//------------------------------// // Flight from Danger // Story: Gathering Pieces // by Random_User //------------------------------// “Why aren't they attacking us?” Cobalt asked. Bonsmara answered, “They will not attack unless you threaten something dear to them.” “Like their nest.” Puca lit her horn. “There is a lot of magical power in that thing.” “That adds a layer of complication.” Fierce looked around the room. “All the webs in this room have strands that lead back to the nest. A frontal assault is out of the question. The magical feedback would be too much for anybody to take.” “We can throw helmets to cut the webbing from the nest,” Stone said. “That way we just have to discharge the magic from the nest itself.” “I can use the flat of my shield.” Bonsmara unstrapped her shield and held it at the edges. She moved close to the nest, knelt down, and hunkered behind her shield. “We must take care to not harm their brood. We do not want them surging us to protect them.” Grayson looked to Fierce. “Can you cut the nest open without rupturing any eggs that might be in there?” “I'll do it,” Puca said. “I can break the nest open without harming the eggs and I should be able to handle any magical feedback that might still be in there.” “You sure about that?” asked Grayson. “I don't want anypony to get hurt.” “Opening the nest won't be problem. I'm not so sure about the leftover magic. But it's a safer plan than Fierce using a sword, even if I do get a little feedback.” “Stone, aim for the top. Fierce, you take the left side. Cobalt, see if you can hit the lower strands. Puca, you take the right.” Grayson picked up two helmets from the pile. “I'll do cleanup. Fierce, start us off. I'll yell for Bonsmara to use her shield, after making my tosses. Cobalt, as soon as Puca gets that thing open, grab the fragment. After that, we all haul tail out of here.” “Bonsmara, is there something in that care package that you got from Zecora that might help?” Fierce said. “I am not too keen on the idea of the spiders getting a literal drop on us.” “I just might have something.” Bonsmara pulled a potion from her pack. “I did not even think about this. It is meant to keep star spiders away from a campsite or house. Whether it can overcome them in a rage, I cannot be sure.” “Anything that might slow them down is worth a try.” Fierce picked up a pair of helmets of his own. “My friends, keep in mind that haste is important, but precision is what is required for this to work.” He drew back his throwing aim. “Ready, aim, throw!” As the helmets sailed past her, Bonsmara poured the potion on the floor. The webs around the nest released their magic charges and stirred the mass of spiders. “Good shots!” Grayson made his throws, severing the last of the webbing. “Now, Bonsmara!” Bonsmara let go of her shield and jumped back. On the shield’s contact, the nest released a blast of fire and electrical bolts. “Are you hurt?!” Fierce said. “I am fine, beyond being a bit singed. I cannot say the same for my shield.” Puca hurried to the nest and touched her glowing horn to its base. She raised her head and cut open the outer webbing with delicate precision. She stepped away as the nest fell open. “Cobalt, you're up!” Cobalt raced to bookshelf. “I can't reach where it is!” “Get on my back!” Cobalt hopped onto Puca's back and stuck his forequarters into the nest. “There are all kinds of crystals in here! I don't know which one it is! Something's wrong!” His hooves moved frantically. “How close are they?!” Stone backed closer to Cobalt and Puca. “The potion is keeping them from dropping from the ceiling, but they are surrounding us.” “Keep calm, Cobalt. Focus on what you are doing and leave the rest to us.” Fierce pulled his handkerchief from his vest. He dabbed the handkerchief in the puddle of potion on the floor, draped the it over the tip of his sword, raised the blade toward the ceiling, and slowly moved the sword in a wide, circular path. The spiders that had started to descend stopped and climbed back up their strands of silk. “Back to your webs you little blighters!” Stone stood beside Puca, facing away from the nest. “Don't worry about getting the right one. Grab all the crystals that you can and stuff them in my saddlebags.” Cobalt all but tore open the closest of Stone's saddlebags and began stuffing crystals into it. “I'm sorry this is taking so long! The webs are really tough and something is keeping from telling which one is the right one!” “Take your time and find the right one,” Grayson said. “We don't want to have to come back later. Bonsmara, can we put that potion on us to keep the spiders off?” “I have no idea what is in it. I would not chance it.” “Could you take this for me for a minute?” Fierce handed Bonsmara his sword. “Thank you. While I am fond of this vest, sacrifices must be made.” Fierce ripped his vest into strips