//------------------------------// // Chapter Four // Story: A Dash of Harmony // by Hop3l3ssRomantic //------------------------------// Rainbow excuses herself during Pinkies rant, claiming there is something totally cool she has to do. I'm watching her walk away when she turns her head and winks. Not knowing what she has planned, and not sure if she truly intends for me to follow, I run to catch up with her. “Rainbow!” I call, almost caught up with her. She doesn't stop but her step seems slightly lighter. “Rainbow Dash!” I yell, running after her. She looks at me with a smirk, before taking off at a full run. “Rainbow, stop! Please! I'm not as athletic as you!” I yell, though she’s already out of sight. I walk in the direction I think she went, but there isn't any sight of her. Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, “Boo,” Rainbow says, right in my ear before releasing me, I don't move. “You followed me,” She whispers her head still next to my own. “Good.” She adds, her breath tickling my ear, my breath speeds up, as well as my heartbeat. I turn on my heel and my face ends up within inches of hers. “You wanted me to?” I ask, staring into her large, beautiful eyes. This is definitely the closest I've been to her, even during the pep rally we weren't this close. Her eyes search mine. “I wanted to talk to you alone.” She answers, her hand brushing against mine for half a second. ‘Are my friends really wrong? Are they right?’ I wonder, unable to move and hardly able to breathe. “I think you just wanted to scare me.” I reply, my voice cracking. I try to relax. She laughs a little and somehow gets closer. “An added benefit.” She says, causing me to blush. We hold our position for a moment longer, before I can't stand the tension anymore. I step away, hoping to be able to think normally again. Her eyes flicker with disappointment, before she smiles again. What's behind the mask? I think, almost stepping back to her. The space between us feels too large now, and I want to be close to her again. Stop being crazy and make up your mind I scold myself. I look over at her and we make eye contact again. She breaks it quickly, and looks everywhere else. I want so badly to walk over there and reassure her, but of what, I have no idea. It feels like an eternity before she speaks again, still not looking at me, “You know, Harmony, what Pinkie said wasn't necessarily wrong…” She says, her confidence replaced by nerves. I can't stand it anymore, I walk back over there and stop right in front of her, hoping to get her to look at me. “Rainbow,” I say, my voice betraying me, barely letting me speak higher than a whisper. She finally looks at me, waiting nervously for a response. I search my mind but can't find a proper thing to say. I can't tell what she's thinking. My mind lands on something she said to me a few days back. “There's no need to be so nervous Rainbow.” I say, resisting the urge to touch her face. I ball my hands to keep them at my sides. “I mean, I know I'm awesome, but your pretty cool too so…” I give her a playful look and smile kindly, hoping to have reassured her a bit. She laughs a little so that must have worked. Realizing that she lead me to a park, I sit in the grass. “Besides, while you do look cute when your nervous, confidence is much more becoming on you.” I add, surprising myself with my own words. She comes over and sits by me, and I we're both unsure of what to do or say. There's a pause of silence as we both search for words. “I'm not nervous.” She says, “I'm Rainbow Dash, I don't get nervous.” She adds, her voice not matching her words. “Not nervous, got it.” I tell her, teasing. “I'm glad you weren't hurt today.” She says, and i'm glad to not be the first one to speak again. “I'm awesome enough to keep everyone safe, and I'm glad everyone is, but” she continues, and I notice she's brought her normal brash self-confidence back. “...I'm glad you're safe.” I nudge her with my shoulder at that and look over to her, but her eyes are on the clouds. “I wasn't the one standing next to a giant rift saving people who had been nothing but mean.” I reply, with a smile. “You're so selfless, and highly danger prone, I'm glad that you're safe.” I finish, scooting closer to her. That seems to have earned a smile from her. “What did you want to talk to me about? Anything in particular?” I ask, since she seems to be back to normal. She looks over and blinks in surprise, but instead of answering she begins to stand. “Please don’t leave,” I say, grabbing her hand without thinking. She stops and looks at me, her blush back. I tug on her hand a little, and she sits back down. “Harmony…” Her voice is calm and confident again, a strange combination with how much she's blushing. “I'm glad we're friends, but there's more to what Pinkie was saying. I, well-” she begins to stall want she was trying to say, so I squeeze her hand, hoping to reassure the normally over confident girl next to me. “You're really cool, and I really have wanted to hang out with you for a while,” She says, rambling and stalling. I rub my thumb over hers. “What are you trying to say?” I ask, wishing she'd look at me. “If something makes you this nervous you really shouldn't keep it in” I add. She blushes deeper. Rainbow takes a deep breath, swallows, and then her face gets super confident. She looks at me with the confidence I'm used to. “Firstly, I told you, I’m not nervous,” She says, confidently. “Secondly, I um… really like you.” She says, and I blink at her once. Not content with my reaction, she clarifies, “More than a friend.” Her clarification is a confirmation of what I didn't even know I was hoping she'd say. Unfortunately that doesn't mean the conformation isn't panic inducing. The moment she says that I notice just how close we are right now. I feel a bit faint. “Rainbow...I feel dizzy” I say, my face still close to hers. Darkness creeps in on the edge of my vision and-yep I'm fainting. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ My eyes fly open and I notice that I'm in my room now. I sit up and rub my eyes. “How did I get here?” I wonder aloud, only for my entire face to heat up at the last memory I have. “You fainted on her, idiot” I say to myself, realizing that I was still in my clothes from...whenever I passed out. Last night probably, since it is defiantly lighter out than before. I check my phone and see a few missed calls and an email. The email was from Pinkie Pie, and one of the calls too. I open up the email. Hey Harmony! How are you feeling? It was quite a shock to see Rainbow carry you back-I never had you pegged for a fainter. You learn something new every day huh? Any-whoosie the ‘Magic of Friendship Saved The Day Again’ party is tomorrow at six. Get there @ 5:30. Also Rarity wants to do your hair and makeup so I'll be giving her your number. Hope you feel better soon!! After that I listen to a few of the voice mails and redial Rarity’s after I learned which one that is. She picks up almost immediately. “I thought you might call soon, I have the perfect dress for you tonight! Oh and I can't wait to do your hair! I'm thinking twin ponytails where you usually have your buns with a braid around them. Oh you're going to look fantastic.” “Rarity. Please calm down, I pretty much just woke up.” I reply, to no avail. She didn't even say hello before she started ranting. “Oh of course, so sorry but it's almost 4:30 already and I want you to look amazing tonight. You did give us quite a scare though, being all passed out like that. Especially Rainbow, she didn't know what to do. I'll let her know you're up and about. Also I'm on my way over. Bye!” She hangs up after all that, barely letting me get a word out. How does she know where I live? I head downstairs and grab some shortbread and strawberries so as to offer some strawberry shortcake when Rarity arrives. My Mom comes in, nearly ready to take off for work. “Are Trixy and Lavender coming over sweetie? I can't believe you still prepare snacks when they just let you eat them all anyway.” She says, putting a heel on. “A new friend's coming over to help me get ready for a dance tonight. Also any reason for sweets is a good reason for sweets.” I reply, as she heads towards the door. “Have a good day at work.” I call out as she closes the door. Rarity arrives about ten minutes later with a whole lot of styling stuff. This is going to be a long hour. “We don't have time for treats, you have to try on your dress and then I have to do your hair, and somehow get to the school by 5:30.” She says, taking the strawberry shortcake and putting it into the fridge, along with the frosting and sprinkles. “Aww! I was really looking forward to those Rarity!” I exclaim, staring longingly at the fridge. She looks at me sternly. “No whining more trying on the dress. Go.” She puts the dress in my arms and pushes me towards the stairs. When I look at the dress I notice that it's absolutely gorgeous. The bodice is a dark red with a white rose on the neckline. Its skirt is a beautiful white with a sheer gold fabric resting over. The same gold fabric make the sleeves, which come down to my elbows. With it are a pair of white gloves. It fits perfectly, I think. I spin in front of the mirror, admiring the twirl-ability of the skirt. Rarity comes in and comments on how well it fits, no last minute adjustments. Unfortunately that just means more time for hair and makeup and not sweets. “You really look stunning,” Rarity says as she applies the last bit of lipstick. “and if Rainbow followed my directions she'll look just as stunning.” I don't move, for fear of messing up whatever she's doing to my face now. “You can move now you know” she says, starting to put her makeup away. “Thanks Rarity. The dress is beautiful, but why did you do all this?” I ask, looking in the mirror. “Because I wanted to of course! Well and so that I can see Rainbows face when you show up in,” she checks the time on her phone and gasps, “not five minutes like we're supposed to. Looks like we're going to be fashionably late. If we're lucky your tardiness will worry Rainbow a little.” She muses, heading off towards her car. “Why would worrying her be a good thing?” I ask, following her so as to get a ride. “Because romance is a game of course, and don't forget she got all your sweets raided.” I nodded at that, remembering the loss of all those sweets. “Wait, who said I even agreed to a romance! I passed out! Panicked! I haven't even decided for myself yet…” My protest is ignored as she drives silently. We arrive at the school at 5:45, and she feels the need to redo her own makeup before heading in. I sigh and go in without her. I choose the door directly into the gym, where most parties are held at the school. Pinkie, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Applejack all turn to look when I open