//------------------------------// // To the Batcave!! // Story: Justice and Friendship // by Mr-Astounding //------------------------------// Chapter 1 In Ponyville, two weeks later… Twilight Sparkle looked at the night sky from the castle vanity and sighed. "Everything okay?" her trusted dragon assistant, Spike, inquired. "Sort of," she replied, "I'm just wondering if we're alone in what we do." "I certainly hope not," Fluttershy, who was there at the palace for a sleepover with the others, remarked. "Honestly, I'm not sure if aye know what ya'll mean," Applejack retorted. Sighing, Twilight asked them, "Remember a while back when I traveled to that alternate world where all of you were humans?" "Of course we do, darling," Rarity replied, before smirking, "You're missing Flash Sentry right now, aren't you?" "Don't be ridiculous," the Equastrian princess quickly replied with a blush, "Not only does he have a counterpart here, but I didn't even really know him." "Then what's the problem?" Rainbow Dash inquired, "Surely if they needed your help they could contact you again?" "That's just it," Twilight replied, gesturing to the mirror, "Canterlot High had, in essence, mirror images of you guys: they were EXACTLY the same as you guys in terms of names and personality. Part of me wonders if we're the ONLY ones who know what true friendship is like." "Come on," Pinkie Pie retorted, "You've got NOTHING to worry about." "She's right," Applejack stated, "It wouldn't matter what our counterparts looked like or acted, so long as they've got the proper lifestyle to match with the Element they represent." "I hope you're right," the voice of Princess Celestia replied, "because I believe there is a new crisis on another world entirely: one that seems to different faces to the Elements of Harmony." "I hope if my counterpart will be respectful of us," Fluttershy replied. "I bet MY counterpart is going to be totally AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "What's the crisis?" Spike inquired, to which Celestia sighed, "I cannot say anything for certain, but it seems that Discord has found a new ally in bringing about chaos, one who wishes to see if you match the power of the heroes who have defeated him in the past. I'm sending ALL of you to aid the ones known in this parallel earth as 'the Justice League' to help them stop the one known as Darkseid." "Let's get going then," Twilight stated, turning to Celestia, "I don't suppose you have a way to get to this alternate world?" "I do," she said, giving Spike a small pendant, "From what little I've been able to gather, your assistant's counterpart has some connections with powerful organizations. That said he may be able to help you reactivate this charm when you need to return." "Let's get going then, ya'll," Applejack declared. With a nod, everypony touched the amulet and in a flash, the Mane 6 and Spike were gone. Meanwhile, in Gotham City... "Thanks for the information, Miss Kyle," one Alfred Pennyworth said over a secure line of communication, "I'll be sure to tell Master Bruce. Yes, I suppose the shock of learning that two of the most loyal people you've ever meet are one and the same DOES take a while to recover from." "What is it, Alfred?" Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, inquired from behind one of the machines in the Batcave, to which his trusted butler, after he had hung up, stated, "Seems that Miss Kyle has located where the enemies of the Justice League have all gathered, with a little help from Master Timothy." "New costume, new sidekick, possibly a new girlfriend," Clark Kent, also known as Superman, who was visiting the Manor with the rest of the League, remarked, "If you don't mind me asking…" "As a matter of fact, I DO mind you asking me to work FOR the law enforcement agency instead of WITH it," Bruce interrupted, "Let's just say my goal is to scare criminals, not children, not to mention the old look slowed me down." Reaching for his tool kit, he continued, "Also, Selina ISN'T my girlfriend, and neither is Catwoman. As much as I WANT to pursue a relationship with someone, I will NOT let anyone come into harm's way for simply being close to me." Suddenly realizing something, he sighed, "Barry, give me back my wrench." "Sorry," Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, stated zipping into the room, "but I noticed a few things out of place upstairs involving the decorations for that big celebration at the Manor." "Sometimes I wonder if he was like this BEFORE the lightening," Hal Jordan, also known as Green Lantern, stated from Batman's evidence display, "and I STILL can't believe that you have to trade blows with your former best friend." Pausing long enough to see that he