and dipped the ends of them in the potion. “You're a genius!” Stone said, as Fierce tied one of the strips to his saddlebag. “You are too kind.” Fierce tied a strip to Bonsmara's backpack and tucked the clean end of a strip into one of Grayson's pouches, leaving the coated end exposed to the air. “That leaves two without a strip of their own.” Bonsmara retrieved her shield from the floor. “I will carry Cobalt, so do not worry about him.” Puca looked over her shoulder to Fierce. “I can use my magic to keep them back. I'll be fine.” Cobalt gasped. “I got it! It's this one!” “Good show!” Fierce took his sword back from Bonsmara. “Thank you. I will lead us out of here. Puca, get in the middle of us, that should afford you some protection. Huddle close everyone, but mind not to touch the strips.” Bonsmara grabbed Cobalt, and the group formed a circle around Puca. With Fierce leading the way, waving his sword in front of him and making a path through the spiders, the group made their way out of the room. “If you would be as so kind, please shut the door.” As soon as he made his was through the doorway, Stone slammed the door shut. “We made it!” Fierce used his sword to push the handkerchief into the door's keyhole. “That should slow them down.” “While it would be nice to have a moment to celebrate, we need get out of here as soon as possible,” said Bonsmara. “I'm with Bonsmara, the quicker we can put distance between us and them the better,” Puca said, leaning against the wall. Fierce slid his sword back in its scabbard. “Lass, at the risk of sounding rude, you are not looking your best.” “The nest did have some magic left, and it took more for me to redirect it that I thought it would.” “Do you need to quit using your magic?” said Stone. “I'm sure we can make a torch of some kind.” “No, thank you. Making light like this doesn't take too much effort.” Bonsmara led them down the hall. “I'm sorry I took so long, finding the right crystal,” Cobalt said. “I almost got us all into trouble.” She hugged Cobalt. “You did a wonderful job. There are a lot of full grown ponies that would not have been able to do what you just did.” “Hold still for a moment.” Fierce removed the strip of cloth from her backpack and hung it from a nearby sconce. “No sense in tempting fate, now that the hard part is over.” He added the strip from Stone's saddlebags and from Grayson's belt to the sconce. “That might keep the spiders back for a bit, if they decide to come after us.” Bonsmara resumed walking, and the rest of the group followed her. She led them out of the castle and towards the bridge. “Same order? It worked last time.” Grayson took to the air. “Sounds like a plan, but we need to hurry. We're running out of daylight. Come on Puca, they can catch up.” As soon as all the members of the group had gathered on the far side of the bridge, Grayson motioned for them to follow him. The group ventured back into the woods, keeping up a good pace down the path. “You feeling okay, Puca?” Cobalt asked. “You don't look too good.” “I'm just tired. Using that much magic always-” Puca tripped, stumbled, and fell. Bonsmara knelt beside Puca and put a hand on her back. “You are not 'fine.' You are staggering and tripping over your own hooves.” “I just need to be more careful.” “Stay down for a moment,” said Stone. “Fierce, would get the blanket out of my right saddlebag and drape it over my back?” Fierce smiled. “It is good to see that others follow the way of chivalry.” Fierce took the blanket from Stone's saddlebags and examined it. “This is good, thick material. I will have to fold it a bit to keep it from interfering with your stride and to add some extra cushion, but it should work.” After Fierce draped the blanket over his back, Stone knelt to the ground. With a bow and a flourish, Fierce gestured to Stone. “My lady, your steed awaits.” Puca got to her hooves in a wobbly hurry. “Thank you, but no. I'm give out, not wounded. I can make it.” “You've put yourself in danger for us enough today,” Stone said. There is no sense in you getting hurt now, just because you are tired. Let me help.” “You can't carry me all that way.” “I promise you, I can.” “He can,” Cobalt assured. “He trains and works every day moving heavy loads. You won't be a problem to him at all.” “Get on his back, Puca,” Grayson said. “If you do, I'll forget that I need to talk to you about running off.” “I'll make it.” “Puca, please,” Stone implored. “I don't want to be a burden.” “You've done so much for us today, let me do something for you.” “I didn't do much. I didn't even fight.” “You saved me and my brother from the timberwolves, helped us across the bridge, lit our way through the castle, and cut open the nest without damaging the eggs and making the spiders even more furious at us when we took the crystal.” He bowed his head, almost touching the forest floor with his