Family of a Lifetime

by TyrannosaurusVenom


With the defeat of the Hydra, and the days winding down until Rainbow Dash and her friends got to meet the dinosaurs, Scootaloo felt things were going pretty well for her life. Since Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had entered her life, the pegasus filly felt as if all the troubles she had gone through were vanishing. The dinosaurs and Rainbow Dash gave her the attention and care that her so called 'parents' could never give. They had done their best to see Scootaloo happy and smiling with all the time they spent with her. Everything was going so well for Scootaloo after all the drama she had dealt with before. But trouble was starting to find a new way back into her life after being forgotten, and trouble abhors being forgotten.

With just one week left until the introductions with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo felt like some great catastrophe was going to happen and ruin the plan. Every morning she made sure to be awake before her parents, so that there wouldn't be any confrontations that could blow out of proportion. She wanted to be away from the house as much as possible after learning of the mysterious and deadly 'project.' The last thing Scootaloo wanted was for those awful pegasi to unleash the project before Rainbow Dash met her saviors. Unfortunately for Scootaloo, she was going to have to deal with two particular ponies that were just as bad as her sorry excuses for parents.

Scootaloo sped off towards school on her scooter with her bags in tow that morning. All the training with her idol and saviors had drastically increased her wing power, and made her faster than before. Everything around her seemed to be nothing more than a blur as she moved along at incredible speeds. It couldn't have been more than twenty seconds since Scootaloo had left the front of her house. Before she knew it, Scootaloo found herself in front of the school with her friends staring at her with their eyes wide and mouths open.

"That was the fastest Ah've ever seen ya move Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, that was close to what Rainbow Dash can do," Sweetie Belle said in shock.

"Aw shucks, thanks Crusaders. I owe it all to Rainbow Dash and my saviors," Scootaloo said after she parked her scooter and removed her helmet. "I've never been more convinced in my life that they are meant to be my family."

"They are the family that you were always meant to have Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle added. "It just took a while for them to finally reach you."

The Crusaders headed into the school once the bell rang, unaware that they were about to become targeted by the school's most infamous students.

That day started out like any other day for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Their morning started with Miss Cheerilee's morning lesson, Scootaloo payed attention to most of the lesson while thinking about what the future would hold for her saviors. When it was time for lunch, that's when things began to go sour for the fillies. They had just sat down under a tree and were about to have their lunches, when they heard an unmistakable voice heading their way.

"Well, if it isn't the 'Blank Flank Crusaders,'" the Crusaders only knew one pony with that kind of tone. Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon had chosen the fillies as their victims for the day. Scootaloo was not up for hearing the pink filly's usual banter.

"Oh please Diamond Tiara, don't you have anything besides the same old material? Honestly you sound like a broken record player stuck on repeat," Scootaloo said defiantly.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had to struggle to hide their chuckles, because what Scootaloo said was pretty true. Diamond Tiara's face began to go slightly red from the retort, so Silver Spoon took a jab.

Oh yeah, why should we have to listen to what a flightless chicken has to say?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle held their breath, unsure of how Scootaloo would respond to such a cruel comment. Surprisingly, Scootaloo didn't even seem fazed by the insult. It caught the bullies off guard that their insults weren't getting through.

"Flightless huh, lets see if you think THIS is flightless." With a flutter of her wings Scootaloo took off towards the sky, leaving a small crater in her wake.

The little pegasus began soaring and zooming all over the sky, feeling so free like nothing could stop her adrenaline rush. She hoped that Rainbow Dash was watching from a cloud somewhere, to see her honorary little sister in action. When she was done, Scootaloo went back towards the bullies and just hovered in front of them. She had her front legs behind her head, and she had the most confident, collected expression that her friends had ever seen. It was almost like Scootaloo was the spitting image of Rainbow Dash.

"I am no chicken, I am a true pegasus," Scootaloo declared as if she was speaking to her parents. After a while, she touched down in front of the bullies who were losing their cool.

Diamond Tiara couldn't understand where all the new found confidence was coming from. All of hers and Silver Spoon's insults had failed to get under Scootaloo's skin. But, she had one last ace up her sleeve, and it was the most painful insult.

