//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: The Shaded Path // by Crensler //------------------------------// It was a few more hours before Seeker had recovered enough to travel, the others having returned to find out how things had gone after they had headed home. Twilight filled them in regarding what they had learned so far, the farm pony taking it rather well, all things considered anyway. “So yer tellin' me that this Nightmare whosamadinger is more dangerous than usual?” Applejack screwed up her face in an expression of confusion. “Now how in tarnation did wakin' the darn thing up do that?” “I haven't really been able to study the readings I gathered fully yet,” Twilight glanced over to the piles of papers the machines had spat out, “but my best guess? I think that Luna is right. Before she entered Seeker's mind, soul, subconscious, whatever you want to call it, the fragment was just magical residue of sorts.” She levitated some of the readouts, showing the spike in magical fluctuations as the moon had risen over the edge of the horizon. “See this? I'd bet you anything the fragment wasn't capable of putting out anywhere near this amount of power the other night. I'm thinking that the ritual Seeker's ancestors performed allowed trace amounts of the Nightmare's power into their own magical essences, corrupting it into a curse.” She started to pace, getting her Twi on as Rainbow Dash liked to call it. “But it was just that, dark magical energy with no direction beyond Seeker's own primal instincts. Of course this brings into question what sort of animal we evolved from for those instincts to be predatory...” She trailed off, shaking her head to clear this stray thought away. “Anyway, to get back on track and make a long story shorter, when Princess Luna's magic interacted with this dark residue, this Nightmare taint, it triggered a reaction.” She looked to where Luna was speaking to Seeker, planning their journey she imagined. “Because of its ties to her the fragment was able to feed on her magic, making it stronger, waking it up so to speak.” “So...what does any of that fancy egghead speak mean in Equish?” Dash asked, the rest of them just as confused as she was she'd wager. “It means, Rainbow, that we have a bigger problem on our hooves than simply curing Seeker's tribe of its curse.” Twilight sighed tiredly. “I need to do some more studying, maybe visit the Canterlot archives, see what I can find to help me analyze all this new data, maybe even help Princess Luna's friend-” “Hey girls, you won't believe what's happening in the throne room!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing in excitement. “Our cutie marks are glowing!” This of course made them all to check their flanks, causing the pink mare to giggle at the sight. “No, silly fillies, the ones on our fancy new chairs!” “This sounds like something you should all investigate,” Luna told them, having caught the last part of the conversation. “Seeker and I will proceed to Canterlot.” She looked to Applejack. “Would you allow me to borrow your family's cart? I promise to have a guardspony return it once I have delivered Seeker there safely.” “Now hold on,” Seeker interjected, feeling mildly annoyed. “My back is healed and I've rested enough, so I can sure as hay get there on my own.” A sharp jab to his ribs from one of Luna's hooves sent him to the floor with a yelp, a spasm of sharp pain having followed it. “Yes, I can see thou art truly well,” the princess observed wryly. “If needs be I can always make it a royal decree. Wouldst thou listen then, oh stubborn one?” Her dry wit only served to cause his cheeks to gain a dusting of pink as he muttered obscenities under his breath. “I shall take thine mutterings as confirmation of my victory.” “Well Ah don't see no problem with you borrowin' mah cart,” Applejack replied once she was certain they were done. “Yer a downright honest pony, princess, so of course, I trust ya.” She glanced down at Seeker and chuckled. “Sides, I can see the poor feller's in need of all the help he can get~” “Stupid mares,” Seeker hissed as he stood back up, rubbing his side and glaring at the giggling mares, his blush darkening as a result. “Buck this, I'm out. Good luck with your glowing chairs, or whatever.” With that he started limping his way to the door. “Yeah, thanks pal, but you're the one in need of all the luck here,” Rainbow Dash replied, cocky smirk firmly in place. “Hay, you better not cause the princess any trouble got it? Otherwise we both know I can totally kick your flank!” “D-do try to keep from hurting yourself again,” Fluttershy said, remembering his injuries and shuffling her hooves nervously. “I-it was nice meeting you despite all the, you know, growling.” The stallion paused, looking back. “A-and have a safe trip.” “Remember to bathe, darling,” Rarity said, grimacing as she recalled the state he'd been in when they'd first met. “And please, for the love of Celestia, do take better care of that mane of yours. I know conditioner is hard to come by on the road but at least try to take a brush to it every now and then.” “Try to stop by once you're cured.” Twilight seemed excited by the prospect. “I'd love to get a comparison of your magical aura for future study.” She ignored the way he rolled his eyes. “Good luck!” He waved them off and started to turn back, only to yelp and jump as Pinkie was standing in his way. Again. “Hey, come on, you seriously need to lighten up,” the pink one told him, smiling brightly and causing a muscle under his right eye to twitch slightly. “Turn that frown right upside down, mister.” He just stared at her in silence “Come on, just one little smile?” She looked at him pleadingly, eyes gaining this odd, puppy-like quality. “Please~?” “If I smile will you let me go already?” Seeker asked, causing her to nod fast enough he thought her head might come off. “Okay, okay, relax before you pull something.” She watched him expectantly, causing the stallion to sigh in defeat. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards, pulling his lips into a strained caricature of a smile. This time it was Pinkie's turn to sigh. “Jeez, when you get back from this quest of yours I am seriously going to throw you the biggest 'Cure the Grumpies Bash' ever,” the pink mare announced, stepping aside to let him pass. “Try to have some fun, okay~?” “Fun?” Seeker shook his head and walked out. “Yeah, I'm sure I'll have loads of fun while trying to rid myself of some literal nightmarish creature from the pits of Tartarus.” “That's the spirit!” Pinkie cheered, causing him to groan. If he never saw these crazy mares again it'd be too soon. Still, they weren't all bad. And they didn't treat him like a freak, though he didn't want to be in a room alone with the new princess, otherwise she was likely to strap him to a lab table or something. “Farewell my friends,” Luna said to them, smiling at the six mares warmly. “I shall see you all again once this matter is resolved.” 0o0o0o0o0o0 Seeker winced as he stepped out into the harsh morning light, his eyes oddly sensitive to the bright, almost blinding light. He wasn't sure why it was an issue today when he'd never been bothered by it before but figured it was something to do with his most recent transformation. Shaking his head, the stallion decided not to worry about it for now, spotting his...ride, such as it was. It seemed Luna had figured Applejack would agree to her request, her escort of thestral guards having retrieved the cart, one of them already hitched up to pull it. By the sisters, this was going to be embarrassing. “Come, Seeker, we waste time,” Luna urged him, nodding to the back of the cart. “Do you require assistance climbing aboard?” Her question caused him to bristle, the earth pony tired of being babied. “I can do it,” he replied gruffly, hobbling over to the back of the cart, grunting as he scrabbled at the wood, wishing he didn't feel so damn weak. So much for being recovered. Still, with much straining, panting and sweating, he flopped over the edge and into the bed of the cart, just laying there for a few moments and catching his breath. When he opened his eyes they were already moving, the cart rocking and creaking in a troubling fashion, Luna seated at the front, the rest of her escort flanking the cart on either side. He really hoped this pony he was being taken to see could help, he really did. Otherwise...well, he didn't like thinking about the alternative. “We should reach Canterlot sometime this afternoon,” Luna told him, gaze still focused ahead as she spoke. “For now I suggest you rest. Unless you wish to be carried once we arrive, you shall need your strength.” Seeker huffed and closed his eyes, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at her, though only just. Honestly, he wasn't a foal, he didn't need to-zzzzzzzz. 0o0o0o0o0o0 Luna shook her head slightly as Seeker started to snore, the light of her magic fading from her horn as she completed her spell. That should keep him out for the remainder of their trip. She called for a halt, jumping down from the cart and levitating the snoozing stallion out of the back. “Princess?” One of her Night Guard spoke up, obviously wondering what she intended. “Forgive me, your highness, but what is going on?” She understood his confusion, as she had not relayed any of the events that had transpired in Twilight's palace to them. “We need to reach Canterlot before nightfall and I have not the patience for his inevitable whining,” Luna replied with a huff, having just settled Seeker onto her back between her wings. “Sentinel, return the cart to Sweet Apple Acres with my thanks.” The guard pulling the cart nodded, swinging around in a wide arc, the other two raising their brows at the sight of their princess carrying some strange stallion on her back as she took to the air. “Come, let us depart.” With that, and taking a moment to ensure she wasn't about to drop her cargo, the lunar princess took to the skies, making straight for Canterlot. 0o0o0o0o0o0 Why is it so dark? What's going on? The darkness parted, a room slowly coming into focus. It was poorly lit, the walls rough cut stone blocks held together by mortar and the floor a solid slab of the same sort. Wait, where am I? What happened to the cart? Where's the princess? His right foreleg moved without his consent, though for some reason it was slimmer and covered in an amaranth red coat. It shoved open the door to a cage that he only just realized he was inside of, the stallion finding himself stumbling forward as if unused to walking, an awkward shuffle of sorts. Why can't I move? What the buck is happening to me?!? He clambered up a set of stairs, having apparently been in a basement. He couldn't even look at the room he was now in, his gaze focused on a door on the far side, his stumbling gate becoming more sure as he moved towards it. Within moments he had pushed it open and he could feel his lips stretching into a triumphant grin as his eyes stared up into the night