forehead. “It would be an honor for me to help the mare that has done so much for us. Please, let me carry you.” Fierce chuckled. “Can you refuse such an offer?” Puca smiled and shook her head. “No, I can't.” “Hurry, we're...” Fierce cut Grayson off with a look. “So long as there is daylight, we will be safe.” He held out a paw and helped her onto Stone's back. “There we go.” Bonsmara flicked an ear in the direction from where they had come. “We will make it with time to spare. I have a feeling that carrying her will not be a problem for him.” “I'll take the rear. Fierce, you're on point.” Grayson nodded to Stone. “You'll need to keep up no matter what.” Stone nodded. “I understand.” He got to his hooves as if Puca weighed nothing. He looked back at her and asked, “You comfortable?” “Yes.” “Good, hold on.” He nodded to Fierce. “Let's go at a trot. I'll keep up.” “You sure?” Fierce said, one of his eyebrows rising. “I'm sure.” ***** “I must say, I'm impressed,” Fierce said. “I would have thought you would have flagged a bit by now.” “My brother is the toughest pony in Ponyville,” Cobalt said, with pride. “He's been training to get into the Royal Guard for years.” “I'm not the toughest pony in Ponyville, but thanks bro.” “You want to go into the Guard?” Puca said. “I'm thinking about it, but I'm not sure.” He glanced back at her and smiled. “I like the exercise program, though, so I've kept it up.” “Grayson, how are we doing?” Fierce asked. “Things are the same.” “What's going on?” Cobalt said. “He doesn't sound right.” “There was something in the castle that followed us for a little bit,” Stone said. “As soon as we stepped outside, it stopped.” “In this forest, there are many creatures that do not care for daylight. We will be safe, if we get to Zecora's before sunset.” Cobalt looked up at Bonsmara. “We're going to Zecora's?!” “That we are,” said Fierce. “She, Bonsmara, Grayson and I have known each other for quite a while.” Puca laughed. “Cobalt, what's got you so excited?” “How do you know I'm excited?” “I can feel it from here.” “Cool. What does it feel like?” “It kind of tickles,” Puca said. “I've seen Zecora a couple of times, but I've never gotten to talk to her. I've heard she can do magic and mixes all sorts of weird potions.” “She can mix potions, but I don't think she can do magic,” Stone said. “It's probably just another rumor about her that's been floating around town.” Bonsmara lengthened her stride so that she jogged beside Stone. “Magic is not just for unicorns. There are many who can work wonders with magic in their own way.” Cobalt gave Stone an encouraging smile. “If there is anyone that will know about something like ponies using magic without being a unicorn, it's got to be her.” Stone nodded. “We'll have to see.” “I think we are about to enter Zecora's clearing,” said Fierce. “That's good,” Grayson said. “The sun's going to set before too much longer.” Fierce slowed his pace. He sniffed the air and smiled. “She is either concocting a delicious smelling potion or she is cooking dinner.” “You can let me off now,” Puca said to Stone. “Thanks for bringing me all this way.” “No problem.” Stone stopped in the path and knelt down. Puca slid off his back, leaned in close to his ear, and whispered, “You had a lot of conflicting emotions when Cobalt talked about Zecora doing magic. Is something wrong?” Stone shook his head and gave her a sad smile, as he stood up. “It's alright. It's just something that I should have grown out of by now.” “Whatever you two are talking about, it can wait.” Grayson walked past them. “We don't have daylight to waste.” “We're coming,” Puca said. She turned back to Stone, pulled the blanket from his back, and tucked back in his saddlebag. “It's more than that. Talk to Zecora. She may be able to help.” “If I get the chance, I will.” She paused and gave him a look, but did not say anything. Fierce led the group to Zecora's house. He lifted his paw as if to knock, stopped, turned away from the door and then bowed to Bonsmara. “I believe you should do the honors.” “You are too kind.” Bonsmara rapt on the door with solid knocks. She said something in another language, her words rhythmic and warm. “What are you singing?” Cobalt looked up at Bonsmara. Bonsmara grinned. “I was not singing. I was just saying hello.” The door opened, Zecora stepped out to greet them. “My friends, I was beginning to fret. You had not come back, and the sun had begun to set.” “It was close.” Grayson nodded to Cobalt and Stone. “Without these two we might have had to have spent the night in the castle.” “One face I know, the other is new. I am glad they helped you see things through.” She looked the group over. “Blemished armor, missing vest, and scorched shield. What kind of foe did you make yield?” “The eight legged kind.” Grayson pointed a talon to Cobalt. “Star spiders. The colt's still covered in