Apple To The Heart

by Broman

The Red Mare

Appleseed and Hard Cider were on the train to Manehattan. It was early in the morning when they woke up to board the train and there were few occupants inside the cart. Appleseed yawned heavily as he stared out the window, while his older brother read the morning paper in the adjacent seat.

The past two days they moved many rocks and small boulders out of the east and southern fields, and it was laborious work. Appleseed and the cousins had to dig in deep to remove the heavy boulders with the plows. Fiddle Faddle and Carrot Top had to push their limits to remove the last of the rocks away from the fields for the other started to plant the seeds. Rocky Road , on the other hoof, did a better job handling the new farm workload and was already becoming natural at it. While Heart Strings didn’t do the heavy duty of removing the rocks, he had to get his hoofs dirty in planting the seeds. His Mama and Ginger also helped along and they were both elated in getting the new fields ready and planting the early seeds. Indeed, it was a good start to to the season.

Although, there were complications.

Several of the farm tools that were used in the early plowing had become worn out and broken as a result. This was a setback for all of them but they managed with what they had. After the long work they knew that they had to get new tools and equipment. Ginger then suggested that they buy new tools in Manehattan that are better quality and that would last longer. Both Appleseed and Hard Cider agreed and they would buy the necessary parts and new tools for the apple farm.

As the first few hours passed on by Appleseed kept on staring out the window, watching the land and frontier pass on by. It was an amazing sight to behold, the whole land that was once covered in snow was now returning to a lush green spring. It would probably be another week or so before the rest of winter clears up, but it will be a glorious sight to behold when it clears.

“Hey, looks like we will be passing the Hollow Shades forest.” Hard Cider spoke up and pointed a hoof out to the horizon.

Appleseed followed and saw the deep forest that was slowly coming up. The Hollow Shade forest was known as the black forest, the trees so bunched up and thick that no sunlight would pierce it. Some pony folk were very superstitious about those woods, claiming that it was haunted and that there were mysterious powers at work inside those woodlands. Compared to the Everfree forest, these woods were more unexplainable and mysterious.

“Bet them feral ponies are looking at us through those woods right now. Watchin us starin at them as they prowl around.” Cider chuckled as he nudged his little brother. Appleseed shook it off and rolled his eyes at his older brother.

“Cider, feral ponies are just a myth. Besides, they never existed since the days of Nightmare Moon.” Applessed explained which made Hard Cider widen his smile.

“Eeyup. But you were quite scared of them when you were little. Always shaking in the covers like a snake in winter. I believe mama kept nicknamin ya rattleseed because of that.”

Appleseed eyes narrow and gave his elder brother a friendly glare.

“Oh why is it that you always be treatin me like that? Why do you treat me like Ah’m still a foal?” He simply stated to which his brother leaned over and rubbed Appleseed’s mane and hat with his hoofs.

“Coz your my little brother and I care for ya.” Appleseed gave a chuckle before pushing his brother off, but not before getting his hat pulled down by his brother. He pushed it back up and gave a warm smile to his brother.

“Thanks Cider.” He simply said.

“No problem, rattleseed.” Hard Cider replied and both brothers chuckled together in their brotherly banter. Appleseed looked out the window and watched as the Hollow Shade passing on by. As he watched the forest and observing the large, unnatural, trees, a thought soon occurred to him and he turned to ask his brother.

“So brother, know anypony that can we can buy the new tools?”

Hard Cider, pondered a moment, scratching the tip of his chin with his fetlock.

“I do know a couple of friends that can help us with getting the new supplies. You know ole Bismarck?”

“Bismarck. Bis- wait...” Appleseed soon recalled the name. “Ain’t you talkin about Tender Bismarck? Our old friend who owns the Bolts and Screws general store?” Hard Cider nodded.

“Eeyup, he owns the store with his folks in the market district. Ginger said we can get great deals with him.”

