//------------------------------// // Limestone: Playing With The Heart // Story: Chosen Love // by Just A Random Pegasus //------------------------------// Limestone saw a soccer ball fly though the air and roll perfectly into a goal. The pegasi on the field cheered, causing Limestone to look at the other side of the court. Brave Flight had a proud smile on his face. It looked like he had made a goal from across the entire court. Lightning, who was beside Limestone, gave Brave a smile. "You did it, Brave!" He yelled over as the brown stallion proudly lifted his head up. Sapphire took notice of Limestone and Lightning and flew over. "Lighting! Limestone! There you are!" She remarked as she held out her hoof. Lightning bumped hers with his. Limestone did the same. "Did you guys start yet?" Lightning asked as Sapphire shook her head. "Not yet. Brave finally made his full court goal!" She responded, her face lighting up. "He's been training for a while. It's great to see he finally achieved this." Lightning nodded. "Yeah. Say, aren't you trying that as well?" Sapphire nodded. "Yep! But, it's gonna take a little while before I can actually do it. I'll have to achieve a stronger kick." Lightning gave her a smile. "Well, I know you'll get it soon. You're a pretty strong kicker." Limestone suddenly felt her heart hurting after he said those words. She immediately became unhappy with herself. Why was she jealous? He was just complementing a friend. Yeah, a friend. No matter how many times she told herself that Sapphire and Lightning were just friends, her heart still quenched with untreatable jealousy. Sapphire gave Lighting a smile. "Thanks! Now, let's get started!" She then motioned for the other pegasi to come over. "What are the teams?" Cloud Warrior asked, ruffling his feathers. Sapphire turned to him, trying to decide. "Okay. Well, me, Lightning Drift, and Brave Flight will be on one team. Limestone, Speed Blast, Cloud Warrior, and Stormy Night will be on the other team. Now... get to your sides!" She remarked as the teams separated. Limestone trotted next to Speed Blast, who seemed to be lost in her own world. "Wow, Sapphire seems like a really good coach. From what I see of her, at least," Limestone remarked as Speed snapped back into reality and nodded her head. "Well, her talent is coaching. She's the gym coach for Vanhoover elementary. She's basically coaching in all areas, whether that be sports or flight," Speed responded as Limestone smiled. "Interesting! What do you do for a living?" Limestone asked as Speed Blast beamed. "Well, I work on the weather team. Same with everypony else in our group of friends except Sapphire. I'm known for busting clouds with speed, which theoretically means I use more power when busting them. Brave Flight is known for his stunts, Cloud Warrior is known for his cloud clearing record, Stormy Night is known for the storms he kicks up, and Lightning Drift is known for the lightning he creates. We're like a weather team gang. We just added Sapphire to our group of friends because she seemed like an awesome mare. Now, you're one of us!" Speed responded as Limestone shook her head, still smiling. "I can't be one of you guys! I'm not even a Pegasus! I can't get a few feet off the ground!" Limestone responded, looking at her wingless back. "Well, you're still our friend. And, you can still play sports with us. There's no rule against that," Speed replied as a whistle was heard. Sapphire was then seen hovering in the air. "Alright! Decide who's playing where. Make sure to choose the roles wisely!" She stated before flying down to her team and forming a huddle. Limestone and her team then formed a huddle as well, deciding where to assign. Cloud Warrior was the first to speak. "Okay. So, I'll get goal, Stormy and Speed can get offense, and Limestone, you can be defense." Limestone cocked her head. "I'm sorry, but I've never played. What does defense do?" "Oh, your role is easy. Just move to assure the ball doesn't roll into the goal. Kick it up to Stormy or Speed if you end up blocking it. You'll learn," Cloud Warrior responded, walking away from the huddle and to the goal. Stormy and Speed hoof-bumped before walking over to offense. Limestone stood her ground where she was, guessing that was supposed to be where defense was. Stormy and Speed were going face-to-face with Lightning and Sapphire. Sapphire threw the soccer ball up in the air as everypony watched it fall to the ground. It bounced once before Stormy struck it with his hoof, causing it to roll forward. Fast. Sapphire ran down to the ball, kicking it over to the opposing side. Lightning took it as his cue to kick it to the goal. Limestone looked up to see Lightning charging towards her. She quickly darted from her space and kicked the ball away from Lightning's hooves. A wave of pride washed over her as she saw the ball she kicked go soaring through the air. She could actually play soccer! Sapphire quickly got the ball after it landed, running it to the opposing side. She kicked it as everypony watched it fly to the goal. It was then stopped by Cloud Warrior, who kicked it hard. Lightning tried his best to stop it with his head, but the force of the ball caused him to land on the ground with a thud. As soon as he fell, Sapphire blew the