//------------------------------// // Joyful Day // Story: Family of a Lifetime // by TyrannosaurusVenom //------------------------------// As Scootaloo was making her way towards the school house after her talk with T-Rex and Indominus, she found herself imagining what it would be like to have them and Rainbow Dash as a family. The thought of having two dinosaurs and her idol for a family brought a smile that stretched across the width of her face. She would never have to deal with the horrid ponies that were supposed to be her parents again. The idea made her so giddy that it was impossible for her to hide the big smile on her face. Then Scootaloo spotted something right by the entrance to the school and couldn't believe what she had found. It was her scooter that had been left untouched since yesterday. In her depressed state of mind, Scootaloo had forgotten to take it with her when she left. It was remarkable that nopony had taken her most valuable possession. She then noticed that somepony had left a note on the handle bars. With some time left before school started, Scootaloo decided to read the note. "I saw that you left this behind yesterday, you sure there isn't anything else troubling you? Anyway I'll be here after you get done with school like I promised. Just keep being awesome like always little sis. Your big sister, Rainbow Dash." It was all the proof Scootaloo needed to know that Rainbow Dash could get along with Tyrannosaurus and Indominus. Seeing that her big sister cared for her as much as the dinosaurs that saved her life, made Scootaloo even happier and a little teary eyed. She hoped that nopony would see her like this and start asking questions, especially Diamond Tiara. Fortunately for Scootaloo, the school bell rang and fillies were heading towards the entrance. She tucked the note in her book bag, wiped the tears from her eyes while still wearing the big smile and followed the students inside. Nopony could have imagined how much Scootaloo's behavior had changed in one day. She was alert, paying attention and even answering questions that no pony thought she knew. Seeing this positive and cheerful atmosphere around the little Pegasus put a smile on Miss Cheerilee's face. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were positively stumped at how their friend's attitude had improved so dramatically. They were determined to get some answers on Scootaloo's overly ecstatic behavior once lunch came around. When it came time for lunch, the Crusaders were lounging under s tree in the schoolyard when Apple Bloom finally asked the big question. "So Scootaloo, did anything happen to ya yesterday to bring out this huge grin on yer face?" "Heh heh heh, you might say that," Scootaloo said sheepishly. "Well spill already, what happened after you didn't want to crusade yesterday?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo had to think this through; she couldn't exactly tell them that she became friends with two predators from another world. She had to be simple and subtle with what she was about to tell them. "I made a few new friends last night after I left you guys," that kind of answer was simple enough to not give away too much. "New friends eh, did they do anything for ya to make ya this happy?" Apple Bloom continued to pry at the subject, determined to know how any pony besides Rainbow Dash could make Scootaloo this happy. "Well, how can I say this without scaring you guys," what Scootaloo was about to say would almost blow her heroes' cover, but there wasn't any other way to explain. "They saved me from a pack of Timberwolves." Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo with their mouths to the floor and gawking at her like she had just gone through a nightmare. They were rendered speechless and couldn't quite process what they had just heard, but the stunned silence was short-lived. "YOU WERE ATTACKED BY TIMBERWOLVES!?" Scootaloo had to put a hoof to both of their mouths to keep them from attracting attention from the other students. Thankfully nopony had heard the little outburst, not even a certain pink tiara filly who was too busy harassing other fillies on the other end of the schoolyard. "If I'm going to tell you guys, you can't react like that," She took her hooves away from their mouths and waited for her friends to respond. "Ok we get it, but something like that is a bit much to take in," Sweetie Belle said after regaining her composure. "So these friends of yours, how did they manage to beat a pack of timberwolves on their own?" "Yeah, did they use any fancy tricks or just toss a big ol' rock on em like Applejack did?" "Nope, they just used their bare...hooves and stomped those wolves into the dirt," Scootaloo couldn't say claws or that would really alarm her pals. "It truly was amazing how brave and fearless they were, and how protecting me was all that mattered to them." Scootaloo wasn't aware of it, but talking about Tyrannosaurus and Indominus was starting to make her