"At least I have parents that are actually there for me," at that moment Scootaloo's confidence began to shatter. The bullies realized they had struck a serious pain in the filly, and continued with their taunting.

"Yeah, our parents give us everything we want, and actually know we exist," Silver Spoon added.

"Not some stuck up ponies that treat their kid like a pile of garbage." Diamond Tiara was relentless and Sweetie Belle realized that Scootaloo was close to breaking down. Quickly, she and Apple Bloom came to their friend's aide.

"Knock it off Diamond Tiara, why are you acting like this?" Sweetie Belle's question was met with a look that was a mixture of anger and psycho.

"This doesn't concern either of you, I can do whatever I want and nopony can stop me. Snips, Snails, keep these blank flanks at bay while we deal with the worthless pegasus."

Two unicorn colts came over and put themselves between the Crusaders and the bullies. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle couldn't get to Scootaloo or help her. Their friend was at the mercy of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"You don't even have a real family," Diamond Tiara continued with her taunting insults. Scootaloo tried to find some inner strength to hold onto, that's when she thought of the dinosaurs and how they saved her.

"You're wrong, I have ponies that care for me like a family."

"Oh please, you mean Rainbow Dash? You're just dragging her down, she doesn't even like being around you." Scootaloo's inner barrier broke to pieces at that last insult. Her confidence had been torn to shreds and her tears were flowing forth.

"Now that I've crushed your spirit, time to crush your heart," Diamond Tiara said in a truly evil tone. She and Silver Spoon walked right up to the crying filly and said the one thing no child ever wanted to hear.

"You will never have a family, and nopony will ever love a failure like you." The bullies then went and punched Scootaloo in the face. The sound of the punch caught the attention of every colt and filly in the schoolyard, even Miss Cheerilee. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched in horror as their friend fell to the ground. For a brief moment, the entire schoolyard was dead silent.

Then Scootaloo broke down completely, unable to fight back her tears or the bullies approaching her. As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began to punch Scootaloo more, Apple Bloom let out a silent pray.

"Indominus, Tyrannosaurus, if y'all can hear me please save our friend, she needs her saviors."

At that moment, a massive thunderous roar erupted from the forest at the edge of the schoolyard. It even caused Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to freeze in their tracks. The two bullies weren't aware of the danger they had just provoked. Predators can be protective over the ones they love, and the bigger they are the more protective they can be. Unfortunately for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, their bullying had provoked the anger and rage of the most protective predators in the world.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had been sleeping peacefully in their cave while Scootaloo was at school. With their triumph over the Hydra a few days ago, the dinosaurs had full confidence in their capabilities as predators and protectors. They slept thinking about when the day would come when they would square off against the 'project.' But something disturbed them from their slumber, something that didn't feel right. The dinosaurs sniffed the air and could tell that something was terribly wrong.

They became worried that something dreadful was happening to Scootaloo, and tried to pick up her scent. After locking onto Scootaloo the dinosaurs made their way towards the edge of Ponyville, following her scent like a road map. The predators found the scent leading them in the direction of the schoolhouse, which meant that there would be lots of little ponies that could spot them. They stopped at the edge of the forest after spotting Scootaloo, but seeing the pained expression on her face from the bullying caused a vengeful rage to seep into their hearts.

The dinosaurs witnessed everything, from Diamond Tiara mocking the Crusaders to punching Scootaloo. That punch caused the dinosaurs to lose all the restraint they had, and they bellowed their deadly vicious roars.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus burst from the forest in a blind rage charging straight for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The bullies didn't even have a second to react as the dinosaurs grabbed them by their tails and began shaking them violently like rag dolls. At one point the dinosaurs smashed the bullies against each other with great force and then threw them across the schoolyard where they landed in a pile. Knowing the bullies weren't going anywhere after that attack, the carnivores turned towards Scootaloo.

The sight of the great creatures caused Snips and Snails to scatter in panic. The dinosaurs knelt down to get a closer look at Scootaloo, and saw the bruises on her body and face. Scootaloo was still crying, but the moment she knew the dinosaurs were there she got back up. She couldn't believe that the dinosaurs had left the forest driven by an instinctive need to protect her.