sky. The next thing he knew laughter bubbled its way up his throat, body shaking with the force of the almost crazed, self-satisfied sound, a sense of victorious elation welling up inside of him. This was his chance, this was the night he would- WAKE UP!!! 0o0o0o0o0o0 Seeker jolted awake with a very unstallion-like scream, a great, booming voice having just blasted into his ears, the earth pony left decidedly rattled as he fumbled his way to his hooves. “W-what, what? I'm up, I swear!” He proclaimed, his words a little slurred by the lingering effects of his nap. “I wasn't sleeping, Eldest, I...” He trailed off, his cheeks burning as he remembered where he was, or at least where he should have been. Instead of the back of the cart, however, he stood before a grand staircase that lead up to the gates of a extravagantly designed castle, which he could only assume to be their destination. He had to say that it was certainly impressive and he would have likely kept staring for a bit longer, if something else hadn't decided to catch his attention. “Seeker!” The urgently toned call of his name by Luna tore his gaze away from the castle, the princess standing a good fifteen paces away, her thestral guards standing between her and him, looking at him like...like he was a threat. “Art thou well?” “Y-yes?” Seeker found himself feeling understandably nervous, since her guards looked ready to eliminate him any second now. “I mean, I think so? I-is something wrong, your highness?” Her eyes bored right into his, the stallion again feeling rather small under their weight. But then the moment passed, the princess seeming to relax, if only a little. “Princess?” “It is nothing,” she said, the guards relaxing their stances at her words, though they didn't take their eyes off of him. “Come, we waste time we cannot spare.” She turned and headed up the stairs, the guards waiting for Seeker to pass before following him, flanking him on either side, apparently intending to keep an eye on him still. What had happened to put them on edge like this? “Luna, you've returned! Welcome back, dear sister. I trust your outing went well?” 0o0o0o0o0o0 Luna resisted the urge to tense up as Celestia's voice greeted her upon the opening of the gates, her sister having apparently been expecting her. Of course, she should have known, having not exactly kept her informed of what was going on. “Celestia, tis good to see thee again,” she said, smiling warmly as she greeted her sister properly. “Thou didst not need to come to greet me, sister, I would have come to find thee once court had let out for the day.” She hid her nervousness underneath a well practiced facade of calm, collected grace. If she'd been speaking to anyone else it would have likely worked, too, but the way her sister's brow rose ever so slightly told her the slightly older alicorn had seen right through it. “It's no trouble, Luna,” Celestia assured her, her public face, as Luna called it, securely in place in the company of her guard and guest, who were only now coming up behind her on the steps. “When you left the night before I knew whatever had drawn your attention must have been urgent.” Luna resisted the urge to wince, Celestia's tone gaining a slight edge to it, speaking of her worry over the way she had departed without so much as a single word. “Nothing that need concern thee, Celestia,” Luna replied, her expression carefully neutral as the reason she left arrived at last. “I was simply fulfilling my duty as Princess of the Night.” It was the truth, though not all of it. “I am sorry if my departure caused thee any worry, sister.” And she was, really, but Celestia's timing was, as always, simply awful. “Well, as long as you are safe,” Celestia said softly, her gaze turning towards Luna's guest. “And who is this?” She asked, stepping forward to greet the stallion with a kind smile on her face. “Welcome to Canterlot, my little pony. I hope your visit will be a pleasant one.” Seeker didn't reply, seemingly dumbstruck. “Are you alright?” Again, he didn't reply, Luna looking back to see his ears pinned back, teeth bared and his eyes gaining an all too familiar quality. “Seeker!” Luna snapped, the harshness of her tone causing him to come out of it, the stallion shaking his head before prostrating himself before Celestia, nose to the tiled floor as he trembled slightly. “Forgive me, your highness!” 0o0o0o0o0o0 Seeker sighed as he followed Luna up the stairs, feeling a little crowded as the guards kept close to him, as if afraid he'd run off or something. He could hear her speaking to someone up ahead, but he couldn't make out the words just yet. Once he reached the top, however, he couldn't help but stare in shock. Luna was speaking to another alicorn, who could only be Princess Celestia, standing even taller than the night princess herself. The stories didn't do the day princess justice, the alicorn quite the sight to behold, exuding an aura of calm and perhaps an almost motherly kindness that put him at ease. Hate Seeker blinked, ears flicking as he looked around, frowning slightly. What was that? He missed what the princesses were talking about as he tried to find the source of the odd little buzz he'd just heard. Hate There it was again! Like somepony was speaking just at the edge of hearing. His frown deepened, the stallion trying to ignore the buzzing, his head starting to hurt as he watched the royal sisters in silence. And then Celestia's eyes fell upon him, the elder princess smiling at him kindly. Hate She