Chaos Falls

by Black Hailstorm

Chapter 6

The Glimmer That Flickered

“Nobody likes you” a voice whispered into her ear.

“Nobody cares about you” the voice said in the other.

“You think you have friends after the stunt you pulled? You really think the ponies of this village actually forgave you for what you’ve done? Ha! That’s hilarious!” the voice echoed in her head.

“You think anypony that had the knowledge she had would just let you go scot free like the way they did?”

“Well? Hm?? Answer me Starlight Glimmer do you?! Do you think for a second any of these equines, Double Diamond, Party Favor and the rest don’t remember how you suckered them into your charade?”


“Open your eyes you idiot. Some of them might have forgiven you, but not everyone will! In fact I bet they’re plotting how to get rid of you right now!”

Be quiet.

“It’s amazing how stupid you are. Really it is. Did you think that after throwing the world into different timelines over and over again for your own purposes of revenge, that karma wouldn’t catch up to you?”

I said be quiet.

“Maybe it’s a good thing Sunburst got his cutie mark and left you behind. If he’d stuck with you who knows where he’d be now?”


Starlight was trembling with rage as she looked around in the darkness that surrounded her, and the only light she had shone on her. “Where are you!” she called only to have her voice thrown back at her.

A light appeared in front of her, the yellow ball grew, and grew until it was the size of a house. Then the ball of yellow light opened it’s eye, and stared at her. Starlight jumped back in surprise, and the eye shrunk along with it’s body appearing out of nowhere.

“Hi there Starlight” the triangular shaped being said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, name’s Bill Cipher. And I will be here to ruin your day.”

Starlight stared at the being with a look of confusion and fear, but soon replacing it was anger as her horn glowed when she moved towards him. “How dare you?!”

“How dare I what?” Bill asked with a shrug.

“You have the gall to tell me that nopony cares about me?!”

“Well it’s true isn’t it?” Bill asked. “What pony would care about the mare that nearly ruined their lives?”

Starlight looked on in disbelief. “I d-didn’t ruin anypony’s-”

“Shhh” Bill said touching her lips with a finger to silence her. “I understand, you were just trying to help” he said gently, which the mare nodded her assent to.

“It’s okay” Bill said with a nod. “I get it, you meant no harm at all right?”

Starlight nodded.

“And besides, you were expecting punishment for your actions” he said an image of her gulping when she was called in to the common ruin of the element bearers appeared directly behind them. “Right?”

Starlight nodded once more.

Bill moved his fingers away from the mare’s lips floating away from her as he watched the image of Starlight talk to the rest of the mane six.

A few seconds passed. Starlight was still angry, but she felt maybe that by watching this, this being would let her get back to normal sleep. Cut her some slack for the large amount of angst she’d been through for the past few days

Bill was still staring at the events watching them unfold in silence. Then raising his hand and with a wave of his wrist the image disappeared, leaving only the darkness that surrounded them plain in sight.

Starlight waited. Staying in her spotlight till she was allowed to leave.

Looking around the mare saw that she was really in total darkness. Turning her attention back to where the being called “Bill” would be, instead she found him now extremely close to her face, forcing her to jump back in surprise before she gave him a glare.

“I see. You really are changing for the better aren’t you?” Bill said with a sympathetic eye.

“Of course I am!” she said defiantly. “I’ve learned from my mistakes and I won’t be making the same one’s again.”

A small chuckle escaped the being as he circled her, his eye never leaving her from his view.

“Well then. We’ll see just have to see about that. Won’t we?” a snap of his finger echoed throughout the domain then everything went black for Starlight. And with a start, the mare woke up in a cold sweat at her home back in Little Village.

She looked out the window, it was still night. Going to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water to drink the mare went back to bed to get a little more sleep before she began moving around to see what she could do to help her new friends out today.

Once asleep Starlight Glimmer, fell into a dreamless and sound sleep.

And not another dream came to her that night.

Birds chirped, awakening the unicorn mare from her dreamless slumber. Rising from her bed, Starlight Glimmer yawned, stretching only a bit before she slowly got out of bed with more effort than she thought was necessary.

Going to her bathroom and brushing her teeth the mare, thought about the events that had unfolded the night before.

What a strange dream...Who was that anyway? She couldn’t bother to recall the name as she rinsed her mouth and spat into the sink before turning off the tap.

Staring at her reflection for a few more seconds Starlight couldn’t shake off that nervous feeling about what the being had said to her.

