TiM: Heart Warming Heartbeat

by Harmony Split

Heartwarming Present

Chapter Two: Heartwarming Present

Five years later

Nightshade snuggled deeply into her cushion; but try as she might she just couldn't sleep anymore. Even the warmth of her mother, Nighttide, wasn't enough to lull her back. Groaning, she blinked some of the sleep out of her eyes before looking at the clock, then to the window.

Nightshade's eyes went wide at the sight and she quickly jumped off the bed and to the window, trying to get a good look. “Mom, Dad, wake up! It's snowing! It's snowing!” she yelled and hopped back to the bed, right onto her parents.

Taz and Nighttide blinked, confused, before they smiling upon their hopping daughter on the bed.

“Calm down,” Taz chuckled.

“But it's snowing! I can finally go out like you promised!” Nightshade continued to yell happily.

Nighttide looked to Taz who only shrugged. “You did promise it to her. Besides, it's the first real snow after her birthday. Her first two winters she was too young, the others we were either away, or she was sick.”

“Fine,” Nighttide sighed. “We’ll go out, but after breakfast.”

“Yay!” Nightshade screamed, revealing two small, but already very sharp fangs before jumping down and hugging her mother. Then, as quickly as she could, she raced to the bathroom.

Taz chuckled. “You know what? While I miss our... nightly alone time, I wouldn't want it any other way. Every single day she brings a smile to my muzzle that I simply can't describe.”

“I feel the same, but some, what did you call it, ‘nightly alone time‘ would be just as fine,” Nighttide purred back before leaning in and kissing her husband. “Not that I don’t enjoy our ‘breaks’ during the day.”

“I just hope she likes her present.”

Nighttide grinned. “It’ll be fine and I'm sure she’ll be more than happy to share it with Lunar Light. That's why we bought the bigger version after all.”

“I still can't believe she's five now. Time’s flown by so fast. It feels like an age ago since we fought Red. I miss the old battles. At that time we were all together, and now it's... kinda weird.”

“But everything is good. And with Shimmering Night and Ataxia around, you know we’ll never be bored.” Nighttide cocked her head.

“Yeah, but something’s missing. Ever since, well, you know, Icarus got Night pregnant and they sent their son to Warclaw.”

“I know what you mean, but I think you're worrying too much. You showed me how it is to be loved and to have a family. Now listen to your sexy wife and calm down.”

“Maybe you're right,” Taz smiled and nuzzled her muzzle.

“Of course I am, I'm your wife after all,” Nighttide mocked and nuzzled him back.

They stopped as they overheard some weird sounds, just to see Nightshade standing in the door, giggling and acting like she would gag. “You two are so mushy, I love it.” She grinned before jumping into bed and right onto Taz.

“Ouf! Well, we love each other, your mum and I. Otherwise we wouldn't have such a lovely daughter like you,” Taz smiled and tickled Nightshade at the ankle of her wings. “Someday you will find your special somepony as well.”

“If they’re all stallions like you, I want one. If not, I’ll take a mare like mom!” Nightshade giggled, causing both parents to stop.

“Uh?” Nighttide looked confused at Taz before they both groaned in unison, “Ataxia...”

“Yes! She said it doesn't matter if I want a filly or a colt. She says it's important to listen to your heart and don’t give a buck about what others say!” Nightshade grinned.

“Please, don't use words like ‘buck’ at your age,” Taz groaned. “Stay the nice, sweet, adorable filly you are and please don't listen to most of what Ataxia says. But, I have to say she's right in this topic. Just look at Twilight and Rainbow. They’re happy with each other. Ataxia and Shimmering Night as well.”

“Aaand Starlight and Echoside!”

Nighttide facehoofed. “Yes, but they’re a special kind of pair. Echoside is a bat-pony, just like you. We'll explain everything to you in time.”

“But… I want to hear it now,” Nightshade said with a pouty face.

“You’re way too young for this,” Taz shook his head.

“Ataxia said it’s really simple, that the stallion just get’s really excited and—”

“ATAXIA!!!!” Both Nighttide and Taz yelled at the same time.

