Made Of Magic

by EmeraldRing

Chapter 1: Mystic Moon and Shining Star

“Come on Mystic, you can do it,” Mystic Moon whispered to herself. As she galloped towards the terrifyingly large jump, her hind legs gathered up and she soared over the high poles like they were half their size.

“Beat that Shining Star,” Mystic Moon shouted from the other end of the arena.

“I can do way better” Shining Star, Mystic's brother, shot back.

“Prove it.”

“Fine,” Shining Star cantered over to the arena where they were practising, slowing to a walk when he was a few feet away from the gate. As he was walking by Mystic decided to turn it into a competition.

“I’ll make you a bet, whoever jumps the highest is the winner and the loser has to put away all, and take out, the jumps for the next month”


After a long day of finding out which one of them is the best jumper, in the end Mystic won, the filly and colt sat down with their foster parents for dinner.

“So you’re both back to school tomorrow,” Their foster mum said. Mystic and Shining groaned loudly. They hated school.

“Now, now, enough of that,” their foster dad said.

Early next morning Mystic Moon woke up to find the sun beating down on her. She yawned. Then stretched. Brushed her mane and had breakfast. After she came back from school that day she practised her jumping and reminded her brother of the bet. Just the usual day. The next day, however, was quite remarkable.

“You entered me and Shining Star in the local jumping competition,” Mystic squealed with excitement.

“Thanks so much,” said Shining, keeping his cool while his sister lost control.

“Well your welcome” Their foster dad said with a beam. The young competitors ran from the room and out into the arena to sharpen their skills for the event.

“I think they have made peace at last” The young children’s foster father said. A loud shouting came from outside.

“So much for that idea.”

After days and days of practising they were finally ready and the day of the event was upon them.
That day was one Mystic Moon and Shining Star would always remember.

“My mane is all matted, it’ll take me hours to brush this out so that I will look magnificent for the competition,” Mystic groaned
Shining giggled in the background.

“Shut up Starry, it’s not funny,” Mystic yelled at her brother.

“Hey! Don't call me that!” Shining yelled back.

The competition was upon them. Mystic Moon cantered into the arena like a pro; Mystic's coat was gleaming thanks to her special shampoo and her mane free of knots. They stunned the judges and amazed the audience. Shining, however, stumbled into the arena and was clearly flustered as he rode on. Mystic Moon flew over the jumps as if they were mere trotting poles and never let a pole drop. Shining Star crashed into a jump and knocked down two poles, Shining trotted out of the arena in shame.

“Wait till I tell everyone at school that you were beaten by your younger sister who took first place while you were down in 6th. Even Sapphire Shimmer, ” Mystic mocked.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Shining Star retorted through gritted teeth. The two fighting siblings left for home, Mystic carrying her large trophy, showing it off to her jealous brother.

“I will so beat you next time”

“You just keep on dreaming, Starry”

It was a chilly day the next time the sun broke the horizon.

“Morning” Mystic Moon yawned, even though she slept in her own bedroom and no one else was there. Mystic looked up at her shining trophy and remembered that it was the weekend and so she promptly went back to sleep.

“Hello Mystic” A loud voice echoed around the dark corridor that the filly was now lying in.

“Huh, who said that, show yourself, I’m not afraid of you” Mystic Moon said putting on the bravest face and voice she could.

“All right, If that is what you wish” The voice replied. Suddenly, near the end of the corridor, where a book lay, sprung dancing lights and wild colours coming from the book. A magnificent and golden light leaped from the pages and in a swirling and shimmering mist rose the figure of an alicorn, a sparkling glow surrounding its entire body and the horn on its head was razor sharp, but beautiful at the same time, and it was pulsing with light and all the colours of the rainbow. Mystic rubbed her eyes and wondered if this could really be happening or if it was a dream.

“Listen well young one for there is a prophecy that I must pass on to you....
When day becomes night the moon and stars need to share their light with the world to guide it through the darkness until dawn and the strong oak must stand firm to support the world through its darkest time. You must not-“And with that the golden alicorn dimmed and dimmed until it faded completely, not having time to finish the last part of the prophecy.

“I must not what? where are you going? come back!” Mystic Moon yelled at the fading alicorn. All of a sudden the outline of another alicorn appeared, except this time there were no shimmering colours or dancing lights, just simply a dark alicorn that started to circle Kate while whispering to her,

“Mystic Moon, Mystic Moon, Mystic...”

“Moon, Mystic Moon, wake up, it’s nearly time for lunch you’ve been sleeping for ages, we were worried” Shining Star's voice sounded in Mystic's head and she jumped out of her bed wishing she hadn’t missed breakfast, she was starving. Unfortunately Mystic had forgotten her dream, as she does most dreams, so she could tell no one about the prophecy or ask what it might mean.

“Good morning Red ,” Mystic had wandered into the dog shelter after a hasty lunch to say good morning to Red, even though it was nearly the afternoon! Red barked at Mystic when she entered the room, like always, but was acting a little jumpy. Even though Red seemed a little spooked the filly knew she had to exercise the dog, it was her weekend job after all, so she took out Red's lead for a walk. While she was walking past the house Shining Star came out to get some exercise himself. Secretly Shining was very proud of his little sister because of the way she jumped with so much control and confidence and never backed down from a challenge (apart from getting up in the morning. That was one battle she never won). Hardly ever did he wished that they could get along and that they didn’t argue, but sometimes he did.

“Hey Mystic! Mind if I join you” Shining's voice rang out across the yard.

“Ahhh” Mystic screamed, she had been distracted by her brother’s call and Red, who had been jumpy the whole time, charged in the opposite direction, twisting Mystic around so that she nearly lost the lead, nearly, but she had erupted and there was no escaping her fumes.

“How dare you interrupt my walk just when Red was starting to calm down. It is my JOB for pony's sake and then you just have to go and ruin everything, you're lucky I didn't lose Red!” Mystic boomed so loud that even the farm next door could hear her.

“Sorry,” Shining said meekly, knowing it wouldn’t help.

“Sorry, sorry! That’s all you have to say for yourself. I’m going to tell our Foster dad and he’ll ground you for ages” Mystic smirked. At that point Shining Star let out a loud groan, he didn’t mind being grounded, much, but he had plans for the weekend that he had promised to be there for.

“Please, have mercy”

“No,” and with that Mystic Moon walked off to tell their foster dad that her brother was grounded for, hopefully, ages (after putting Red away). For the next couple of hours Mystic and Shining were hanging around with the animals and as per usual they weren’t talking to each other. After a while the two siblings fed the animals and went back inside for their meal. The day from then on was nothing out of the ordinary, chores, jumping and eating, nothing special but the next time sun rose and went to work brightening everyone’s day, Mystic Moon and Shining Star had a huge surprise waiting for them. One that would leave a bitter taste in their mouths for a very long time.