You think they forgive you?” the voice echoed in her head, but was silenced with a shake. A determined look crossing over her face.

“They do. I’ve changed” she whispered to herself, more than to the reflection. “They accepted me back home, the only solution is they must be willing to give me another chance.” A second or two passed by after she said this, her nerves calming if only a little.

With a nod to her reflection the mare turned around, and left the building, only to see a letter at the foot of her stairs.

She opened it, quickly scanning the letter and it’s contents.

Dear Starlight Glimmer,
Certain events have caused my friends and I to journey to another country to solve a friendship problem. It is unclear as of yet when we will be back, but I will be sure to inform you when, so that we may continue your friendship rehabilitation.

Your Friend,
Twilight Sparkle.

Starlight smiled, though weakly. She nodded folding the map and teleported it to her room where she would store it in a drawer later.

Twilight and the others really are the kindest ponies I’ve ever met. Giving me a second chance like this . She smiled happily as she began her trot through the town, where she could see what she could do to help. At the very least she had to make herself useful now that she was back.

But as the mare troted through the small town she noticed something. No pony was out and about enjoying the sunny morning that Celestia and the pegasi had so kindly given them. It was strange considering how the ponies of this small town preferred to be outside busying themselves with things than staying cooped up in their houses.

So she began knocking on doors. First trying Tea Set’s place. Knocking on the earth mare’s home Starlight Glimmer waited for a few seconds, which turned to minutes expecting the coffee mare to come out holding a usual cup of coffee with slightly disheveled hair.

But no such response was given in return.

“Maybe she went out?” Next she tried another house nearby. There was no response here also. Starlight’s brows furrowed as she began to frown. “And I guess, Trick Show isn’t here either.”

She tried a few more, but all yielded the same result. Each house that seemed to be empty or void of any form of life that had lived there the day before sent a chill up Starlight’s spine.

Something’s not right here.

She turned on a hoof, and galloped down the line of houses straight to Party Favor. Pausing for a second to take a breath the mare raised her hoof, and knocked. There was no response.

Dread began to take over. “What happened to everyone?” She knocked again, louder, each knock echoing into the emptiness of the town. “Hello!” she cried, trying to keep strength in her voice. “Party Favor are you there?!”

She continued knocking, and knocking and knocking, till she heard the tumblers of the door unlock and open. Starlight jumped back surprised and frightened by the sudden act but relaxed to see a tired Party Favor trotting towards her, with a tired and annoyed look.

“Starlight? Ugh” he said lifting a hoof to his head. “What- What’s wrong why all the noise?”

“What do you mean why?” she asked anger now taking over. “There’s no pony here! I’ve knocked on almost every single door in this town, only for no response to come in return. The only houses left are yours and Double Diamond’s!”

Party Favor’s headache seemed to immediately disappear at this statement as he looked at her with concern. “Really?”

Starlight nodded, worry still clear in her eyes.

“Cmon” Party Favor said. “Let’s go check on him, I don’t like this one bit.” And so the two left the partying stallion’s house in the direction of the unicorn’s home.

It only took a few seconds to get there since it was directly next to Party Favor’s. Starlight knocked. There was no reply.

She bit her lip concern taking over, ready to knock again till Party Favor held a hoof for her to wait. She did, and Party Favor lifted his hoof up turned the doorknob and watched it slowly open with a ominous creak.

The two looked inside. The room was still neatly set. No papers or anything of the sort around. All the equipment Double Diamond used to inspect the best of gems, diamonds and jewels neatly up on the wall.

Party Favor entered, leaving the concerned unicorn behind for a second before she quickly followed.

“I’ll check upstairs. You look around here” he said before trotting towards the staircase and heading up to Double Diamond’s bedroom.

Starlight looked around. The place was well organized, as she would expect from Double Diamond. Looking at all the equipment that hung on the wall behind a glass case, she now took note of how much work Double Diamond put into his job.

She frowned. And to think I took all that away, something glinted from the window of n adjacent room the at reflected off the glass panel. Turning around and moving towards the room Starlight opened the door and looked inside.

What she saw made her choke up.

Right before her eyes, was a breathtaking beautiful teardrop shaped gem, that glinted so beautifully from the light that came from a window nearby.