whistle hanging around her neck. Everypony stopped for a moment as she walked over to Lightning. "Wow. I didn't realize Cloud Warrior was that strong," Sapphire remarked as she held her hoof out for him to take. Lightning looked at her for a few seconds before taking her blue hoof in his golden one and standing up. Sapphire gave him a smile before trotting back to her position. Meanwhile, Limestone was slowly feeling rage bubble up inside of her. The way Sapphire talked to him. The way they looked at each other. The way that they touched each other. Everything about those two made Limestone grow a severe case of jealousy. Her ears folded back against her head as she kept processing this. Lightning was probably in love with Sapphire, and she probably shared the same feelings. The Stone must have lied! She felt even more rage consume her heart. The wasted time she spent here. Oh, why must love feel this way? Limestone looked up with rage filled eyes to find the soccer ball flying over to her. It landed in front of her hooves. After a second of her tensing her muscles, she drew a hoof back and strongly kicked it. It flew through the sky, cutting the air. Everypony watched it as it flew into a river quite a distance away. They then looked back at Limestone with surprised expressions. Limestone glanced at them, her eyes still filled with anger. "What?" She asked as Speed Blast started hovering in the air. "I'm going to get the ball from the river. Be right back!" Speed remarked as she quickly flew over to the small, flowing body of water. Silence hung over the court as Cloud Warrior slowly clapped. Limestone looked back to him, a scowl still remaining on her face. "Limestone, that was extremely powerful! Honestly, I had no idea you had that in you," Cloud said as Limestone looked to the ground. "I didn't know I had it in me either," Limestone responded, a certain snap in her voice. She then felt a hoof on her shoulder. "Hey! Are you okay?" The voice asked. Limestone looked over to see Sapphire giving her a smile. Limestone turned her head away. "Yeah. I'm fine." Sapphire raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound fine. You sound angry." Limestone looked back to Sapphire, rage clearly imprinted in her eyes. "I'm not angry!" Sapphire took her hoof off of Limestone's shoulder. "Are you sad because you kicked the ball into the river? If you're afraid you lost it, don't worry! I have a huge bag full of them at my house." Limestone gave Sapphire a glare as she felt her vision blur a bit. "Just stop asking me! I'm fine!" She snapped as she looked away. Sapphire's ears folded back against her head. "Sorry, "Princess". I was just trying to help a friend out. And, like always, nopony respects what I do," Sapphire responded as she turned away from Limestone. Those words sent regret through Limestone's veins. Limestone turned to find Sapphire looking away from her. She let out a sigh. "Sapphire... I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to explode. I'm just... ugh! I can't explain it!" Limestone remarked as she tensed her hoof in frustration. Sapphire looked back to her. "Do you need somepony to vent to?" She asked, sympathy now dwelling in her eyes. Limestone shook her head. "I'm fine, Sapphire. Thanks for the consideration, though. I think it's better for me to handle my problem alone." Sapphire nodded her head and smiled. "Alright. You're fine. And I'll always be here for you, no matter how long you stay in Vanhoover. Okay?" Limestone gave Sapphire a smile back. "Okay." Speed Blast came flying back from the river, empty-hooved. "I lost it! Should we go get another one?" Speed asked as Sapphire thought. After a moment, Sapphire shook her head. "No. I think I would rather me and you, Speed, spend some time with Limestone. Just have a mare's day." Sapphire looked back to Limestone. "If that's okay with you. I know you don't want to share what you're going through, but I do know it's always good to have some good friends around to get whatever this is off your mind." Limestone smiled and nodded. "Alright. I guess we could hang out this afternoon." The stallions walked over to the mares. Lightning was the first to speak. "Well, I guess we'll see you mares later!" He then turned around to the stallions. "Who's up for a race?" "Woo-hoo!" The four stallions cheered at once as they took off into the sky. The mares watched them fly away before Speed turned to Sapphire and Limestone. "So... what do you want to do?" Speed asked. Sapphire wasted no time in thinking. "Let's go to my house! There's a gym in my basement and everything!" Sapphire suggested as Speed nodded. "Yeah! Sapphire's house is awesome!" She then turned to Limestone. "Limestone?" Limestone looked at the two before smiling. "Sure!" She answered. "So... how long do you plan to stay here in Vanhoover?" Speed Blast asked, shifting on the comfortable couch she was sitting on. The three mares were sitting in Sapphire's living room, chatting about whatever comes to mind. Limestone thought for a moment. "Honestly? I don't know. I just came for a... vacation, I guess." Sapphire tilted her head. "Really? For a vacation? There's seriously not much at all to do here in Vanhoover. Why'd you come here?" Sapphire asked as Limestone felt her face heat