their webs.” Cobalt waved a hoof. “Hello.” Zecora looked up at him. “I could use those webs for a variety of things. Would you mind if I keep those sticky strings?” “I wouldn't mind at all.” Stone stepped forward and removed his helmet, revealing his Grayson coat and blue mane. After tucking the helmet under a foreleg, he extended a hoof to Zecora. “I'm Solid Stone. Bonsmara is carrying my brother, Cobalt. If you would allow us to stay the night, I will do what I can to pay you back.” She shook his hoof. “You need not think of payment. Of my guests, I would never charge a rent.” She smiled and nodded towards Cobalt. “Your sibling has brought a gift most rare. To ask that you give anything more, I would not dare.” “We should get inside.” Grayson scanned the edges of the clearing. “The light's fading, and we don't want to be out in the open.” Zecora waved them inside. “Put the little one in the tub. I will get the webs off him and then he can scrub. There is soup in the pot. Please, have some while it is still hot.” Grayson stopped and hugged Zecorra, as he entered the house. He leaned his head against hers. “Thank you.” “I am quite glad to see that you have returned in better state than when first you visited me.” “So am I.” He let go of her and looked at the door's threshold. “I made quite a mess of your floor.” “You could not help that you made a mess. I did not think you would make the night, I must confess.” “What happened?” Stone asked, drawing the attention of Grayson and Zecora. He looked sheepish for a moment. “Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop.” “The story is not mine to tell. What happened to him nearly did not end well.” Grayson shook his head. “We're all tired, and it's not the most pleasant of stories, so I won't go into it tonight.” “I understand.” “No, you don't.” Grayson's tone was harsh, and Stone flinched. He lifted a talon and rubbed between his eyes. “Sorry, I'm mad at myself, not you. I was an idiot and nearly got myself killed playing hero. If Zecora hadn't used all of her skills, I wouldn't have made it.” “You thought of noble deeds and helping griffin kind. What happened should not weigh on your mind.” Zecora put a hoof to Grayson's shoulders and guided him into the house. “You should share your tale, when you are ready. It would help others to be mindful of keeping their thoughts steady.” “I will, just not right now. I promise.” **** “What are you going to do with the webs?” Cobalt asked, his voice muffled by the towel Bonsmara was using to dry him. “I will use them to make potions to cure magical afflictions. Whether it be cutie pox or dark magic addictions. The webs can be used to drain magic, you see. That is why they are so valuable a commodity.” Cobalt, poking his head from under the towel looked to Grayson. “Is that why the door and the lock were not protected by magic? The webs drained the spells?” Grayson shook his head. “I don't think so. The webs don't drain spells on their own. They have to be added to mixtures that do.” “Then what broke the spells?” “I don't know.” “Let us set aside such thoughts for the evening. We are safe, we have supped, and we are in good company.” Fierce sat down beside Bonsmara. “Lad, would you toss me your helmet?” “I would, but I can't. If I move, Zecora will have my ears.” “I would put a knot in your tail as well. Why did you wear such loose fitting armor, pray tell?” Zecora rubbed a mixture on various raw spots on Stone's back, chest, and legs. “If must fit properly in a fight, or you will not be able to use your full might.” “It's my grandfather's. I haven't gotten as big as he was.” Cobalt scampered from under the towel, picked up the helmet, and carried it to Fierce. “Here you go.” He then returned to Bonsmara, who picked up a brush and began using it on his coat. Fierce chuckled. “Be careful. She will braid your mane and tail, if you sit still for too long.” “I only do that with fillies,” Bonsmara said. Fierce turned the helmet. “Today was not the first time that it was worn in combat.” He ran his paws over a couple of blemishes in the armor. “There is a story behind this armor.” “I don't know much of it myself. My grandfather didn't like to talk about the times that he went into combat. He said that it glorified something horrible that should only be done in the most desperate of situations.” Stone looked to the floor and rubbed a circle on the floor with his hoof. “I wouldn't have fought the timberwolves today, but I didn't know what they would do to Cobalt if they managed to get him from me.” Cobalt walked over and gave Stone a hug, which Stone returned. “I don't know what grandfather would have thought about what happened.” Fierce stood and put the helmet back with the rest of the armor. “You fought in order to protect somepony other than yourself when on a rescue mission. I believe that your grandfather would be