That yell was a mistake as an unmistakable cry answered back. From lungs that could only be held by one little filly in the entire castle, Night Skies began balling from her crib right next to Nighttide’s side of the bed.

Taz and Nighttide both sighed as they looked at each other. Nighttide held a hoof to her rather large stomach, almost as if she was using it as an excuse. Taz just kissed her on the cheek as he went to get up.

Nighttide looked at him. “No regrets?” she asked.

“With you? Never,” he smiled. “We could have a dozen and I would still love and praise you every single day.”

Nighttide whispered something naughty back, but not loud enough for Taz to understand it. He might have not heard the words, but those eyes… he’d never mistake the intent in those eyes. His smile became a blush and then a wink as he signaled that her want was more than understood, and reciprocated.

Unfortunately for both of them, Nightshade saw it too. “Is daddy going to put his thingy into you again, mommy?”

“Okay young lady, we’re going to have a very long talk with Ataxia today.” Nighttide said as she ran her hoof through Nightshade’s sparkling blue and purple mane.

“Let me know how that works out,” Taz said with a roll of his eyes as he went to pick his second daughter up out of the crib. At almost two years old, Night Sky was small for her age. She still slept in a crib and threw a hissy fit whenever she was more than ten hooves from anypony at any given time.

He looked down at the dark blue pegasus filly with the blue eyes and two toned grey mane and tail. With a smile upon his face, Taz picked her up and held her to his chest, letting her cry out onto his black fur. Night Skies’ birth had been rather tame when compared to Nightshade’s. She came out right at nine months, and although she lacked her sister’s unique coloring, nopony loved her any less for it.

Especially not Nightshade. “Oh, is she hungry again?!”

“I think it was rather your Mom and me being a bit too loud this early in the morning,” Taz chuckled.

“Is it because dad uses his th—”

“Alright young lady, why don’t you go make sure that Lunar Light is up and meet us downstairs for breakfast,” Taz interrupted. “Then we can all go play in the snow.”

“Oh, can Night Skies come too?”

“No, she’s too young to play in the snow,” Nighttide said as Taz passed their now somewhat pacified daughter to her. The little filly cooed softly as she was held by her mother. Nighttide patted her little diapered rump and felt that she’d need a changing before they went anywhere.

“Now go and get Lunar Light. We’ll meet you two in the dining hall. And please, don’t trick the guards again,” Taz smiled and Nightshade was quickly gone. The little filly spread her bat wings and shot right for the door, she didn’t even touch the ground as she opened it and flew out, her objective clear: her favorite friend in the world, Lunar Light.

“Didn’t mom say not to send her over in the mornings anymore?”

Taz looked at Nighttide and smiled as he brought out the diaper changing supplies. “Maybe.”

Nighttide grinned at that as she laid her daughter on the padding and played with her a little bit. “You’re bad.”

“Not as bad as you,” Taz said with a smile as he looked over to his wife’s rump.

Nighttide saw where his eyes were looking, but rather than be offended, she welcomed it. “We don’t have Ataxia to blame, do we?”


“You know what I think?” Nighttide asked.

“What’s that?” Taz replied.

“We’re going to be late to breakfast.”

“If it would’ve been up to me, we wouldn’t leave bed for a week,” Taz grinned.

“Hmm… I miss those days, well, that part of those days.”

“Maybe after Sunrise is born, we go on vacation, just me and you?”

“You do realize that we wouldn’t really do anything besides having fun in the hotel room?” Nighttide asked with a smirk.

“Sounds like a perfect vacation to me.”

“Me too,” Nighttide replied as she kissed her husband again.


Nightshade zoomed down the corridors of Celestia’s Palace. The little mint-green bat-pony filly flew up and around the pillars and stanchions that held up the walls and ceilings of the palace.

Stealthy, she was not. Several times the palace guard would eyeball her. Even though they weren’t supposed to, they’d often look her way and laugh at the little filly’s antic, her boundless energy.

She had a lot to be excited about. After all, today she turned five years old and she knew that her parents had something awesome for her again. She just loved Taz and Nighttide. Sure, they weren’t the average family, but she simply thought that it made them special.