was saying something, but Seeker couldn't hear it, heart pounding as he started to pant softly, every nerve and fiber of his being screaming as if on fire. HATE She tilted her head slightly, looking concerned, but he couldn't think, couldn't breathe past the heat building within him, like magma was flowing through his veins in place of blood. His pulse thundered in his ears, a haze of red settling over his vision as he found himself baring his teeth at the day princess. HATE “Seeker!” Luna's voice cracked like a whip, snapping him out of whatever the buck that had been, Seeker shaking his head in an attempt to clear it. Celestia's eyes were still upon him, though the kindness and concern were gone. If Luna had made him feel small before, he felt completely insignificant before the piercing scrutiny of her older sister, the earth pony dropping to the floor, squeezing his eyes shut and trembling in fear. He expected to be burnt to ashes right there on the spot, because she knew, he was certain of it! “Forgive me, your highness!” He begged, covering his head with his forelegs, having never been so afraid in his entire life. He was dead, he was so bucking dead! A gently laid hoof on his shoulder made him jump, a squeak escaping him before he cracked one eye open and looked up fearfully. Celestia was smiling again, gentle and serene, but her eyes spoke volumes. She was...sad? Why was she sad? “It is alright, my little pony,” she told him softly, rubbing his back in slow, soothing circles, Seeker slowly relaxing despite himself. She reminded him of the Eldest, calming him after a particularly bad nightmare, warmth of a different sort flooding his chest now. It was...nice. “Everything will work out, I promise.” And somehow he found himself believing her, despite everything that should have been telling him otherwise. “Now, please rise, I can't imagine that the floor is all that comfortable.” “R-right,” Seeker murmured, rising unsteadily, glancing between Celestia and the floor, wondering what to say now, but all he could do was let the silence stretch on, feeling incredibly awkward all the while. “Y-your highness, I...” He trailed off when she shook her head, that same warm smile having never left her face. “Do not worry, Seeker,” Celestia told him, the stallion feeling like a colt again for some silly reason. “You have nothing to fear so long as you are here in Canterlot.” Her eyes turned to her right, where Luna had come to stand beside her. “It would seem, however, that my sister and I will have much to discuss. It should prove to be an interesting conversation, if nothing else.” Was it just him, or had her smile gained a certain...impish quality? Nah, probably just his imagination. “For now I will take my leave.” He made to bow, but an outstretched hoof stopped him, the solar princess chuckling softly. “I think you've done enough genuflecting for today, wouldn't you agree?” His rapidly spreading blush only caused her to laugh, which only made it worse. Today was definitely not his day. “If you are quite finished teasing our poor subject, dear sister, we really must be going,” Luna interjected, much to his relief. “Of course,” Celestia replied, her amusement apparent as she nodded to her sister. “I will see you once you have things handled here, sister. Good day.” She spared Seeker one last glimpse of that smile, letting him see it widen slightly, a mischievous glint entering her eyes. Somehow the stallion found himself feeling sorry for Luna, though he wasn't sure why. The feeling came and went with Celestia's passing, the older alicorn heading about whatever business was ahead of her. “Come,” Luna urged him follow, turning and heading for a different wing of the palace. She seemed almost eager to get away from Celestia, though that could simply be his imagination talking. Who knew what actually went on in the mind of a millennia old demigod. Certainly not this pony, that was for sure. 0o0o0o0o0o0 A dozen twists and turns later, that Seeker was fairly certain he wouldn't be able to navigate in reverse should he need to leave, found them outside an iron reinforced wooden door with an odd symbol emblazoned on it. Something about it made him feel nervous, but he wasn't given much time to ponder over it as Luna knocked hard enough to cause the heavy door to shake in its frame, the stallion flinching at the echoing bangs this produced. Several moments passed before the sound of half a dozen latches and locks being undone followed, the door slowly creaking open encased in the telltale glow of somepony's magic. Once the door was open wide enough a head came into view, belonging to a disgruntled looking unicorn mare with a coat the color of aqua if it had decided to go just a smidgen more green than blue, her swept up blue mane looking like she'd had things blow up in her face, literally, and on multiple occasions. “What do you-oh, Princess Luna!” The mare's greeting had started rather sour, though she'd immediately cheered up significantly upon seeing the princess. “You're just in time for my latest experiment~!” She opened the door the rest of the way, grunting under the weight, before trotting back into the...well, Seeker could only think of the word laboratory, though one that looked like a miniature tornado had swept through it. Luna followed her inside, her guards taking up positions on either side of the door, but not before giving him a nudge to follow the mares into doom. Maybe he was just being dramatic, but this place set him on edge in more