Made Of Magic

by EmeraldRing

Chapter 9: The New Cub

"Welcome to the pack little one," Oak's father said softly, leaning over the little foal as she looked out of her den for the first time in her life.

Surrounding the foal was a vast cave, lit by single beams of sunlight that raced in through miniscule cracks in the stone walls, the dim lighting perfect for timberwolf eyes. The ceiling seemed to stretch on for ages and the moss that hung down from the ceiling was the deepest shade of green the foal had ever seen, even though she had only seen the inside of her den. The shadows from a flickering fire danced across the walls, the fire was surrounded by walls of rock so the Timberwolves of the pack didn't burn but were still heated by the warm flames. Timberwolves of all shapes and sizes were scurrying about camp and the cubs were playing by the nursery, or what Oak assumed to be the nursery, entrance. The real entrance to the cave was blocked by boulders and rocks, the timberwolves used an underground passage to get in and out, worried that the 'ponies', as they liked to call themselves, wouldn't find them. The elders were lying in a patch of rocks that absorbed heat easily, the apprentices were practicing their battle moves and the warriors were laughing about a group of ponies they had come across in their forest. Overall, it was a busy cave, if it weren't for the sheer size of it all the timberwolves would be cramped. The most spectacular thing in the camp was the Great Rock that stood proudly in the very centre of the cave, it was the very reason this particular cave is where the timberwolves live, without it the pack meetings wouldn't work so well, despite the fact that the alpha, or leader, was always taller than the average Timberwolf.

"May all timberwolves gather beneath the Great Rock," The alpha's powerful voice reverberated around the cave, "I have wonderful news," He said, much quieter than before. All the timberwolves slowly gathered around the centre of camp, cubs pouncing on nearby beams of light or the occasional moss ball. Eventually all were gathered beneath the rock, excited to hear the 'wonderful news', even though all the timberwolves could guess what it was. A mare walked out of the den at the bottom of the Great Rock and joined the alpha at the top.

"Black Paw, I think you should be the one to give the pack this wonderful news. I am sure the pack would like to hear you hold a meeting for once," the alpha said softly to the mare, still speaking in timberwolf, knowing that she could understand him perfectly.

"Sure, If you're too scared Pine Needle," the mare smirked at her mate. Pine Needle just laughed quietly, and stepped back.

"Wolves of the pack, my cub is finally old enough to leave the den and come meet you all. I will not tolerate any judgment of her looks. Do I make myself clear," all the timberwolves nodded hurriedly, not wanting to get on her bad side, "Good. Until she is old enough to become an apprentice, which is at 10 years old for a pony by my maths, and receive her proper name, she will be know as Timber. Timber, come and join me up here on Great Rock," Black Paw said gently to her young daughter. The newly named Timber, jumped up onto the Great Rock, but only got a small way up before sliding down again, hot with embarrassment Timber managed to claw her way to the top. When she reached the platform on the Great Rock gasps of surprise at her appearance echoed around the camp. A stern look from Black Paw silenced them.

"She may be part pony, but she's beautiful Black Paw," Juniper Berry, one of the timberwolves in the crowd, called out; all the others nodded and smiled at Black Paw. Timber's mother smiled, glad that the pack was so welcoming of her foal's unique appearance. Timber had a stunningly smooth wooden coating over her skin, designed to allow maximum movement, and a leafy green mane that was extremely short, as to not obscure her vision. Timber's eyes were a luminescent shade of green, they matched her eyes perfectly. Unlike the others Timber had pupils and hooves (that had retractable claws), other timberwolves having their claws out all the time, but they unsheathed while the timberwolves slept.

The young foal was getting restless, she wasn't used to standing in one place for so long and wanted to go meet the other cubs. Pine Needle, who had been watching from behind the pair, saw his daughter shuffling on her hooves and smiled, he remembered his first time on the Great Rock and how much he had wanted to get off and meet the other cubs, Timber was just like him when he was younger.

"I believe it is time for us all to go back to our duties," Pine Needle shouted to the pack, his voice reaching all wolves in the gathering.
After the timberwolves had returned to their work, Timber climbed her way down the Great Rock and walked shyly over to the group of playful cubs who were chasing a ball of moss.

"Um....H-Hi?" Timber said quietly, the other cubs only hearing her thanks to their incredible ears.

"Hey, you're that weird timberpony, aren't you?" One of the cubs said, not meaning to be insensitive.

"Bay! Don't be rude!" Another cub hissed through his teeth, "Hi Timber, I'm Willow, by the way. None of us have our full names yet, but Bay here has gotten it into his head that his name is going to be Bay Leaf, but it probably won't be," Willow laughed, Timber couldn't help but laugh too.

"Hey, weird is good in my book. You look awesome!" Bay said enthusiastically. Timber only laughed louder...