Gah! Bucket please!

by StormDancer


Smiling contentedly, Twilight Sparkle looked over herself in the mirror.

It had taken a few days of research, a few hours of study, and almost twenty minutes of practice with minor alterations, but the spell was finished.

With a nod, her body lit up, bringing a slight frown back to her lips, before a series of light pink ripples shimmered over her coat, mane and tail. The soft tinkling of the spell faded as the faint glow of her magic slowly dimmed until only her horn remained alight.

She tilted her head one way and another, carefully checking over her reflection for mistakes in the thaumatic field before nodding firmly again with a smile.

"Finally!" she said, " And now that that's taken care of, let's see what we can do about my manestyle."

A number of brushes and combs floated up around her head, trying to fitfully tease the glossy straight form into something a little closer to her normal cut.


She trotted around the castle's library, kitchen, and halls, a small cloud of objects floating beside and around her. A chair was schooched in here, a drape pulled free of a tangle there, a veritable swarm of tiny feather dusters and dust cloths darting about and ushering out the dustbunnies, lions, tigers, and bears that had taken up residence in her week long hiatus from tending to the castle.

Sure, Spike was a wonderful assistant, and a godsend when it came to keeping things in order, but he was just a baby dragon after all... and her castle had clearly missed her glowing magic touch.

And everywhere she went, positively everywhere, a dim pink glow softly crept over the surfaces of things, carefully sealing them away from the clingy magic touch of Smooze goo.

Twilight finally reached the map room, the enormous crystal edifice that housed seven thrones (one spike sized), the roots of her old library suspended above as a chandelier, and the large crystal table that even now began to softly shimmer as she approached.

Heaving a breath at having used so much magic to try and return the castle to a 'presentable' state, Twilight idly cast her sealing spell a few more times, coating the table and thrones, before easing into her own throne with a weary, but accomplished smile.

"And now that that's taken care of, let's see if there's anything that needs the princess of friendship's services."

Smiling, she lit her horn again and... with an even greater smile, she realized it was only her horn... waited for the table to manifest the map of Equestria before her.

Griffonstone looks peaceful, check.
Ghastly Gorge looks ghastly, but also peaceful, check.
Tall Tail? Same as always, check.

Twilight continued checking off towns and locations, slowly picking through a mental checklist before eventually drawing back in towards Canterlot and Ponyville... the two being fairly close on the map, where she stopped to look over the floating cluster of cutie marks hovering just above her own little castle.

She was just about to sound the alarm when a loud thump announced the arrival of Rainbow Dash upon the, decidedly more durable, crystal of her window.

Moments later, the great crystal doors opened with a worried looking Applejack charging in followed by a bouncing Pinkie, a concerned Fluttershy, and a few moments later Rarity, sporting nothing less than a towel wrapped around her mane in a stylish (albeit obviously improvised) turban.

"Girls?" Twilight asked as she looked out across her friends, "what's going on?"

Applejack glanced around before leveling her gaze at Twilight, "Um.... not rightly sure Sugar. I came a'runnin' when my cutie mark started goin' off... guess I figured you'd know what was happenin'... what with the map and yer magic an' all."

Twilight blinked before looking at the map again.

"Uh... No idea, the map just lit up a second ago. And everyone's supposed to be here, " she tapped the little illusionary version of her own castle with a hoof, "apparently."

Rarity raised a carefully stenciled eyebrow before glancing at the map. "Well, Darling, I don't mean to sound rude, but perhaps the week long shut-in requires a bit more.... shall we say..."

Pinkie Pie's giggle-snort drew everypony's attention.

"What is it Pinkie Dear?" Rarity inquired.

Pinkie continued to giggle as she fell over backwards and began rolling on the floor, much to the confusion of everyone present.

"Pinkie?" prompted Twilight with a raised brow.

"You need a PARTY!" the pink mare suddenly exclaimed, a small explosion of confetti and streamers flying everywhere... only to flitter over a few surfaces.

Twilight swallowed involuntarily, but was thankful that nopony else seemed to notice the minute bits of paper deflecting off the countless magical barriers littering the hall.

"That sounds..." Applejack began.

"Like an excellent idea," Rarity finished with a firm nod and a smile. Turning to face Twilight again, "You certainly do need to get out and do something Twilight, you've been holed up in here for the last week. Let's all go down to the cafe and have a pleasant little lunch and you can tell us all about what you've been up to."

There were agreements all around before everyponies attention shifted to the opening doors again.

A disheveled Rainbow Dash staggered in and looked around. "I came as fast as I could. What're we up against now?"