stated Luffy determinedly. "Now, now. Don't get so mad." Shanks said as he handed the colt a glass of juice. "Here! Have some juice!" "Wow! Thanks!" said Luffy as he instantly took the glass and drank. "See," Shanks said as he immediately began hitting the counter jovially, "you are a kid! Ha!" "That wasn't fair, Shanks!" shouted Luffy angrily. Instantly, everyone in the room began to laugh at Luffy. The young colt soon replied back angrily, "Stop laughing!" Suddenly, the doors of the bar were violently opened. Now entered the mountain bandits and their leader, Higuma, a griffon with a bounty of 800 bits. While originally here to by some hard cider, booze, and other alcoholic drinks, it seemed that Shanks and his group had taken the last. This did not please the griffon even despite the fact that Shanks offered him an unopened bottle in reverence. Higuma only responded with rudeness and mockery. The group soon left seeing that there was nothing for them here besides "weak pirates". After they left, the whole crew laughed along with Shanks completely unfazed by the griffon; however, Luffy was far from happy with his. Shanks simply explained that it was nothing to get mad over. This did not please Luffy and in his anger he ate a piece of fruit that was nearby. "Wait, what're you eating?!" shouted Shanks. The pony immediately stood up and approached Luffy looking worried. "That box! Did you eat what was in that box?!" "Y-Yeah…" said Luffy afraid. Shanks horn immediately began to glow. His magic aura surrounded Luffy's back legs and levitated him up. He turned him upside the colt upside down and tried to shake the fruit out of Luffy. "Spit it out! Right now! Every last bite!" "W-What're you doing, Shanks?!" shouted Luffy confused. Then suddenly, Luffy's legs stretched sending his body down and hitting the floor. Everyone in the building gasped in shock. Luffy was completely confused and even afraid of what had happened to him. Shanks explained that he had eaten the Gum-Gum Fruit, a Devil Fruit that granted the eater rubber abilities at the cost of never being able to swim. This shocked Luffy greatly, though he easily got over it. The next day, Luffy had tried to fight Higuma to defend the honor of his pirate friends. Unfortunately, he barely did much, but thanks to the timely arrival of Shanks and his crew the mountain bandits were defeated and Luffy rescued. But at a cost; Shanks had lost his left front leg protecting Luffy from a sea monster that lived around the coast of Windmill Village. The next day after, Shanks had decided to leave seeing that their presence was causing trouble for the village. This would be the last time Luffy would see Shanks and his crew for a long time. "I've decided to become a pirate on my own now!" said Luffy smiling confidently. Shanks turned to Luffy and stuck his tongue out at him to tease him. "I wasn't gonna take you anyway! You'll never be a pirate!" Luffy frowned before shouting, "I will too! Someday, I'm gonna gather a crew every bit as good as yours, and I'm gonna find every treasure in the world, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates! I'll show you!" Shanks smiled. "You're gonna surpass us, huh? In that case…" He said impressed. His horn then began to glow and his magic wrapped around his straw hat. He then had it placed it on top of Luffy's head. "I'll leave this hat with you. It's dear to me. Take good care of it!" Luffy was shocked by the gesture. With the big straw hat covering his eyes, Luffy began to cry knowing how important this hat was to his friend. Shanks soon took his leave to join his crew. He took another look back at Luffy still smiling proudly. "Hey, Luffy." He called out. "Nice cutie mark." He then walked onboard his ship. Luffy was surprised by Shanks sudden comment. He then looked at his flank to find it was no longer blank. Now, there was a smiling skull-and-crossbones with a straw hat one it. While he was sad, he was now smiling happily. Shanks and his crew left that day. All of them waving good-bye to their friends and the villagers. Especially to the little colt they had gotten to know so well. They all silently wished Luffy much luck on his future, and hoped to one day see him again. One year later… In Canterlot, class had begun for the unicorn fillies and colts of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. In the science lab, the students were beginning their science lesson. Or most of them were. One filly, Lemon Hearts, somehow got her head stuck into a flask and was running around. Her friends Twinkleshine (who was wearing braces) and Minuette were trying to catch her and help. The three fillies ran pass a table were two fillies nose deep into their science books. The first one lowered her book to reveal to be young Twilight Sparkle. She had a quizzical look on her face as she read off a section of her book. "But according to this book, you're supposed to add the sodium chloride first." The filly next to her lowered her book as well. She looked similar to Twilight only with an eggshell white coat, had a red, white, and purple mane, and wore glasses. This is Moon Dancer. She replied back to Twilight, "I read