//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: Rescued // Story: Made Of Magic // by EmeraldRing //------------------------------// "Come on, they have to be here somewh-Ahh," Mystic suddenly crashed into what seemed to be an invisible wall of some kind, "Wha- Was that a force field or something?" Mystic wondered out loud. Using her fore-hooves, Mystic felt along the wall, looking for any signs of weakness; a crack or crevice, anything would do. The wall went on for ages. Mystic was beginning to feel like she had been walking in circles, chances were she had. It took Mystic half an hour to find a weakness in the forcefield like wall. Using her strong hind legs, Mystic pounded at the weak point endlessly until it finally gave way. Stepping carefully into the gap Mystic looked around to get her bearings, she didn't like what she saw, not one bit. Ponies and animals of all ages trapped in cages. There was no way of looking out, the only light entering the cages via small holes on top, and Mystic only knew that they were there because of the constant smashing of hooves and claws on the cage walls, the chirping and chattering of the animals and the undeniable sound of a foal crying. A foal, a young, innocent child that had been subjected to the life of a prisoner, with no hope of ever seeing the sun again. It made Mystic mad. The whole place made her mad. Mad for the animals, mad for the ponies trapped, mad for her brother and mad for the foal. The poor defenceless foal, thrown into the cell as if he, the voice gave it away, was a broken toy, thrown out and left to rot, alone. The other sounds in the prison like area faded away as Mystic's mind focused on the tears, the crying was drained of all hope as if the foal new there was no escape and had given up. His tears were the last drops of happiness leaving his heart, leaving him hollow and empty. No. If she had to Mystic would pick up each drop of happiness individually, if only to hear the foal laugh and see him smile. "Wait, if these are all illusions, then I could just slip in and slip out again!" Mystic began to trot confidentially toward the cage, knowing that anything that tried to stop her would just be another illusion, and try they did. Manticores, timberwolves, hyras and many other terrifying animals leapt out at Mystic but she just kept on trotting, everyone of the beasts being, as she predicted, was an illusion. Keep trotting, keep trotting, it's just an illusion, just an illusion Mystic repeated in her mind continuously as she hurried past the monsters, not wanting to waste any time. When Mystic arrived at the cage she was out of breath, usually a run like that would be easy but, due to the 3 hours of running Mystic had done prior to the short run with only a 10 minute break in between, she was exhausted. However, Mystic knew she couldn't rest yet, so she slid in through the illusion. In the corner of the cage, only just visible in the light, sat the foal, he was a pegasus with a rich blue coat and a messy red and pink mane, Mystic couldn't see his eyes at first, but when he looked up at her she could see that they were a beautiful shade of blue. "Wh-who's th-there?" Came the clearly scared and unused voice of the colt. "Hello, don't worry, I won't hurt you, promise. What's your name? I'm Mystic and I came here looking for my brother," Mystic replied, trying to be as friendly as she could. "M-My na-name's Cobalt Shine miss. I came here with my parents a-and n-now I-I-I d-don't kn-know *sniff* wh-where th-*sniff*-ey a-are," Cobalt's tears were flowing freely again. Mystic wrapped her hooves comfortingly around the colt, doing her best to soothe him. "Now, listen here Cobalt Shine, " Cobalt turned his head up too look at Mystic, "for one, you don't have to call me miss, I'm still a filly! Secondly, I know how we can get out, and we'll go get your parents too. They were taken here, right?" Mystic asked. "Yeah, can you really help me get back to them?" Cobalt asked with enthusiasm, hope finally back into his voice. "I promise," Mystic replied 100% sure that she could get Cobalt Shine back to his parents. So, after another hug, and explanation of the illusions and yet another hug Mystic slipped out again, telling the colt that he just had to believe that the wall wasn't real. The two then proceeded to go around the prison and release all the animals and ponies. Mystic had two more cages left on her side, one of them holding a bird, Mystic could hear the chirping, but she didn't know what was in the last cage, it was silent. After getting the bird out, turns out it was a bluejay, Mystics favourite bird, the traveller walked through the last cage door and gasped. Shining was lying in the corner with a bleeding forehead. She ran over to him and shook him, hoping to wake him up. "Uhh, wha-what? Where am I?" Shining Star groaned. "Finally, welcome back to the land of the living," Mystic smirked, "now hurry up, we've got to get going." "Mystic, what are you doing here?" Shining said, clearly confused. "I'm saving you, stupid," Mystic said, rolling her eyes as if it was obvious, "now hurry up!" "Okay, okay, I'm coming," Shining said as he pulled himself up, wincing as he did so. Mystic slid out. "What!" Shining shouted, "How the hay did you do that?!" "It's an illusion, it's only there if you believe that it is, now get a move on!" Mystic yelled back. Mystic's brother rolled his eyes at his sister and told himself that the wall wasn't there. It worked and Shining Star soon felt the warmth on his back as he emerged from the place he had been held captive. On the other side of the prison Cobalt had found his parents and they were having a heartwarming reunion. Mystic walked slowly over to the reunited family, not wanting to disturb them, but wanting to say goodbye to Cobalt. "Hey, Cobalt Shine. You found your parents?" Mystic asked even though the answer was obvious. "Hi Mystic! I did, I did! All thanks to you," Cobalt bounced around her in circles then hugged her (again). "So, you're the young mare our little colt was telling us about," said Cobalt's father, "I-I can't t-tell you h-how grateful we are," he continued, stammering a little, joy does that to some ponies. "Yes, we are very happy that Cobalt wasn't harmed. Oh, by the way, how did you know it was an illusion spell?" Cobalt's mother inquired. "When they took my brother I didn't believe that those things could possibly be real," Mystic said, somewhat sheepishly, "So, when I threw a rock at it and it passed right through it, I knew I was right," she confirmed, "All while you were screaming like a foal," Mystic said to Shining privately. "Hey!" Shining cried back, "Not true!" "Oh, but it is, and you know it!" "Not true!" "It so is!" "Not!" "Is-" Mystic got cut off my the coughing of Cobalt's mother; Mystic and Shining both laughed sheepishly. After apologies and good bye's were done, the filly and colt continued their trek through the Everfree, lying to Cobalt and his family about where they were heading.