Then again she’d say the exact same thing about everypony in the castle. And there were so many living here now. From all the palace guards and servants, to the huge wonderful family, she was friends with everyone. More than one day would see her and her grandma Rainbow Dash racing through the skies. Or even her playing with Twilight Sparkle's mane. Although when she accidentally pulled out a large strand of Twilight’s tail she had felt really bad about it.

Twilight had felt worse by the tears Nightshade had shed than any actual pain that the little filly had caused.

Still, if there was one pony besides her immediate family that held a unique place in her heart, it was her aunt, Lunar Light.

Every single day she could spend time with her was a good time. Not to mention that she was smart and elegant. Nightshade really really liked her. It also helped that she was, in a word: cool.

Nightside landed outside of Princess Luna’s personal chamber. She knocked on the door three times, as loud as her little hooves could manage. “Lunar Light! Come to breakfast with me!”

“For the love of our night, we told Taz that no disturbance will be accepted anymore!”

Nightshade knew immediately who it was and backed away from the door. The door burst open, revealing a very groggy Princess Luna.

“Grandma!” Nightshade said with a smile as she flew up and hugged the alicorn around the neck.

Luna looked down, annoyed that the moment she had managed to get to sleep she had been awoken, but more annoyed at the fact that her bad mood simply never stood a chance. Not with the hug that could tame mountains anyway. The palace was anything but quiet with the scamper of all the new foals running around, but Nightshade’s smile was… different. it was like that little filly could simply brighten a room by walking into it.

“Dearest Nightshade, let me guess, you’re looking for Lunar Light?”

“Yes Grandma Wunna,”

“Well, just like I told you last week, she’s one door down.”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Nightshade said with a bright smile as she took off to the other door.

“Nightshade again?” Dayspring Gleam asked from inside of the room.

“Aye,” Luna replied as she watched the filly land in front of her daughter’s door, just to smile as right before Nightshade could knock, Lunar Light opened the door, causing the filly to land adrobally on her cute muzzle.

“Well come back to bed, both me and Shining Night miss you,” Dayspring said as he placed a hoof on the two-year-old dark blue unicorn with the off-white mane that had a permanent spot sleeping between them.

“That’s… not a bad idea,” Luna said with a smile as she closed the door and went to rejoin her husband in bed.

It hadn’t been the first time she’d taken a mate in her long life, but something about Dayspring Gleam felt… different to Luna. Different and good, in all the right ways.

“C’mon Lunar Light, it’s my birthday! Let’s go eat breakfast and then mom said I can play in the snow this year!” Nightshade said excitedly as she bounced up and down in front of the black pegasus. Lunar Light had teal eyes and a two toned blue mane..

Lunar Light smiled, then looked up to see the door to her parents room close in time. “You did disturb our mother again?” she smiled.

“You are speaking like that again,” Nightshade giggled. “You could be a great imitator of Wunna!”

“Thou know we haven’t slept with Princess Luna for almost a year.”

“Yeah, I forgot,” Nightshade said as she looked down and started to play with her hooves. “I keep forgetting because I couldn’t imagine a day not waking up next to my mom and dad.”

“What about when they go on vacation?”

“Then I sleep with Twilight and Rainbow,” Nightshade said.

“Thou really are adorable, you know that,” Lunar Light said, causing Nightshade to look up and smile at her.

“So you’ll come?!”

“What? Did thou really think, we’d miss our favorite niece's birthday?” Lunar Light said, grinning at the ear to ear smile Nightshade cast back her direction. “There is a reason we are up during the day after all.”

Nightshade jumped on her, tackling her to the ground with a great big hug. “YEAHHH!”

Lunar Light couldn’t do anything but laugh as Nightshade nuzzled into her coat. Then, just as suddenly, she let go and spread her bat wings. “C’mon, last one to the breakfast table is a rotten Red!”

“Thou knoweth Twilight forbid us to use this name anymore,” Lunar Light frowned, but quickly opened her own wings. “Last one to breakfast will spend a night on Princess Luna’s moon!”