Appleseed nodded and wonder what their old friend has been up to for the past for years. They had always met each other at market sales and on trips to Manehattan and it would nice meeting him again. Another thought soon occurred to him and a sly smile crawled up his muzzle.

“Ah bet you also fancy meeting with Miss Velvet too, ah reckon.” He said as he notice a small flinch by his elder brother.

Miss Velvet was a long time friend of the Apple Family. She and Hard Cider had known each other for many years now, mostly on previous trips to Manehattan. Whenever she was around she could always make his brother fluster at the sight of her. She was quite a beauty and he always thought that Hard Cider would fumbled his words if he was ever around her. He waited with a devious smile to see what his brother might say of her.

“Ah well, Miss Velvet is going to be helping us little brother. We’ll be meeting her at the station when we arrive,” Hard Cider said as the smile on Appleseed lowered, he was not expecting that. His brother flashed a smile of his own and he leaned forward to meet his younger sibling in the eye.

“You tryin to pull a sly comment on me and Miss Velvet, little brother?” he asked, his devious smile ever present. Appleseed turned his gaze and quickly stared out the window, his brother chuckling all the way.

“Ahh shut it.” Appleseed mumbled as he continued to watch the landscape pass him by, and was left with his own thoughts.


After nearly six hours of travel, and several stops along the way, both Appleseed and Hard Cider made it to Manehattan station. Both brothers walked out of the train station, and into the sounds of the city. Ponies trotted their way up and down the streets, carriages and taxi’s were moving out and about on the roads, and the sun was already shining high in the early afternoon. Appleseed took in a breath of the city air and breathed slightly at the familiar smells. He could imagine that the city was calling him to be here and he hoped that the plot of land will be one that he can call his own.

As the two walked down the steps of the station Appleseed quickly nudged into his brother.

“So mind telling me where we’re meeting Miss Velvet?” Appleseed asked until he heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

“You don’t have to look far boys.”

Appleseed turned around and to see a stunning mare before them.

Miss Sweet Velvet was a deep red pony with bright yellow braided mane and her cutie mark was a large peach. She was roughly the same size as Ginger Gold but was slightly smaller and a couple of years younger than Hard Cider. She was the daughter of the peach family here in Manehattan who are very friendly to the apple family. She met Hard Cider around ten years ago when they were out selling produce during a harvest festival. They’ve been best friends ever since and have always supported each other in their endeavours and sales. Today would be no different.

“Hello Velvet. How’ve you been?” Hard Cider was the first to speak as she went up to wrap both of her hooves around his neck. Appleseed chuckled slightly at the sight, seeing a small pony to hug a giant. Hard Cider chuckled as well and wrapped a fetlock around his old friend.

“It’s been too long.” Sweet Velvet said as she nuzzled into his neck. Appleseed noticed a small shiver from his brother and he stifled another laugh.

“I got your letter just today.” She parted from Hard Cider and pulled a letter from her saddlebag. “I take it you two are going to be looking at buying a plot of land soon?” Hard Cider nodded.

“It’s a good thing that you came. The properties have been selling up fast and a few have been auctioned off to the highest bidder. There is one particular spot that is going up for sale tomorrow, and has been getting a lot of of potential buyers” She simply stated to which Appleseed widen his eyes at the realization. If things were being sold up this fast then there was very little chance for them to buy a new land. Hearing the news made both brothers stare at each other in concern before turning back to her.

“Ya think we can see the land now?” Hard Cider asked to which Velvet nodded.

“Yes, the area is not that far from here, but it’s going to be late so we best hurry.” Velvet added and Hard Cider began walking down the side of the street. He paused and hoofed a bag of bits to Appleseed.

“Go and get the order with Tender Bismarck and meet us in about an hour.” Appleseed instructed as he began heading down the street with Sweet Velvet.

“It’s just the old park down Mane street and Hoof Street. Just look for the sale signs and you’ll be fine!” Velvet yelled out as they sped off down the streets of Manehattan.

Appleseed took off down the street in the opposite direction. As he ran his mind kept thinking about the possibility of losing the plot. He kept thinking that if the chance was lost then this opportunity would never resurface.