was by the giant penny from not so long ago, Bruce sighed, "He's STILL my best friend deep down: I just wish that he knew that himself." "True friendships can survive the harshest of turmoil," stated John Jones, also known as the Martian Manhunter, from the observatory, "From what you've told us, a part of this Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, is trying to break the influence of his darker nature." "He might have an easier time without that coin of his," Hal stated, to which Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, who was by the Bat suits, replied with, "I'm not so sure: from what Bruce has told us, that coin he always carries on him is one of the last things he has left of his old life. It's possible the darkness in his soul is present because he has trouble accepting how much his life has changed." "You are correct," Alfred replied, "Mr. Dent's two-sided coin USED to be a symbol of how much control he had in his own life: when one side of it was practically destroyed alongside half his face and a suitable portion of one of his arms due to events beyond his control, he became convinced that his decisions no longer made any difference." "THAT'S why he needs to flip a coin to decide on whether to rob a bank or get ice cream?" Hal questioned in understanding and in horror, "That's messed up!" "Yeah: ice cream is NEVER a bad thing," Barry remarked. Having listened in on all this, Clark thought he had an idea on how to help straighten the ex-district attorney out. Before he could voice it, however, an alarm registered on the Bat Computer. "What is it?" he directed at Bruce, who replied with, "If these readings are accurate, we have six, no wait, SEVEN unidentified users of the Slideways Teleport I installed inside the Cave." "Why do you even NEED that thing? You have your own rocket, right?" Hal inquired, to which Bruce, who was already preparing his suit, stated, "Okay, one, it's a jet, not a rocket, and two, don't you think a vehicle heading for the Watchtower from Wayne Manor would look a little suspicious?" "He DOES seem to like to camouflage the entryways to his hideouts," John replied, shape shifting into his Martian form. "Let's just get this done as fast as possible," Barry replied, quickly changing into his costume. Making his uniform appear, Hal asked if he should guard Alfred. "Thank for your concern, Mr. Jordan," Batman's butler replied as he readied a shotgun, "but I can handle myself just fine." "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Clark said changing into his costume. "That's sometimes all we CAN do," Diana replied, transforming into Wonder Woman. "Indeed," Martian Manhunter said as Batman finally came back in full costume. "Sometimes I wonder why I bother taking this thing off," the Dark Knight said with a sigh when he saw that he was the last person in uniform, AGAIN. a few minutes later... "Get ready team," Superman stated, "We don't know what's coming out of that doorway." As if on cue, seven creatures suddenly appeared in front of it: a purple alicorn, two pegasuses (or was it pegasi?), one blue with a rainbow-colored mane and one yellow, a white unicorn with a purple mane, two ponies, one pink and one orange (wearing a cowboy hat), and a small dragon with purple and green scales. "Okay, admit it," Flash said looking at the apparent screen, "Who saw that coming?" "WHO are you talking to?" Batman inquired, to which Flash said, "The audience." "But there's…but you can't just… (Sigh) never mind," the Caped Crusader groaned. Suddenly, the pink pony zoomed over to Flash and started bouncing, saying stuff like, "You can see them too? I don't believe it! Do you like muffins? We're so much alike!" "PINKIE!" the blue pegasus retorted, "Can you TRY and calm down a bit? We still need to figure out what's going on here!" "Did they just talk?" Green Lantern gapped, "Okay, I DON'T think they're from around here." "Perhaps you could…" Superman directed at Martian Manhunter, who shook his head, "You know I only use my mind reading power when absolutely necessary; besides, I'm not sure if it would work on them." "Not to be rude or anything, but SOMEONE better provide some answers soon," Wonder Woman retorted. "I can be of assistance there," the alicorn stated, "but we don't have a lot of time: we need to stop Discord and Darkseid." "DARKSEID?!" the members of the Justice League exclaimed. "I KNEW that this was somehow all a diversion," Superman said with anger. "What do you mean by that?" the yellow pegasus inquired. "Come with us and we'll explain," Alfred said from behind them. "How long has he been here?" the dragon remarked. "Longer then you know," the butler replied with a smile, to which Batman simply smirked.