The pegasus took off, but a moment later stopped in the middle of the air and turned around. Nightshade had landed to the ground and her face was scrunched up in a pout. “But I don’t want to sleep alone, it’s dark and scary,” Nightshade said with tears starting to build up in her eyes.

“Tis, but a challenge, not a real threat,” Lunar light said with a giggle. “Now c’mon!”

“Oh, okay then!” Nightshade replied, her mood doing a complete one-eighty. She followed behind Lunar Light, impressed. Grandma has taught her so much. Just not how to call her and to not always use that speech, Nightshade giggled internally.

She followed Lunar Light for quite some time, letting the pegasus have the lead before bolting ahead with a giggle right at the first real straight away. This was always the game between the two, but it was a game that Lunar Light could not win, not really anyway. Nightshade was her senior and one of her favorite activities was playing with Rainbow Dash. Who went out of her way to teach the little sparkling filly everything she needed to know.

That being said, Nightshade had actually never won a single match. This time, just like all the times before, she slowed down right before winning so that Lunar light would pass her and claim victory.

“Looks like you won again, Lunar Light!” Rainbow Dash yelled with a smile on her face from the breakfast table.

“‘Twas never in doubt!” Lunar Light said with pride in her eyes.

Nightshade and Rainbow simply winked at each other. While Nightshade had inherited her grandmother's love of racing, her love of winning was simply something she did not have. Rainbow had accepted that Nightshade simply found too much joy in the happiness of others.

“The winner gets first serving of breakfast,” Twilight Sparkle said with a smile as she gestured for the two fillies to join them at the table.

“Where’s Nightlight?” Nightshade asked as she sat down, looking for Starlight and Echoside’s daughter.

“Starlight and Echoside took her to the Crystal Empire to visit Blaze and Radiant, remember?” Twilight said.

“Oh, yeah, forgot.”

“We need to start running you through some memory exercises young lady,” Twilight said with a smile.

“I think she’s just perfect as is,” Rainbow said as she extended her left golden wing and started to tickle Nightshade, causing her to giggle and laugh excitedly. “Besides, everyone left presents, so she’ll still have plenty of stuff to play with.”

“I don’t need any presents, grandma,” Nightshade said with a smile. “Just my friends.”

Rainbow looked at her strangely before turning to Twilight. “Are we sure she’s related to me?”

“Wow, Mom, really?”

All heads turned to the newest speaker, just in time to see Shimmering Night walk down the steps, her wife and shadow, Ataxia right behind her.

“What?” Rainbow asked.

Ataxia chuckled. “I’d feel sorry for any stallion that got his dick within ten hooves of Nighttide, that bitch is crazy.”

“Ataxia, language,” Twilight scolded her.

The purple mare just stuck out her tongue in reply. It was an old game to her, one she had yet to lose. Assuming anypony was keeping track that is.

She was.

They sat down, Shimmering NIght right across from Nightshade. The mint green filly started making funny faces at Night, who responded in kind.

Ataxia chuckled, And they call me the child. 

“How long until Skyflight get’s back?” Lunar Light asked.

“Knowing how well he gets along with Little Dayspring, I’d wonder if he’ll ever come back,” Ataxia replied, chuckling.

“Or my sister,” Night said with a growl.

“Night, we talked about this before. You and Aurora really need to put it past you,” Twilight lectured.

“He’s MY son, mom!”

“And Icarus's,” Twilight corrected, “maybe you should have thought about that before—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Night said, rubbing her hoof against her temples.

“I still can’t believe you wouldn’t let me get pregnant again,” Ataxia replied.

Night cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at Ataxia. “After that stunt you pulled with Echoside knocking up our daughter?”

“Hey! Nightlight turned out just fine!” Ataxia complained.

“Yeah, no, we have enough little rugrats running around all day.”

“Yeah, tell that our Daughter. I’m not responsible for the foal on it’s way and definitely not for any more!”

“But thanks to you they KNOW the spell,” Night growled back.

Ataxia looked up and away.

“What did you do?” Night asked.

“What?” Ataxia said innocently, which was as good as a confession of guilt on any other pony.


“Okay, I may have lent them my magic, for a few nights… well, months.”


