//------------------------------// // Bedtime Stories // Story: A Long Life: Twilight's Changeling Grandchildren // by pertelote345 //------------------------------// The great dragon's voice boomed. "And though he had betrayed her, though he was the Lord of Chaos who had destroyed so much..." He looked out to the stars with a wistful smile. "She still demanded that that monster let him go... For that was Twilight Sparkle. She always cared for her friends. Even those that had fallen low." We in the audience nodded, munching on popcorn and eagerly awaiting the end. "Discord was shocked. Even I, the Great Dragon Spike had flinched in the face of the mighty Tirek, but not her." "The Lord of Chaos was shocked. Though part of him had already known of Twilight's warmth, he could not conceive of the depths of Twilight Sparkle's Friendship... Of her love." "As she was weakened, broken along with all of her friends... He reached out to the amulet that monster had given him to mock him." Our father's voice grew quieter. "And he gave it to her." The entire hive went silent. He stared out. Not at us, but at the stars and the city skyline. "Though Lady Fluttershy the Kind did much to open Discord's heart Twilight was the one that truly reached him." There was something dark in his eyes. It was hard to get a feel for Dad's emotions. He was a several stories tall Great Dragon after all... But I knew that feeling. Grief. After he finished the story we all started to file out of the room. Matron Chell was in charge of us kids today, so I took the opportunity to tug at her dress. The older changeling smiled when she felt me at her side. "Yes Xax, what is it?" I bit my lip. "Um... Matron? Could I have a minute before bed? I kind of want to ask Dad something." Matron nodded. "Of course. My husband loves to talk to his children. Just don't stay up too late though alright? You have school tonight." I smiled. "Thank you!" Dad was already curling up to sleep. I flew over to his eye (it was as big as me) and cleared my throat. "Dad?" His eye opened. "Yes Grett?" I giggled. "It's Xax Dad!" He chuckled, giving me a playful puff of hot air. "So it is. Oh it's nice to see how many of you there are these days... Tell me, what can I do for you?" I looked down. "I um... I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He raised an eyebrow. "For what?" I gulped. "For Miss Sparkle Sir... I... I don't think I've said that. You really loved her didn't you?" His expression fell. "Yes... I did." I sat down next to him. "She was your Matron right? Sometimes it's hard to imagine you had one of those." He nodded. "She was that... And so much more. You're her grandchildren I suppose." He snorted. "Heh... Grandchildren of Princess Twilight Sparkle... Don't let it go to your head, but don't forget it." He still sounded sad. "It was a time spell right? Did you ever try to get her back?" He gave a morose snort. "I tried too much. There was an acorn and..." He shook his head. "That's a story for when you're older." I blinked. "It has sex?" His eye widened. "What?! Celestia no! She was my mother! Just... Ewww..." I grimaced. Thinking back it was a really dumb question. "Suffice it to say there's a reason I started studying magic... There was nothing to do though. She was lost to time..." He shook his head. We were quiet for a moment. Just staring out at the city of ponyville below... We had a great view of the apple building. "Do you think... Do you think she would have liked us?" I asked. "I mean I know there was that whole thing with Queen Chrysalis and stuff, but-" He nuzzled my head. At his size it was nearly impossible to do, but he managed it somehow. It was gentle, warm. "Twilight Sparkle might have taken some time to adjust... But she would have been madly in love with all of you. That's just the kind of pony she was."