What is Friendship Now

by Narcissistic Writer


"Excuse me girls it's a bit rude to not talk to a guest" She smiled. Applejack and Twilight were still eyes wide jaws open.

"Rarity?" The white pony leaned forward.

"Yes darling"

"What Twilight is tryin to say is WHERE THE HAY YA BEEN?!" Rarity stepped back.

"Please Applejack change your attitude" She smiled.

"You you grrrrr" Applejack threw down her hat making a wall of dust Rarity screamed.

"How dare you. You almost got dirt on my latest design"

"Really just really?"

A long silence was formed between the three as they just stared and didn't speak to either of each other. Applejack raised an eyebrow and sighed before turning away and continuing her walk as Twilight and Rarity soon followed with pace. Still no one spoke and it felt like days had passed because of the uncomfortable quietness when it had only been seconds. Step after step it just got more challenging to keep going but they all had reasons they needed too move on. She assumed Rarity wanted to find her sister as well as Applejack wanted to find her's and Twilight her mission was half way through two down three to go she thought to herself.

"So any plans AJ,Twilight" Rarity looked at them both.

"Well I'm just trying to find all of our friends and Applejack trying to find her sister"

"With no luck" Applejack added.

"Oh well I am sorry darling and as for you Twilight it seems your if I say so myself dominating your objective eh?" Her elbow budged Twilight's.

"Yeah I guess anyway we need to find Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and I think Fluttershy cold be nearby so she's up next"

"Great" Rarity said.

"Okay" Applejack said.

They walked in the seemingly endless dessert before they came to a wood they moved closer and as they did a sound could be heard with clanking metal and animal sounds. Closer they hear a roar. Closer they hear a scream. Closer they hear nothing. they all look to the left and see the lifeless corpses of many royal guards who looked to be have to been under a vicious attack. This did not raise anyone's hopes for survival. well honestly nothing in the last few days had all their had been was despair, well what would you expect from a land of war. The sky had darkened so much it was almost only recognizable as a shadow this meant rest finally instead of walking on they had reached an area where they could rest. A giant patch of dry moss suited the princess and farmer but the fashion designer not so much for she was said to have more precise tastes and went looking for any fabric like materials to sleep on but eventually gave in to rocks and moss they prepared a temporary "bedroom" they started to gather dry, flammable objects and threw them onto a pile thankfully Rarity still had some hair spray and both Applejack and Twilight had a lighter so with the combination a fire brew they felt the need to stay and talk about personal problems and their goals now, but fatigue slowly overtook them and they collapsed into a peaceful drift.

A bright light shone into the eyes of the ponies awaking them immediately. Twilight wanted more sleep but something told her that she shouldn't go back to sleep. She nudged Applejack with her hoof trying to get her attention. She rolled over onto her other side, her face was covered by her hat but Twilight could still make out she was awake. They chatted about many topics it was just a conversation mainly just around catching up on each other it had been months since they had seen each other and it seemed like everywhere they go they're always in a deadly situation so they used this spare time to just relax for five minutes they had before they had to get moving. Rarity had been awake for hours admiring herself in her mirror Applejack at some point suggested we break the mirror get some vines or dry plants to make a knife but Rarity seemed disgusted at the idea so they didn't.

They continued their long journey across the wasteland coming across many destroyed and ruined landmarks and may other types of buildings that had been shattered via weaponry. They eventually were standing under a giant building with graffiti all round it's walls saying the shadow will come the shadow will save but the shadow will die. Twilight had a feeling this was not good the were ready to set foot inside it when a very familiar voice came from behind them.

"Well, well, well look what we got here Twilight, Rarity and ooh good to see you AJ" The voice said with a laugh.

"No it can't be is it Twilight?" She askedf but Twilight did not answer. She had been knocked out.

"Well darling you can't just hit a princess we can talk about thi-" Bang she was out cold. Applejack stood there not wanting to see a friend as an enemy she turned around Slap! she was hit to the ground.

"Take them to the warehouse to finish them off" The stallions that stood next to the pony nodded then AJ turned around her eyes filled with horror, it WAS a friend. A friend who was no longer a friend. A friend who had become a murderer.