“And that means… well, Starlight is powerful enough to cast a potion that can give Echoside a dick and fuck her until she is pregnant…” Ataxia trailed off as Night’s eye twitched.

Night was about to go into a full on rage until she heard the unmistakable sound of laughter coming from down the table. She looked over to see Rainbow Dash laughing herself off the seat and onto the floor. “MOM, it’s not funny!”

“Oh, it totally is!” Rainbow replied back.

“My daughter’s going to have as many foals as TAZ!”

“That’s not that bad? They only have two so far with a third coming,” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“They want more!” Night screamed.

“So what?” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Let her do like she wants, Night, she’s old enough by now and knows what she wants.”

Night rubbed her temples, “I-I-i… I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation.”

“And losing at that,” Ataxia said with a smile.

“You really want to sleep on the couch, don’t you?”

Ataxia’s smile faded.

“Dad was saying he wants to go on a vacation with mommy after Sunrise is born, is he going to put another brother or sister into mommy then?” Nightshade asked.

“They’re sure going to try,” Ataxia said with an ear to ear grin.

Even Twilight couldn’t stop herself from smiling. It was… inappropriate to the extreme to have this conversation, and that wasn’t even counting the two foals present. But she couldn’t deny that the more little ones running around there were, the happier she was. There was something… special about being a grandmother. Or in Nightlight’s case, a great-grandmother.

Besides, she had run out of reasons to say no. They had the room, they had the help, and they had the bits. If her family wanted a huge family all of their own, who was she to say no? After everything that had happened, they deserved it.

“We don’t think we ever want foals,” Lunar Light said, frowning at the thought of small foals crying out at all hours of the night

Nightshade turned to her. “Really? I love helping taking care of everyone.”

“Even the diaper changes?” Lunar Light asked, she looked questioningly at her friend

“Even those! Besides, it’s so much fun to play with all the little foals, to laugh with them, to hug and squeeze them.” Nightshade laughed heartily, her hooves wrapping around herself like she was squeezing an invisible foal in a tight hug.

Lunar Light cocked her head and smiled at Nightshade. The playful filly noticed her friend’s gaze was on her so she began to pretend like she was holding a non-existent baby in her hooves, rocking it back and forth cooing silently. There was something about it, something about watching her do that that simply made Lunar Light smile.

“I couldn’t imagine not having my own someday!” Nightshade said, a soft smile resting on her face as she daydreamed.

Lunar Light paused for a moment before saying, “We think we just changed our mind.” Her eyes never leaving the mare next to her.

Ataxia grinned conspiratorially at Rainbow before whispering, “I think we’ve got the next pairing set.”

Rainbow grinned back with a nod. “Yep!”

Night raised an eyebrow. She had no idea what her wife had just whispered, but knowing Ataxia, and worse, knowing Rainbow, she suspected that she wouldn’t like it. “Why do I feel like the only sane one here at times?” Night asked nopony in particular.

“Is that before or after you and Aurora fuc—”

“Don’t you start!” Night scowled at Ataxia.

“You’re too much fun,” Ataxia said back, surprising Night with a kiss.

The large alicorn was left, quite literally, speechless. Fortunately for her, Taz and Nighttide had made it down the stairs. Their daughter, Night Skies, upon her dad’s back.

As they walked by Rainbow and Twilight, it became very obvious why she was on Taz’s back and not Nighttide’s. The mare reeked of sex.

Ataxia noticed it too. “Morning quicky?”

Nighttide and Taz both went to their places without a response, Taz sporting a light blush. However, Nighttide left a small cuff on the back of Ataxia’s head.

Twilight giggled at that as she levitated a high chair over to Taz. Her son nodded in thanks as he placed his daughter Night Skies in the high chair next to them.

She was a little worried that Night Skies development seemed behind for her age, but Twilight had learned that when it came to Nighttide’s foals, they tended to make their own rules for what was normal and what was not.

Nopony---save Ataxia---made overt mention of the smell that drifted by when Nighttide walked past, but with those two, it was generally assumed. The only thing that surprised most was the time they had accomplished it this time.