daydream and blush. Her friends instantly took notice of the tint of red on her cheeks. "Ya sure that these friends of yers aren't already becomin' more than friends in yer eyes?" Apple Bloom asked sheepishly with a sly smile on her face. The question snapped Scootaloo out of her dreamy daze. "No, no, no, nothing like that, they were just so bold and brave that it was admirable in my eyes." Scootaloo replied, with the blush still on her cheeks, but less red. "They were just as awesome as Rainbow Dash." That statement caught Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom completely by surprise. Never had they heard Scootaloo rank anypony alongside Rainbow Dash, let alone say that certain somepony was just as awesome as her idol. Her new friends must've been pretty incredible to earn that kind of respect. "What happened after they saved you?" Sweetie Belle asked after the shock wore off. "Well, they stuck with me throughout the night and even helped me find a place to sleep. I was too lost and deep in the Everfree Forest to get back to Ponyville. In the morning, they guided me out of the forest and followed me to school to make sure I made it." Scootaloo decided not to mention the family wish, or any of her conversations with the dinosaurs before coming to school. "Scootaloo, Ah'm thoroughly impressed with these friends ya've made," Apple Bloom admitted. "Ya just met them and they've been kind and brave enough to earn a place alongside Rainbow Dash? Ah'd sure like to meet them one day." "Yeah, I want to see these two awesome ponies for myself as well," said Sweetie Belle. It would've been nice to have her friends meet Indominus and T-Rex so she wouldn't have to keep the secret to herself, but then a horrible thought occurred to Scootaloo. How would the dinosaurs react to meeting her friends? That would be a topic that she would have to discuss with them. "I'm not sure girls, both of them are new to Ponyville, and they've never met anyone besides me." Upon seeing the happiness slowly being drained from her friend, Apple Bloom came up with a solution. "How about this, if we gave em enough time to settle into their new lives, do ya think they would be comfortable with being introduced to us?" Scootaloo liked the idea, now she just needed enough time to arrange the meeting. "I believe that I can arrange an opportunity for you guys to meet them in two weeks, is that gonna be too long?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle thought it over, it would be quite the wait just to meet Scootaloo's new pals, but after all they had heard about them they decided it would be worth waiting that long. "That's plenty of time for us Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle answered. "I can't wait to meet these friends of yours and see their level of awesome." For the rest of their lunch period, the CMC ate their own lunches and imagined what Scootaloo's new pals would be like. Scootaloo couldn't wait to see the expressions on her friends' faces when they would be face to face with T-Rex and Indominus for the first time. When lunch ended, the daydreaming had to be put on hold as the fillies went back into the school house to finish the day. When school was finished for the day, Miss Cheerilee once again asked Scootaloo to stay behind for a bit. "Scootaloo, I have to say that I'm surprised at how alert and focused you were in class today," Miss Cheerilee said to her student. "Were you able to get enough sleep?" Scootaloo felt that there was no harm in telling her teacher what she had told her friends, except leaving out the Timberwolf attack. "Nah, I just met some cool new friends last night and they helped brighten my night," Scootaloo told her teacher. "You didn't get into any kind of trouble with these new friends, did you?" Miss Cheerilee asked a little concerned. "Oh no, we just got to know each other and spent the night chatting about our lives," Scootaloo had to wing it on that part, since she couldn't ask Indominus or Tyrannosaurus about their lives. Miss Cheerilee's concern faded and was replaced with a warm smile. "I'm glad to hear that my little pony, sounds like you've bonded with some pretty loyal friends," Miss Cheerilee glanced out the window to see somepony that she knew Scootaloo held above all others. "I see that another friend of yours is waiting for you outside," Scootaloo looked out the window, her eyes and smile went wide at the pony who was waiting for her. Rainbow Dash was out in the schoolyard, standing tall and waiting for Scootaloo to come out of the building. "Have a good afternoon Scootaloo," Miss Cheerilee said before Scootaloo went bounding out the door towards her idol. Scootaloo was speeding headlong towards Rainbow Dash, who was prepared for the impact. She held out her front hooves and welcomed the embrace as Scootaloo leaped forward and hugged her idol around the neck. The force of the impact nearly knocked Rainbow over, but she managed to hold her ground. "Heh, heh, are you always gonna be this ecstatic whenever we hang out squirt?" Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle and return the hug after seeing Scootaloo so happy, considering how upset she had been the day before. "Did you see the note I left on your scooter?" Scootaloo looked up into Rainbow's eyes and simply nodded her response. "Alright squirt, I'm yours for the rest of the afternoon, so what are ya up for?" "I'd like to get some practice in trying to fly, if that's ok with you?" The question suddenly caught Rainbow Dash off guard. "You mean that your parents haven't even bothered to teach you how to fly?" Rainbow asked now concerned about what really went on in that home of Scootaloo's. A pained expression, the smile fading from her face and glistening eyes were all that Rainbow needed to know. She put a hoof under Scootaloo's chin and lifted her face until their eyes met. "I'd be glad to help you practice, in fact, I'll be your personal coach so you'll be flying before you know it." Scootaloo's face was beaming with excitement at what she had been told. "Really, you'd do that for me Rainbow Dash?" "Of course squirt, I promised to take you under my wing and I'm going to make that promise come true. I was serious the night you asked me to be your big sister, and I want to see you flying and being as awesome as me." Scootaloo was just beaming with excitement, things finally seemed to be going right for her. She embraced Rainbow Dash in another loving hug which Rainbow happily returned, and after awhile the two made their way towards an open area where Rainbow Dash could teach Scootaloo to fly. Before she left the school, Scootaloo decided to bring her scooter with her so she wouldn't forget about it later. On the way to the training field, Rainbow thought it would be a good time to ask Scootaloo a question that had been bugging her. "So, what happened to you last night after we made plans for today squirt?" Part of Scootaloo had been dreading that question being brought up again, but another part of her couldn't wait to tell Rainbow Dash of her thrilling night. "Last night, I kinda...got lost in the Everfree Forest," Scootaloo got nervous as Rainbow's expression changed to one of great worry. "You wandered into the forest, all by yourself!?" Rainbow Dash felt so worried for her little sis, there had to be more going on at her home that Scootaloo just wasn't willing to talk about. "Did anything else happen while you were in there?" Rainbow was truly afraid to hear the answer, and Scootaloo gritted her teeth for what she was about to say. "I was attacked... by Timberwolves," Scootaloo watched as Rainbow's expression continued to grow panic stricken. Her eyes had shrunk to the size of bottle caps and tears were starting to form. Rainbow pulled Scootaloo into a tight hug and draped a wing around her. Scootaloo could see the tears pouring from her idol amongst the cyan fur, and it was a rare thing to see her idol so sad. "I'm so sorry Scootaloo, I never should've let you go home alone last night." Rainbow said weakly in between the sobs. "I wasn't alone though, I made two new friends who found me before the wolves got to me," This snapped Rainbow out of her sadness, and made her quite curious. "New friends? You mean that two ponies found you and distracted the wolves long enough for you to escape?" "Not exactly, they took down the wolves on their own with their bare hooves," Scootaloo wanted to give T-Rex and Indominus enough praise and credit to get Rainbow interested in meeting them herself. The statement had quite the effect on Rainbow and caused her to finally release Scootaloo from her loving hold, her eyes went from bottle caps to frying pans and a big smile grew on her face. "T-These friends of yours f-fought the wolves and w-won?" Rainbow Dash had been left in awe that somepony had not only kept Scootaloo safe, but destroyed a pack of timberwolves in the process. "That's right, they were just like you, bold and fearless." said Scootaloo using some of Rainbow's words from the camping trip to Winsome Falls. Now Dash's curiosity had truly been aroused, she had never heard Scootaloo compare anypony to her. She wanted to meet both of Scootaloo's new friends more than anything now. "Scootaloo, is there any way that I could meet these friends of yours? I'd really like to see them for myself and express my gratitude to them for keeping you safe." Scootaloo couldn't believe what she had heard; her idol wanted to meet her saviors. The family she had envisioned seemed to be becoming more of a reality by the second. But then one reminder struck her hard; her saviors were dinosaurs. "Sorry Rainbow Dash, but both of them are new to Ponyville and I'm their first friend. They need some time to adjust to their new lives, but once they're settled I'm sure that they'd be thrilled to meet you." "Oh I see, in that case would it be too much if me and my friends got to meet them in...three weeks? I hope that'll be enough time because