//------------------------------// // The Birth of New Fluttershy - The Evil Returns // Story: Path of Kindness and Blood // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// Path of Kindness and Blood - Chapter 9 The Birth of New Fluttershy Part 1 - The Evil Returns A sea of tall buildings, green fields, trees and hills passed outside the window as minutes soon turned into a few hours. Patience however was one of Shackles’ strongest points, especially if waiting would prove to be profitable. Today he felt especially relaxed as he admired the calm scenery with the small town slowly growing on the horizon. Ever since the inspection, he found Applejack’s behaviour more and more suspicious as the farm mare apparently spent yesterday trying to learn as much as possible about thestrals. Normally, he wouldn’t find it suspicious if not for the fact that Apples were never keen on learning about such things, preferring to simply use brute force instead. He considered summoning Applejack for questioning, but decided to surprise her in Ponyville instead, wondering if she may have any connection with the young pureblood he spared years ago. “The train will be arriving in Ponyville in five minutes!” Unbreakable Shackles walked away from the window and looked at his companions: Four pegasi, each a Class B hunter who were taking the role of his personal escort. “Is something wrong, sir?” asked a brown pegasus. Saddlebag on his side. Shackles smiled, which filled each hunter with anxiety. “At ease,” he said, calming his crew with a hoof. “We may be on a business trip, but the possibility of danger is minimal.” Each hunter nodded as they relaxed their firm posture. “Good,” Shackles said before pointing out the window. “Your task is simple. Hide amongst the crowds, on roofs or in the clouds. Scout from the ground and air for any possible threat, but act casually.” “Sir, yes sir!” the group responded with a salute while restraining themselves from shouting inside a train. Shackles spread his wings, picking up his saddlebag with his left wing while grabbing a map with the right one before walking towards the exit. The bowtie on his neck being the only part of his uniform. The moment he left the train station and entered the town, his escort spread out in random directions. Fresh air, clear sky, smiling faces of ponies among colorful homes. Surely a nice change of pace from the crowded city or inside of Hunter Headquarters, Shackles thought as he walked through the town, occasionally glancing at the map. His companions no longer in his view. First stop, Sugarcube Corner. It seems I may actually enjoy myself. A rain of streamers and confetti filled the spacious room the moment Shackles took the first step inside, his face unamused as he examined his surroundings. In front of him he could see a counter and a few cabinets displaying variety of sweets behind a glass. Several tables were positioned near the entrance and besides two doors, he noticed a staircase leading upstairs. The room itself was filled with childish decorations like hearts and sweets while from the outside, it seemed as if the building itself was made out of gingerbread and candy. “Were you surprised, were you, were you?” asked an overenthusiastic earth pony who, just a moment ago, jumped out from behind a table and nearly pressed her muzzle against his. Shackles kept staring back with a stoic expression before responding to the question with another question, “Does this look like the face of a surprised pony to you?” He wiped the confetti from his face before shaking it from his back. “Nope! More like the face of an annoyed or irritated pony.” Before the pegasus could say a word, the pink mare continued, “I can do various faces too, check these!” Her eyes widened, forelegs curled under her neck and pout appeared on her face. “This is my puppydog stare, I learned it from some school fillies.” She grit her teeth and half-closed her eyes before growling. “And this I learned from watching Winona chasing away a snake.” The pegasus rolled his eyes at the display of different faces. This is the sister of Maud Pie? She resembles her the same way a cone of cotton candy resembles a rock. “...And this one I learned from you,” Pinkie said, pointing at herself and him before performing the most firm and stern face expression she could muster. Shackles sighed before approaching the counter while Pinkie appeared on the other side. “Am I right to assume that your name is Pinkie Pie?” “Yes it is, though I’m more than certain I haven’t met you before since I know everypony in Ponyville, so how did you know?” “From your sister, Maud Pie,” he responded calmly while examining the sweets displayed behind the glass counter. Pinkie’s eyes widened before she grabbed Shackles and pressed her muzzle against his. “You know my sister?!” He slid his hoof between their muzzles and slowly pushed the mare away, as if pushing a statue, before fixing his bowtie. “Not personally, but I do wish to learn more about her.” “Are you trying to ask her on a date?” Shackles took a step back. “N-no… of course not.” He regained his stoic composure and continued, “I am merely interested in making a good use of her strength and skills by offering her an attractive job. A generous offer that she has so far declined.” Pinkie sat and shrugged while smiling warmly. “That’s Maud for you. You can’t get her away from rocks.” Shackles raised his eyebrow and added, “I offered her a collection of meteorites as a bonus.” Pinkie gasped. “What? How could she refuse that!?” Before Shackles could respond, he was grabbed again and a moment later, placed on a chair in a darkened room with a lamp blinding him slightly. “Knowing my sister, she would dig a tunnel through a mountain for weeks or even months just to get such a rare collection.” She poked his chest. “What kind of suspicious job could you possibly offer that she’d refuse?” Shackles looked to the side, now deep in thought. This doesn’t look good. I didn’t account for Maud’s sister being this smart. I need to play it carefully. After exhaling, he took a quick breath and said, “The job is about… pest control.” “Pest control?” Pinkie asked. “Is that really all? You just want her to deal with pests?” “Very big pests,” he said before mentally facehoofing. Is this really the best excuse I can come up with on the spot? This is so humiliating. Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming open reached his ears. Oh great, that featherbrain is here. This just keeps getting better and better. Both ponies looked at the door as the pegasus that barged in took on an aggressive stance and said, “Are you alright, si–” Shackles shook his hoof in silencing gesture. “I’m fine… pal.” “Pal?” Pinkie asked while looking between Shackles and the unexpected visitor. “Just a worried friend. He came to check on me after you dragged me into this room against my will,” he explained while drops of sweat started to form on his head. Stupid, stupid. There’s no way she is going to buy th– “Okie dokie,” Pinkie said, much to Shackles’ shock. She walked towards the door, bypassing the pegasus before gesturing for them both to follow through the hallway. “Sorry I got carried away. I tend to do that when it comes to my sister, but I can understand why you’d be interested in hiring her for beating up big bugs...” Okay, I take it back. She’s not smart, she’s simply mad. “...I mean, my sister was never afraid of rats, spiders, snakes and so on, and she could probably knock out a two meter size mutated spider with a single punch…” Roll with it, he thought before leveling his pacing with Pinkie’s, his escort following silently. “Giant spiders are the least of our worries. There are so many hostile pests that your sister’s strength can be useful against. I was hoping that maybe you may know a way to convince her.” “I’m afraid that’s impossible. If she refused the meteorite collection, the only thing in the world that could possibly change her mind would be me,” Pinkie said, hopping happily before returning to her spot behind the counter. She picked up a cupcake. “Hungry?” The brown pegasus licked his lips. “Not really,” Shackles said, pushing the offer away as his escort’s ears drooped, expression saddened. “Now, back to the matter at hoof. I would be rather grateful if you convinced your sister to change her mind. I would appreciate it.” “Sorry, but no. I wouldn’t want to ask my sister to do something she wouldn’t enjoy.” Shackles cleared his throat and picked up a large bag of bits from his saddlebag. “I believe you misunderstood. I would be generous and grateful if you convinced your sister to join our cause.” “Wooow, that’s a lot of bits,” Pinkie said with excitement before shaking her head, “but I’ll pass.” Shackles raised his eyebrow. “I can easily double that amount, and your sister will still get the collection she always wanted.” Pinkie rubbed her chin. “You seem really desperate… dealing with big pests must be very dangerous… but if my sister said no, I won’t ask her.” She smiled warmly, her teeth shining. “Besides, I don’t need bits. All I ever dreamed of is right here.” She gestured over the large room. Her sweet sanctuary. Shackles’ eyes widened as he stared at the crazy mare for at least ten seconds before he closed his jaw. “Are you serious?” He pointed at Pinkie. “Is there nothing you want? No need for bits, no desires? I don’t understand.” “Bits aren’t everything. Making ponies happy, working in here, forming friendships. It’s all I need,” Pinkie said before pointing at his saddlebag. “By the way, what’s that green light?” Shackles looked down and opened his saddlebag. He grinned. “Oh, this. It’s just a little magical gadget of mine that helps me find suitable workers. It let me know if there is an extraordinary pony nearby.” “I think it’s acting up because of me!! My friends say I’m pretty extraordinary.” “Well, it has been a pleasure, but I am running low on time. May I talk with your boss before I go?” Pinkie’s ears drooped. “Awww… and what about your Welcome to Ponyville party? I got so sidetracked that I completely forgot to organize one for you.” She pointed at the hunter who kept staring at the sweets displayed behind the glass of the cabinets. Saliva dripping from his mouth. “And your friend?” “That won’t be necessary. I am just visiting two ponies, one being an old friend of mine.” “Okay, have fun,” Pinkie said as she pointed to the stair. “Want me to get my boss? She said she was reading a pamphlet about foal-care or something like that.” Shackles walked with an annoyed face, his eyes half-closed and steps firm. His attention focused on the map. “Sorry for interrupting… sir... but…” “But what?” Shackles asked with a frown. The pegasus rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I… don’t want to be disrespectful, but I couldn’t help but to notice… that you weren’t yourself today.” “Quite perceptive, aren’t we?” Shackles asked before shooting his subordinate an angered glare. “How about you use your perception in searching for potential threats.” The pegasus looked around nervously before performing a quick salute and flying towards a nearby roof. Shackles resumed his walk, now deep in thought. Stupid Pinkie. Humiliating me in front of my subordinate. The feeling of confusion, foolish words coming out of my mouth, I hate it! He kicked the dust from under his hooves before looking for a nearby object to unleash his frustration on. Resisting the urge to kick a flower pot from a nearby windowsill. Unpredictable and over-energetic ponies always bring out the worst in me. I hate not being in control of the situation. He rolled the map and placed it inside his saddlebag before looking at his scepter with a green gem attached to it. A weak smile grew across his face. No matter. I may have failed to get cooperation of Maud’s sister with bits, and surprisingly even her boss didn’t seem interested in earning bits in exchange for convincing Pinkie to help me, but what I learned completely makes up for it. Information is power, this will no doubt become very useful in future. As time passed, Shackles stopped in front of the entrance to the Sweet Apple Acres. “Excuse me.” With a turn of his head, his attention focused on a tall stallion, who stood still and saluted. “Class B hunter, Big Macintosh. I see you’re doing well.” “Eeyup.” Shackles approached to examine the stallion, his size and posture being a testament to earth pony strength. The Apples sure provide us with many strong and hard working members, but their fighting skills are a bit lacking. This one may rival Maud Pie in strength, but his size greatly costs him in agility. Not good enough material for a personal bodyguard. After inspecting his fellow hunter, he said, “I am here to talk with Applejack about vampony activity in the area, and offer my congratulations on her success. Is she home?” “Eenope.” “Do you know where she is?” “Eeyup.” Shackles levitated out the map towards the stallion as he sat next to him. “Can you point out her current location?” “Eeyup,” the taller stallion said, pointing at a small cottage located on the map next to a tree filled location marked as the Everfree Forest. “She’s spendin’ time with her friend, Fluttershy. Should be back in about three hours.” So my long term investment has made a friend, interesting. He smirked. I may as well use Applejack’s new friendship to my advantage. She would make a good spy, keeping an eye on that growing bag of bits.