ways than one. “Mystic Star, as interesting as this experiment will likely be, I was hoping-” Luna's attempt to gain the mare's attention failed, the unicorn too caught up in her excitement to notice. “I found myself wondering what would happen if I took the essence of...” And this is where Seeker's brain turned off, the earth pony staring blankly as this Mystic Star went on about magical jargon he didn't understand one thing about, tinkering with some sort of alchemical setup. “...so I thought: why not mix them together and see what happens?” His senses returned just in time to notice the mare's eyes cloud over white, like she'd suddenly gone blind, though the way she intently watched something drip into a bottle of neon green who knew what the buck it was...only for there to be a blinding flash followed by the acrid smell of chemicals burning. “What an intensely volatile thaumic reaction!” Mystic Star exclaimed, the sound of a quill scratching against parchment accompanying her words, not that Seeker could see anything at the moment. “I knew it was going to be intense, but wow, my expectations were sure blown out of the water on that one!” “Mystic Star!” Luna's voice stopped the mare before she could ramble on, the alicorn sounding like she was torn between being annoyed and amused. Oh, hey, his vision was coming back. Mystic Star had indeed been taking down notes, a quill and parchment caught up in her telekinetic grip, though her muzzle had black smudges all over it, likely from the reaction of whatever in Tartarus that was just now. Her eyes were no longer cloudy either, making Seeker wonder why they had turned all milky white in the first place. “We have spoken of this before, have we not? Now, what art thou not supposed to do?” “Blow up lab equipment,” Mystic Star replied sullenly, looking like a pouting foal, ears folded down and lower lip sticking out in a decidedly cute-whoa, whoa, hold it! No, bad Seeker! Do not call the mad scientist cute! “Yes, that is correct. Now, what didst thou do just now?” Luna asked, very much like a teacher handling a misbehaving student. “Blow up some lab equipment,” Mystic Star muttered in reply, scuffing one hoof against the tiled floor, like she'd been caught stealing a cookie by her mother or something. Indeed, the lab table was a scorched mess of broken glass and twisted, half melted metal. He didn't even want to begin to think how many bits it would cost to replace it all. “That is correct,” Luna said, sighing softly. “Honestly, whatever am I to do with thee?” She shook her head, a bemused expression on her muzzle for a moment before she smiled slightly. “Well, I shalt simply have to revoke thine archival privileges for a week.” “Hay, that's not fair!” Mystic Star exclaimed with a stamp of her hoof, causing Seeker to face-hoof and sigh wearily. What were they even doing here? This mare was obviously crazy to be talking to the princess like that, not to mention that “experiment” of hers just now. “Fair? Thou doth indeed remember thine promise to me about needlessly damaging laboratory equipment, yes?” Luna's words caused the mad-mare to flinch, her head lowering in shame. “Yes, I thought as much. Be thankful mine ire is tempered by mine need for thine services.” This caused the unicorn to perk up a bit, her curiousity obvious. “Seeker, may I introduce Mystic Star, the mare who shall be assisting thee with thine curse.” Seeker looked from the princess, to the unicorn mad-mare, then back to the princess, only having one thing to say on the matter. “Buck my life.” 0o0o0o0o0o0 “Excuse me?” Mystic Star wrinkled her muzzle as she heard the earth pony curse, wondering what brought on his sudden bout of pessimism. “What's your problem?” “Where do I even begin?” The stallion, Seeker, shook his head slightly before looking to Luna, frown deepening a bit. “So, she's supposed to help me with my...problem? Is this really a good idea, your highness?” “I believe Mystic Star is uniquely qualified to aid thee in this matter, good Seeker,” Luna replied, Mystic Star surprised to see her taking having her judgment questioned so well. “She has a talent for feeling and understanding the currents and eddies of magic that I have not seen in a long time.” “And how is that supposed to help me?” Seeker asked, looking a little confused. Not that Star could blame him, as even her fellow unicorns were often puzzled by her talent. “My special talent lays in quite literally feeling out the flow of arcane energies, manipulating them not through mathematical formulas or arrays, but rather like...well, think of it like a sculptor letting the stone he cuts dictate what it will eventually become,” Star tried to explain to the earth pony, showing him her cutie mark, a circular magical array orbited by three smaller ones. “He's not trying to force it into art, rather going with the flow of things, gradually allowing it to take shape on its own.” “Then what's with the mad science lab?” Seeker asked, tone flat and dry as his crimson eyes scanned the room around them. Okay, she had to admit it did look like a lab straight out of one of those radio dramas that were becoming more popular these days. “This stuff? Mostly they're the means through which I can experiment with different forms of magic, like the alchemy the zebras practice,” Star told him, gesturing with one hoof to where she'd just finished destroying a chemistry set. Well, at least it was in the name of science...sort of. “Princess Luna is generous enough to be my sponsor, along