//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Guardian Knights: Equestrian Angels // by AC Punk //------------------------------// An Unexpected Find The day after Astraea arrived in Ponyville, both her and Adam met up on the outskirts of town. It would be there that Adam would teach her. while he was doing this, Rarity was working on her "Angelic" fashion line. The outfit was easy enough to craft, finding a proper model was what caused the problem. Sure, she had intended for the outfit to be modeled by herself. But as the outfit started to come together, it was clear that she would not be able to model the Black and blue outfit. She would instead begin finding a girl who fit the specifications she was looking for. "Twilight; no. Rainbow Dash; she would never agree to it. Applejack; possible but unlikely. Fluttershy; no, I won't put her through that ever again. Pinkie; her coat would clash with the colors. Why is it so hard the find someone who has the hair and eyes to work a black on blue dress?" She asks herself as her frustration gpbegins to grow. Right as she is about to throw her notebook away, however, she hears the all to familiar sound of the bell chime at her front door ring. Walking to the showroom, Rarity stops dead in her tracks as her eyes spot a girl who would be perfect for the outfit she designed, she is wearing a Black treapnch coat and her leggings are tucked into her knee boots. Her hair is black and her eyes are hazel, but are accented by Light blue eye shadow. She turns to Rarity upon seeing her and speaks. "Uhh, are you the owner of this place?" The girl asks. Rarity shakes her head, returning to reality, then replies. "Why yes, my name is Rarity. Welcome to Carousel Boutique. How may I help you?" The girls grabs a backpack she was wearing and pulls out a white and red cloak with a massive rip going down the center of it. "I accidentally tore this, do you think you could fix it?" Rarity takes the cloak from her hands and examines it, then looks up with a smile. "I would be more then happy to repair your outfit, but I first need you to do something for me." She then grabs the girl by the wrist and takes her into the back. While Rarity was busy with the mystery girl, Adam and Astraea were practicing combat. Astraea had managed to get her powers under control faster the what was originally thought, so Adam decided to help her get her weapon. Turns out she was gifted a halberd by Faust, but her inexperience quickly showed as Adam knocked it from her hands. His Bladestaff had transformed from what it previously was, the blades had shrunken to the size of katana blades. As the two begin to finish up, Adam knocks Astraea back, her weapon coming out of her grasp. She takes a knee as Adam goes in for a final blow, but before he could land it, she begins to glow. "What the, Adam?" Astraea asks, not knowing what's happening. Adam says nothing as she is suddenly sealed in a block of ice. "Her powers have been awakened." he says to himself as the block begins to break. As it does this, Astraea is revealed to have undergone a transformation. Her hair now sports white highlights, her outfit now consists of a Knights chest piece underneath a Snow White trench coat, and she wears a set of knee boots and ice blue gloves. Looking closely, Adam can clearly make out an image in her eyes. Both of her eyes have changed from there usual color to two glowing white snowflakes with her pupils in their center. As she looks up, Astraea begins examining her new outfit with much interest. "Wow, this is amazing!" She says with enthusiasm. While this is going on, Rarity is helping the girl from before into the outfit she designed. The cloak she asked to be repaired is no where to be seen, but she is more focused on trying to figure out the strange patterns on the dress. As rarity zips up the back of the dress, the girl turns to face her. As rarity sees the outfit beimg worn, she takes mental notes of what else could be done to improve the design. "Miss Rarity," the girl says, "I thank you for showing me this, but I'm afraid I have to go. I have a train to catch." She then takes off the outfit, with Rarity's help, and takes her leave. But as she leaves, the cloak she brought in still lays in the store, forgotten. As she gets to the station, she doesn't realize it's missing until the train begins leaving. It's destination, Trottingham. Later that day, Adam arrives at Carousel Boutique with Astraea. She has reverted to her normal appearance and is wearing white scarf around her neck. As they enter the store, Rarity can be seen in the back, working on the dress. Seeing this, Adam and Astraea head into the back. As they enter the room, Rarity sees them. "Oh, hello Adam, Astraea. What bring you two here?" She asks. "Astraea wanted to see what you were working on, and against my own opinions I decided to tag along. So what are you working o-" Adam stops speaking as he spots the white and red cloak the girl from before left behind. He literally makes a b-line for it, much to the two girls shock, and picks it up. His eyes are wide and filled with a mix of shock and sadness. Turning, he looks at rarity. "Where did you get this." He asks her. "Why, a girl came in earlier today asking for it to be repaired. Unfortunately, in my haste to have her model my newest outfit, she and I must have completely forgotten about it. Why do you ask?" Adam drops to his knees and holds the cloak close as tears begin falling down his face. He looks up at the two girls. "This was my girlfriend's, it was a gift. Ashley was here, AND I FUCKING MISSED HER!" He yells before falling to the floor. He begins crying, but stops as a hand touches his back. Looking up, he sees rarity with a smile on her face. "It's okay Adam, this is only proof that she is alive and well. Sadly, the girl that came in looked nothing like the description you gave of her to us at the party pinkie through for you and Astraea last night." Adam then gets up to his feet, wiping his tears. "Ashley was a highly skilled shapeshifter. She could use her powers to not only change her own appearance, but her friends as well. She probably changed her appearance to not draw attention to herself." Adam explains. Hearing this, Rarity gets a flashback to the changelings, but quickly shakes her head. She repairs the cloak shortly after the conversation and gives to Adam, who wears it over his shoulder. As the three friends of their separate ways, the night sky begins to appear. As Adam returns to his room at the castle, he places the cloak on his bed and looks out into the night sky. "All I know is that you're alive, next step is finding you. I just hope I can get to you before something bad happens. Stay safe Ashley." He says. Meanwhile... The city of Trottingham, a city known for its industrial might and sophistication. But behind the guise of a good society is a a workforce of both adult and child labor, street gangs forcing people to go to work as there leader hides behind his shield of commerce and political standing. In the Whitestable Borough, a young man sits on the rooftops overlooking the rest of the city. In one of his hands is a set of brass knuckles, the other is being filled by kukri that appears to glow everytime he grips the handle tightly. Looking towards the lights, a tattoo can be seen on the young mans hand and up the back of his neck. "This city is suffering, the corruption has gone on long enough." He says, getting to his feet. As he does this, his tattoo and weapons begin glowing. "I am going to fix this, rid this city of its corruption. They are the problem," he puts on a top hat and a black trench coat and raises the collar to hide his face,"And I am the solution."