Ah’m would never be able to move on and start a better life. Ah won’t be able to make it up to- he paused mid thought and shook his head.

Don’t think such things Appleseed. You're an Apple, you can endure anything! He settled his thoughts and began to press onward to Bolts and Screws, the thought of owning this plot of land was something he longed to see.

After twenty minutes of running non-stop he finally reached the store. He slowed down and paused for a breath, placing a hoof on the store front. After taking a moment to catch himself he rose to his full height and entered inside. A small bell rang as he pushed open the door and headed inside, greeted by a small wind by a fan nearby. The store was filled with assorted tools and appliances, for everyday use to seasonal items. Indeed it seemed this store had about everything for craftponies and farm workers.

“I’m in the back.” A voice called out from the back of the store, one that was all too familiar. Appleseed made his way through the rows of ploughs and hoes before getting to the back of the store. He could see somepony behind the counter, his head underneath a table, mostly likely fixing the legs.

“Just give me a minute. I’m trying to unscrew this bolt here. So I can’t help you at this time.” Appleseed smiled as he heard a couple firm grunts by the stallion as he pulled on the screws.

“Does that include very old friends?” Appleseed asked. The moment he spoke Tender Bismarck let out a pained grunt as he hit his head underneath the table. He lifted himself underneath the table, rubbing the top of his brown mane with a hoof. When he finally got a look at Appleseed he froze for a moment until a wide smile spread across his face.

“Appleseed? Is that you?” He asked, his smile ever present.

“Hello Bismarck.” Appleseed replied in kind.

“Wait a moment and I’ll be right with ya.” Bismarck said as he dusted himself and went behind the counter. A door nearby opened up and Bismarck came walking out.

“Hey ole buddy. It’s so good to see ya.” Bismarck walked over and gave Appleseed a firm hug. He returned it in kind. Tender Bismarck was a light brown earth pony with a deep brown mane, with nuts and bolts as his cutiemark. He grew up in the same school with him and Magnum, always hanging out and getting into trouble. Although, compared to the three of them, Tender Bismarck was more of the gentlecolt and reasonable of the three. He was always working with his family business and picking up the trade with his folks. He later moved out of ponyville to be with them in Manehattan and continue in the family work. It was always good to meet with old friends.

“How’ve you been Bismarck? Ah haven’t seen ya since you our last year in school.” Appleseed asked and Bismarck parted from his friends side.

“Family was calling me so I just wanted to be with them until I can take over the family business.” He said with another smile. Appleseed took another look around his the store.

“Seems you’ve been doing fine from what I can see.” Appleseed said which earned a chuckle from Bismarck.

“Yeah this store is my life, just tryin to keep it going, despite the recession is all.” Bismarck said which caused Appleseed to look at him concern. He saw the old stores during winter and many have been shuttered up because of the recession, he hoped Bismarck didn’t have to leave as well. Bismarck took notice of this and he waved a hoof off.

“Don’t worry about me Appleseed. I’ve been holding just fine, the recession not going to make me close up.” He said with confidence and it helped ease Appleseed a little, he didn’t want to see anypony to be forced to leave.

“Enough of talking about that though,” Bismarck said and he gave a friendly smile once more.“So my friend, what can I do for you? Anything in particular I can offer?” Appleseed smiled and he pulled a sheet from his saddlebag and placed it on the table.

“You can get me these for starters. Broke some tools back home and now we need to some new one’s.” Bismarck looked over the sheet, inspecting the list of items required for the Apple family.

“I see. These are some high quality materials you’ll need. Nothing cheap, but you're lucky you have a friend like me.” He took the parchment and rolled it up, placing it near the end of the counter.

“I can make the materials and tools you’ll need, but it will be a couple days till their complete. You willing to wait old friend?”

“Don’t worry, I plan on staying here for the next few days. I can wait.” Appleseed reassured and Bismarck nodded in approval.