I'd really like to meet these awesome pals of yours Scoots." Rainbow Dash was getting more giddy from just imagining what Scootaloo's new friends would look like and how awesome they were. Scootaloo pondered over the situation; with the Crusaders meeting T-Rex and Indominus first, she could prepare her saviors for when they met her idol and her friends. With a week in between the introductions, the crusaders could make sure T-Rex and Indominus would be on their best behavior when the time came. "Sure Rainbow Dash, that would be enough time for them to get settled and for you to inform your friends." "Excellent! Now that the plans have been made, lets get training." Scootaloo hadn't realized it, but by the time she and Rainbow had finished chatting, they were already at the training ground. Since Scootaloo had never received any training on how to use her wings for flying, her flight muscles were severely underused. Rainbow had her do wing ups, stretches and other exercises to try and get those particular muscles warmed up and prepped for flight. After an hour and a half of stretches and wing ups, Rainbow had Scootaloo try to jump and maintain her flight. Scootaloo fluttered her wings, clenched her eyes and leaped into the air, she was expecting to be on the ground in a few seconds, but when she opened her eyes she found the opposite was happening. Even though she was only three feet above the ground, Scootaloo found herself staying airborne. She was maintaining her flight, and it made her so excited to experience partial flight for the first time. Rainbow was pretty happy herself, because if Scootaloo kept up those exercises, her wings would be in perfect shape and the two of them would become the best fliers in Equestria. After fifteen minutes of sustained flight, Scootaloo's wings tired out and she had to land. She was panting and covered in sweat, but she was beaming with pride and confidence, and got more overjoyed when Rainbow pulled her into a congratulatory hug. "Way to go squirt!" Rainbow was simply ecstatic at seeing how Scootaloo had already made progress. "Keep this up and you'll be flying alongside me in no time." "You really think so Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked with eagerness in her voice. "I know so kiddo, but you'll have to keep strengthening your wings so you can get higher and fly faster." Rainbow added one last bit with a great deal of honesty in her voice. "When you feel you're ready, I want to be the first one to see what you can do as a flyer." Scootaloo blushed at what Rainbow had said and felt truly obligated to see the request happen. "I'll make sure that you get to be the first to see my awesome moves Rainbow Dash, no question about it." "Great, now what do you say I take you on over to Sugercube Corner as a reward for your progress?" "I could go for a nice sundae, with everything on top," said Scootaloo. So the two ponies left the training field and began making their way to Sugercube Corner. Along the way, Scootaloo kept checking where the sun's position was. It was getting close to sunset, and she would need to meet up with her dinosaur friends soon. But for now, she was enjoying every moment of being with Rainbow Dash. It only made her yearn for having Rainbow Dash and the dinosaurs as one big family. Her thoughts were put to rest when she and Rainbow Dash were greeted by a very energetic pink earth pony. "Hi Rainbow Dash!! Oh, and hi to you Scootaloo! What can I get for you ladies, ice cream, cupcakes, sundaes, ice cream sundaes, ice cream cupcakes?" Rainbow had to hold up a hoof to get Pinkie Pie's attention. "Actually Pinkie, I'd like a blueberry sundae please." "I'd like a sundae with everything on it." Scootaloo held her breath to see the pony's reaction. But nothing could've prepared her for the look of ecstatic giddiness on Pinkie's face. "Everything? You want EVERYTHING on your sundae Scootaloo!?" Scootaloo only needed to say, "yes I would like everything," before Pinkie's excitement made confetti fireworks go off as she went bounding off the walls and into the kitchen to prepare the sundaes. "Does that always happen?" Scootaloo had to ask Rainbow Dash after witnessing the party pony in action. "Nope, usually there's a song first and then the confetti comes in," Rainbow said being equally surprised at Pinkie's ecstatic display. In only a few minutes Pinkie came back with Rainbow's blueberry sundae, but after popping back into the kitchen and returning with Scootaloo's sundae, the filly's mouth hit the floor. The sundae she had requested was truly decked out with everything, from sprinkles, chocolate fudge, and brownies to whipped cream and candy. On the top was a circle of cherries, and inside the circle was every kind of fruit imaginable. Pinkie Pie had truly outdone herself, because Scootaloo was rendered speechless. "Go on, try it Scootaloo. I wanna see the look on your face when you take the first bite," said Pinkie who still had the giddy smile on her