Ataxia rubbed the back of her head playfully.

“Oh get over it you baby, I know for a fact you can take harder blows than that,” Nighttide said with a smile.

Ataxia shrugged. The two of them had gone a few rounds, her in her dragacorn form, and Nighttide going all out. Taz still shivered at the thought, because more than once both ended up in the dirt, completely covered in their blood. He had put a stop to it when Nighttide started to show from her pregnancies, but that only covered from months five though whenever the foals were born.

When you marry a daughter to a pseudo-god and a revenant possessed alicorn, you learn that nothing happens the way you expect it to. In many ways he understood what his sister Shimmering Night now went through with Ataxia.

“So, you two are planning a vacation?” Twilight asked.

Taz blushed. “Umm, yeah. If that’s okay? After Sunshine’s born and weaned.”

“That’s fine just let us know when,” Twilight replied with a kind smile.

“So a fuck-vacation?” Ataxia asked bluntly.

“Yep. It’s time,” Nighttide replied in the same blunt tone.

Night bit her tongue from saying ‘in front of the kids, really?’. She sighed, loudly, “I give up, this is just our family, isn’t it?”

“Yep!” Rainbow, Ataxia, Taz, and Nighttide said all at the same time.

“And don’t act like you never watched Rainbow and Twilight fuck like rabbits or never heard them,” Ataxia added with a smirk. “They still do by the way!”

“Heck there were a few times we’d grab a quicky with you sleeping in the same bed,” Rainbow said with a smile. “More than once you’d be awake and watching when we got done. Not to start about all the—”

“RAINBOW!” Twilight cut her off with a blush.

Shimmering Night’s jaw dropped. She had repressed those memories but now that they were brought up again…

“I think it’s sweet,” Nightshade looked around the table, confused why some were laughing and some were blushing. “I mean, if you love someone, why not show it?”

“Thou have taken too many lessons from Ataxia,” Lunar Light said.

“Actually, that one’s on me,” Taz said, blushing.

“Taz, the horndog,” Ataxia laughed.

Lunar Light hummed. “Actually, we think this sounds right. Looking from the logical side, it is normal to show your love to another.” she stopped and blushed. “Even in this way.”

Nightshade mustered her with interest, something, that even Twilight noticed. “Okay, I think it is time we stop here.”

“Actually,” Rainbow interrupted; she had a theory, “I’m curious, what makes you say that Lunar Light?”

“Well, everypony dreams about—”

“Luna’s taken you dream walking?!” Twilight said wide eyed.

“A few times, but we’ve… We’ve been practicing, ourselves.”

“BUT I only managed that as a alicorn! How…” Twilight stopped. “You know what? I don’t even have to ask. You’re Luna and Dayspring’s daughter. Why am I even surprised?”

Rainbow’s grin became ear-to-ear. “A little filly that’s walked in everypony’s dreams; you’re going to have a blast when you hit puberty.”

“We can not deny that we found some… rather interesting dreams among our family,” Lunar Light blushed.

“Ooooh, that’s something I want to hear!” Ataxia cheered.

“Princess Luna says it’s inappropriate to talk to anyone about what is seen in the dreamscape.”

“Will you ever call her mom like a normal filly?” Rainbow asked before she could stop herself. She turned to see Twilight glaring at her with a ‘really?’ look on her face. “Not that you’re not normal that is, and besides, your father never called me mom, so…”

“It is just appropriate. She isn’t only our mother, but also our princess,” Lunar Light replied sternly. “We shall always bathe her in the respect she deserves.”

“Sooo…” Night stated after the room went quiet. “Now that just about everypony has put their hoof in their mouth, shall I call Starlight back and let her know we need somepony to surgically remove them, or can we change the conversation?”

“I vote change,” Rainbow said.

“Ditto,” Lunar Light replied.

“Ahh, but I was having fun,” Ataxia said, still grinning like an idiot.

“You don’t get a vote, and besides, it’s a certain young mare’s birthday.”

Nightshade looked up from taking a bite of her pancake with a large grin on her face. “MINE!”