ahead, and to make a proper salt lick, you need to add the molasses first." "Well, I read ahead too, Moon Dancer, and I'm sure it said sodium chloride first." Confused, Moon Dancer looked at her book. "Oh. I've got the wrong book." She said dryly. "That's hilarious." She then walked off to get the right book. Suddenly, there came a tapping sound. Twilight heard the sound looked around wondering where the tapping was coming from. She turned to the window and gasped. "Luffy?!" "Hi, Twily!" With his face against the window grinning, Luffy greeted his 'sister' excitedly. He then took his face off the window and spoke, "C'mon outside! We found this cool cave!" "I can't, Luffy. It's school time." Twilight responded. "Don't worry, Ace and Sabo are taking care of that." Luffy said grinning brighter. "What?" BOOM! Immediately, there came a small-scale explosion from next door. Smoke suddenly filled the hallway outside Twilight's classroom. Smoke was also flowing outside from the windows. Many ponies began leaving the room coughing. "Everyone!" The teacher from next door shouted inside Twilight's classroom. "Please evacuate! There's been an explosion!" "Alright, everyone…" spoke Twilight's teacher as she tried to organize her students. After the next door teacher left, two colts entered the room quickly. Both of them were covered in sot. It was Ace and Sabo, the latter wearing a cone to appear like a unicorn, and they were heading straight for Twilight. "C'mon, Twi!" said Sabo as he and Ace grabbed Twilight and jumped through the window. Luckily, it was unlocked and they didn't break it. "Guys!" shouted Twilight as they continued to carry her. Luffy soon followed behind them grinning excitedly. The group of young ponies ran across the field until the soon came to part of the mountain. Waiting for them was Robin, now a teenager, as their babysitter. Despite not having wanted to leave, Twilight was happy to see Robin; her personal teacher, much like Princess Celestia. "Are we ready to explore?" asked Robin smiling softly. "Yeah!" shouted the group of foals excited. They all then entered the cave to explore. It was another day of adventure for this group. Many years later (a few months before the present)… Of course, much had changed for the group. They had lost Sabo and Robin had disappeared without a trace. Luffy, Ace, Twilight, and eventually Spike still continued to hang with each other even after Ace left for the Equestrian Army. Now, it was Luffy's turn to go on his journey. "Bye, Luffy!" shouted Twilight smiling and waving nearly in tears. "Be safe!" "Bye, Twilight!" replied back Luffy waving and grinning back. "Bye, Spike!" Luffy sailed away on his small boat heading out into the world beyond Equestria. It had always been his dream to explore the world and go one adventures with a crew. Now, he was going to do just that. From Windmill Village and beating up the Lord of the Coast in the process, he nearly got sucked up by a whirlpool, but survived by hiding out in a barrel. He ended up on a pirate ship belonging to a literal fat cow (Minotaur) "Iron Mace" Alvida. He made friends with a meek, male pony named Coby and defeated the dwarf planet (Alvida). From there, they traveled together to Shells Town, an Equestria outpost for the Marines, where a tyrant Marine captain, "Axe-Hand" Morgan, another Minotaur, ruled over the citizens with fear and an axe arm. But Luffy had come here for another reason. "Join my crew." Luffy said smiling. Who Luffy was talking to was the eventual first-mate of his pirate crew, Roronoa Zoro. This unicorn had made a name for himself as a demon bounty hunter that was merciless to pirates. As per the rumors; however, he was a master swordspony in the three-sword style. He was tied up as per agreement with Morgan's son, Helmeppo, to spare a little filly. But despite that, he was being stubborn. "You again? You sure have lots of free time." Zoro commented mockingly. "If I untie you, will you join my crew?" said Luffy bartering with the pony. "What?" said Zoro surprised. "I'm looking for ponies to join my crew, and I want you to join." "Forget it!" stated Zoro stubbornly. "Me, stooping to a criminal's level?! Screw that!" "What's wrong with being a pirate?!" asked Luffy. "Pirates are despicable! As if I'd wanna be one!" "Oh, come on! You're already known as an evil bounty hunter!" Luffy said lightheartedly. "Ponies can say whatever they want, but I ain't done anything I regret." Zoro then grinned almost menacingly. "I will live through this and accomplish what I want!" "Oh? Okay. But I've already decided you're gonna join me!" stated Luffy determinedly. "Quit deciding on your own!" shouted Zoro annoyed. Luffy then went on to challenge the local Marine base to retrieve Zoro's swords. In doing so, he angered Morgan. Luckily, thanks to Coby and Zoro they all survived and defeated Morgan ending his tyranny. Zoro ended up joining Luffy on his adventure while Coby, wanted to accomplish his dream, joined the Marine base now under new authority. The two soon left saying good-bye to Coby and heading to their next adventure. "You're really strong!" shouted Nami as she sat on the roof of a building