face. "Oh, this I have got to see," Rainbow was just as eager to see Scootaloo's reaction. Scootaloo took one bite from the sundae, and her face started lighting up like a tree on Hearth's Warming Eve. Her eyes went as big as saucer plates, her smile had grown wide enough to rival Pinkie's, and she was bouncing off the walls and ceiling like an endless ball of energy. Rainbow and Pinkie's expressions had gone to dropped mouths at seeing the incredible display of excitement and joyful energy being displayed. When the rush ended after thirty minutes and Scootaloo had landed back in her seat, both ponies were left speechless. "Was it that good kiddo," was all Rainbow could manage to say. "Good!? That was AMAZING!!! I've never had anything so delicious in my life," Scootaloo was beaming with sheer delight after tasting all the great flavors of the sundae. She was so overcome that she wasn't aware of what she was letting slip out. "I never get to try anything like this at home. My parents never bother to make anything this tasty." Suddenly Pinkie Pie was right up in Scootaloo's face, an unreadable look was present where a smile should've been. "Are you telling me that your parents have never made a sundae for you? Ever!?" The question had brought Scootaloo out of her sugar rush and back to reality. Now her expression was beginning to drop back into the depressive state that Rainbow had seen yesterday. Rainbow pulled Pinkie away from Scootaloo and told her that they would talk about that later. She then walked over to Scootaloo and put her wing around her little sis, not caring who was watching. "Don't worry about that Scoots," Rainbow said while nuzzling Scootaloo in an attempt to see that smile again. Scootaloo simply snuggled against Rainbow's cyan fur and let the smile return. "How do you always know what to say whenever I get like this Rainbow Dash? "I know what to say because you're special to me Scootaloo, and because we're sisters." Pinkie pie was so touched by the sisterly love between both ponies that she didn't utter a sound, something that rarely happened for the party pony, and so as to not interrupt the tender moment. After a while, both ponies broke out of their hug and went back to enjoying their sundaes. While watching the two eating together, Pinkie found herself thinking about what the future would hold for them. "Those two look so close, I bet they'd make the best sisters ever!" When they were finished, Pinkie apologized to Scootaloo for bringing up the uncomfortable subject. To her surprise, Scootaloo was actually ok with it because the day had been so wonderful. With the sun setting and night falling upon Equestria, it was time for Rainbow and Scootaloo to be on their way. But before she left, Scootaloo had an idea. "Hey Pinkie, would it be alright if I had a few apple fritters for some new friends of mine? I'd like to give them some of Ponyville's finest eats." Just hearing the words 'new friends' caused Pinkie to grab a bag and she began filling it to the brim with fritters. Scootaloo thanked the energetic pony, hooked the bag alongside her school bag and finally left with Rainbow Dash. Seeing the massive bag of fritters, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but wonder. "What in the world are you planning to do with all those apple fritters? Surely they can't all be for you?" "Nope, as I mentioned before they're for my new friends, it's to give them a taste of Ponyville." That's when Rainbow realized just who Scootaloo was talking about. "You're meeting up with them tonight?" Rainbow wasn't sure it was such a good idea for Scootaloo to be out late at night, even to meet up with friends, and especially since she ended up in the forest the previous night. But Scootaloo's next words put her mind at ease. "Don't worry Rainbow, they're just as caring and protective as you. They can handle anything the world can throw at them. Besides I can inform them about getting to meet you and have them prepared." Upon seeing the sincerity in her little sister's eyes, Rainbow decided to trust her. As the two sisters got ready to part ways for the night, Scootaloo said one more thing that made Rainbow's heart simply melt with joy. "Rainbow, thank you for everything you did for me today, and for sticking with me. I honestly can't imagine having anypony else as my sister." All Rainbow could do to contain her tears was pull Scootaloo off her scooter, hold her in a loving embrace, and nuzzle into her purple mane. Scootaloo returned the gesture, she adored being reminded how much Rainbow Dash loved her. "It was my pleasure Scootaloo, I always treasure the time we spend together," Rainbow whispered softly into Scootaloo's ear. With one last sweet bonding moment shared between the two ponies, Rainbow took off towards her cloud mansion, while Scootaloo sped off towards the edge of the forest by the schoolhouse where her saviors had dropped her off. The two dinosaurs were going to hear a lot, and have plenty to prepare for.