//------------------------------// // Sneaking is Magic. // Story: Magic Gear Lucid // by Xujints the Water Horse //------------------------------// Agent 707 awoke with a start. It was dark, too dark… The familiar feeling of dirt and grass met her belly as she looked about. Curious she attempted to rise up to her hooves, but found herself unable, pinned it down by some mysterious force. She felt trapped! She struggled against the cell that had contained her, and with some effort, she broke through. Huffing, she looked at what held her and to her surprise, it was just a simple cardboard box covered in twigs, branches, and patches of foliage. She was certainly confused, even more so when she looked up to see a small fort off the distance, it was the one she was looking for. But how did she get here? She looked around for clues, there had be some explanation for this. She took a step forward into her surprise she heard a metal clank underhoof. She moved her armored hoof to see a familiar orange band, her orange band. Perplexed, she looked at the band, the box, the fort, and then the band again. She smiled as she picked it up, it just dawned on her what had occurred. She flashed back the last thing she could remember, a familiar flashing green, and the protective roar she heard. She muttered, “David…” She had no idea why he had come to her rescue or even how he found her, but she was glad that he did. She looked at the fort as a frown grew on her muzzle. He had to have went there, but why? Could he have known about the hostages? Maybe, but he might’ve tracked to their attackers there and wanted to help Cain and Dante. It seems more likely, but they barely knew each other. Why would David go in alone to help ponies he barely even knows? Perhaps he knew how serious things were. 707 nodded slightly, agreeing with this train of thought. It will simply take too long for either of them to get to the nearest guard outpost trade, especially if David had to carry her. The only logical conclusion would be to continue the mission alone. She shook her head once more, no. She’s not alone. David is in there somewhere and she figured that David would’ve reached the same conclusion too. Her mind was set; she’s going in… The fort was fairly overgrown, making it blend in the forest after years of disuse; this was good. As silly as the idea was, 707 was able to use David’s shrubbery box to get past the front gate and into the complex. The guards at the front gate were a couple of diamond dogs and earth ponies. This made this sense, as the fort’s name was Rover, after the dogs that founded it. Could they be working with the terrorists? This wasn’t good, as it can be really large inside, making it really hard to find the friends and the hostages. It wasn’t long before 707 had to abandon the box as vines gave way to dirt and cold hard stone. Naturally this made her exploration of the upper levels of the fort much more difficult. Luckily the guards seemed pretty stupid and it was easily distracted. A knock here, a stone throw there, and she was able to get through almost every situation without incident. After a couple of detours and some backtracking, she finally found the dungeon. She smiled. From here, it was a simple job to knock out the Warden take his keys. Dante was the first to rouse, apparently hearing the struggle. Feeling a little smug, 707 twirled the ring of keys around her hoof as she sauntered over to the cellar door,” that’s the second time this week I saved you guys.” I should put the key in lock, she continued, “Sit tight guys, Patience is-“ “Watch out!” As the key failed to turn, she heard his warning. She instinctively went for her combat knife as a rope coiled around one of her rear legs. She attempted to cut herself down after she was swiftly hoisted up into the air. An alarm blared throughout the base. The trap must have set it off. Dante groan as the other prisoners woke up, “707, what are you doing here?” 707 for Rhonda she attempted to cut herself down, “Oh, just hanging around.” She swiftly fell to the ground with a thud and a clutter as a small group of mooks filed into the room. Having no choice she engage the enemy. Luckily for her, they were rookies whom she was able to dispatch quickly enough that she would be able to ambush the next two groups that came in, but as more arrived, she was quickly overwhelmed. It took three ponies the hold her down, while three overs took cheap shot after cheap shot, weakening her. 707 was able to shrug off the blows in the beginning, but eventually she began to ache as they kept coming. “Enough!” A gruff voice rang