the door, but Rainbow's not in sight. ‘At least I don't have to figure this out quite yet’ I realize, with some relief. “Rainbow’s in the bathroom trying to figure out Rarity’s makeup instructions,” Sunset says, “Your wandering eyes gave you away. Come on I'll take you to her.” She continues, as everyone else finishes setting up. “It's all right Sunset, I'll just help set up too. I'm sure Rarity will help her when she can pull herself away from her own makeup.” I say, heading over to help organize the sweets table. Pinkie suddenly appears in front of me, standing between me and the sweets. She shakes her head and I sigh. I am not having a good day when it comes to sweets. I walk off towards the hallway to find Rainbow. I check the closest bathroom to the gym first, and sure enough I find Rainbow in front of a mirror, a pile of instructions next to her, cursing at the different makeup containers. “Yelling at them isn't going to help.” I say, walking towards her. She looks over at me, and yeah, she really doesn't know how to do makeup. I stifle a laugh and grab one of the makeup removers. “Close your eyes.” She complies and I begin wiping the-did she really use lip gloss for eye shadow? “I didn't mean to upset you yesterday.” She says, and I shh her quickly. “You didn't upset me. I panicked, and no talking lest you want me to get makeup remover in your eye.” I say, working to get all the lip gloss off. “You didn't have to try and put makeup on when you don't know how. I know Rarity gave you directions but there's a point when it's just not worth the frustration.” I grab a paper towel and wipe off any excess remover, just in case she rubs her eyes or something. I tell her she can open her eyes and then I take a look at the directions Rarity gave. Rarity definitely overestimated Rainbow's knowledge on makeup. “Besides, you don't need makeup.” I push a strand of hair out of her face before pulling away. I take a moment to take look at he outfit. Her dress is very similar to mine, but with a different neckline, slightly longer skirt, straps instead of sleeves, and leggings instead of gloves. Her dresses colors were changed to match her own, but the two dresses were clearly meant to compliment each other. I notice Rainbow take in my looks and come to the same conclusion. “We should probably get out there and help finish setting up” I tell her, moving to clean up all of Rarity’s lent makeup. “Rarity should be fine with you not wearing the makeup. A lack of it isn't hindering your looks at all.” I add, working quickly, the situation becoming more awkward the longer it goes on. “Harmony.” I pause when Rainbow says my name, and turn to look at her. She's watching my haste, and I realize she wants me to stop. I turn around to face her completely. “Yes Rainbow?” I ask, and she takes a step toward me. “I know I probably shocked you yesterday, the fainting made that plenty apparent, but...I have no clue how to act with you right now.” She says, her eyes searching mine for an answer. Would she get mad if I touched her face right now? Her face is so close, I never imagined this situation. I never imagined wanting this. I guess my friends were right, I'll never live that down. I blink at her, and she takes another step. She places her hands in the counter to either side of me. I try to pull myself out from between her and the sink, but she doesn't let me. “Harmony, you can't run away from this, you're going to have to make a decision at some point.” She says with a frown. “Rainbow,” My voice betrays me, as I knew it would. She stays as is, waiting for my answer. “I...I'm so amazed that you could ever…” I add, no idea what else to say. “I don't know what to say…” I continue, trying to pull my eyes away from hers, but it's difficult with her face so close. She sighs and lets go of the sink, before taking a few steps back. “I just don't know how to think around you. I don't get nervous, but you make me nervous.” She says, pacing a little. She stops and walks back to me. “Yes or no. That's all you have to say.” She continues, her eyes flickering between nerves, hope, disappointment, confidence, and a whole range of other emotions. I swallow, still up against the counter. It feels like my heart's going to explode from beating to fast. My thoughts race so fast that I can't catch them. Yet, I'm happy. I'm happy to be in this situation, or at least have this opportunity. ‘Rainbow Dash likes me?’ I think in amazement. I don't know how long I've been standing here, watching her, silent. ‘Answer,’ I tell myself, Do something. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I close it again, since talking isn't an option. Rainbow sighs, and I can hear her disappointment. ‘Too long, too late’ I think. Rainbow starts to walk towards the door, and looks back at the last second, her eyes dull but for a flicker of hope. I try to talk again, but fail. ‘Last chance,’ my mind says, and I swallow again. I nod, and her eyes go wide. She walks back to me, quickly. “You sure?” She asks her voice happier, hopeful. I nod again and her smile almost reaches a level more appropriate for Pinkie Pie. I smile back, and she hugs me, very suddenly and very tightly. “Rainbow” I say, and she loosens her grip with a giggle. “Can we go to the party now?” I ask, still feeling slightly awkward. “Oh right, the party…” She says, apparently having forgotten. I roll my eyes and start cleaning up the makeup again.