nearby. Down below, Luffy was in street with three opponents defeated before him. The red Earth pony looked at the Pegasus pony confused. Nami quickly introduced herself. "I'm Nami. I'm a thief who steals from pirates! Do you wanna team up with me?!" Then came Nami and boy, was she ever a puzzle. The young mare was an expert thief who chose to steal from pirates. She hadn't realized that the straw hat wearing pony before her was one. Of course, Luffy didn't have much interest in teaming up with her; however, when he found she was a navigator he immediately asked her to join his crew. At that point, Nami immediately declined revealing her disdain for them. That however, did not stop her from using the stallion for her own purpose; acquiring a map to some treasure currently in the possession of a pirate, Buggy. The pirate captain Buggy "the Clown" was an Earth pony pirate that had a real, red, clown-like nose that had eaten the Chop-Chop Fruit, which granted him the ability to split himself without harm. She had tricked both Luffy into being captured and then Buggy in turning Luffy in and joining his crew. And though it worked, her cover was blown as she had not the cold-heart to kill Luffy when asked to by Buggy. With the timely arrival of Zoro, they escaped though Luffy was tied and trapped in a cage and Zoro was wounded. The group found themselves at – of all places in this town – a pet shop guarded a very dedicated dog named Chouchou. They also meet the mayor, Boodle, and took the group in, except Luffy as his cage was too heavy for either the mayor or Nami to carry since Zoro collapsed due to his wound. It was then that one of Buggy's pirates, Mohji and his lion Richie, attacked both Luffy and then Chouchou. Afterwards, he burned down the pet shop, Chouchou's treasure left behind by his master long since passed away. Seeing the dog's bravery and then defeat, Luffy personal went to defeat both Mohji and Richie, and succeeded. He then brought back something. "Oh, you're alive, pirate!" called out Nami sarcastically and with vile in her words. "I figured the lion ate you for sure! As a pirate, you'll do the same thing! Maybe I should kill you right here before you can gather a crew and attack people too!" In her anger, Nami tried running up to the Earth pony to attack him. Fortunately, Boodle stopped her from doing so. Meanwhile, Luffy was completely unfazed by Nami's harsh words. He instead walked over to Chouchou, looking over the pet shop now burned to a cinder. Luffy then placed down a bag of dog food, the brand that was sold in Chouchou's store. Nami, and even Boodle, were completely surprised by the gesture. Luffy then walked around the dog and saw next to him. He smiled towards the dog before speaking, "This is all I could take back. Bastard ate all the rest." 'He…' Nami thought astonished. 'He fought with that lion. For that dog's sake…' For once, Nami had been wrong about a pirate, and was completely stunned by the stallion before her. So, once Luffy and Zoro had defeated Buggy and his top crew members, the three of them left together in a sort of partnership. She would stay with them and collect more money. Never once did she tell them what it was for. "M-Me, scared?! I'm perfectly okay with lots of bad guys or whatever! Because I'm Captain Usopp, brave warrior of the sea!" The group then met Usopp, a fine but often cowardly, unicorn sniper with a knack for making up grand lies. He lived in Syrup Village playing pirate with little kids. He was also the son of Yassop, one of Shanks' crewmates. He had come across a plan made by the once trustworthy butler Klahadore, who was really Captain Kuro of the Black Cat pirates. His plan was to acquire his friend Kaya's wealth by killing her during a pirate attack lead by his crew. Usopp was clearly scared of fighting these real pirates, but he would try nonetheless. Even as he spoke bravely, his legs shook in fear. Of course, Luffy and his group easily tell he was scared. "I don't want your sympathy!" shouted Usopp acting prideful. "You guys can just leave!" "We ain't laughing!" said Zoro speaking seriously. "We're helping 'cause we think you're honorable!" "As if we'd risk out lives because of sympathy!" stated Luffy determinedly. Usopp was surprised by what the two stallions said. He was completely touched that they would help him and thought no less of him for it. He was extremely happy shedding tears of joy. "Oh… You guys…!" The four of them – Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp – then faced the Black Cat pirates head on. Sort of; Luffy and Zoro got held up for a while before coming to backup Usopp and Nami. The unicorn sniper had done well to hold back the pirates before getting beaten up. His spirit would not falter against this menace. And in the end, Kuro and his pirates were defeated and none of the villagers knew any better except a select few; some of Usopp's closest friends. As a thanks for protecting their village, Kaya and Merry had bequeath to them a ship; the Going Merry. The group was very grateful. At the same time, Usopp had decided to leave the village to start his own pirate journey. Though, it would not be alone. "You