Apple To The Heart

by Broman

Chance Meetings

The two stared at each other for the longest time, neither of them speaking or even moving. They just stared at each other as if they had met for the first time but it wasn't. Appleseed looked her over. A red coat, yellow mane with a pink bow and tiny white freckles. Indeed, she was the mare that he met several months ago. As he stared at her he could get the feeling that she was doing the same in turn. After another minute of uncomfortable silence, Honey Blossom was the first to speak up.

“You're the kind sir who helped me when I fell.” she said, her sweet voice, going through him and snapping him out of his stupor.

“And you’re the mare ah accidentally ran into.” he said without thinking clearly. She giggled again and a small smile was present on her face.

“Well I never thought I would run into kind stallion such as yourself.” Appleseed went to laugh but a sting from the cut made him wince slightly. Honey Blossom noticed this and she wrapped a hoof around his once more.

“C’mon now, let get that wound checked out.” she kindly said as the two headed out the main alleyway. The two soon crossed the street and into the park. As they walked Appleseed took notice of the trees around him. Many of the trees were already budding and growing in their firsts leaves. Appleseed had only been to the park once or twice when he was first visiting Manehattan. However, being here during the early spring was a breathtaking experience. As he enjoyed the sights around him Honey Blossom had guided him to their destination. Once at the service station Honey Blossom received an aid kit from the service pony and she opened up a bottle which Appleseed knew was rubbing alcohol. She took a small cloth and poured a small amount of the liquid onto the cloth and slowly lifted it up to Appleseed’s face.

“This may sting a little,” Honey Blossom warned and Appleseed braced for it. Honey Blossom placed the cloth on his cheek and Appleseed bit his lip before he could curse up a storm.

It’s like a hundred hornets at once! Appleseed thought as he bore through the pain. Honey Blossom rubbed the cloth several times over the wound, making sure that no area was missed.

“I like to thank you Appleseed. I never had anypony stand up for me.” she said as she tenderly patched up the little areas of the cut before putting it away.

“If you don’t mind me askin, but what were those ponies after you for?” he asked but hoped he was not prying to much at her.

“Oh those goons are always hampering me and my family,” Honey Blossom stated which caused Appleseed to look at her with some concern but she continued on.

“My family has a large business and we tend to get a few rivals because of it. It saddens me that there those who would use force to get what they want.” She began taking a bandage and applying it to his cheek, covering the whole cut with the cloth.

“Well ah say that’s just plum awful Honey Blossom. Ah know ponies have been struggling with this recession. Seeing others take advantage of small folk for their benefits, that’s downright shameful.” he said as Honey Blossom finished patching up the wound and placing small tape to keep the bandage held. Once finished she returned the kit back to the service station and looked at her work.

“Well you do look better now, Appleseed. How do you feel?” she asked as he rubbed the section of his cheek.

“Stings a little but ah think it will be fine. Thank you,” he said with a small smile. “ah best be goin. Got to meet my brother in the park nearby.”

“Oh I’m actually going down that road to. My home is just on the other side of the park. Mind if I join you?” she asked as she held her basket in hoof. Appleseed smile grew a little higher.

“Well that’s fine by me.” he said as the two began walking through the park together.

For the next thirty minutes both began talking about themselves. Appleseed and Honey Blossom spoke about many things that both seemed to enjoy. He enjoyed seeing sights, she enjoyed visiting the country. He loved playing the guitar at home while she enjoyed listening to music theater. There was a lot of things that Appleseed discussed with her, and the more he talked the more relaxed he became while speaking with her. He then talked about his business selling apples, while she spoke highly that she help sell produce in oranges. When she mentioned the word orange, however, he tilted his head to her with a curious expression.

“So you're employed to them Orange family or is it that-”

“Oh no it’s not like that Appleseed,” she said as she placed a hoof over her chest in pride. “In fact, I’m their youngest daughter.” she said with a beaming smile and Appleseed’s expression turned from curious to absolute astonished.

“You're the youngest daughter of Orange family!?” he said as his gaze focused on her and she stared back with a small smile.

“Yes. My father is the main owner of Orange Orchards Estate and my family and I help the business grow by selling are produced throughout the city.” she explained as Appleseed continued to stare in disbelief. Not only is he speaking to a mare he saved, she was also the daughter of the Oranges. The family has been doing very well before the recession kicked in and from what he had learned they have been buying many properties and been making a fortune in selling them at cheap rates to other small businesses. When the recession came, however, those small business would run into the ground yet most of the profit would benefit the Orange family. A part of him felt he should try and avoid her but his rational side only concluded that she was just a daughter. Her father might be the one doing all this harm to the pony folk but it does not automatically condemn her as well. He went to say something but was cut off from a wave from her hoof.

“I know what you're getting at Appleseed. From all the questions you’ve been inquiring I can assume that you are the son of the Apple Family business at Sweet Apple Acres. Am I correct?”

She’s a sharp one. he thought as she continued to smile at him. He now began to wonder if she knew about the new land going up for sale. Honey Blossom seemed to take notice of this and she gave a small chuckle.

“Don’t worry Appleseed. I’m not going to reveal anything to my father about me meeting an apple. He would be so upset if he found out.” she gave a wide grin and Appleseed soon caught on. It appeared to him that she was also the rebellious one in the family, just like he is in wanting to start a business of his own. He gave a warm chuckle at this and tilted his hat to her.

“Well rest assured miss Honey Blossom that ah will keep my mouth sealed about me meeting ya. They’ll think ah’m conspirin’ with an orange or something like that.” his promise earned another laugh from Honey Blossom to which Appleseed chuckled along, her laughter was both infectious and down right cute.