Starlight felt her eyes begin to sting and a lump fill her throat. “It’s so- so beautiful” she sniffed, placing a hoof to her chest as if she had just been proposed to. “Oh my goodness Double Diam-”

“STARLIGHT!! GET OVER HERE!” Party Favor yelled, making the mare jump. The sound that came from Party Favor was not one of anger or great fear, but another note she couldn’t put her hoof on exactly that greatly disturbed her. Casting one last glance at the beautiful gem in the room Starlight closed the door and made her way upstairs.

Upstairs was Double Diamond, Party Favor sitting a couple of inches away from him about a hoof’s distance, when Starlight joined them Double Diamond turned his head in their direction before he faced his attention back to the window in silence.

Starlight could feel the tension in the air rise. “Diamond?” she said silently. The unicorn did not move, but his ear twitched at the call of his name.

“What’s wrong with him?” Starlight asked with concern. Party Favor shrugged, his face reflecting the worry off hers. “I don’t know, he just won’t talk. Asked if you were here and told me to call you up here so he could tell you something. He’s just been sitting like this for minutes, maybe even all night staring out the window.”

Party Favor backed away, allowing Starlight to move towards the white stallion. As she approached she could feel something in the air that she recognized but could not tell or recall what that name was.

She sat a few inches away from Double Diamond, staring out the window he looked at.

“Um..Diamond, what’s wrong? And where is everypony else?”

Silence ensued for a few moments. Before the sullen looking unicorn looked at Starlight with a look she had seen and an emotion she had felt so strongly days ago. Anger.

Starlight flinched. “Diamond, c’mon say something what’s wrong? Where is everypony?” her voice was rising to a small shout.

Diamond didn’t reply. He merely stared at her in silence. His eyes mirroring the anger, the hatred she had held so strongly for Twilight and her friends days ago.

Then he licked his lips, slowly. Before speaking. His voice hoarse, but not lacking in the coldness that she felt kissed her with every word.

“They left Starlight. I tried to get them to stay. I spent days trying to convince them, but some wouldn’t listen. The rest ended up packing up and leaving last night. They’re all gone.”

Starlight felt her heart skip a beat, fear squeezing her “W-What do you mean they’re gone? Where did they go?”

Double Diamond shook his head, his disheveled mane falling over his eyes, before he brushed it aside with a hoof the anger not leaving those eyes.

“I don’t know Starlight. All I know is that they left. They wouldn’t listen. But I can’t blame them, anyone would.”

Starlight’s fear now mixed with fear. “What do you mean they left? Diamond you’re not making sense, why did they-”

He held a hoof in silence then turned his body around now facing her completely before he leaned in close to her face. His eyes growing colder by the second as they took in her scared and worried form.

“They left...they left because of you.”

It was like she’d been shot at point blank rage with a gun, the words of the triangle being echoing in her head once more.

“Do you really think they’ve forgiven you for what you’ve done? HA! That’s hilarious!”

Starlight Glimmer woke up with a start, in cold sweat. Her breath was heavy, but slowly relaxed as she heard the birds chirping in the light of day. She looked around, to see where she was only to find she was back in her room.

Shaken, was an understatement for how she felt.

Getting up and going to the bathroom the mare thought about the events that had unfolded the night before, as she began brushing her teeth.

Was I having two dreams in a row? she shook her head, a sheepish smile crossing her face as she dabbed her lips and spat out the toothpaste in her mouth. “No, I’m just stressed is all” she said to her reflection. “Yeah...that’s it.”

With a nod to her reflection the mare turned around, and left the building, only to see a letter at the foot of her stairs.

She picked up ready to read it till she froze. ...I’ve done this before...haven’t I? In that dream? No, she said with a shake of her head. Just deja vu.

She opened it reading the letter.

Dear Starlight Glimmer,
Certain events have caused my friends and I to journey to another country to solve a friendship problem. It is unclear as of yet when we will be back, but I will be sure to inform you when, so that we may continue your friendship rehabilitation.

Your Friend,
Twilight Sparkle.

Starlight smiled, though weakly. “Just deja vu” she said to herself. Zapping the letter it disappeared towards her room before she began her descent down the stairs and her rounds in search of other ponies.

It was still early in the morning so she decided to head towards Tea Set’s and see what the mare was up to. Halfway up the path though, she stopped dead in her tracks.

“...Maybe I’ll try Trick Show’s place first” she headed in the earth stallion’s direction. Once reaching the home she knocked. No response.

“...Just a coincidence I’m sure” she said to herself as a bead of sweat began to form. Turning around and sprinting towards Quick Sprint’s house the unicorn, rather roughly banged on the door repeatedly in the form of a knock.