guys take care!" Usopp said to his friends now on the Going Merry. "Let's meet again sometime!" Luffy looked at Usopp confused. "How come?" "Huh? How come?" Usopp repeated surprised before giving a shrug. "Man, you're antisocial… I'm gonna be a pirate too, so we'll meet on the high seas eventually!" "What're you talkin' about?" asked Zoro before tapping the floorboard of the ship. "Get on already." "Eh?!" "We're nakama now, aren't we?" asked Luffy smiling. Usopp was surprised by the offer. "I…" He said before he jumped into the air excited. "I get to be the captain, right?!" "Don't be dumb!" shouted Luffy. "I'm the captain!" And so, Luffy's crew added another member. They all sailed from Syrup Village heading to their next adventure. Along the way, they ran aground on an island with unusual animals and a man stuck in a treasure box, Gaimon. Though it wasn't a big adventure, it was nonetheless important to help the man that always wanted to know about the treasure on this island. They had made a good friend and then left promising to comeback one day. So, the adventure continued. A number of incidents happened all at once; the group picked up two of Zoro's friends, the bounty hunters Johnny and Yosaku. They had accidently caused damage to the floating restaurant, the Baratie. And Luffy was forced into work to repay the damages. It was here that they met the suave, Earth pony, chef Sanji. Luffy had immediately asked the pony to join his crew, but he could not leave the Baratie. During the week Luffy had worked, trouble had come for the Baratie. First was Gin, a member of the Minotaur Don Krieg's pirate crew, nearly starving and severely wounded. With Sanji helping him, he went to inform Don Krieg and then bring him and their remaining crewmates to the Baratie to recover. They had been mercilessly defeated by a creature of great power. The situation soon became more troubling. First, Don Krieg declared that he would take the Baratie as his own ship. Then, Nami had taken the Going Merry without warning. And then finally, the creature that had defeated Don Krieg's pirate fleet appeared; "Hawkeye" Mihawk, a tengu – a bird creature appearing similarly to a gremlin with wings, claw like feet and claws, a beak, and black feathers, but taller. He was one of the Black Empire's Seven Warlords of the Sea as well as the world's greatest swords-creature. Zoro immediately challenged the tengu and lost severely. He was then taken with Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku to go after Nami. Mihawk had also left having found two very interesting ponies, Zoro and Luffy, feeling that there would be something special about both of them. From there, Don Krieg and his pirates began their attack. However, the chefs of Baratie were no pushovers. They fought back to the best of their ability though it proved that only Luffy and Sanji could handle the stronger ones. Though, Sanji was proving to be a little suicidal. "That damn geezer gave up his leg so that I could live. I… I can't repay the damn geezer for his kindness unless I risk my life for him too!" This got Luffy angry. He walked up to the blue Earth Pony and grabbed him by his shirt. "Dying isn't something you should do to repay kindness! That's not what he saved you for! Being given life and yet dying…is something that a weakling would do!" "Then is there any other way to settle this matter?!" shouted Sanji stubbornly. Luffy soon showed Sanji what he meant. Luffy continued to battle Don Krieg despite the number of weapons the Minotaur kept brining out. His determination, even impressing Sanji's mentor Zeff (also an Earth pony), had proven to be even more powerful than Don Krieg and his arsenal of weapons. Luffy had won, and the Baratie was safe. Despite again being offered to join Luffy's crew and even sharing his dream of finding the All Blue, a sea said to contain every fish in the ocean, he still refused to join. It took the entire staff putting on an act to get him to go with Luffy. "Let's go." Sanji said to Luffy. The young captain was standing in a small cabin boat that had belonged to Sanji. "You don't have to say goodbye?" asked Luffy. Sanji smiled. "That's okay." "Sanji!" shouted Zeff from the top balcony. It stopped Sanji, but didn't make him turn. Zeff then spoke out softly, "Take care of yourself." Sanji couldn't move after hearing that. His eyes began to water as he felt a wave of emotion hit him. It was probably the first time Zeff had ever shown care for him despite him knowing full well that he did. "Owner Zeff!" He shouted before immediately turned around and bowed towards Zeff and the staff. "Thank you for all the damn things you've done for me over all these years! I'll never forget your kindness… for the rest of my life!" The whole staff and Zeff began to cry as they would miss Sanji, but were happy for him to go and find his dream. Sanji then left with Luffy as they traveled to their next destination; Arlong Park. Yosaku had returned via panda shark to tell Luffy where Nami had sailed off to. Now, it was time get Nami back. "Let's go! Set sail!" shouted Luffy as his group sailed off from the Baratie. Zoro, Usopp, and Johnny had reached