Taz smiled at his daughter as he started to clean up some of the mess his other daughter was making. “That’s right, you ready to open presents?”

“YAY! PRESENTS!” Nightshade yelled before jumping down her chair and going right to the pile of presents in the corner.

Of course, she would rip the biggest one out of it’s wrapping faster than even Rainbow could look. “A sled! Sweet!”

Taz smiled. “And it’s big enough so you can go with Lunar Light.”

“Ohh, Lunar, want to go sledding with me?” Nightshade asked with a bright smile as the others started to gather around. Their own breakfast or concerns all but forgotten in the face of pure joy.

“Of course! We would love to,” Lunar Light smiled back.

Nightshade jumped over and gave Lunar a great big hug, one that the normally serious mare was more than happy to return before the mint green pegasus flew back to the pile of presents with gusto.

“This one’s from Woona and Dayspring!” she shouted as she picked up the next present.

Twilight chuckled, even still in the wrapping she’d recognize a book as soon as she saw one.

“Oh, it’s an astronmmomy book,” Nightshade said after turning the covers off.

“Astronomy.” Shimmering Night corrected with a chuckle. “It’s a big book on the stars.”

“But all of you are right here,” Nightshade replied as she looked up.

That actually brought a smile to everypony’s face, well, everypony that wasn’t already smiling already that is. Nightshade put the book down and reached for another.

“This one’s from Starlight and Echoside!”

“Oh dear,” Taz and Nighttide silently cursed as they saw that it was another book.

She tore the wrapping off and red the cover. “The history of the bat-ponies.”

“Twilight,” Nighttide said.

Twilight shook her head in understanding. “I know, but it’s part of who she is.”

“She’s too young for this!” Taz objected.

“I think that is for her to decide on her own since we can’t really claim you two as angels among her presence,” Twilight shot him a stern gaze.

They both looked at each other with ‘well shit’ looks on their faces, but Nightshade had already moved on. She picked up another present and read the label. “From the best mare in the world, Ataxia!”

“Don’t worry,” Night whispered. “Starlight told me about this, the last hundred pages where it’s about sex and everything are magically enchanted. Until she really WANTS to read it, the last pages won’t open.”

That brought some relief to Taz, but that quickly died off as he got an eyeful of Ataxia’s present. It was a bottle with clear, orange-hued liquid. “Oh, please don’t tell me that’s what I think it is.”

“Of course it is!” Ataxia grinned. “Always have a mare prepared!” she said, but missed to duck as Night’s hoof landed on her head with an audible crack.

“Yeah, no,” Nighttide said as, with her shadows, she snatched the bottle away from her daughter. “I’m sorry, my dear, but this isn’t the right present for you. You’re getting it when you’re older, but in the meanwhile Ataxia needs to find a new present.”

“Hey, you know how long that took to make?” Ataxia shouted.

Nightshade looked up at her mom, confused.

“And if she wants it back, WHEN SHE'S OLDER, I’ll give it to her. Until then, no.”

“But it just said juice,” Nightshade said with a pouty lower lip.

Taz looked back at Ataxia, slightly impressed that she had gone through that much trouble. But for a five year old, it’d be wasted anyway. “Here, I’ll get you some other juice for now.”

“Oh… okay, well thank you anyway, Ataxia.”

“You’re welcome, squirt,” Ataxia said as she rubbed her head where her wife slapped her.

“Don’t throw that out,” Ataxia said. “It really did take months to make that, and I’m not sure I can find the ingredients again.”

“I promise you we won't, Ataxia. And if… she does want it someday, I promise I’ll give it to her,” Taz said. Everypony knew that when it came to Taz, his promise was as good as gold.

“Bowchickawow— Ouch, stop hitting me!” Ataxia shouted to Night.

“When you stop acting dumb!” Night said.

“So I guess I should get used to it?”

That caused everypony to laugh.

Nightshade shrugged, not sure what that was about but went back to her next present. “This one’s from Night!”

She opened it up and saw a pair of hoof-warmers for bedtime. They were mint green in coloring, the same as her coat. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Night said with a smile as she brushed up against her wife.

“Who’s that next one from?” Lunar Light asked.

