//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: From The Gates // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 8 Truth The next day, the former homunculi were rounded up from their cells to be guided towards the throne room. Greed and Sloth moaned in complaint from enjoying a good rest while Wrath, Lust, and Gluttony remained calm and ready for what is about to happen next. Greed sighed to himself, but was surprised when he noticed Envy looking awake and healthy again while it trotted with the others 'Huh? When did this happen? First, Envy was ready to wither away like some kind of starving child, and now the little punk's okay. Hm, probably needed a nap or something...' Greed shrugged off the thought when he noticed the group reached the doors to the throne room. When they went through the doors, however, they were greeted with a plethora of guards different to the ones seen last night. They were all different unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies decorated in golden armor with hardened eyes on their faces. Everypony but the pegasi were armed with spears. Clearly this was the 'extra company' Celestia mentioned, but it didn't stop there. At the end of the throne room stood four figures, two of which were Celestia and Luna. The first one was an alicorn, but was smaller and pink with purple eyes and a multicolored mane that did not flow in a breeze. The mark on her flank resembled a crystalized heart. The one standing next to her caught Wrath's attention. He was a white unicorn who stood with the same gaze as the other soldiers while he was coated in purple armor. Parts of his blue mane could be seen from his helmet. The furious pony could not help but find a sense of nostalgia from just staring at the dutiful unicorn 'Strong, proud, and eyes full of resolve. And at so young of an age, too...He already reminds me of him...' Wrath smiled to himself when a memory snapped into his head while he trotted with the group. The group led by the guards stopped when they were in front of Celestia and the others and looked around to know that the guards stood at the ready if something were to happen. Greed lazily rubbed the back of his head "So yeah, you wanted to see us? Coulda picked a better time, actually." He looked at the guards and donned a cocky smirk "Nice to see you invited so many folks here at this little party!" Celestia chuckled "And a good morning to you, too, Greed. I trust your stay with Wrath in the dungeon was well?" The avaricious pony noted the countered remark and could not help but laugh "Not bad for a princess! It's like you thought I would enjoy this guy's company!" He pointed a hoof at Wrath while he only stared forward. Luna pointed a hoof "Hold thy tongue, avaricious unicorn!" Greed looked away with a deadpan stare "Coulda just said my name like everyone else..." Luna went to lash out at Greed, but Celestia held up a hoof to stop her. She stood in a regal fashion and stared down at the former homunculi with a neutral gaze "I believe it is best we carry out our judgement without anymore problems on your end." Envy was next to speak "Who are those two next to Luna? Never seen them before..." Celestia nodded to the jealous pony "That much is true." She waved a hoof to them "I would like for all of you to meet Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her husband Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard." Wrath perked up and smirked to himself 'A captain, hm? This is certainly interesting...I wonder how well he fares in combat.' The one called Mi Amore Cadenza eyed the group in curiousity "Are these the same ponies that claimed to come from Tartarus like you both said?" Luna nodded "Verily. And apparently our elder sister wishes to give them judgement rather than send them back where they belong!" Envy lashed out after Luna's words "Hey! We don't exactly belong in that hellhole, your Highness!" It added the last words with anger and sarcasm "If anything, you should've listened to Wrath when he said we APPEARED there!" Luna glared down at the jealous pony "And we art sure to believe thy words in full effect?" Envy gritted its teeth and glared back "Where do you get off bossing us around like thi-" It was then stopped when Lust held up a hoof to silence the jealous pony before it could cause more damage. Envy growled and silenced itself begrudgingly. Mi Amore Cadenza was now cautious upon hearing Envy's outburst "No offense to all of you, but you do seem rather suspicious with your appearances. Especially the large one there. But I find it hard to believe that all of you could take on Cerberus if you actually came from Tartarus." Sloth groaned "Escaping was a pain...the dog was a bigger pain..." Envy snickered "The bastard handled that mutt easily and he's always lazy!" Celestia looked to Envy "It is nice to know that you're full of energy again, Envy, but I would kindly advise you to speak in a much better language." She spoke in a polite but authoritive tone. The jealous pony rolled its eyes "What, am I not allowed to speak my mind now?" It then shot a defiant look to Celestia "I can say whatever I want! Like that you're a bi-OW!" Envy was met with a forceful jab on the head by Lust while she gave a stern look. The jealous pony glared at her while it rubbed its head. Celestia sighed to herself 'These ones could be a challenge.' She then focused her attention to Greed. She hummed to herself and decided on a question "Greed, can I ask you something?" The avaricious pony shrugged nonchalantly "Shoot. It's your trial. And God forbid I'll tell a lie." He then stopped himself and felt his heart twitch when he remembered a memory from that day. 