the island where Nami had taken the Going Merry to. Worst, it was an island controlled by Arlong, a sawtooth shark fishpony pirate, and his crew of fishponies. They were ruthless and stronger than the average pony. Eventually Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku arrived as well. Then, Nami found the whole group and revealed the truth; she was really a pirate working for Arlong. Though this was counter to her action of setting Zoro free after he was captured and faked Usopp's death in front of Arlong to save him. While she had wanted them to leave, her adopted sister Nojiko, a unicorn, explained to those that wanted to listen of her sister's hardship and the deal she made with Arlong to by their home village; Cocoyashi Village. However, Luffy didn't need to hear any of that. He had taken a walk. Coincidently, he found Nami again, back in Cocoyashi village. She was crying. Arlong had betrayed her using a corrupt member of the Empire naval officer to confiscate her saved up money. This got her village up in arms, and she couldn't stop them. They had known about Nami's promise and promised to keep a secret until this point. Now, they were going to fight Arlong and his crew, and most likely die. Nami was crying because this was the end of everything she held dear. In her sadness and rage, she took a knife and stabbed her tattoo that branded her an Arlong pirate. She continued to do so cursing Arlong's name and ignoring the pain. Then, Luffy stopped her. "Luffy…" spoke Nami softly. She shaking in pain and anger looking at the pony in tears. She then dropped her knife and lowered her head down. "What do you want? You don't even know anything. You don't even know what's happened on this island the past eight years." "Yeah. I don't know." Luffy stated honestly and calm. "This has nothing to do with you. I told you, leave the damn island already!" "Yeah. You told me." "Leave!" shouted Nami enraged. She dug her hoof into the ground lightly and tossed dirt back towards the Earth pony. She kept doing this as she shouted, "I don't need you! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave!" Finally, Nami stopped. She looked down at the ground as she shed tears of despair and hopelessness. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop this situation. Then, she finally realized what she could do. "Luffy…" said Nami before turning her head towards the stallion revealing her tears. "Help me…" Luffy didn't say anything immediately. He simply took his straw hat off and then placed it firmly on Nami's head. This surprised the Pegasus, and she watched as the Earth pony walked back down the road though only a few feet. He then took in a deep breath and shouted for all the heavens to hear. "Of Course I Will!" "Luffy…" Nami looked further back to see Luffy surprised. Not from his shout, but from his action before it; giving her his precious straw hat. She had learned previously, in Orange Town, how precious his hat was to him and how he had once forbad her from touching it. It meant that he trusted her still despite everything she did. On standby nearby, all of Luffy's crew was ready to move. They all went to Arlong Park and challenged the Arlong Pirates. Each one fought with all their might against the stronger fishponies Hatchan, Chew, and Kuroobi. Luffy then handled Arlong. Through determination and strength, Luffy not only defeated Arlong but destroyed Arlong Park in one swift and strong attack. Despite being inside Arlong Park when it collapsed, Luffy emerged strong and victorious. Everyone watching was completely overjoyed. Luffy took in a deep breath. "Nami!" He shouted as loud as he could. He wasn't sure if she was nearby and he running out of energy, but he would shout nonetheless. "You are my nakama!" Hearing Luffy, Nami's body shook in joy as he eyes began tearing up with the some emotion. She smiled as she wiped her tears off one of her eyes and nodded. "Yeah!" After the battle, the whole island was partying. The festivities lasted a week and the Straw Hat crew were the stars. Nami had even gotten rid of her Arlong tattoo and replaced it with something more suitable; a pinwheel and mikan*. At one point during the celebration, Luffy came across Genzo, an important pony in Nami's life, in front of a grave. There, the old stallion made Luffy promise to never break Nami's "smile". Of course, Luffy wouldn't ever try such a deed. And eventually, the crew left with Nami officially joining the crew as a full-time pirate. Now, they could go onward to another adventure. From Cocoyashi Village the crew traveled to Loguetown, the town of Beginning and End. No one knew why, but it was nonetheless much a part of their history. In Loguetown the crew had gotten into all kinds of trouble. They had been caught up in a scheme by Buggy, his crew, and Alvida, who was now slim and sexy thanks to the power of the Smooth-Smooth Fruit. Not only that, but a plan made by Black Navy Captain Smoker, a Pegasus with the powers of smoke thanks to the Plume-Plume Fruit, to capture them all had nearly succeeded. If it weren't for the timely intervention of a mysterious pony (Dragon) they would have been captured. To