proud.” “Can I look at the crystal now?” asked Cobalt. “Of course. I'm surprised you didn't ask sooner.” “I had to get the webs off me first.” Fierce brought Stone's saddlebags over to the colt. “Here you go. I would like to have a look at it myself.” Cobalt opened the pouch and his ears folded back. “I forgot, everything I got from the nest is covered in webs.” “Pull out what everyone wants to see.” Zecora left the room and returned with a soft bristled brush. “Leave removing the webs to me.” Cobalt brought out crystal after crystal from the bag and gave them to Zecora. “It's happening again. I can't feel which one is the right one.” His worried expression vanished as he drew out a dark red crystal. “This is it! Now that I'm touching it, I can feel it.” Grayson and Zecora locked eyes for a moment. Zecora extended a hoof over the other crystals and then moved it over the crystal in Cobalt’s hooves. “There is power in all of these stones, but this one has a feeling all of its own.” Zecora took the crystal and cleaned it with care. Before returning the stone to Cobalt, she brushed his hooves, removing a few strands of webs from them. Cobalt held the crystal out so everyone in the room could look at it. “It has such a deep red color,” Bonsmara said. “It is pretty in an odd way.” “The stone has feelings.” Every head turned towards Puca. “I can't tell what they are. It's like hearing a voice and not being able to make out any words because it's so faint, but they're there.” “She's in there,” Cobalt said, his voice sure. He looked to Grayson. “What is her name?” “Princess Amore.” “How many pieces are there?” “We aren't sure. A number of them have been collected already. We've been out of contact with the other search teams for a few days, so I don't know how much progress has been made.” Cobalt's ears slowly folded back. “It could take a long time, then.” Stone put a foreleg around his brother's shoulders. Bonsmara smiled. “It will not take as long as you think. Twilight figured out a way to find the crystals. She enchanted several stones with a spell that points towards the pieces, like the one Grayson has, and gave them to teams that are combing Equestria for the lost fragments. Crystal pieces are being found all the time.” “That's actually how we got involved in the hunt,” Fierce said. “Our sea serpent friend, Steven Magnet, was hired to help recover a couple pieces that ended up in rivers and lakes. He recommended us to the ponies in charge of the recoveries, and they sent us an offer to pay for every piece that we find.” “He's the sea serpent that came to Cranky's wedding, right?” Cobalt asked. “That would be him.” “How many pieces have you found?” Fierce nodded to the crystal. “That is the first. It will not be the last.” “So you're adventures for hire?” Stone asked. “Yes and no.” Bonsmara sat back down in her spot. “Fierce and I are ambassadors of sorts. I am from a land not far from Zecora's home country. Fierce was born in Trottingham and has served as Equestria's diplomat to the diamond dogs on several occasions.” “We met through our mutual friend Cranky,” Fierce said. “We were at a function in Canterlot, and he introduced us to each other. Bonsmara was new to Equestria and wanted to see the various regions of the kingdom. She had hired Cranky as her guide, due to his experience roaming all over Equestria, but he was woefully ignorant of diamond dog customs. He asked if I would like to tag along and introduce her to my diamond dog contacts.” “They both were wonderful at their jobs,” Bonsmara said. “The three of us had all sorts of interesting times as we roamed Equestria. Due to our skills, we were often hired to do odd jobs in the community’s that we visited. Our reputation grew, and we ended up acting as adventurers more than ambassadors.” “I joined the Group later, and Puca joined us not long after Cranky retired,” Grayson added. “Steven left the group before I got on board, so those two lovebirds are the only ones of the original members still active.” Cobalt looked back and forth between Bonsmara and Fierce. “You're together? But you're a diamond dog, and she's a minotaur.” “Love does not care about such things, nor do we. I found myself yearning for her more than any of the artifacts or tomes of knowledge we sought.” Fierce walked over and kissed Bonsmara on the cheek, before sitting down beside her and wrapping an arm around her. “I courted her for moons. At first, she spurned my advances, thinking them a jest. I tried to espouse my devotion and love to her time and again, but she would not hear it.” Fierce put his free paw to his chest, his ears wilted, and he dropped his head. “My heart was wounded and my spirits crushed by her rejection. Our adventures together became torturous due to the tantalizing closeness of the one treasure I coveted above all other remaining just beyond my reach.” Bonsmara