"I love you guys,.. so much," was all Scootaloo could manage to say amongst the sobs. Both predators gently nuzzled her, trying to avoid the bruises. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were touched by the moment before them. It was still amazing how two great carnivores could go from attacking bullies to comforting the one they loved so fast. Once they were reassured by the Crusaders that Scootaloo would be ok, the dinosaurs focused their attention and anger on the helpless bullies.

The dinosaurs began to walk towards the spot where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had landed. Every colt and filly cowered away from the area, afraid of what might happen. The bullies had just gotten back on their feet when they saw the predators walking towards them. They were petrified with fear as the dinosaurs drew closer. Suddenly, both carnivores took off at full sprints towards the bullies.

Tyrannosaurus moved off to the left while Indominus continued straight towards the helpless bullies. Diamond Tiara tried to run for it, but Indominus swatted her and Silver Spoon towards Tyrannosaurus with one swing of his claws. Tyrannosaurus took advantage of the attack and struck the fillies with his head like a sledgehammer. The force from the attack slammed both bullies back into the ground. Before the dinosaurs continued their assault, they began to hear a steady applause coming from the other fillies.

The school fillies were actually cheering on the dinosaurs rather than fearing them. Every one of the fillies had suffered from the likes of Diamond Tiara and her lackey best friend. Watching somepony finally giving the bullies what they deserved brought joy to the fillies. With ponies cheering them on, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus resumed their attack on the tiara wearing filly and her friend. They would not stop until the bullies payed for what they had done to Scootaloo.

Meanwhile, Miss Cheerliee was helping Scootaloo with her wounds in the schoolhouse while the fighting was going on. After seeing what the dinosaurs had done and how they had comforted Scootaloo, Cheerilee decided that she needed answers on the matter.

"Scootaloo, I know this isn't the best time to be asking you, but who are those creatures?" Scootaloo knew she couldn't avoid telling her teacher, since the dinosaurs had already revealed themselves to the whole school.

"Do you remember when I told you that I made some new friends?" Cheerilee was confused at first, but the realization struck her fast. The dinosaurs were the new friends that Scootaloo had mentioned before.

"You mean to tell me that those massive creatures are the friends that you met that night?" Scootaloo simply nodded her head, leaving Cheerilee at a loss for words. Seeing how things might end up, Scootaloo tried to ease her teacher's worried thoughts.

"I know it may be hard to believe, but they really do care for me. They're only like this because they witnessed bullying for the first time in their lives. They are only attacking Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.....because they love me."

Cheerilee was left speechless after hearing Scootaloo explain the reason behind the dinosaurs' actions. But it all made sense, after she saw how the dinosaurs had behaved towards Scootaloo. They had been so comforting and were concerned after seeing Scootaloo get hurt. Cheerilee had seen a deep bond of love between ponies and dinosaurs. Suddenly, she got worried over something she hoped the dinosaurs wouldn't do.

"Uh Scootaloo. do you know when they will stop?" A horrifying realization dawned on Scootaloo after being asked such a dreaded question.

"I don't think they will stop. After what they saw, I think they will continue attacking until they've made sure that Diamond Tiara suffers. Which in their case, means death."

"Scootaloo, you must stop them. You're the only one that can calm them down and stop their attack," Cheerilee said in a soft, yet serious tone.

"I'll do what I can," Scootaloo said before heading outside towards the fight with her wounds bandaged up and her friends by her side.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus were still pounding the heck out of the bullies, but the situation was becoming more dangerous. The longer the fight lasted, the angrier the carnivores were becoming. Their attacks were growing more vicious, threatening to kill Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at any moment. Diamond Tiara had gone from bully to helpless victim, and it was one situation she wouldn't be able to trot away from.

The two fillies tried running again, but they were stopped by the jaws full of teeth aiming for them. The dinosaurs' mouths snapped shut mere inches from their faces, draining the color from the terrified ponies. Immobilized and badly bruised, the bullies were unable to run any longer. The dinosaurs smacked the fillies away with their heads for the last time. They decided it was time to put Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon out of their misery.

The dinosaurs loomed over the helpless bullies, rage eating away at their minds. In their minds, killing Diamond Tiara and her worthless friend was the only way to satisfy their overwhelming anger and avenge Scootaloo. They let out sickening growls with their jaws open and began to close in on the whimpering bullies. But the sight of two approaching fillies that they knew stopped them.