escape, the crew took the dangerous pass up Reverse Mountain – a lone mountain near the island that Loguetown was on – and what they found on the other side nearly got them killed. On the other side of Reverse Mountain, the crew meet Crocus, an old Earth pony doctor, and his charge, Laboon the Island Whale. It was interesting experience that ended with a promise to one day return (and continue a fight, by Luffy) in place of Laboon's old friends from a long time ago. From there, by requests of two strange ponies, they came to Cactus Island and the town of Whiskey Peak where they were given a party by the locals. This turned out to be a trap by the notorious secret criminal organization, Baroque Works, though it was handled by Zoro. Then, the situation turned. It turned out, there was a conspiracy going on involving the princess of the Alabasta Kingdom. The princess Vivi – unicorn – and her bodyguard Igaram – Earth pony – had infiltrated the secret organization and learned of their plans to destroy their kingdom. The boss of this organization, a creature named Crocodile, had learned of their infiltration and sent his agents to take care of them. They were defeated easily thanks to Luffy and Zoro (though they were fighting each other). The pirate group then made a deal with the princess to deliver her home. And on their way out, they all meet the second-in-command of Baroque Works. "Robin?" said Luffy surprised. The purple unicorn stared down from her vantage point completely surprised to see Luffy. It had been years since she had seen him, and she had never thought that she would run into him again. "Luffy…" "Captain Luffy…" spoke Vivi sounding nervous. "Do you…know Miss All-Sunday?" "Yeah." Luffy said almost absently. "She's my friend…" "The second-in-command to the big scary boss of Baroque Works is your friend?!" shouted Usopp shocked and scared. "A long time ago." Robin smiled amusedly as she leaned into her hoof. "I should've realized we would meet again. You always wanted to go out to sea." "Twilight misses you." Luffy stated bluntly. Robin frowned immediately. "You all are lucky." She spoke ignoring Luffy's message entirely. "Crocodile hasn't given me any orders to kill you, but with where you all are heading you surely will." Robin left afterwards. Luffy hadn't tried to stop her. He knew he wouldn't be able to. Though she tried to help them by leading them directly to Alabasta, he refused to listen being that he was the captain. There was also the chance that it was a trap. So, the continued on their path. The crew arrived on Little Garden, an island where dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures lived. They also met two sleipnirs, Dorry and Brogy, who had been dueling for over a hundred years. Along with these giant ponies, they faced off with more Baroque Work agents and won. They then left the island with the help of the two sleipnirs. Unfortunately, Nami had come down with a serious illness. Though time was of the essence for Vivi, she agreed with the crew that they needed to get Nami better. After an incident with a hungry, hungry Earth pony named Wapol, who had eaten the Munch-Munch Fruit, the crew landed on Drum Island, a cold island that never sees warm weather. Thanks to Luffy, Nami was able to get the help she needed and they also met Chopper, a blue-nosed reindeer that had eaten a Devil Fruit (Human-Human Fruit) that allowed him to transform into a sort of gorilla-reindeer hybrid. He was also a trained doctor, but had some mistrust issues having been declared a monster by most of the populace on the island. Soon, the pirate group had gotten wrapped up in this island's political crisis as Wapol, the pony that caused them trouble earlier, was formerly king of this island having left when a rogue pony and his group caused havoc on it. He was a selfish king and caused much despair for the island, and no one wanted him back. A battle was waged in front of Wapol's castle which now belonged to Chopper's mentor, Dr. Kureha, a very old Earth pony. Thanks to help of Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper, they were able to beat back corrupt king and his men, and sent them flying. Now, the island was free of Wapol's reign. Once everyone recovered, Luffy and his group were ready to go. Though, not without asking Chopper an important question. "Hey, let's be pirates together! Okay?!" shouted Luffy excitedly. "It's not possible. Because…" The reindeer said – currently in Brain Point form – with his head down sadly. He then raised his head and shouted out mad towards the group. "Because I'm not normal! I have these weird hooves and stand up straight! I even have a blue nose! It's true… that I wanna be a pirate, but… I'm not even a reindeer anymore! I'm a monster! I can't become your friend! So…! So I just came to say thank you… I do appreciate you guys. Thank you for asking me to join you. I'll stay here, but…one day…if you feel like, stop by agai…" "Shut up!" shouted Luffy interrupting Chopper before he could say anymore. It wasn't that he was angry at the reindeer, he simply wouldn't accept his answer. He then shouted out, "Let's go!" Chopper was so surprised by the