with dozens of other talented ponies including painters, musicians, scientists and even, ahem, 'mad scientists'.” The last term she said using the same tone he had, though she was smiling rather than scowling like some grumpy old stick in the mud she could mention. “Fascinating,” Seeker drawled, like it was anything but. “So you're going to, what, feel out my curse?” This caused her ears to stand up, her interest peaked. “Oh, right, we haven't explained that yet. Well, it goes like this...” One explanation later... “So basically your ancestors did something stupid over a thousand years ago and now you're paying for it,” Star summed up the situation once the explanation was finished, Seeking nodding in confirmation. “That really kinda sucks.” “That's putting it mildly,” Seeker muttered, dragging a hoof over his short, shaggy looking mane while sighing tiredly. Taking a closer look at him, Star noticed that the earth pony simply looked like Tartarus. There were deep bags under his eyes, like he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in, well, ever. His coat, mane and tail looked like they hadn't seen a brush is decades, his hooves were chipped and in desperate need of filing, and the saddlebags he wore looked ready to fall apart. Wait, was that a sword? What sort of pony carries around a sword in this day and age? “Uh...is something wrong?” Star blushed, realizing she'd been gawking at him for a awhile there, the mare coughing and looking away, trying to hide her embarrassment. “So, uh, anyway,” Star began, trying to ignore the suddenly awkward atmosphere. “I'll try to help, of course, I mean, it's a request from the princess after all. So, who am I to refuse?” She chuckled nervously, said princess shaking her head slightly. “I must bid both of thee farewell for now,” Luna said, turning and walking towards the door. “I have been gone from the palace for long enough and need to tend to mine duties...and speak to mine sister.” The last part was muttered, the princess sounding like she was dreading it or something. “I leave thee in Mystic Star's capable hooves, good Seeker.” With that she was gone, the door clicking shut behind her. Star pawed at the floor for a few moments, not sure what to say as Seeker looked around the room some more, clearly as uncomfortable as she was. She supposed it would be best to get things rolling while there was still daylight, deciding to break the ice gently so as not to scare him off. “So...how are you with needles?” 0o0o0o0o0o0 Luna stared at the door to her sister's quarters in silence, dreading what was to come. She knew Celestia all too well, so once she went in there she had to be ready for what awaited her. That said, she knew it was best to just get it over with, like getting a vaccination or ripping off a bandage. So, taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. “I had wondered how long you would stay standing out in the hall,” Celestia remarked, smiling in what many would consider a kind fashion...but Luna knew better. There was mischief in those eyes, she could see it. “I am glad you finally decided to join me, sister.” “Well, I am here, so what didst thou wish to speak about?” Luna asked, shifting her weight slightly in an unconscious show of discomfort. “Do I need a reason to see my little sister?” Celestia countered, chuckling when Luna replied by raising a brow at her, pulling a serving cart into view a moment later. “Alright, you figured me out. I wish to have tea with you. I am truly an evil mastermind.” “Yes, well, at least thou art able to admit to thine wrongdoings,” Luna huffed, moving to join her sister regardless. She waited as Celestia served the tea, watching every movement for some sign of what her sister had planned. Yet as she watched she noticed nothing odd, her sister adding nothing to the tea, even being the first to take a sip. So, cautiously, she took up her own cup, sniffed it delicately and finally took a sip. Then Celestia opened her mouth when she was carefully drinking hot tea and let her have it. “Well, I must admit I never figured you for being a cougar, Luna,” her vile, wicked sister said, Luna choking and sputtering as scalding hot tea went down the wrong tube. “What would the nobles think to see the fair princess of the night bringing home dashing young stallions to have her wicked ways with? The scandal!” Luna coughed raggedly to clear her poor wind pipe, glaring at Celestia once she could breathe properly again. “But I must say I am so proud of you. My wittle Wuna is all grown up~” “Tia!” Luna spat at last, cheeks flaming and ears folded back in outrage. “Thou shalt cease spouting such slanderous nonsense at once!” She could not believe this. “How dare you-stop it, stop laughing!” Indeed, Celestia was laughing wholeheartedly, much to Luna's continued embarrassment. “Tia!” “Oh, oh sister,” Celestia gasped, wiping a tear from her eye as she seemed to try and calm herself after what felt like hours to the lunar diarch. “The look on your face...I am sorry, I simply could not resist. You're just too easy to set off sometimes~” “Well, if thou art quite finished making a mockery of me, why didst thou truly wish to speak to me?” Luna asked once Celestia had finally and fully calmed herself, cheeks still showing hints of her blush as she stared her sister down. Celestia met her gaze unflinchingly for a time, a myriad number of emotions showing in those eyes before the elder alicorn sighed softly. “Luna, all teasing aside, I'm worried for you,” she said, Luna