"Please boys, you don't have to do this," Sweetie Belle said calmly in hopes that the dinosaurs would let Diamond Tiara go.

"Yeah, these fillies may be terrible, but they ain't worth killin'," Apple Bloom added.

One look in the eyes of the carnivores told both fillies that they were going to have a difficult time calming down the great carnivores. Both predators had looks of pure vengeful rage and they weren't showing any signs of slowing down. They let out low growls towards Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as if they were trying to talk. Even though they couldn't understand the dinosaurs, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle could also see the pain behind the anger and growls.

"We're sorry that you both got hurt from watching Scootaloo get bullied, but you've already avenged her. Just look at the quivering fillies in front of you both."

The dinosaurs looked down at the bullies they had been thrashing around. Both ponies were shells of the ones that had been beating Scootaloo. They were bruised, beaten and shaking, both ponies had been stripped of their cocky attitudes. Neither of them could harm any pony again, but it didn't feel like it was enough for the dinosaurs. After what they had witnessed, they couldn't let the brats walk away from the pain they had caused. They wanted to be sure that Scootaloo would never get bullied again.

The dinosaurs disregarded the Crusaders' warnings and prepared to end the bullies' lives.

"NO, INDOMINUS, TYRANNOSAURUS, THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Both dinosaurs looked up to see Scootaloo flying in front of them.

Her wounds had been bandaged up, but she was worried out of her mind at what the dinosaurs were trying to do. She was trying her hoof at calming down her saviors after seeing the anger they were experiencing.

"It's ok boys, I know you want to make them suffer, but killing them is not the answer. Killing isn't the answer to stopping bullies. You guys can't go around thrashing everypony that tries to harm me. There is a fine line between being protective and reckless."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle realized that Scootaloo was passing on one of her past lessons for dealing with bullies. She was teaching the dinosaurs that what they were going to do was wrong, in hopes that they would see the error of their actions. Listening to Scootaloo gave the carnivores part of their reasoning back, and they backed away from the beaten bullies. Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief that they still trusted her, and was proud that they could make moral decisions. Every pony watched as Scootaloo went up to Indominus and T-Rex and placed her face to theirs. The colts, fillies and Miss Cheerilee watched as the dinosaurs slowly closed their eyes, allowing the anger to seep out of their hearts.

"That's it boys, it's over now, there's no need for you both to be hurt or angry," Scootaloo said in a calm and soothing voice. Both dinosaurs became relaxed as Scootaloo ran her hooves across their faces. "I still love you guys for coming to save me though."

The carnivores eventually laid down on their stomachs after all the anger and pain had left their hearts. Scootaloo motioned for her friends to come over, and the Crusaders joined in comforting the dinosaurs. The ponies and Miss Cheerilee began to make their way towards the dinosaurs from watching the comforting display.

"Um Scootaloo, they won't harm anypony will they?" Miss Cheerilee was still a bit skeptical, but Scootaloo put her troubles to rest.

"No they won't, just come over and see for yourself Miss Cheerilee. I promise they won't harm anypony else."

Miss Cheerilee nervously made her way towards the dinosaurs, with the school ponies waiting to see what would happen. She walked up to Tyrannosaurus, who had one of his eyes on her. Scootaloo had her hold out her hoof to show the dinosaurs that she wasn't a threat. Cheerilee was taken aback when T-Rex put his head against her hoof and rumbled softly. The school teacher was completely stunned at how calm and caring such great creatures could be after going through such anger and pain.

"Uh Miss Cheerilee, aren't there some ponies ya think should be punished before y'all get too carried away?" Apple Bloom's question brought Miss Cheerilee back to the matter that still needed to be settled. She motioned for Scootaloo to follow her to where the broken and beaten bullies were laying.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had been smacked around so much that their coats were more red that pink and grey. They were too petrified from the attack to even stand up, even when Miss Cheerilee walked up to them. The look on the teacher's face was one of pure scorn and disgust.

"Diamond Tiara you have had your way around this school for the last time," Miss Cheerilee spoke in a tone that was beyond serious. "Your bullying and attack on Scootaloo provoked two great creatures that are her loyal friends. You should be thanking Scootaloo for keeping them from killing you."