Earth pony's outburst, but he soon began to cry. Despite everything he had just said to them, Luffy and his crew didn't care about all of that. They still wanted him to sail with them. Chopper then cried out as he finally accepted the invitation to join the Straw Hat crew. They all then left with "encouragement" from Kureha. As they left, the entire island gave the group a fantastic send off. For the first time in this island's history of ice and snow, cherry blossom trees bloomed. Though not really, it was a clever configuration of pink dust missing with snow that had been shot up into the sky. The resulting explosion along with the trunk-shaped mountains made for cherry blossom trees. It was sign of farewell to Chopper, who had once been in the care of a kindly doctor with wild dreams of curing all diseases in the world. A dream now belonging to his son, Tony Tony Chopper. And now, he was going out to sea to do just that. Without a moment to lose, the Straw Hats traveled to Alabasta Kingdom. The poor kingdom, once considered as one of the most peaceful, was facing rebellion and drought. People had lost faith in their king thanks to the efforts of Baroque Works. Now, with Vivi returning, the young princess hoped to set everything right again. Surprisingly when they arrived, they were met with Smoker and Tashigi, and Luffy's brother, Ace. He had been sent to Alabasta to monitor the situation for Equestria. He also had a second more personal mission; search for the murderers of the Marine Fourth Division. Unfortunately, there was no clue, but that didn't stop Ace from helping his brother and his crew out. "Hey, Ace…" Luffy spoke as he and his brother had a moment alone. His crew was currently preparing to dock the Going Merry on the other side of the Sandora River. He spoke with remarkable seriousness. "I ran into Robin on the way here." Ace looked at Luffy shocked. "You did?" "She working with that Crocodile guy." "She's what!" Ace shouted even more shocked. "Luffy, are you sure? This is serious. Crocodile is one of the Black Empire's Seven Warlords of the Sea." He then stopped as something in what he said seemed to confuse him. He spoke up mostly asking himself, "But then, why is he trying to ruin one of the Black Empire's most important member?" "Who is Crocodile?" asked Luffy remaining serious. Ace sighed. "I'm not completely sure, little brother. He's a creature not listed anywhere, but he looks like his namesake. All I know is that he was once a pirate until he was invited join the Warlords. He had a bounty of 80 million beli. You better be careful." Luffy grinned before laughing. "Sure!" Ace released another sigh. "For some reason, that doesn't make me feel better." Ace soon departed from the group and they traveled inland, leaving their ship in the capable hands of the Kung-Fu Dugongs. As they trekked through the desert, they saw the damage that Crocodile and Baroque Works were doing, especially to a specific town where an old friend of Vivi's still lived with hope. Though the goal was to stop the rebellion, Luffy had made it clear that they needed to take out Crocodile or this situation will never truly end. Vivi eventually agreed and the group headed towards a new destination to find and beat Crocodile. They arrived at Rainbase, but most of them ended up being captured along with Smoker, who had followed them here with many Navy soldiers and Tashigi. Here, they meet Crocodile, and like Ace said he looked like his namesake only he stood upright and had red skin with black stripes*. Not to mention he also had a hook replacing one of his hands. He along with Robin left the group to drown or get potentially eaten by huge Banana Gators, but they escaped. Immediately, the traveled to the capital of this kingdom, Alubarna, to stop Baroque Works plans, though Luffy got left behind to fight Crocodile. He ended up losing and being left to sink and die in a sand trap, but he was saved by Robin. (Who's that *******? It's **********! ) Badly beaten, bleeding, and nearly out of breath, Luffy was surprised to see his old foalsitter standing over him after using her powers to get him out of the sand. But in seeing her again, even if she looked stern, Luffy couldn't help but grin nostalgically. "Thanks…Robin… Like… old times…" "Why do you fight?" asked Robin spontaneous but remaining serious. "I'm…going to beat that Crocodile…" "All for that princess?" Luffy didn't reply though he nodded his head. He then continued to speak brokenly. "And…bring you…back…" Robin remained quiet. She soon noticed that Luffy was missing his straw hat. She used her powers to find it and tossed it towards her. She caught it just as another pony approached them. "I found you!" shouted Pell, an important Royal Guard to the Alabasta Kingdom. He was an Earth pony. He looked viciously at Robin as he prepared to attack her. As he approached the pony he asked, "Where is Princess Vivi?!" Robin recalled the stallion amusedly. She had defeated him easily earlier in the day. So, she barely felt threatened by the injured pony. "My. Are you awake already?" She asked amused. Luckily, nothing occurred between the two. Robin instead made Pell take care