snorting in a decidedly unladylike fashion in response. “This stallion you brought back with you, I could see something dark inside him, and I believe that if you hadn't intervened he likely would have lunged at me.” She shivered, the earth pony's eyes having been filled with a terrible well of hatred and malice, the likes of which she hadn't seen in quite some time. “Please, sister, you know you can confide in me, so please tell me what's going on.” It was Luna's turn to sigh now, ears folding back as she stared down at her tea cup. “Seeker is yet another pony suffering due to my mistakes,” she replied, shifting a bit where she sat uncomfortably. “The Nightmare lives on in his tribe, or rather what is left of them. Ages ago they foalishly bound themselves to me and when I became the Nightmare it changed them as well.” She grit her teeth, eyes narrowing as she remembered the sight of Seeker transformed, a raging monster filled with spite and a desire to inflict pain. “I have brought him here in an attempt to right this wrong, Celestia. It is the very least I can do for them now.” She flinched when she felt her sister's strong forelegs and wings embrace her, squeezing her eyes shut as she pressed in close to Celestia's chest. “It will be alright, Luna,” her sister assured her softly, the warmth that always radiated from her banishing a lingering chill that Luna hadn't noticed until now. “Yes, I saw darkness inside him, but I could see the good as well. It is small now, choked by bitterness, but if anypony can save him and his tribe I know it will be you.” She felt Celestia's body shake as she chuckled. “And perhaps that crazy little mare you took under your wing not so long ago as well. I bet that, even now, she's working to help him through this.” 0o0o0o0o0o0 “Get away from me!” Seeker cried as he bounded away from Mystic Star, who had a rather large syringe in her telekinetic grasp. “You really are bucking crazy! Keep that thing away!” “Don't be such a baby,” Star chided him, giving chase, the earth pony putting a lab table between them in an effort to buy himself time. “It's nothing to be scared of, it'll only hurt for a second.” “You are not sticking me with that monster,” Seeker spat, eyeing it warily as it moved back and forth, like it was a snake preparing to strike. “Can't you use a smaller one or something?” “It's the only size I have, now hold still!” Star exclaimed as he tried to make a break for it, growling as she lunged, snagging his tail and bringing him up short, the stallion giving a small yelp as a result. “Shtap shtrugglin'!” “No way, lemme go!” Seeker pleaded, the needle getting perilously close to his rump. “It's way too big, it's gonna-ow! Stop, pull it out!” “Just relax, it'll be over in a minute.” 0o0o0o0o0o0 The guards Luna had stationed outside Mystic Star's laboratory were hardened soldiers, having been trained to be the very best Equestria had to offer. They could face down Changelings, rabid monsters, dragons, you name it. Their training, however, had not prepared them for what they were hearing from inside the lab, the pair exchanging an uneasy glance as their calm, professional facades slipped just a tiny bit. Still, despite the terrible sounds coming from within the lab, they maintained their vigil, praying that the poor stallion inside would find relief from his torment soon. 0o0o0o0o0o0 “There we go,” Star said as she pulled the stupidly large syringe out of Seeker's rump, the stallion wincing slightly before grumbling under his breath indignantly. “See, was that so bad? Honestly, stallions can be such whiners.” “How about I stick a dagger length needle in your flank, miss tough mare?” Seeker swished his tail, using it to swat at her nose irritably. “Goddess, what in Tartarus do you need a blood sample for anyway? Will it help you figure out how to aid me?” “Hm?” Star looked up from the vial of blood she'd extracted, seemingly having become distracted by it. “Oh, no, not really. I just wanted it for testing purposes, but I can get to that later.” She ignored his scathing glare, the vial getting placed in a chilled storage cabinet. “Alright, let's see what I'm working with.” She stared at him intently, her eyes clouding over again and a chill creeping over Seeker's coat, feeling like she was looking right into him, to his very core. It was kind of freaky, actually. The mare moved around him slowly, passing a hoof over his left side briefly, the earth pony's eyes tracking her movements. What on Equis was she doing? “Sun and moon above, Seeker, you're a mess.” “Gee, thanks a lot,” Seeker muttered, rolling his eyes. “I could have told you that much. Do you have anything useful to add, or would you like to point out the obvious some more?” “No, you don't get it,” Star said as she circled around to his front again, one hoof hovering mere inches from his chest, like she was touching something he couldn't see. “I've never seen anything so...wrong. The air itself is bending around you, like you're creating a hole in the world just by standing here.” Well, that didn't sound good. “Your innate magical energies are being disrupted as well, choked by this...thing that's entangled itself with your very essence.” “Magical energies?” Seeker frowned, confused by this. “I'm an earth pony, so what does that have to do with me?” His question caused Star to blink, her eyes losing the fog that had been clouding them as she looked at him like he'd sprouted a second head. “What?” “Are you serious?” Star's tone was one of utter