Diamond Tiara may have been beaten, but despite everything she still tried to weasel her way out of trouble.

"I...I didn't do anything, those beasts just attacked me and Silver Spoon when we were minding our own-"

"DON'T YOU TRY TO LIE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS!" Hearing such a loud and angry tone from their normally happy teacher made the school ponies nervous.

"The proof has been seen by every pony, and the damage has already been done. You both went too far this time, and now you'll be receiving proper punishments." The bruised filly was adamant after hearing her teacher.

"Those monsters smacked us all over the playground, and you don't think that's a decent PUNISHMENT!?"

"Oh they simply dealt their punishment for what you did to their friend, I'm merely giving out my own punishment. You both are suspended from school for the next two months, that should be enough time for your bodies to heal. During those two months, you both will write apology letters to Scootaloo and read them to her when you come back." Diamond Tiara was quivering with fury, while Silver Spoon remained silent throughout the whole conversation.

Before the ordeal could be finally settled, Cheerilee had one last thing to say.

"Now Scootaloo, is there anything you want to say to these two before they begin their suspension?"

Scootaloo walked up to the angry shell of the confident bully that had been harassing her and spoke very calmly.

"You really should consider how lucky you are to be alive Diamond Tiara. Neither of the dinosaurs listen to anypony except me. If I hadn't stopped them, your life would've ended today before it even began." Scootaloo added one last piece with the utmost seriousness to both fillies. "If this happens again I guarantee you that they won't stop until you are dead. Make sure to think long and hard about that during your time away."

Scootaloo turned her back on Diamond Tiara and went back towards the dinosaurs.

"Now get out of here and back to your homes until your suspensions are over," Miss Cheerilee said before heading towards the dinosaurs herself.

Both bullies made their way back to their houses completely defeated and beat from the attack. Silver Spoon was already thinking hard about the choice she had made, but Diamond Tiara was obsessed with getting back at Scootaloo for what happened. She would not let Scootaloo get away with turning her into a victim.

With the bullies gone. Miss Cheerilee and the school fillies could finally thank the ones who had dealt much needed justice. Cheerilee stood in front of the carnivores who had the Crusaders relaxing by their heads. The school fillies were all around the dinosaurs' bodies and nuzzling the predators with their heads in gratitude for standing up for Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo, do they have names? I want to be as proper and polite with these great creatures as possible." Cheerilee wanted to give her true thanks to the carnivores.

"Yes they do Miss Cheerilee." Scootaloo got up and stood by her teacher to introduce her saviors properly.

"The one on the left with the short arms and long teeth is Tyrannosaurus Rex. The one on the right with the long claws and all those horns, his name is Indominus Rex. They are both creatures called dinosaurs." Now that she had the names and knew what the dinosaurs were, Cheerilee walked up to their faces to get their attention.

"Indominus, Tyrannosaurus, I'd like to thank you both for looking after my student. You two have managed to do the impossible: you put Diamond Tiara in her place and ended her bullying over not just Scootaloo, but every filly in this school."

Both dinosaurs leaned forward and nuzzled Cheerilee for her praise. Scootaloo was a little teary eyed from seeing her saviors gain the approval of the entire school. They had punished the school bullies and earned the respect of every student in the process. But Scootaloo needed a little confirmation that nopony would tell of what went down today.

"Everypony, you won't tell of what happened here , will you?" All the school fillies gathered alongside Miss Cheerilee in front of the Crusaders and dinosaurs after they heard Scootaloo's question.

"Its alright Scootaloo, we won't tell anypony," one of the fillies said.

"After what they did for you and all of us, how could we?"

"We're glad to have met you both, indominus and Tyrannosaurus Rex."

After hearing the fillies give their promise to Scootaloo, both dinosaurs stood up to their full height and looked down at all the little ponies. Being accepted by such kind creatures brought joy into the dinosaurs' hearts. They were so happy they let loose a grand roar into the sky. Everypony shook with excitement from the vibrations of the roar.

The dinosaurs truly loved their new world now, but neither of them were aware of the consequences that their actions had stirred up.