Nightshade picked up the next present. “Rainbow and Twilight.” She tore it open. “Oh, it’s a sweater, in my…”

“That took a long time to get right,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow huffed.

“What is it?” Nighttide asked.

Nightshade unfolded a long over sweater that perfectly matched her mane. The sparkles on it faded from one color to another, never appearing in the same spot.

“Mom… that’s…”

“I remembered that this was the first time she got to go play in the snow, so we figured that we’d get her something that she could use.”

Nightshade slid the sweater over her head, it was large on her, but they all knew that when it came to foals, it was always a good idea to go a few sizes too big. After all, they never stopped growing. Lunar Light helped her guide her wings through the two slits in it before she flew over to Twilight and gave her a great big hug. “THANK YOU!”

“You’re more than welcome, sweetie,” Twilight replied as she hugged her, unsurprised when Rainbow joined in too. “But you’re not done opening presents yet.”

“Huh?” Nightshade asked.

“There’s…” Twilight started to say, then stopped when she realized she didn’t know who the next present was from. She levitated the box over to herself. “That’s weird, there’s no name on this one.”

Taz and Nighttide looked over it. “Huh…” Nighttide muttered.

Twilight shrugged and passed it to Nightshade. “Not sure who this is from, little one, but here you go.”

Nightshade opened it to reveal a small golden hair brush, perfect for her size.

Twilight couldn’t help but place its resemblance to a certain cutie mark on a dark-blue filly. But before she could comment on it, Lunar Light spoke up. “We… got you something too,” she said, blushing a little.

That was the only sentence needed to have Nightshade jump at and crash into the last package and tear it open with gusto. “Matching socks!” she screamed.

“We hope you like it,” Lunar Light blushed, just to stumble back wide-eyed as Nightshade crashed upon her, but didn’t hug her. Instead the little filly planted a kiss right upon her muzzle.

“Thank you, Thank you!”

They all stopped dead in their tracks upon the display, even Ataxia and Rainbow.

“Thou… is… welcome…” Lunar Light said, blushing even harder as the young mare pulled away and started to put on her matching socks.

Nighttide was the first to pull herself out of her stupor when she felt Sunrise kick in her belly, almost as if he were reminding her that it was time to move on. “Well, are you two ready to go sledding?”

Everypony looked grateful for that comment.

“Oh yes!” Nightshade said with an innocent smile on her face as she grabbed her sled and went to take to the air. There was just one problem, it was a little heavier than she could carry right now.

Shimmering Night chuckled as she levitated the sled up for her. “Alright, let’s go!”

Ataxia bit back another comment about Night letting ‘that’ go when she had bitched and moaned about so much else. Even for her, she understood that there were just some moments that were better off not ruined, and that was one of them.

The family made their way outside, Night Skies stayed in the hooves of her mother and father, keeping warm against the cold. Meanwhile Ataxia, Shimmering Night, and Rainbow followed the pair of fillies down the huge hill. More than enjoying the fun and laughter they were having, but also on lookout in just case that fun would become something else.

Lunar Light and Nightshade cheered as they made their way down the hill, reaching a good speed before coming to a stop. As Nightshade tried to exit the sled, she landed in a big pile of snow, quickly sinking into it to her neck, making everypony around giggle as Lunar Light tried to rescue her with her wings.

The little mare jumped up and tackled Lunar into the snow drift. Causing her to give a very uncharacteristic yelp in surprise. Nightshade just tickled her friend before leaping off and to the sled. Lunar Light brushed herself off and followed. Shimmering Night commanded the sled back to the top of the hill so the little fillies could enjoy the entire experience and go all over again.

Twilight smiled at the sights all around her. There was something mystical about today, beyond it being Nightshade’s birthday, or even Hearth's Warming Day for that matter.

When Rainbow landed right next to her, wrapped her in a wing hug, kissed her, and then flew back to watch the girls go down the hill one more time, Twilight realized what it was. It wasn’t that today was a holiday, truly, that didn’t really matter to her right now. It was that… it was a day spent with family and loved ones.

And in the end, that’s what truly mattered.