“Well then kind sir, we’ll just keep this between us then.” she settled that matter and the two continued to walk down the road through the park. Appleseed didn’t know why but he felt that even though she was a part of the Orange family, he believed he could trust her. A small smile crept on the corner of his mouth as the thought lingered on his conscious.

As they moved along down the road they soon were passing by a large lake nearby. Sunlight reflected off the calm waters and several ponies milled about the area, enjoy the nice spring air around them. Appleseed looked and saw numerous ponies enjoying the springtime. He watched small fillies and colts romp around the lake bed. Couples and even lovers were together enjoying the time together. He looked at Honey Blossom and she to was staring out at the couples. Appleseed wondered if she was thinking the same thing as he was. He turned his gaze away and luckily she didn’t take notice. They soon walked for a time until a booming voice echoed behind them.

“There ya are brother! Ah was wondering where ya went!” he recognized the voice belonging to Hard Cider.

“Who in Equestria is that?” Honey Blossom asked her soft expression changed to one of surprise.

“That be my older brother, Hard Cider. Don’t be intimidated when you see him.” he began to turn around as Honey Blossom followed.

“Trust me Appleseed. I’ve been intimidated before. I’m sure I can handle your older broth-” her words dropped dead when she turned to see Hard Cider. She practically fell on her haunches when he saw him and both brothers couldn’t help but laugh. Appleseed seen many a pony having the same reaction whenever they see Hard Cider. It was just the apple genes in them. When Honey Blossom slowly composed herself she gave out her right hoof.

“Sorry about that. I never get surprised that easily, it just, if I may be blunt, your huge.” Honey Blossom said as his brother gave another warm chuckle.

“What can say, ah had a growth spurt when ah was little,” he said as he shook the mare’s hoof. “The name’s Hard Cider.”

“Honey Blossom. Pleasure of meeting you.” she replied, giving a small smile. Hard Cider looked at her for a moment and he squinted at her for a second.

“Wait a minute. Red mare?” he looked at her with a perplex expression and she looked uneasily at Appleseed. Hard Cider gave a hard laugh then gave a smirk to his younger sibling.

“Appleseed, this the mare that you have been spoutin about this entire time? She’s mighty pretty then what you let on,” he let out another roaring laughter as his younger brother blushed at this. Seemed even when he meets the mare his brother decided to go and run his mouth off. He placed his hat over his head in embarrassment and he felt a blush over his cheeks. He could hear Honey Blossom stifle a laugh of her own. When the laughter died down Hard Cider leaned his head and took notice of the bandage.

“Where did you get that shiner there brother?” Hard Cider asked as he inspected wound.

“He actually saved me from a group of troublemakers in an alleyway. He was very brave in helping me.” Honey Blossom explained as Hard Cider took in every word.

“That’s my little brother! Being like Robin Hoof in saving a damsel in distress. Mighty proud of ya!” he laughed again with his booming voice and a new shade of red appeared on Appleseed’s face.

“Brother. Why is it the moment you meet her you already start teasin me about her?” Hard Cider wiped a hoof under his eye and nudged into his younger brother.

“That’s because ah care for ya little brother, teasin about ya and your marefriend and all,” he gave another laugh and Appleseed rolled his eyes at him before turning to Honey Blossom.

“I apologize Honey Blossom. I don’t know this pony. You can ignore what he says to ya,” Appleseed said, to which his older, and bigger brother, wrapped a hoof around him and began to ruffle his mane with his hoof. Appleseed struggled under his grip, his lucky stetson falling off as he tried to get himself free from his siblings grasp, but to no avail. The two tussled for a moment until finally Hard Cider let's go, leaving Appleseed mane in a frazzled mess. He went to reach for his hat when Honey Blossom beat him to it, lifting the hat and offering it to him.

“It seems you have have a loving brother Appleseed,” Honey Blossom said as Appleseed took the hat and placed it back on his head, “I envy that.”

“Yeah well he sometimes is too fun loving in my opinion. More attached like a bear on a honey nest.” Appleseed quipped, making Honey Blossom smile.

“Well I better get home now. I hope we see each other again soon.” she began heading down the road, leaving the two brothers where they were.

“Take care of yerself, Honey Blossom.” Appleseed called back before she turned and waved a hoof at him. She then proceeded down the road and soon was out of sight. For a moment Appleseed remained where he was, standing still as a stone statue. Then he let out a breath that he didn’t know he even held and turned to his older brother.

“Why do ah feel like my heart is aching all of a sudden?”

“Either ya hit yer head when your were a colt or you finally hit puberty little brother.”

That last comment made Appleseed slug Hard Cider in the shoulder. His older brother laughed it off as Appleseed lowered his head in embarrassment.

I hope we can talk under different circumstances miss Honey Blossom. Appleseed thought as he followed his brother through the park. As he walked on as he passed by the tall trees that surrounded him, he could almost imagine being back on the farm. A small cool breeze brushed on by and the early leaves on the trees began to shake. Appleseed smiled and before he could continue to take in the sights around him, he felt a tug by his neck from Hard Cider.

“By the way, brother. There is a pony ah met a little bit ago and he is wanting to apologize to ya.”

Appleseed gave his brother a peculiar until they saw a pegasus appear behind a tree. He looked at the pegasus and saw that he was roughly the same height as him and he had a light blue coat with, strangely enough, a rainbow colored spiked mane. The pegasus took a step forward and Appleseed noticed a light shiner under the his left eye. The moment he spoke Appleseed immediately recognized the voice of the vagrant from the alley.

“I like to say I’m sorry for fighting you earlier. I'm not like the others you left back there but seeing you fight I know you can pack a mean punch. The name’s Rainbow Blaze by the way.”