'I thought your creed was to never tell a lie! To end it like this...' 'Hehehehehe! And you fell for it hook, line and sinker, you little pissant!' 'That was the first and last lie ever. Lan Fan has a Philosopher's Stone. Take it and go home, kid.' Greed was lost in his own memory that he did not hear the question that was presented to him. His pupils trembled at the memory that nagged at him like an annoying parasite. "Greed?" The avaricious pony snapped out of it and grunted in embarrasment as he spoke to Celestia "Sorry. You asked me a question?" His tone was serious and devoid of his cocky personality. This earned the attention of Envy as it raised an eyebrow at the avaricious pony. Celestia replied "Yes, and you've seemed to ignore it. Can you tell me how you came to arrive in Tartarus along with the rest of your family? Where exactly did you appear from if you all claimed to show yourselves out of unknown circumstance?" Greed looked down and gritted his teeth, not only at the mention of family, but how he arrived in that forsaken pit of suffering. His last words played at his head once more when he remembered fading out of existence. 'Goodbye...Friends of the Soul...' The avaricious pony felt his former mood fade as he looked up "A country called Amestris. Have you heard of it?" Celestia blinked. Amestris? This was nowhere in Equestria "No, I cannot say I have. Where is this Amestris?" Greed sighed and his head faced the ceiling "From another world..." This caused the four ponies in front of the former homunculi to gasp in disbelief. Luna stepped forward "So all of thou claimeth to hail from another realm of existence? But that does not explain thine means of arriving in Equestria despite thine claims of unknown circumstance!" Greed matched gazes with the Princess of the Night "Well, there isn't much to say other than I woke up here. Wait..." A fuzzy memory began to make its way into Greed's mind, and he felt a shiver in his spine when it became more vivid. _____ Greed stood and looked around at a purgatorial realm and noticed a gate was right behind him. He looked back and he felt uneasy "What is this!? Where am I, and why is there some kind of gate in front of me!? What's going on!?" "I never figured you would ask such petty questions..." The homunculus heard a voice and turned around to see some kind of pure white human silhouette with a visible grin on its face. It was surrounded by a black blurred outline of sorts. It continued "This is where you end up after your life expires. The gate behind you is YOUR gate. And it is almost time you left here onto your next destination!" Greed gritted his teeth and pointed at the grinning silhouette "Just who the hell are you to tell me where to go!? I don't exactly remember swearing myself to service!" The grin on the silhouette's face left the moment the homunculus asked his question and it spoke in a neutral tone "I am what you would call the world. Or perhaps the universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps truth, or perhaps all, or perhaps one..." The silhouette then pointed at Greed "..and I am also you." Greed lashed out "Bullshit! I'm me and no one else! And for the record, where exactly am I going!?" The silhouette grinned once more "The same place where you shall meet your brethren. But that is for you yourself to discover. You will know despair, but will be met with that which you desired in life other than the world..." The gate opened itself and blackness was shown from the other side. A large grey eye then appeared out of the darkness and stared at Greed, filling the homunculus with shock and confusion "Where are you taking me!?" The silhouette scoffed while it grinned "Did you not hear me? You will meet your brethren and you will know despair. But beyond that despair, you will be met with that which you desired in your life other than the world..." Black tendrils emerged from the other side of the gate and constricted Greed as he visibly struggled and growled. The silhouette laughed "Why do you struggle? It is inevitable to face the truth in one's life!" Greed continued to struggle "If you think I'm gonna be sent to hell with the rest of my family, you're gladly mistaken!" It was no use as the homunculus was continually pulled into the gate by the tendrils. He felt hopelessness when the gate began to close. Greed thought he noticed the silhouette taking another form before it shut completely. _____ The avaricious pony felt his heart stop when the memory ended. He shook himself out of his trance and looked up at the slightly confused group of royal figures and spoke "I was pulled into some kind of gate and I woke up in a cell at Tartarus along with Wrath." Celestia was intrigued "And this was a gate from your old world?" Greed nodded "Technically...I don't know the full details, but that's how I got here! Go