disbelief, Seeker's ears folding back as she continued. “Were you born in a cave? What kind of school did you go to that you didn't learn about this?” She shook her head slightly, unable to believe that he didn't know. It made him feel bad about himself for some reason, like she was judging him or something. “All ponies have magic inside of them, Seeker, not just unicorns. Honestly, how do you not know this?” “I didn't go to school,” Seeker spat, feeling rather defensive at the moment. “I was born in the back of a covered wagon, not a cave, and, if you must know, I was too busy learning how to fend for myself to be concerned with schooling.” He turned away, a scowl on his face. “Everything else I've had to learn on my own, so excuse me for not knowing a damn thing about magic.” “Whoa, easy there big guy,” Star said in a placating tone, surprised by his response. “You just surprised me, I didn't mean to offend you or anything.” This seemed to mollify him, if only slightly. “Okay, here's a crash course on magic. Like I said, all ponies have it to some degree or another, manifesting in a number of ways. It's how pegasi can fly and manipulate the weather and how earth ponies are generally much tougher, stronger and more in tune with nature than anypony else.” “Fine, I have magic inside me, whatever,” Seeker huffed, though he didn't sound as mad as before. “So, what, it's being...choked? How do you choke magic?” “I don't mean in quite that literal of a sense,” Star replied, frowning as well now, though hers was a thoughtful one. “This Nightmare fragment is so tied up with your very magical essence, it's literally a part of who and what you are now.” “So, what are you saying?” Seeker didn't like the sound of this, not one little bit. “It's, what, me? Or am I it?” He was understandably confused at the moment. “How do I explain this?” Star muttered, mostly to herself. “Okay, picture a tree standing in the middle of a field. At the base of the tree is a thorny bush that surrounds it, just barely hugging its trunk. As the years pass the bush grows, feeding on the nutrients of the soil it shares with the tree, but as it grows its vines gradually begin to climb the tree's bark. With me so far?” Seeker nodded in response. “Okay, say a thousand years go by. The vines have grown thicker, stronger, the lush soil allowing it to flourish and get more sunlight...but there's a catch. The vines have overtaken the tree, which is now covered in them, so you can barely see what used to be a very healthy tree underneath. So, the vines are getting most of the sunlight, nutrients and water while the tree is left to wither beneath its weight. You understand what I'm saying now?” “I think so,” Seeker said, shivering slightly. “So it's literally leeching off of me, my tribe, and it's been doing so for centuries until it's overtaken us.” It left a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach for him to think about it, but now that he knew he couldn't help himself. “So...that's it then. We're pretty much bucked.” “Well, I didn't say that,” Star reminded him, a smile starting to form on her face. “The tree isn't dead yet, it just needs someone to prune away enough of the vines to give it a chance.” She motioned with her head towards a door in the back, this one made of steel and painted with a complex magical array of some kind. “That's the room for my more...volatile experiments. We'll be able to work in there without worry about damaging the rest of the palace.” She frowned as Seeker leveled a flat stare her way. “What?” “You do realize that last sentence doesn't exactly instill me with confidence, right?” Seeker's question caused her to facehoof, an irritated sound escaping her throat. “Just shut up and get in the room already, smart ass.” 0o0o0o0o0o0 The ruins of the castle where Celestia and Luna had once ruled side by side from a thousand years ago stood within the depths of the Everfree, a shattered husk of what was once the shining jewel of Equestria. It was here that sister fought sister and it was also here that the princess of the night was later redeemed by the six mares who had come to possess the Elements of Harmony. A loud crack of teleportation disrupted the stillness, a figure appearing in the throne room amid a burst of emerald green light. The unicorn, wrapped in a tattered cloak, stood before the scorch mark left behind when the Elements had brought an end to Nightmare Moon, a low hiss escaping from the shadows of the hood that obscured her features. The unicorn walked over to the blackened remains of Nightmare Moon's armor, turning over the warped helmet with an outstretched hoof. A black mist rose from the armor to flow into the mare, her body shifting so she stood a little taller, horn now poking from the hood and ending in a sharp point. The armor then crumbled into dust, a stiff breeze scattering the remnants and throwing back the hood to reveal the mare's face. Chartreuse eyes with slit pupils, teeth more akin to a predator's than a pony's, and a chuckle slipping from her lips which soon became a full blown laugh, echoing through the ruined castle and causing any creatures nearby to go into hiding. And in Canterlot, Seeker, waiting as Mystic Star made her preparations, felt cold inside, not understanding why but feeling that something was seriously wrong. He just wished he knew what had brought this feeling on and what it could mean. And yet he also felt he'd be finding out all too soon and that the answer was not going to be one he liked.