Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

by David Silver

40 - Before the Queen

Silver nodded to the guards standing outside the sitting room. Celestia had concluded court, but the word had come swiftly that she would see him.

With Night at his side, he trotted into the room. "I've been here so many times, but I've lost track of how many were in my head, or for real, and how much difference that makes."

Night raised a brow, but paused to dip her head. "Your Majesty."

Celestia waved gently. "Rise. Silver Lining, you're looking bright and cheerful today. It warms my heart. To think we almost lost you to such tragedy..."

Silver flipped his ears back, remembering that had been so short a time ago, not the years it had felt. "It was a stupid... stupid mistake of mine. I want to live, for sure. In fact, I want to get right back to work." He took a step forward, smiling at Celestia. "If I can help humans who are lost, I want to, or any ponies I can help too."

Celestia floated over a cookie, held in her golden aura. It hovered right before Silver's snout and he looked cross-eyed at it. "What?"

"You're a good pony. Good ponies get cookies." She had a playful look on her face.

Silver let out a noise between a giggle and a chortle before he snapped it out of the air and chomped it down. "Gladly accepted. I..." How could he even bring up the nightmares he'd endured. Should he? "I'm not sure how much of what Luna showed me were my own dark thoughts, or if I saw snatches of the truth in it."

Night twitched an ear up. "She said it wasn't true."

"Not now, obviously..." Silver shook his head. "It's hard to explain." He looked back at Celestia. "I'm sorry, I must sound a little nuts."

Celestia shook her head. "You have received a dubious honor. To have your mind laid out bare for you to explore and find the truth within yourself is not something done lightly, and reserved for the most troubling of circumstances." She raised a hoof. "Luna obviously cares for you. Please, sit."

Silver hopped up onto a pillow quickly, with Night moving a little more reservedly. She looked to Silver. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Silver bobbed his head. "I really do, I think. It's a lot to take in, but..."

Celestia set a saucer with a cup of tea before each of her guests. "You have the look of a pony ready to face his life. Tell me, do you know what life you plan to pursue?"

Silver licked his lips, thinking. "I want to help lost humans, or lost ponies. May I take my Ambassadorial title back?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "It will not be a ceremonial badge you're asking for. I will not name you ambassador of the human world. It's an empty title at best, no. Instead, I would name you our ambassador to humanity. You would serve the crown." She placed a hoof at her chest. "Does that please you?"

Silver felt the urge to just say yes, but curbed it. He looked instead to Night Watch. "My beloved wife, what do you think? My life is your life, as I rudely forgot."

Night sat up, ears upright and twitching. "Would this make you happy?"

"It will be a challenge, I'm certain of it." Silver nodded swiftly. "But I'm ready to start earning my favors."

Night gave a gentle smile and leaned over, nuzzling her unicorn mate. "Then I'll stand at your side." She looked to Celestia. "May I make a request?"

"That's one."

Night went stiff a moment as the joke washed over her. "Let's go for two... May I be his guard? Officially, that is."

Celestia clopped her forehooves together. "A wife serving as guard to her husband? Now that's a romantic idea I'm sure Cadance would be tickled at. Please, I think it would make you both happier." She turned to look at Silver more directly. "I trust this meets your approval? As your guard, she has the right to be present at all times, even when others would be asked away."

Silver nodded quickly. "But I'll put you off duty when you're too large." Before Night's expression could become too sour, he leaned in. "I'll be taking it with you. We'll greet our daughter to the world together."

Night jerked back. "How can you know it'll be a filly?"

Silver bit his lips a moment. "I guess I don't, sorry, forget that."

Celestia raised a brow lightly. "Don't be quick to dismiss the dreams of your mate. He may know something. Regardless, rise, Ambassador Lining."

Silver scrambled to his hooves, still towered over even while standing.

She reached across the table and tapped her horn against either of his shoulders. "Welcome back to the court. May your duties find you well." She settled back where she had begun and nodded. "Will you resume your studies when you're able?"

Silver raised a hoof suddenly. "Oh god! You reminded me. I have to check something." He practically ripped out his spell journal, the original, not burned on some... No. He shook his head quickly, banishing that thought and getting to scribbling with a quill. He spun it around at Celestia. "Please, is this valid?"

Celestia tilted her head slowly. "It's backwards."

Silver blinked, turning it back to look at. It looked fine to him, but... "Backwards as in the letters are in the wrong order, or like someone held it in a mirror?"

"The latter."

Silver winced. He had the alphabet down backwards?! Still... it was better than not knowing it at all?

"How did you come to learn the unicorn alphabet in such a curious way?"

Silver tapped at the book. "I learned it in the dreams."

Night nudged Silver, almost knocking him over. "Silly boy. You can't read in dreams. You're lucky it's just backwards."

Silver recovered himself and folded the book shut. "It's still a major step forward from where I started. I'll untwist it with practice. Knowing them on my horn is the more important part." He rose and quickly moved to a clear area of the room before he conjured up his flaming shield with motions that felt familiar to him along his horn.

Celestia's eyes widened a moment. "Where did that spell come from?"

Silver would have answered, but found young unicorns had far less power in the waking world. The spell taxed him to exhaustion almost immediately, and he crumpled in place, the flame fading away impotently. He could dimly hear alarm in their voices, then felt someone picking him up, but he couldn't focus, or hear anything in specific. Sleep seemed more important, and he faded away.