ahead and call me a liar, but there's no other way I can explain this to you!" Celestia rubbed her chin with a hoof "So if I'm correct, the rest of your family came into Equestria through the same gate? Was it of your own free will, perhaps?" Greed looked down "No...and I'm not exactly sure we can make it back to our place." He then looked up with a neutral face "But don't think we have any intention on going back. I'd say it's best to leave the past behind and start off with a clean slate. What do you say?" Luna eyed Greed cautiously "Thou sound as if thou art willing to make recompense for whatever deeds brought you to Tartarus. Can we trust your brethren to think the same way?" Gluttony nodded vigorously "Yes! I wanna start a new life with Lustey!" He nuzzled at the lascivious mare's side. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza felt moved at the voracious pony's gesture and smiled. She could feel how innocent he was with how he sounded "Well, we could be willing to give you a chance if you all actually feel the need to start over." Lust smiled as she petted Gluttony "I'm actually very curious about this place. I would gladly learn from it and see what I can make of my new existence..." She was intrigued about how her horn was able to act as her new Ultimate Spear, and she wondered if these ponies could pale in comparison to the humans in mind with how they live their lives. Wrath stood in a dignified manner "I will gladly agree to this choice if you present it to us." He spoke in a firm and determined tone. The furious pony couldn't help but look at Shining Armor once more after he stated his opinion. Shining Armor noticed that he was being watched and returned Wrath's gaze with his own, only he narrowed his eyes 'Just why is this pegasus staring at me like that? And why is he smiling like that?' Sloth stretched his massive forelegs and gave a satisfied moan "As long as I get to sleep, I agree..." Envy crossed its forelegs and looked away "Whatever..." it spoke in a harsh tone. The jealous pony would gladly object and do as it pleased, but there wasn't much of a choice when its siblings thought otherwise. Celestia nodded with a warm smile "Your suggestion is a good one Greed, but I should hold it to you if you're serious about this." Greed rubbed the back of his head "As much as I'm serious, I just want all this stuff for myself!" He flashed an avaricious grin "I'd gladly take it off of your hooves if possible, actually!" Celestia's smile faded as she looked at Greed with a firm gaze "Are you sure that material things are all that you desire, Greed?" Greed held up a hoof and grinned "Hell yeah! I just can't get enough! I want money, women, status, and power! I want it all, and everything in this castle is topping the list!" The guards around the group pointed their spears as they glared, and Shining Armor got into a defensive position after hearing Greed. The former homunculi, save for Greed, felt a little threatened at the sudden movement of the guards. Celestia spoke again, but in a calm tone "Surely there is something else you want. Such avarice would lead a pony to ruin...Are you sure there wasn't one thing you wanted in your life before you came here?" Greed's grin slowly wavered as he took the question into consideration. And once more, a memory pertaining to the question asked to him played in the avaricious pony's head. _____ Edward Elric was found fighting a winning battle against Father as his channeled his rage into each punch. The crowd cheered him on while he continued his massive onslaught of martial arts and alchemy. Greed, with Ling Yao's body, stood idly by and stared at the skirmish behind the cheering crowd. "Greed..." The homunculus heard the sound of the Xingese prince his body belonged to and listened as he continued "What you actually wanted so badly...is this, right?" More of Edward's friends cheered the Fullmetal Alchemist on while Greed watched, and then he finally understood "Yeah, your right. What I wanted..." He sadly closed his eyes. "...was to have friends like this..." _____ Greed froze in place after the third memory in his head caused his mood to fade. He then looked down with gritted teeth "Dammit..." All eyes were on Greed while his head was hung down, but then the avaricious pony threw his head up to meet Celestia's gaze as he yelled "Am I that easy to read!?" Celestia paused at the sudden outburst, but then chuckled. Everypony present was confused, and the confusion grew as the princess grew into a fit of laughter. She then looked down at Greed with another warm smile "Perhaps you are, Greed." The avaricious pony growled a little in embarrasment while his teeth were bared "But it was good to know you're honest. I think I know a pony you'll get along with once this is over..." Suddenly, there was a large crash outside the castle, followed by horrified screams. Everypony present in the throne room looked around, and Shining Armor galloped towards a window to see what was going on. Well-dressed ponies were roaming around Canterlot in a panic as a familiar beast laid its paws on the massive walls and sniffed about with its three noses. The captain's eyes widened as he turned to the princesses "It's Cerberus! He's here in Canterlot!" End of Chapter 8