Made Of Magic

by EmeraldRing

Chapter 10: Confessions

"Happy birthday Timber!" The cubs pounced out of their hiding places and landed on the unsuspecting filly.

"Just one more pony year and then you'll be old enough to receive a proper name!" Willow Root exclaimed joyfully. Timber thought she'd burst with anticipation. It turns out that she aged faster than expected and would be the right age at 7, just like the other cubs. She would be 16 in timberwolf years when she became an apprentice, they became apprentices that old so the were big enough compared to their warrior mentors. Timber was going to have the smallest timberwolf availible as her mentor because of her size, she was growing faster and kept up with the other cubs, both mentally and physically, but she would stop growing before them; still being much taller than the average pony.

"Would you two hurry up, I know you've been away from each other for a full 10 minutes but can we go now, I don't want to miss out on the best prey for your birthday feast," Bay Pool (unfortunately his name wasn't Bay Leaf, as he had hoped) called out to the pair, ever since Black Paw joined the pack she ate vegetation but accepted the fact that the timberwolves ate meat (they promised not to eat pony though), Timber was born with the right teeth to eat meat and enjoyed it, so was allowed to continue doing so.

While they were walking across camp Timber and Willow Root's paw/hoof steps started to be insync and they walked closer and closer together until they were touching. At that point Willow Root pulled away, blushing.


"Yes," Timber said, confused at why her best friend had lost all his usual confidence.

"W-well, your m-mother, Black Paw, told me w-what a birthday present was, a-and I wa-want to g-give you o-one," Willow Root stuttered.

"Oh, sure!" Timber said, excited to get her first ever birthday present. But she wasn't prepared for what happened next. Willow Root leaned in and kissed her on the lips, only a quick kiss, nothing spectacular, just a short, sweet kiss, that managed to leave Timber speechless.

"S-sorry," Willow Root bounded off to the rest of the pack like he was chasing a rabbit. Leaving Timber alone with her thoughts.

Why? Why did he k-kiss me? We're just friends, right? I've never thought of him in that way. But, it-it could work. I mean he is kind, sensitive and sweet. He never minded the fact that I'm different and he's always been there for me. I guess there is a chance that I might-

"Hey! Hurry up Timber! We saved a raven for you, your favourite!" Pine Needle called from the middle of the group of timberwolves. Not wanting the raven to be snatched away by a cub who didn't know any better. Timber raced over, her mind still racing from the kiss.

"What took you so long Timber?" Timber stiffened at the sound of her father's question.

"I..was...talking, with Willow Root," Timber said, her cheeks flushing red.

"Oh, I see, I won't press the matter then," Pine Needle said knowingly; Timber turned away and continued to eat, hiding her face from her laughing father.

Thing went on as normal for Timber for a few days, though, she was rather upset that Willow Root was avoiding her, she wanted to talk with him about his 'gift'. That is, until Black Paw decided to do something about it...

"Timber!" Black Paw called to her daughter, "I need to talk with you."

"I'm over here," Timber said absent mindedly.

"Come, on. Tell me what's wrong. Why are you avoiding Willow Root? Does it have something to do with the birthday present he gave you?" Black Paw winked at her cub, but frowned when she just sighed and turned around in her nest, "come on Timber, you know you can tell me, or would you rather talk to your father?" Black Paw asked, knowing that Pine Needle was much better at dealing with situations like this.

"Yeah, can I?"

"Of course, let me go get him," Black Paw raced out, years of running with Pine Needle had built up her stamina and speed and now she was, arguably, the fastest pony runner in Equestria. It only took a few seconds for her dad to arrive, he had been on the other side of the camp, discussing the new town that had been built on the edge of the forest. She heard him push away the draping lichen that protected the den from the elements.

"Hey, your mother told me that you were down acting like a mouse without it's tail. What, or who's, your missing tail then, hm?" Timber's father lay down next to the distraught timberpony and nudged her gently with his snout.

"I-Willow andIdon'tknowwhattodobecauseImightlikehimtoo," Timber tried to explain, but once she had started, the rest came rushing out like a tidal wave. Pine Needle put his paw on her muzzle to quieten her.

"Hush now Timber, these things are complicated, but, if you love him then I suggest you go out there and tell him," Pine Needle raised his paw to stop the filly's outburst, "you have to be strong Timber, always remember that, whatever situation you are in, be strong. If he says he doesn't love you then there isn't anything you can do. But sitting here and doing nothing won't solve your problems, will it?" Timber shook her head, "exactly, now, go on out there and tell that Willow Root exactly how you feel. Oh, and do me favor, if he is rude or insensitive, rake his ear off for me will you," Timber giggled,

"You're starting to sound like mum," she laughed.

Yes, Timber was ready, she would walk right up to Willow Root and tell him exactly what she felt.

"Willow Root! Willow-" she was stopped by a familiar paw on her muzzle,
"Timber! I'm so glad to see you, but, I can't talk now, I'm dawn patrol," Willow Root said, in a whisper. Timber sighed and nodded, she couldn't pull him away from his duties, even though he was still an apprentice, "Meet me outside the entrance at sundown, okay?" Timber nodded again, what else could she do? Juniper Berry was calling for all the timberwolves who were on the dawn patrol, Willow Root had to go, "See you then, I have to go," Willow Root bounded across the camp to the paw-made exit, where Juniper Berry was waiting.

Sundown. Timber climbed out of the hole and looked out into the clearing, entranced by the sight infront of her. The setting sun was only just visible over the horizon, its rays lighting the mist in a brilliant orangey red glow. Water trickled through a small stream and was flamed scarlet by the setting sun, giving the water an almost blood like look. The emerald green grass was covered in a layer of thin frost, a sign that leaf-bare was on its way, that made the ground look like the sky at night, twinkling with starshine. The trees towered over Timber but didn't frighten her, instead, they gave her a sense of security and while their dark branches and odd shapes may have scared a few, Timber found them interesting and she would sometimes see if she could sketch them into the ground with stick. The normally freezing air was replaced with a warm breeze that blew all of Timber's doubts away; the sun casting a bright glow on the filly's face as she sat down and waited for Willow Root to arrive.

Timber could hear what sounded like pawsteps, coming from the forest. She stood still, giving no clue she could hear the sound as she tracked it around the clearing. It was directly behind her as it changed course and began to stalk towards her, she was ready. In the same second she rolled to the side, the creature leapt towards the space Timber had been occupying a split second ago. Timber say up and laughed as she saw Willow Root lying on the floor, looking very embarrassed.

"Hi Willow Root," Timber managed to say between fits of laughter.

"Hey Timber," Willow Root laughed a bit at is own mistake and pulled himself up, "How did you know where I was?"

"I have the best hearing in the pack, remember, I could hear you when you started to circle the the clearing," Timber said, continuing to laugh. Willow Root laughed too, not minding the fact that Timber had been able to hear his approach. It took a few minuets for Timber to calm down.

"Doesn't the clearing look beautiful," Timber said, casting her gaze over the sunlit glade.



"I-I just wanted to say that I-I-" Willow Root couldn't continue, his shyness taking over. Timber decided she would take over the situation, so, remembering her dad's words and staring into her childhood friend's crimson eyes she closed the gap between them and pressed her lips against his, smiling when he pushed back. They both closed their eyes and savoured the moment, unlike the time Willow Root kissed Timber on her birthday, the kiss lasted for a full minute before they both pulled away, gasping for air.

"I love you, Timber," Willow Root hugged the filly-soon-to-be-mare.

"I know, I love you too," Timber leaned into the 'colt's' embrace...