No response.

Anger, fear, and annoyance began to take over Starlight as she tried the house next to it. No response. She tried again. No response. A fourth time, still. A fifth. No response. A sixth, nothing.

Finally she stopped. Her breath heavy. She was tired from running house to house and banging on the doors to get a response. “Fine!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the town. “I’ll just ask Party Favor and have him tell me where you all went!”

She turned her attention in the direction of the house but froze. To see a stallion at the end of small town, the town’s very entrance staring off into the distance. It was Party Favor, and on him he had a saddlebag that was loaded with tons of other things.

She gulped, adrenaline kicking into her bloodstream as she went from a slowly disbelieving stride to a quick gallop. WIthin seconds she had covered the distance, a feat of which she wouldn’t have been able to perform under normal conditions.

Skidding to a stop, she watched Party Favor turn in her direction, a sad look on his face.

“Party! Party, oh thank goodness you’re still here!” she said wrapping a foreleg around the stallion. A hug which he didn’t seem inclined to return. “Party?” she said, but the stallion merely remained standing his ground.

Starlight broke the hug, looking at him with concern. “Party...what’s wrong?” she asked fear creeping into her voice.

Party Favor averted his gaze from the mare, ignoring how she seemed to show the look of pain on her face.

“Party Favor please..where is everypony? Please” Starlight implored. Party Favor sighed, a tired sigh. His voice weak with sadness, his eyes wet with tears.

“I’m sorry Starlight.”

Starlight’s look of concern went down the drain as a stunned look crossed her face, her ears wilting. She laughed. It was forced, as Party Favor backed away at it.

“Sorry?! For what?” she asked, “Go on tell me. Where is everypony?”

His response was pointing down the trail that led out the city, in the distance Starlight could just barely make out the shadows of something being pulled.

“I’m sorry Starlight, but they’re gone. All of them” his voice weakening as he continued. “This town’s dead Starlight, everypony left. We tried to convince them to stay, that you’d changed for the good, but” he looked away.
Starlight stared at Party Favor in disbelief. Many emotions mixing, brewing within her. She thought they’d accepted her. Or was this another dream? Would she wake up again in her bed and have to endure this again?

But it all feels so real she thought as tears began to well in her eyes. “Please...Party Favor, we can we can get them back. We’ll convince them. I’ve changed, please” she said grasping both the stallion’s hooves.

Party Favor smiled weakly. A glint in his eyes that was not lost on Starlight, she smiled at him hopefully tears still in her eyes.

“I wish I could Starlight. But I don’t think they’ll come back” he said moving his hoof away. “They all think you haven’t changed. They still think that at the drop of a hoof you’ll go back to your old ways.

“I’m sorry Starlight, but..they can’t forgive you.” He looked back at the now empty town. “Double Diamond left not too long ago, he said he wished he didn’t let you back in if he knew things would end up like this.”

Party Favor brushed a tear away as he turned towards the cart and latched it on around him. “And I’m sorry to say but...I wish I hadn’t agreed either.”

Starlight Glimmer woke up with a start, in cold sweat. Her breath was heavy, but slowly relaxed as she heard the birds chirping in the light of day. She looked around, to see where she was only to find she was back in her room.

Tears began to sting her eyes once she realized where she was. Again? she asked. I don’t deserve this! I know I deserve punishment but this?! she placed a hoof on her heart. It felt like it was being torn apart.

Taking a deep breath the mare relaxed herself, brushing the tears away. Determination taking over as all other emotions began to continue to brew within her but conviction being the strongest.

“No!” she said as she quickly slid out of bed, brushing her teeth in a hurry and moving on out of the room. “Twilight said if I wanted friendships to last, then I have to work to make sure they do!”

“I can fix this!” she said with determination and trotted out.

And so she moved on, going from building to building. Knocking on the doors. With no response coming from each one. And every time she knocked, she felt her determination rise.

Then her ears twitched as she heard noise coming from one of the homes she had so seriously knocked on. It sounded like...somepony had dropped something.

Quickly Starlight galloped back knocking on the door desperately in attempts to get a reply.

She did.

“Go away!” the voice called. It stung but she pushed on. “Please let me in. I want to make things right! I want to show you I’ve changed!”

“Changed?! Pfft- Yeah right! You were always serious and strict when it came to equality, why would you change so suddenly!”