rolled her eyes. “You are laying it on a bit thick.” “Defeated, but not broken, I renewed my efforts. Through unflappable determination and plying every romantic tactic that I knew, I earned a chance to prove myself to her.” Fierce raised his head and grinned. “I made the most of that opportunity, and we have been inseparable ever since.” “By Celestia, you are so dramatic!” Bonsmara leaned over and kissed him on the top of his head. Fierce's tail wagged, drumming the floor, and Bonsmara laughed. “I could not tell whether you were trying to court me or just being your typical foppish self.” “I am stung! I consider myself rather roguish, not foppish.” Bonsmara snorted. “Many things you may be, but roguish is not one of them. You are too refined to be a rogue.” She pointed toward Grayson. “He, is a rogue.” Grayson raised his beak in the air. “A title I carry with pride, thank you.” “I cannot argue. He fits the role better than I.” Fierce leaned into Bonsmara and rested his head on her shoulder. “He is also our guide and leader, now that Cranky has left us.” “I can't compare with Cranky,” Grayson said. “He loved and lived adventuring. It's strange to see him even happier being a homebody.” “Just wait, you will understand.” “You will not present me with a collar, so you cannot officially declare me yours yet,” said Fierce. “Not this again,” Grayson said, with a sigh. “Is that so?” Bonsmara said. “It is.” Bonsmara scratched Fierce's belly and his leg kicked. She used her other hand to scratch his ear. He tilted his head towards her and his tongue rolled from his mouth, as she continued petting him. After a couple of seconds, she stated, “You are mine already. There is no need for me to put a collar on you.” With a slurping noise, Fierce drew his tongue back into his mouth. “Foul play! I will not yield to such deplorable tactics! You will not dissuade me from this, even using my weaknesses against me!” Puca's cheeks turned red. “Bonsmara, you may want to stop now.” “Not until he gives up this ridiculous idea. Putting a collar on him feels so wrong and demeaning.” “What she is politely trying to say, is that things will soon move beyond mere play,” Zecora said. “While you did not mean for things to turn out thus, he is beginning to feel amorous." Bonsmara looked around the room and blushed. “I guess I should stop, before I get him too riled up.” “I must insist that you finish what you started, onlookers or no.” Bonsmara gave Fierce a light shove, and he toppled over in a relaxed heap. “Puca, while my appetite will remain unsatisfied, I hope that we were able to satiate yours.” “I feel much better now, thank you,” Puca said. “You we're feeding off their love?” Stone said. “I was. Changelings don't have to hurt anyone to feed. Chrysalsis fed off of Shining Armor for days, and he never felt a thing.” “What does love feel like?” Puca smiled. “Warm, happy, relaxed, and comfortable all rolled into one. It's wonderful.” “Since we are all warm and fed, we should all go to bed. You have done much today, but tomorrow you must go on your way.” Zecora picked up a potion and a brush from a nearby shelf and walked to the door. Using the contents of the potion as paint for the brush, she marked a symbol on the door. She placed her hoof in the center of the symbol, closed her eyes, and the symbol began to glow a light green color. She stepped back from the door and nodded. “You can sleep without fear. Nothing evil will be able to enter here.” “You can do magic,” Stone said in an awed whisper. “Every being can work magic's flow. You act as if I put on quite a show.” “For him, you have,” Puca said. “Could you talk to him about how you do magic? He's really interested in knowing more about magic done by non-unicorns.” “I would be happy to share what I know.” Zecora turned and smiled at Stone. “I love helping others learn and grow. I will speak with you after the dawn. Even now, your brother is fighting a yawn.” “You can talk with him, I can stay up a bit more,” Cobalt said. “We all need to rest.” Grayson rolled out his bedroll. “We have a lot to accomplish in town tomorrow, and we will need to be just as sharp there as we were in the forest.” “You think whatever was in the castle would venture into the village after us?” Bonsmara said. “Nothing quite so dangerous, but it may prove to be just as unpleasant.” Grayson grinned at Stone. “Tell me, did you two leave a note for your parents, or did you just slip off with your grandfather's armor and a pair of saddlebags?” A look of horror washed over Stone's face. “Mom's going to be back in the morning! We'll never make it to our house before she does!” Fierce laughed. “You faced a pack of timberwolves today! Compared to that, what is facing your mother about this?” Stone slumped. “I'd rather face the timberwolves again, to be honest. They have less bite than Mom can when she's mad.”