up. "Uh... well... it seemed nice here... so I... uh..." Sapphire let out a small giggle. "Limestone, I can tell that you're lying. Believe me. Fillies and colts are always lying about forgetting to bring their gym uniforms to my class. I can see through a lie." Limestone's face reddened as she looked down. "Well... you're right. I just... well... don't want to talk about the real reason I came here." Speed tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What could be so bad that you wouldn't want to talk about it? You can trust us, Limestone." Limestone's ears folded against her head. "I know. It's just... very hard to explain." She then let out a sigh. "Honestly, I think I'm about ready to leave. You all are great friends. I just... well... think coming here was a waste of my time, to say the least." Sapphire looked at Limestone in silence for a bit. "Sorry, but I'm a little confused. You seemed to enjoy it here. What happened?" Limestone turned her head away. "I feel like my heart is being pulled away, but also wanting to stay here," she said in a small whisper. The mares sat in silence for a moment before Speed spoke up. "So... are you saying you have a crush on somepony here?" She asked as Limestone kept her glance to the ground. "It's really hard to explain. But, okay, scratch what I just said. Now, I really want to stay here... it's just... ugh! I feel like I was lied to, and I don't stand a chance." Sapphire put a hoof on her shoulder. "Hey? Are you sure you're okay?" Sapphire asked as Limestone shook her head. "Well... not really." She then stood up from the chair she was sitting on. "I'm sorry, but I think I need to have some alone time. I don't know why I'm so depressed about this. It's just... really hard for me to process." Before she left, she gave them a smile. "I guess I'll... see you tomorrow, maybe?" Sapphire and Speed nodded. "Yeah." They said as Limestone nodded. "Could I possibly meet you here at noon?" Limestone asked as Sapphire nodded. "Of course you can!" Sapphire responded. "Great! Thanks! See you tomorrow!" "See ya!" Sapphire and Speed said as Limestone left the house. Limestone stepped into the fresh, afternoon breeze. What was happening to her? She had no idea she could be this enraged over just a small pang of jealousy. Her composure drooped as she started to slowly walk home, deep in thought. As she was walking, she felt a gust of wind above her, and then a sudden presence next to her. She glanced to find Lightning Drift looking at her, his eyes filled with concern. "Limestone?" He asked as Limestone looked away, desperately not wanting him to see her blush. "Yeah?" "A-are you okay? You seem upset. I hope me or my friends didn't do anything hurtful to you," Lightning responded as Limestone turned her head to look at him. "No, you're fine. It's complicated. I just need to be alone for a short time," Limestone responded, trying to walk away from Lightning. The stallion walked up next to her. "Hey! I'm not letting a friend be alone!" He remarked as Limestone felt a smile inch its way up her cheeks. "Well... okay. Some company would be nice." Lightning nodded. "Definitely." After a moment of awkward silence, Limestone spoke up. "So... how was the race?" Lightning's face instantly lit up. "It was great! I actually beat Brave! He's, like, impossible to beat!" Limestone held out a hoof for him to bump without thinking. As his hoof touched hers, she felt a current of sparks flow through her. She quickly put her mind off of it before continuing. "Nice! He seems like he would be hard to beat." Lightning nodded his head. "Yeah. We, like, never beat him in anything. I felt really accomplished beating him." "I bet," Limestone responded. She quickly realized her hotel was very close. She turned to Lightning. "My hotel's up there." Lightning gave her a smile. "I know. You're saying you want to get away from me?" Limestone let out a slight giggle. "Get away? No, more like spend some alone time, away from you and everyone else." Lightning nudged her. "Hey, normally ponies never want to leave my presence. I'm usually too awesome for them to leave." Limestone nudged him back. "I guess, but I am one of the exceptions." "One of the few! One of the very few!" "I think you mean one of the many exceptions," Limestone sassily chirped as Lightning playfully rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. I'm done with you, Limestone." Lightning teased as he flicked her with his tail. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" Limestone nodded. "I guess so! I'm also meeting with Sapphire and Speed, so I don't know when I'll have time to spend with you." Lightning let out a snort. "Limestone, you have about twelve hours of daylight. I'm sure you can carve some time out for this awesomeness in front of you." Limestone cocked an eyebrow. "Getting cocky, are we?" She then giggled. "You should never be allowed to win against Brave again." Lightning put a hoof to his chest, trying to look offended. "Excuse you!" Limestone let out another giggled as she stepped into the hotel doors. "I'll see you tomorrow, loser." "See you tomorrow, double loser," Lightning responded as he walked away, leaving Limestone a smiling mess in the main lobby of the hotel. Oh, why must love be so confusing, but so amazing, at times?