Starlight froze, her banging ceasing. The pony within the house had a point. She had changed and to them it may have seemed quite sudden, but they hadn’t seen her in months. It was understandable. The words Twilight spoke to her echoing in her very being.

“Please give me one more chance! I’m just asking you for one! Please!” she begged.

Silence resumed in the house. Minutes passed and no one opened the door, Starlight felt hurt, broken. If she had any shred of confidence left it had been greatly afflicted as she turned around and began her slow walk away from the home.

Then a click came behind her. Quickly turning around. Starlight felt hope rise in her as the pegasus mare came out looking around before she approached the pale heliotrope unicorn.

Starlight smiled, hope filling within her as Quick Sprint came closer to her. The pegasus stopped in front of her staring at Starlight with a small smile of her own.

“Let’s go see where the others are” Quick Sprint offered. Starlight nodded a new hope filling her, as she and the mare moved towards Double Diamonds house only to find the unicorn packing up.

“Double Diamond we have a-” she paused, seeing the unicorn packing all of his stuff. “W-Where are you going?” she asked hoping that he was on a trip.

“I’m leaving Starlight.”

The confidence she held dropped. But not completely. “But, but Quick Sprint offered to help. Look she’s-” Starlight paused as she saw that the light yellow pegasus, was no longer by her side, but instead was now packing everything, trotting down the path with all her belongings in a cart.

“What? But she was right here just now.” Double Diamond threw the last of his stuff into the cart then latched it on.

“Sorry Starlight. But no one wants to stay here. I tried, but I’m tired of trying to convince. It’s been days since you got back and since then I’ve done my best. But if everypony’s leaving then I can’t stay in an empty town.”

Anger began to fill the hope that had once filled the mare, and kept her going. All feelings of determination now gone, and all other emotions of fear, anger, depression that had been kept in place by the confidence she held bubbling over. Till finally, Starlight couldn’t take it anymore.

Collapsing to her haunches she watched as Quick Sprint, Trick Show, and several other people of her town leave, tears slowly cascading down her face as she watched them all leave.

Then she heard it. She heard his voice. “I told you Starlight. They wouldn’t forgive you. You were naive to think they ever would consider it, but hey look at it this way” Bill’s voice said. “At least they tried.”

She shook her head, her heart aching, the tears flowing more fluently. No, I’ve changed “Please” she said in a whisper as she watched all of her so called friends leave her. As she watched all the townsfolk of their little home leave, everyone leaving the vicinity till only Double Diamond and Party Favor remained.

“Sorry Starlight. We tried. We really did” Party Favor said sympathetically. Moving over to her and brushing his fetlock over the mare’s face Starlight swatted the hoof away in anger.

“It’s just” Double Diamond sighed before he turned his back to her. Moving down the path out of the city, with Party Favor looking back at her with sad eyes.

“They just can’t forgive you.”

Then she saw it. The mares that had accepted her despite her blunder, despite her major mistake. She saw them. The six mares and dragon standing at the very end of the road waving the ponies of her home to pass on by. Not even trying to stop them.

Starlight’s eyes widened in horror. Her lips trembling, and with a shaky voice she managed to say. “I thought you forgave me. I thought that you would help me!” she shouted.

Applejack tipped her hat downwards so that it covered her eyes, as the rest of the group looked away with pained expressions. “We tried Starlight. But we can’t make these ponies stay if they don’t want to.”

“We can’t force them to stay.” Twilight said with an apologetic look.

Starlight couldn’t believe her ears. Her breathing quickened. Tears began to flow even more, she was sweating, scared and most of all angry.

Darkness consumed, surrounded her. Then a yellow light formed way from above.

Bill Cipher watched the trembling Starlight from the shadows. “Hmm...maybe I went a little too far” he muttered as he heard her whimper. But upon hearing a sob, he shrugged it off. “Then again maybe not.”

Starlight froze. She heard the voice again. “No one cares about you, no one forgives you, no one wants you. And that’s why Sunburst left you.

Anger rose within her. She turned towards the yellow light above and screamed: “Leave me alone!!”

A cold cackling laugh was the only response Bill gave before the light enveloped her. The last words she heard was: “As you wish.

A blinding light enveloped Starlight, all the darkness fading away before her, as the light grew closer and closer. So bright that she had to shield her eyes.

Bill’s laugh echoed in her ears one final time, “Nopony cares.”