“Come back in a couple days and your order will be ready.” Bismarck returned to behind his counter and began working on the new materials. “Also be sure to visit often. We should try to catch up on old times.” Appleseed nodded and began heading out for the front door.

“Also be sure to say hi to Hard Cider and… uh Ginger as well.” Bismarck yelled as Appleseed opened the door, a small hint of a smile spread on his face when he heard him stutter his sisters name.

“Ah’ll do that Bismarck. See ya soon.”


Appleseed walked down the streets of Manehattan, moving at a slow leisurely pace. He spent roughly fifteen minutes with meeting Bismarck so he had some free time before having to meet with Hard Cider and Sweet Velvet. He took the time of wandering down the streets passing by ponies who are constantly on the move. As he looked around and taking in the sights around him he could get this sense that the city felt right to him. The more he looked at it the more the city seemed to called to him. It needed fixing, it needed some help, the farm life out in the country was not for him, here in the city, he could make a difference.

As he continued to walk down the street a local bell nearby began ringing. It was already twenty minutes till he had to meet them and he had to pick up the pace. He quickly made his way down the streets of Manehattan, passing by many ponies who were going about their day. However, it was slowly becoming more and more crowded as rush hour was kicking in and things would slow down for him when he made his way to the park. He stopped near an intersection and hundreds if not thousands of ponies were already crossing and going about their business. He wouldn't be able to get through this without taking his time in the crowds and he would be late in meeting with his brother and Velvet. He looked around, trying to find any way out of the crowded streets and to the park. He soon spotted an open alley way nearby and saw it clearly devoid of any ponies. He could take the route but he felt that it would take him too long to reach the park, and having to navigate through the alleys would be a nightmare. He cursed at his bad luck and blamed himself for being the slacker that he is.

He was ready to turn and take the long route but an uneasy feeling washed over him. He shuddered slightly, thinking it was only the breeze. He turned back down the alley way and felt a sense of uneasy getting to him. He took a step back away from it but a sudden gust of wind from behind blew his stetson off and it landed in front of the alley. He looked at the sky, thinking that the winter cold has not left Manehattan, but he saw no clouds above. He turned back to the hat and then looked at the alleyway. He sighed to himself and quickly picked up his hat, allowing it settle on his head. Taking a deep breath and looked forward with confidence he began trotting down the alleyway.

As he moved down the alley he saw that it didn’t have that many paths that he thought earlier. He was making excellent time as he found no obstacles that were in his way. Their was the occasional bum or two that he walked by but other then that he was making excellent time. He was reaching the end of the alley way and he could see the park at the end. He picked up the pace knowing that he will be making in time.

“Get off of me!”

Or so he thought.

He stopped in his tracks, hearing a distinct mare’s voice nearby.

“Got a lot of fight in this one.” another voice came from the adjacent alley. Appleseed backed up slightly and peered down the dead end alley. The whole area was pitched black but he could see four stallions in a corner and he could also see a mare in between them and fighting back. He couldn’t quite tell what she looked like but it was clear that she was in distress by the vagrants.

“I don’t have anything you want! Let me go!” she yelled out as one of the stallions tried to apprehend her, only for a swift kick at his jaw from her leg. He backed away a bit stunned and his buddies just laughed it off. For the way things were the mare could hold her own but the vagrants were not going to let her off easy. Leaving behind his main goal he walked down the alley toward the group.

“If you don’t give us what we want then we will have our way with you. Now do as we say and give us what you have.” The stallion in front said as he tried to grab her. The mare snorted and kicked him at his chest. He was sent back slightly allowing his friends to grab hold of her. He chuckled slightly as she struggled and he was moving forward once more, in all of the struggle they failed to see Appleseed walking behind him.

“Oh you got a fiery spirit. I like that.” He said with a hint of craving in his voice.

“Then your gonna love me.” Appleseed replied, causing the others to take notice of him. The ring leader turned and glared at him.