of Luffy as she left to join her fellow agents in Alubarna. The battle to determine Alabasta's fate was about to begin. The next day, it was war. As the rebel army fought the royal army, the Straw Hats fought Baroque Works allowing Vivi to find the rebel leader, who was an old friend of hers. Though succeeding, it proved to be ineffective as Crocodile placed countermeasures to make sure the rebellion continued. Though, for all his planning, the Straw Hats were still able to beat his remaining Baroque Works agent. Soon, Luffy joined the battle and fought Crocodile again with a little water aid. He ended up defeated again, but far from finished. He followed them into the tombs under the city and fought Crocodile again and this time won. Luffy then rescued the king, Vivi's father Cobra, and Robin from the collapsing tomb. With Crocodile defeated, the rebellion was quelled, the bomb meant as a last countermeasure had exploded harmlessly, and the rain finally returned. Alabasta had survived its darkest hour. After a few days of recovery, the Straw Hats left Alabasta. Though they wished for Vivi to join them, she declined knowing that her people needed her. The group respected her wished and sailed on. Though they were being chased by Black Navy, an enemy turned friend, Bon Clay formerly Mr. 2, aided in their escape. Now in the clear, the group could relax. That is, until Robin showed up again. "Robin?" said Luffy surprised. The last time he had seen her, he had rescued her from dying in the crumbling tomb. She had disappeared after that. But now, she was here on his boat. "What is she doing here?!" shouted Usopp. He along with Chopper were freaking out. The rest of the crew was immediately on guard for any tricks the mare may use. "Luffy…" said Robin smiling amusedly at the pirate captain. "You saved my life despite that I wanted to die. You owe me." "Okay." "Let me join your crew." "Okay." "What?!" shouted the whole crew shocked. Though, Sanji was actually shouting out in joy. "On one condition," Robin added quickly before Luffy could speak, "we will not be heading back to Equestria any time soon." Luffy frowned but nodded in agreement. "Okay." Though some of the crew had issue with this, soon most of them would accept her for various reasons (jokes, money, and the fact that she was female). They would now travel together further into the wide world. When a large ship literally fell from nowhere out of the sky, the Straw Hats immediately investigated it. Learning of a place called "Sky Island" the crew traveled to the island of Jaya to search for information. What they found was a bunch of rude ponies that believed them to be fools. Except for one pony, a very mysterious and strange Earth pony who was all black. He supported their goal with gusto while eating cherry pies. But he's another story. They did find one pony that seemed to know where Sky Island was; an Earth pony named Montblanc Cricket. He was a descendant of a famous liar told in children stories. He along with an interesting group of large monkeys called Gizmonks, helped the crew as they prepared to travel to Sky Island via a powerful upward stream known as the Knock-Up Stream. It would then take them into a cloud formation called the Millennium Cumulonimbus where Sky Island may be located. Soon, the crew aboard the modified Going Merry were carried off into the sky where Sky Island waited for them. Just as the Straw Hats believed, they did find Sky Island or Skypeia. In Skypeia, they encountered sky fish, angels, priests, and even a god. They even found the city of gold, once thought to be another lie by Cricket's ancestor. They even stopped a plot to destroy this beautiful land of clouds. By the time they left, they were regarded as heroes to the ponies of Skypeia. With the help of a balloon octopus, they floated downwards towards the ocean. "Uh, Nami…" said Luffy as he looked over the edge of Merry. "I don't see any ocean." "What?!" shouted Nami as she joined in looking over the edge. Immediately, she gasped. "Skypeia must been pushed all the way to a continent!" "Wait, wait!" said Usopp nervously. "Are you saying we're not going to land safely in the ocean?!" "We'll still land safely," said Nami assured, "as long as nothing else happens." "Um, Nami." Sanji said while looking up. "I think the octopus is getting smaller." "What?!" shouted Nami along with many in the crew. Suddenly, the Going Merry began to descend faster and faster. Soon, it was just falling. As the crew hanged on to the Merry for dear life, it seemed that their lucky had finally run out. Luckily, that wasn't the case. "Usopp Aa-aa-aa!" shouted Usopp as he held onto a rope he had connected to the ship. He had a plan to hopefully save them all. He jumped out and was about to swing under the boat, but was suddenly caught. "What?" He said confused and looked over his shoulder to see a cyan Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane. "Hey! I don't know if there's magic to make you fly, but this is really dangerous!" said the cyan Pegasus. It was Rainbow Dash, and she had been sent to help them. And from there, I think you know the rest of the story. TO BE CONTINUED…