Starlight Glimmer awoke in a cold sweat. She heard the birds chirping, tears stained her face and she was no longer sure if this was real or if this was fake.

“Starlight!” a worried voice said to her. She spun in place to see that it was Double Diamond and Party Favor, three other ponies looking in through the door and window to see what was going on.

“Starlight what’s wrong? We heard you crying in your sleep” Party Favor said with deep concern.

Starlight simply stared as another tear left her eye. Is this real or not? she asked herself. “I- I” she stuttered. Party Favor and Double Diamond’s worried expressions increasing as the mare struggled to say something.

Then she felt a hoof quickly wrap around her neck and pull her into an embrace. Double Diamond holding the mare tightly to his chest as he shushed her. Party Favor went back to tell the others to give them sometime to settle this. the concerned group of townsfolk complied leaving the other two stallions to deal with the issue.

Starlight continued to sob, for only a few seconds before she pulled herself together.

“Starlight” Party Favor said gently. “What happened?”

Starlight lifted her tearstained face to the stallion only to see the kindness in his face that he had showed her, just like in the dreams. But this time it felt different. Double Diamond released the mare and backed away to give her some space as Starlight calmed herself and looked at the two stallions before smiling weakly.

“I...I’ll tell you later.” Her horn glowed, then she disappeared right before their eyes. Reappearing near Double Diamond’s house Starlight quickly left the town heading in the direction of Ponyville, in the distance she could hear the concerned calls of her real friends shouting out to her to return.

*** ***** ***


Darkness was the only thing I could see. No doubt I was back in those dream phases again.

However I couldn’t dwell long on where I was as something else caught my attention. I could vaguely, just vaguely make out the shape of a common room. Moving towards the figures the place seemed to brighten just a bit, enough for me to see easily now if I focused hard enough.

I was back in Twilight’s castle.

My eyes narrowed, trotting forward I moved through the castle till I came to my own bedroom where I felt for some reason I had been drawn to. I opened the door, only to see a window shining on a single mare.

The mare had a purple mane with aquamarine highlights and also had a heliotrope coat. I moved towards her. “Excuse me” I said. She didn’t move.

“Who are you?”

Quite suddenly she began to sob. This disturbed me greatly.

“Um are you alright?” I asked after a few seconds of silence.

She shook her head and turned to stare at me, my eyes falling on the mark that was just above her horn.

Bill Cipher’s eye glowed on the mare’s forehead.

The mare stared at me with tears streaming from her eyes before she said. “He’s always watching.”


“Hailstorm! Hailstorm wake up mate!” I could feel myself being shaken before I quickly opened my eyes and sat up on my haunches.

Swift Strike kneeled over me, a look of concern glazing his face. “Hey mate we’re back in Equestria” the train we were in shook as it bounced on the tracks. “Twilight and the others told me to come check on you, but you seemed to be having a bad dream.”

I blinked running a hoof over my face. “Thanks. Thanks for uh, waking me up.” He nodded with a smile. The train lurched forward before coming to an easy stop.

Soon enough I heard the clopping of hooves on the carpeted floor before Screwball popped her head inside her eyes focusing on me. “Cmon you guys, Twilight and the others want to get back to the castle quickly to check on Spike.”

I nodded sliding out of the bed I had slept in moving towards the door, with Swift Strike following behind.

Screwball walked by my side as I followed the others outside, as we left the train station I could feel her eyes staring at me, before she asked gently. “How’d you sleep? Have any interesting dreams?”

I froze. Watching her walk by me with that same wacky grin, before she winked following after the others. Swift Strike threw a grin my way.

Now nearing Twilight’s castle all I felt was tired. The warning’s Stanford Pines had told me about were still fresh in my head. And the recent dream I had just gotten was no comfort either.

Twilight opened the door and everyone went up the steps to the common room. I was the last to follow.

When I got up there I immediately noticed the tension in the air. Climbing the steps I saw how each mare stared ahead with a look of worry on their face. Twilight especially who had begun sweating.

I turned my attention to what, or who they were looking at. Spike stood there, his claws behind his back looking just as nervous as the others, minus Swift Strike who simply held a confused look, and Screwball who held a blank expression.

Sitting in front of the table was the unicorn I had seen in my dream. Her mane dishevelled most likely her hasty rush down here, she seemed exceptionally tired. Beside her. The princess of the sun herself stood tall, her wings spread.

The look on her face was not a welcoming one.

“Hailstorm, Twilight and company. We need to talk, now.