“Who the hay are you? This is not your…” the ring leader didn’t finish as Appleseed placed a hoof on his head and shoved him back into a pile of garbage. The others stared at him in both shock and anger as their buddy was sprawled in the trash. Appleseed knew he was in for it now but he didn’t care. He would never allow a mare to be treated in such a way.

“Ah suggest you leave the lady alone. She doesn't want to be bothered, so how about you varmints scatter.”

“Get that country hick!” their leader yelled as he scrambled out of the trash. As one his other friends charged forward. Appleseed had been in a few brawls when it was necessary. This fight would be no different.

As soon as the first stallion let loose a punch he quickly countered with a punch of his own, striking the colt across the cheek and sending the troublemaker into the ground. The other two two went at his sides and sent their own punches and blows. Appleseed turned and drove a kick into a pegasus stallion and he was sent flying to the wall. However, the other one managed a hit across his cheek, sending his hat flying off. He quickly countered with a few direct punches of his own, pummeling the stallion in his face before quickly tossing him into the trash nearby. The ringleader yelled out and threw a punch at Appleseed’s chest, hitting him dead center.

Yet Appleseed didn’t budge.

He watched as the ring leaders eyes widened and could only stare up at the stallion before him. Appleseed smiled at him and the vagrants eyes shrinked to the size of pinpricks. He then gasped in surprise as Appleseed lifted him up off his hooves and sent him flying by Appleseed's kick. The ringleader landed on the ground near the mare and Appleseed watched as she gave swift kick to his jaw and knocking him out cold. Appleseed heard another cry and he turned to late to see one of the vagrants get out of the garbage and rush him with a broken bottle. The bottle struck hard against his head, glass shattering and splintering across his face. He felt a cut on his left cheek with fresh blood dripping down. With one quick movement Appleseed sent his hoof in a uppercut twice as hard and sent him into the garbage, several trash cans spilling out on the ground in the process.

Appleseed heard another half cry and whipped his head around to stare down at the pegasus stallion. The pegasus froze slightly as he stared at his buddies unconscious and badly hurt. Appleseed snorted at him and gave him a piercing glare. The pegasus stallion fell flat on his haunches and he waved a hoof at Appleseed.

“Respect, country colt. Respect.” He spoke skittishly before another snort from Appleseed sent him scampering out of the alleyway. Appleseed sighed as the the vagrants were still, either rolling around in pain or knocked out cold. With the vagrants dealt with he picked up his hat then turned to the mare who was picking up her belongings.

“Are you alright?” He asked, offering a hoof to help her up. She accepted it and she was lifted up from her spot, only for her to pull out a cloth from her basket.

“I should ask you the same thing.” she gently pressed the cloth on his left cheek. He hissed slightly from the touch but it gently eased as she cleaned the wound from the cloth.

“The cut’s not deep but I know of a service station in the park nearby.” she spoke as she cleaned up the blood and allowed Appleseed to hold the cloth to his cheek. Appleseed looked at the mare for a second a little perplexed. Though, he couldn’t quite place it, her voice was strangely familiar.

“Name’s Appleseed, by the way.” he said as he held the cloth firmly against his cheek, keeping the blood from seeping down his cheek. The mare smiled and gave a small giggle, to which he found it cute.

“My name is Honey Blossom. It’s nice to know that there’s decent stallions out there that can help a mare in need.” Appleseed chuckled to her in kind at her remark.

“Ah may be a country colt, but I know that chivalry ain’t dead.” his comment earned another giggle from the mare and he couldn’t help but chuckle along. She then wrapped a hoof around his and beckoned him to follow.

“C’mon then Appleseed. I’ll can take you to that service station.” she grabbed his hoof with hers and began escorting them out of the alleyway, leaving the vagrants in the trash where they belong.

As they exited out of the darkened alley and Appleseed look at the mare more clearly he could see that her coat was red, her mane was yellow and braided, and was held by a pink bow in her mane. His green eyes widened as he stared at her and she in turn had an equal expression in her blue eyes.

“It’s you.” they both said in unison.