Made Of Magic

by EmeraldRing

Chapter 4: Pride

Eventually the two journeyers reached a pleasantly warm place to sleep and settled down for the night.

When they woke up again the globe of fire, which slept under the horizon, had risen to sit in the comfort of the fluffy clouds in the sky. Mystic Moon and Shining Star were ready to face another hard day of walking.

Back at the farm, two worried foster parents sat waiting for the police to arrive. The doorbell rang. The police entered.

“So you think they left trying to save the animals, or, atleast, find out what's wrong with them?”

“Yes and we are very anxious about them, oh I do hope they’re ok,” Shining and Mystic’s foster father choked out as the children's foster mother comforted him.

“Well the police department have also been having problems with our dogs, it’s as if they are scared of something or need to get somewhere.”

“Exactly the same with the animals at the shelter where I work,” their foster dad wondered out loud, tears forgotten for the time being.

“Well we will keep an eye out for them but the only thing we can do is put up missing posters and hope they will return safely.” The police officer said solemnly. With that he departed.

“We’ve been walking forever” Mystic grumbled, “And I’m hungry”

“Fine, just fine. We'll stop and eat at the foot of that hill over there, okay?” Shining said, clearly agitated by his sisters complaining.


After a brisk meal the fearless travellers continued. Unfortunately they had travelled so far in such a short amount of time that the posters weren’t up where they were so no one knew that they were missing children.

“According to the map I traced we will be there in about one more day or maybe two.”

“That’s great, let’s get moving then”

“Come on then”

Suddenly Mystic yelled out in shock. She had tripped on a rock, while she was running, and scraped her knee when she fell. Mystic hit the ground hard and was in a lot of pain, but her pride wouldn't let her accept help.

“Are you ok? That scrape looks pretty bad.”

“I’m fine,” Mystic grimaced through her teeth.

"Let me put a plaster on it, to stop it from getting worse, good thing I brought a first aid kit."

"I'm fine! Don't worry about it, it's nothing to waste time on!" Mystic insisted, saying that there wasn't enough time to stop and take care of her leg. Reluctantly, Shining agreed, knowing that there was no arguing with his sister when she was like that. So, the two continued along the road until they reached a muddy looking river, with no bridge in sight, and Mystic, though the other pains had subdued, still having the scrape on her knee. But not even that would stop Shining's stubborn sister. Despite Shinings best efforts, Mystic was going to swim though the water and risk getting an infection, all for the sake of her pride.

Two hours or so after Mystic was beginning to feel a sharp pain in her leg, right where her scrape was, she looked down at it too find that the skin wasn't looking all that good (she was slightly trained in medical 'stuff', as she liked to call it, from her years working at the shelter). However, again, her stubbornness and pride wouldn't let her admit defeat against her brother, so she gritted her teeth and kept walking, though, she had a small limp in her leg as she did so. Shining noticed.

"Are you sure we shouldn't do something about that scrape? I think the water might infect it if we don't at least clean it," Shining said, worry in his rich purple eyes.

"W-what do you mean? I-I'm fi-" Mystic's bad leg gave out beneath her and she felt the ground come rushing up to greet her. Mystic groaned, her facade broken, and pulled herself up, blowing her silver mane out of her face.

"Ugh! Fine! Fine! Put a stupid bandage or whatever on it!" Mystic shouted, the pain in her leg sharper after her fall. Being as careful as possible, not wanting to aggravate his sister any more, Shining cleaned the wound and wrapped it in a bandage after putting a special cream, that their foster dad invented, on it.

"Thanks to that cream you it should be fine by tomorrow," Shining said, thanking Celestia that Mystic didn't kick him while he was fixing up her injured leg. So the filly and colt traveled onwards, hoping to find a good place to set up camp for the night.

After a few more minutes of walking the winter sun started to dance a final dance on the horizon and the moon started a long stroll across the star speckled sky. The courageous duo settled down and waited for the sun rise.

“Morning,” Shining mumbled

“Five more minutes,” Mystic groaned

“We have to go, now”

It was 10 am when they finally woke up the two siblings rushed to get ready, they had over slept!

It was a very hot day and the two travellers were glad they had brought lots and lots of water with them from the last town they past, the only town they had passed through. After a few hours walking Kate and Thomas reached the Everfree forest, it was dark and grey with thick mist that was blocking their path and any sunlight that might try to break through the wall of ghosts and trees, not matter how hard the sun tried or how brightly it shone, it would never be able to break the wall of fog.

“Do we ha-have to go th-through there” Mystic squeaked.

“I-I guess” Shining replied warily.

So the two brave rescuers took their first steps into the forest to end all forests, the Everfree.