out over the crowd as the room became silent. The way this gray stallion entered the room, the way he walked, the way every pony moved out of his way to turn off. This was their leader, White Diamond. He is wanted for murder, arson, foalnapping, arms dealing, and mooning the princesses. He smiled as he walked over to her, “Every pony clear out. Find the other intruder while I deal with this… Spy.” Every pony saluted him except for the ponies holding her down and left. Dante and the others remained silent as the stallion drew his sword, watching in disbelief, “It’s time to go…” 707 looked up at him defiantly, “Do your worst!” The stallion snorted, “I will.” To everypony’s surprise, White Diamond slew his own soldiers! He extended a hoof to a stunned 707 and said as he was engulfed in flash of green, “Kept you waiting, huh?” Not too long ago- David looked back at 707’s prone form one last time before he set the shrub box over her. Something about her resting so peacefully was calming to him. History of thought was interrupted by a light bushing, or was it a ringing? Either way, it was the signal that Tskari was calling him. ‘This is the Mare in the guard you met during the exam, correct?’ David responded, ‘Aye…’ ‘What is she doing here?’ He frowned, ‘Perhaps she and her companions heard about the Foalnappings and was sent to investigate. My Brother said they were not alone when they were taken, right?’ Tskari responded, ‘Indeed. Perhaps you’re right. Her comrades were taken too, weren’t they? Perhaps she will attempt to rescue them when she awakens.’ ‘Given how serious the guards take foalnapping, especially concerning their own, she will. I might as well I help out as our goals are the same.’ ‘Hmmm… Very well, but be wary about getting too to them. As much as having allies and the other side is a good thing, remember this, you must not die for a pony. For the Hive!’ David nodded in affirmation, “For the Hive.” He looked back at the box once more and then towards the ground. He placed 707’s misplaced band on the ground before rushing off. Tskari gave him one final piece of advice before he got too close to the fort. ‘Remember… We won’t be able to reach each other that easily if you have to switch forms. Only change if you absolutely have to.’ David’s infiltration was fairly easy as he simply shifted his form when security was at its highest. He was found it funny, as most of the enemy soldiers seemed like complete morons. One long quest for key cards later and he was able to find the bosses room. He figured that if he impersonated the boss, he could walk around on the question. It was a brilliant plan, but he didn’t expect for the pony to be awake at this time of night. After he assumed the form of a guard, David stepped inside, ”Sir?” White Diamond looked up from his papers and said, “Buck… I thought I said I didn’t want to be disturbed again.” David hesitantly approached him and said, “I’m sorry to say this sir, but none of the guards at the front gate are responding. I fear we may have an intruder.” The pony groaned as he got out of his chair, “An intruder huh? Perhaps it is the guard they got away. You reported that one had slipped by during a Manticore attack correct.” David nodded, “Perhaps, but what if it was somebody else? Manticores are very deadly.” White Diamond raise a brow as he stepped closer, “Are you claiming that intruder is one of our own? Who could it be?” David stabbed him in the neck as his disguise faded away, “Me…” White Diamond collapsed as Tskari contacted him again, ‘Be sure to check his mail and send it over. Who knows what information may hold.’ David nodded and went over to White Diamond’s desk and examined the papers scattered about. It appeared to be at the shipment ledgers that he was reading. Who the stuff is being sent to he couldn’t decipher, along with some of the message, but he was able to decipher a few of the things that were being sent: Copper; Steel; Raw Aetherion; Something about that last one resonated with him. He attempted to recall where he had heard of it, and then it hit him. ‘ “This is Aetherion.” David frowned as he examined the odd glowing crystal in his hoof, “I know dad, but why would somepony have this stuff?” He looked over at his father, John, and said, “Isn’t it dangerous?” John nodded, it can be in its raw state, but when it’s processed you can boost a pony’s performance. It was even the main ingredient of a soft drink back in the day, but ever since it was used to stop WPII, its production has been prohibited.” David stared at the Crystal intensively, “Hmmm….” ‘ ‘David? David! PLISKIN!’ David snapped out of his trance, ‘What?’ ‘Send it before the guards come.’ David nodded has he pulled out a can of dragon fire and sprayed the ledger, ‘Sent…’ After a few moments, Tskari asked, ‘Pliskin, I think you sent it to Canterlot…’ ‘How can you tell?’ He could hear Tskari’s frustration, ‘It’s not here… Look at the can…’ David looked at the can and indeed, Tskari was right, “Horse apples!” Almost as if it were timed, an alarm rang, “Alert, intruder in the detention Center.” “Cow pie…” David figured it must be 707 in trouble. With no time to waste, he shifted into White Diamond’s form and took his weapon before rushing to her aid. Once she was safe, she punched his shoulder and said, “David? What the hay are you doing here?” David tried to come up with a good response as he blasted the door off the cell with magic, but he found that none was good enough for now. Instead, he said, “I’ll explain later.” Cain simply nodded as David removed the magic inhibitor from his horn. Dante was less enthused, “You better have a good reason for interfering with the official guard business.” David said, he better come up with something soon. While 707 helped and Dante get their gear back and helped the other prisoners out of the cell, David talked with his two brothers, ‘You guys alright?’ Opaque spoke first, ‘Brother! If you mean ‘did we talk’, I did not.’ ‘Neither did I… This shouldn’t have happened, but that boy slowed me down.’ David frowned, ‘Hey! I don’t blame you, and neither does Tskari, get a hold of yourselves. You’re to return to the Hive at once.’ Did you grumbled as they looked away. Cain cleared his throat and said, “David, these children are injured, we are going to need to work together if we are going to get them to safety.” David nodded. It was the most logical choice at this point; it even gave him an idea of what to say later. It took some time, but the group was able to band together and eliminate the enemy threat. Once that was over Dante approach David said, “So, David… Why were you following us?” David smiled, “Simple, I was never paid, so my contract hadn’t been fulfilled yet. You guys are hard to track down.” Dante facehoofed, “Cain, you forgot to pay him?” Cain sighed as he hefted a child onto his back, ”I thought you did.” He groaned, “I guess we can arrest you as you’re supposed to be here… Curse technicalities… But I’m keeping an eye on you!” 707 huffed, “Lay off Dante. He saved us. He saved you…” He sighed, “Fine.” Cain set the other child on Dante’s back and said, “After we get these civvies back to Baltimare, how about you come with us to Canterlot? We can use ponies like you in the force.” David blinked surprise, “What?” 707 nodded in agreement, “Come on David. I’m sure the princesses would loading hear about your heroics.” She blushed slightly as she looked away, “I know I would…” ‘Do it…’ David was surprised by Tskari agreeing that he should go with them, but what he said next convinced him to go, ‘You wanted to know the truth about you and your father… Perhaps it is a good idea for you to go with them. I will cover for you.’ ‘Thank you…’ Secret Reports: Night of the Watchers. That night, Princess Celestia raided the fridge for a midnight snack when a sudden cry startled her. It was her sister, Princess Luna. She looked up from the fridge to see her trotting in to the royal kitchen, an odd paper floated in front of her in her magic, “Sister, we were busy raising the moon when thine student accidentally sent a letter to us. We nearly dropped it.” Celestia raised an eyebrow at her, “Twilight, at this hour? Surely you are mistaken.” She shook her head, “Nay, it is even written in an odd script… We cannot read it.” Princess Luna gave her the letter to examine. After a few moments, her surprised smiled turned into a scowl, “Luna… This is not from Twilight… In fact, I don’t think this was meant for us to see.” Luna’s frown started to match that of her sister, “What?” Princess Celestia rolled up the letter and sighed, “I suggest we put the guard on alert. Code blue.” Luna was taken aback, “Tis that bad?” She nodded, her voice becoming stern, “Yes… I fear that there is a great danger on the horizon. I’ll contact an old friend regarding this matter, and you bring in the Watchers too, we will need their guidance.” Luna frowned; it was not often when her sister appeared this serious, “It shall be done.” The two sisters hastily went their separate ways, as there was much to be done. Luna wasn’t one to take orders when it came to those under her command, but if her Sister was that worried, she couldn’t afford to question something she had no knowledge of.